His Unexpected Baby by Jamie Knight

Chapter Ten - Stephanie

It was inexplicable. An impulse from the unexplored depths of being, like the driving urge to climb a mountain, or jump off a low cliff into deep blue water just because the opportunity was there.

But I had to try on the show clothes again. They were even more comfortable this time than they had been the first time.

I tucked in the shirt, just to double-check. My ass indeed looked wonderful in the jeans, still visible under the bottom of the biker jacket. I didn’t have the makeup anymore, but it still worked.

It felt good, if not entirely natural, still one up on my office clothes, which felt neither comfortable nor natural, and were just something I wore because I was told to. I was honestly beginning to see the attraction for people like Jonna and Ragnar. Even if Varg’s look seemed a bit over the top.

Urged by curiosity, I went to my computer and, with little trouble, found the Suspicious Activity Records website. Loki’s Laugh was there of course, listed as a ‘coming soon.’

They’d started playing new songs live which I figured were from the new album. Going further down the drop menu, I found other names, some of which I recognized in passing and others I didn’t know at all. Dante Street Massacre and, of course, Autumn Corrosion rang a bell.

There were a number of others that were complete new to me. In my newfound spirit of discovery, I downloaded everything of theirs I could get, their listings joining Loki’s Laugh on my account.

And as I pressed play, I reached into my purse and drew out my other impulse of the day and ripped open the cardboard box.

It was a hunch, but certainty was better than worry. The first album playing in my wireless headphones, I headed to the bathroom.

The time it took for the result was almost as nerve wracking as the time I had to take an STD test ‘just in case’ after an incident with a faulty condom. Finally, the answer came, as clear as it was confusing.


I was positively pregnant with Ragnar’s baby.

Elation and terror clashed like opposing armies, neither with the obvious upper hand, the battlefield choked with smoke and blood. The music in my ears the perfect soundtrack for the strange film unspooling in my head.

Reality bit, and it was time to make a decision.

My phone pinged and I groaned, not in the mood to deal with anyone right now, my mind racing.

“Really?” I asked out loud to myself.

Pausing the song, I switched to the message to see what it could be about, and my heart pounded when I saw his name.

Ragnar: Want to meet for lunch?

My thumb moved by itself as I tapped out my reply. Only four little letters, back lit on the screen, four letters that could change everything forever.

Me: Okay.

The waist of my skirt suddenly seemed to pinch more than usual. There were all identical, so I couldn’t blame the individual garment. It felt like I had expanded, even though it was impossible.

It hadn’t been that long since Ragnar must have knocked me up, but imagination is a powerful thing.

I was honestly surprised it could be tested for so soon. Yet, there it was, in blue and white. I rubbed my belly again, even thought there was no real change, not yet.

Pat didn’t try to be cheerful as I signed in. Something about my demeanor must have let him know it was best not to. Fair enough, considering I felt— and most likely looked— like absolute hell.

Stress can do that to you.

“Ms. Morris?”

Maddie knocked on the half open door, afraid to come in without invitation. I checked to see if I suddenly had snakes growing out of my head.

“Come in, Maddie.”

She was carrying a large sample box, which could only mean one thing. Fawn had come through. Just in time.

“The samples from Ms. Birch have arrived.”

“That’s great, just put them, on my desk.”

Obeying my instruction, Maddie was gone again, closing the office behind her. The habit I’d gotten her into within week of her starting.

The pieces were beautiful. Exactly the number I’d asked for lined up separate rows, a name marker attached above each of the sections. They were exceptionally good suggestions I was sure would fit the line well.

Too bad it wasn’t really up to me. Even as Artistic Director my powers were limited. I could make recommendations, but what a product was called was ultimately up to marketing.

They were the geniuses who had come up with the name for the new line and basically left it up to me to figure out what the hell that meant.

But it would still be up to them to name the individual items. It wasn’t really fair, but something I just had to put up with. Despite any ambitions, Asgard Fine Jewelry was in the business of sales, not art.

The designs reminded me of Ragnar. Particularly the leather bracelets he wore. It looked like the design marked into them was a traditional rendition of Loki, which stood to reason.

I tried to put him out my mind, so I could at least try and eat some work done, before going to meet him for lunch.

I hoped it was clear enough. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to sleep with him, I just wasn’t really up to it right then.

So, a restaurant it was, neutral ground bereft of any sexual undertones, making it clear I wasn’t available for our usual kind of fun. That didn’t mean I didn’t want to see him though. If anything, having our baby growing inside me made me feel even more connected.

I just needed to be sure that we had a chance at a future together before I told him. It might not be an issue at all if what was happened was just a fling. I wouldn’t find out unless I saw him.

He was dressed surprisingly nicely. Still like himself, but in a way that wouldn’t get him turned away from the door of the Cedar Lounge. His bracelets weren’t gone but hidden under a black button up shirt.

He still wore a band shirt underneath, though, the collar of which I could see just peeking from the gap at the top. Rather than his usual chucks, he wore old but polished boots, that could easily pass for dress shoes when worn with long pants.

“I’ve already ordered, I hope that’s okay.”

“Yes, fine.”

The spark was definitely there. Had he asked me to marry him in that moment, I would have said yes, without a second thought.

Not just because of his clothes, though I did appreciate the gesture, but Jonna was right. It didn’t matter what other people thought. I didn’t hide her or her interests, so there was no reason to be embarrassed by Ragnar and his lifestyle.

It took all kinds to make a world. And a proposal would put my mind at rest about our future. We could be together, with our baby and have a happy little family.

“I have something to tell you,” he announced.

I could tell from his tone that the news was not good. I took a breath and prepared myself for the worst. It was a mistake to get my hopes up. Something usually went wrong.

“I’m going away for a while. Not back to Norway, at least not for a while— we’ll be back, but there are only about nine other countries to visit first.”


“The band. Seth is getting ready to launch the album and has somehow managed to book us on a tour.”

“That was fast.”

“The recording was done in five days. That’s not common but it’s possible, particularly when a band is as practiced as we are. We just went in and did it live, and he recorded us. It was maybe three takes per track. He’s already taking pre-orders and wants to take copies with us to sell at the merch table on tour, particularly in the countries it could be difficult to get shipping to. The importation fees can be a killer.”

“I know it. That sounds like Seth, always thinking of the fans.”

“That’s what I thought too.”

“So, how long will you be gone?”

“About six months.”

The tears were pushing up against the dam, but I fought bravely to hold back the flood. It was good news, in a way. At least I knew.

It wasn’t he conclusion I wanted, but at least one had been reached.

There was no way in hell I was going to burden him with the news of our child now, though. He had other responsibilities, to his bandmates, to their fans, to all the people who counted on him.

It wouldn’t be easy, but I had to let him go. He had his own life to live, and it didn’t look like it could include me.

“We’re playing here tonight,” he said. “The last show before the tour starts, we’re getting the plane to Iceland tomorrow. The it is across most of Europe, and then down to New Zealand and Australia, before heading back into Europe for Norway. I want to see you again before we go.”

“Are you asking me to the show?”

“I’m inviting you— guest list and everything. It’s already getting pretty hard to get tickets. After the album and the tour, it will probably only get more difficult.”

I forced a smile.

“I’d love to.”