The Virgin’s Cyborg by Candice Gilmer


Jedriek bolted awake, his system on high alert.

A sound had jarred him awake, one he shouldn't be hearing.

Not down here, anyway.

They should be alone.

Immediately, he leaped out of bed, clothing materializing over him, and he held out his hands. A blade poured out of the gauntlets for one hand and a small mace in the other hand, the chain dangling and carrying a giant spiked ball. One of Jedriek's favorite toys for any hand-to-hand combat.


He paused and turned back to Princess Eleanor. Pressed his finger over his lips.

She quietly slipped off the table. Crouched down, she picked up the bag she'd brought and started digging in it.

He gestured for her to stay back as he moved to the doorway.


Ahead,he read that there were four lifesigns.

Coming his way. And they were armed.

Technical Interference.

Jedriek grimaced.The eclipse created havoc in his scanners. Or it was their underground position and the natural minerals. Either. Or both. It didn't matter.

Someone was coming, and they were getting closer to the two of them.

Exact number cannot be determined.

There would likely be morethan what the system detected.

One of the reasons Jedriek chose to hide in the underground was because the natural metals in the rock kept them protected from most scanning.

Not to the extreme that a cloaking device would hide them, but enough that it would take sensors longer to find them.

His systems detected someone down there, but he couldn't get a read on them. Rumor had it, the Terrans had been working on cloaking technology. If the Terrans had cloaking technology for soldiers, then it would make everything that much more difficult.

Lots of factors prevented him from knowing what was coming. Jedriek needed to figure out a way to get an accurate reading on how many were out there very quickly. For his sake, as well as hers.

Eleanor had dressed in a simple jumper and found a dagger. She held it in her hand. Not with the best grip, but at least she was armed.

He appreciated her enthusiasm, but it did not matter. They would not get past him.

"How many are there?" she asked.

"Four for certain."

"And for not certain?"

He glanced at her. Her lip trembled.

"It does not matter. They will not pass."

She took a few steps toward him. "Maybe if I spoke to them? Proved that everything was all right, maybe they would, uh, walk away?"

He shook his head. "Or take you to a secondary location to kill you."

She grimaced. "They're my people. They shouldn't--"

This was not the time for this discussion. He needed her safe, not trying to negotiate. "Your people tried to shoot you out of the stars. And then sent mercenaries to kidnap and kill you."

"You're right, I know. I just--"

"I know. No one likes to believe the ones they trust would betray them."

She took position next to him.

His scanners alerted him that they were getting closer. "Stay behind me," he said and gestured back.

"How do I help?"

He pointed to the medical scanners. "See if you can find a way to count how many Terrans are here."

She blinked. "But these scanners are for medical. And I thought the eclipse blocked any scans and things."

"See what you can do."

She grumbled something about not having a Freya, whatever that was. Nonetheless, she tried to use the medical devices on the far wall to scan.

It was something to keep her occupied while he handled the incoming.

He knew that.

And he was pretty sure she knew it.

But he did not want her in the heat of the fight that was about to come their way.


The scan showedthe direction they were coming in. Knowing the tunnels the way he did, he knew he could cut them off before reaching the medical bay. Keeping her safe and he would be able to stop the impending attack.

"Lock this behind me," he said.

She nodded. "I have it."

Down the corridor, he ran. As quiet as he could be, he moved through the halls. Where they'd gotten in, he didn't know. He thought the entire installation was secured.

As he moved through, he was coming up behind them. Light shined where there shouldn’t be light.

He got closer.

And realized that they'd somehow drilled through the rock into the tunnels.

Evidently, their scanners were not as affected by the eclipse as his were.

Sand on the ground showed the footprints. And there were plenty, more than four sets, in any case. He stayed away from the light, just in case there were any traps. But he would be sure he had all the information--especially since it looked like there were more than just the initial four sets of prints in the sand and debris.

The tracks also showed which direction they headed.

He didn't have far to go to find them. He came upon a group of Charro mercs and Terrans.

"And when we find her?"

"As ordered," the Terran said. "We kill her."

A Charro chuckled. "You Terrans are fierce. Kill the children of your leader?"

"When the leader orders it, you do it," one replied.

Jedriek gritted his teeth. They were there to kill the princesses. Well, not during his protocol. He closed in behind them and grabbed the closest one. Slammed his head into the wall. He fell to the ground, no longer a threat.

The others heard, which Jedriek expected.

They came at him.

He pulled a blaster off the Terran he'd just slammed into the wall and started shooting. Manifesting a shield to protect himself as he fired, he held his ground. As long as they were here, then they were not attacking Eleanor.

They came at him, one tried to ambush him from behind, but he failed. Even the tallest Terran did not come close to being taller than he was.

And he could see the few Charro just stood there.

One started to come toward him, but another Charro tapped him on the arm, told him to wait.

Jedriek didn't care who it was. He fought. It didn't take long to hit some shots and end the Terran offensive.

Interestingly, the Charro never did come at him.

"Waiting?" Jedriek asked, staring at the one Charro, who seemed to be a leader of sorts. At least over the Charro.

"Deciding," the Charro responded.


"Interest." The Charro's tail slowly drifted in the air.

Jedriek kept his shield up. "In what?"

"Well, that's the question. War is a profitable business."

"You honor nothing over credits," Jedriek said.

He waved his finger. "Now, that's not particularly true. I do honor some things more."

"You do not show it."

"Well, showing compassion is not something the Charro are known for."

"Your friends in orbit did not show compassion."

"Oh, so you're that Rhimodian. I heard about you." The Charro smiled at him. Not a friendly smile, but a smile probably intended to intimidate.

Jedriek's glare was scarier. "So you know what I am capable of."

He nodded. Looked at the ground. Then back at Jedriek. "Do you want a job?"


The Charro shrugged. "It was worth a shot." He paced a little bit. He waved his hand. "Go ahead and kill him."

Jedriek glared.

They charged. Jedriek ended them.

A few quick blaster shots, and one he hit in the head with his shield, and it was over. The only one left was the leader.

"Now, do you want to negotiate?" Jedriek asked, out of breath but ready to take him on. He kept the blaster steady on the Charro.

More footsteps echoed.

The Charro smiled. "Sounds like my reinforcements are coming. You're tough, I give you that," he said. "But you are no match for the forces that have infiltrated your planets here, Rhimodian."

"And just how big are these forces?" Jedriek asked.

"The Terrans aren't here for peace, you stupid robot. They're here to take over everything."

"And they hired you to help."

"Well, the money's good."

The steps got closer.

"What in the hell is it with these Charro?" a woman's voice said. She skidded up to Jedriek.

Jedriek glanced at her. It wasn't Eleanor, for sure.

This woman, with her braids and her blasters, was nothing like Princess Eleanor. One of the Terran females, but who was she?

About that time, the Charro cried out.

And Jedriek saw behind him that Wrathin had snuck up and stabbed him in the chest.

"Wrathin?" Jedriek said.

"Jedriek. That's Veta," he said, gesturing to the woman.

She nodded. "So, where is the Ambassador?"

"Right this way."