Daddy’s Nervous Little by Jess Winters










Lawrence’s eyes travel possessively over me. I feel a thrill at his gaze and the flush returns to my cheeks. I smile shyly and ask, “Do you like it, Lawrence?” God, I want to call him Daddy so badly.

He looks up at me and when his eyes meet mine, my lips part and I moan softly before I can stop myself. He smiles and replies in a gravelly and dangerous voice, “I like it very much, little girl.”

Little girl! He called me his little girl!

Well, okay, he didn’t call me his little girl but what else could he have meant by that? I can’t believe he called me little girl! I am so excited a huge grin spreads across my face. The grin remains when we finally leave the apartment and it’s still there when we arrive at the restaurant for lunch.

The server hands us our menus and Lawrence reaches for mine. “I’d like to order for you today if that’s all right with you.”

“Of course,” I say softly, still wearing that stupid grin. “Thank you, Lawrence.”

He smiles and orders me a plate of chicken tenders with barbecue sauce and seasoned fries on the side. He gets me a chocolate milkshake to drink as well.

I am speechless. He orders exactly what I would have ordered for myself. I didn’t think he would know to order me something like that because it’s something a little girl would eat.

Well, you are a little girl, silly, I think. I giggle at the thought and Lawrence laughs and asks, “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing,” I say. “I’m just surprised at what you ordered for me.”

“Do you want something else?” he asks.

“No!” I cry. I color a little and say, “No, it’s perfect. I just… I’m surprised you thought to order it is all. I didn’t think you’d know.”

“Know what?”

I color more, suddenly shy. “I don’t want to say it,” I whisper nervously.

“Why not?” he asks. “Are you ashamed of it?”

I shake my head. “No, I just… I guess I feel like other people might not understand me, so I get nervous to talk about myself.”

“Are you nervous around me?”

“A little,” I say honestly.


“Because I really like you,” I say before I can stop myself. I cover my mouth with my hands and stare wide-eyed at Lawrence. I can’t believe I just said that out loud.

Lawrence smiles and I’m about to begin apologizing for the rest of the date when he says, “Well, I really like you too and I don’t want you to be nervous telling me about yourself. Besides, you know I’m a Daddy, right?”

“Yes,” I say absently. He really likes me!

“Well, then you know you don’t have to worry about telling me you’re a little girl.”

That’s the second time he’s almost called me his little girl and I feel a sudden overpowering desire to hear him say it again. “I know,” I say. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

“There’s no need to apologize, Wendy. I just want you to be able to express yourself without worrying about how others see you.”

I sigh. “Yeah, that’s really hard for me. I always feel like people are going to think the worst of me even when I know they won’t.”

“Would you like me to help you with that?” he asks.

No one’s ever offered to help me with those thoughts before. I gasp, partly from surprise and partly from a renewed surge of attraction to Lawrence that almost prompts me to forget about the other diners and throw myself at him over the table. “Yes, please,” I breathe.

He smiles. “Okay. After our date, we can go back to your place and talk about some ways we can help you feel more confident in yourself. Does that sound good?”

I smile brightly and nod. “Yes, Lawrence. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Wendy. Now let’s make a deal. Since I’m going to help you learn how to feel confident, I want you to put your nervous thoughts out of your head and just focus on having fun. Can you do that?”

I nod again.

His voice drops slightly and he says, “Answer me with words, little girl.”

His words are like a vibrator against my clit. I shiver and my pussy tightens, enhancing the sensation in between my legs. I barely manage to breathe, “Yes, Daddy.”

“Good girl,” he says, and I can’t believe I don’t cum in my panties right here.

After lunch, he takes me to a little amusement park with go-karts, bumper cars, laser tag and carnival games and stuff. I’ve always liked those places, but I haven’t been in years since I don’t want people to know that a grown adult still likes doing stuff like that.

Over half the people there today are adults my age, and even older, and I feel a little silly for ever being nervous. I wonder for the first time how many of my fears are imagined and not actually something to worry about.

We play laser tag first. Lawrence lets me win but tries to pretend it wasn’t on purpose. I tease him a little about it and he teases me back. It feels like we’re actually dating!

You are actually dating, silly.

That’s another thing I do. Whenever something good happens to me, I always try to find a way to make it seem less special than it really is. I guess I’m afraid that I might lose those good things, so I have to try to make them sound less valuable.

Maybe Lawrence can help me with that too.

On the drive back to my place, he turns to me and says, “Wendy, would you still like to talk about how I can help you with your anxiety?”

I nod and say, “Yes, Daddy.”

He smiles. “Would you like me to be your Daddy?”

“Yes, please,” I say. I can’t believe how easily I say it. There’s no hesitation though I am more nervous than I have ever been. Just being around him somehow makes me a more confident person.

“Good,” he replies. “Do you know what it means to submit yourself to a Daddy?”

“Yes, Daddy,” I whisper.

“Are you willing to submit to my authority?”

I would love nothing better than to submit to him right now. “Yes, Daddy.”

“Good,” he says. We reach my house and he parks. “Let’s go inside, little girl.”

I really, really hope he does.