The Virgin’s Cyborg by Candice Gilmer


Jedriek stood there frozen as Princess Eleanor's gaze ran over him.

Those bright eyes, he could feel her all the way into his bones. Every part of him felt touched by her stare. He could not find the words to describe the sensation, other than he liked it very much. Many expressions passed over her face as she observed him.

Women had looked at him in the past. Both out of intimidation and in admiration. He found it entertaining when they were out in public venues, but this was a far different emotional expression that he experienced. She seemed both intrigued but also a little nervous. All of it made the Craving inside him burn like nothing he'd ever known. He let her look at him. Her gaze ran over him could have been tactile; it affected him so much.

He wanted her to be comfortable with him. If they were intimate, then he wanted her to be sure she was ready for it. It might seem scary to her, and that was not what he wanted.

He didn't want Eleanor to ever be afraid of him.

Her gaze lingered on his male parts. Her mouth opened, and he was unsure if she was pleased with what she saw or was concerned about it.

He should try to reassure her. "Do not concern yourself. I will not hurt you."

She smiled. "I know you wouldn't. Not intentionally."

He stroked her small shoulder. She was so delicate, but he also thought she was strong. At least in her brain. Though she did break the drawer. That would take some physical strength.

Her mind, however, had to be strong. Powerful, even, to do what she did for her people and to be able to move forward from what she'd experienced in her short life.

For what she'd confessed to him about her father, he would happily remove the humanoid from this side of existence.

And Jedriek would be pleased to take care of that for her.

The story engaged his emotional responses--the kind of emotional responses that caused a Rhimodian to lose his shine. He must tread carefully. While he could interpret his protocols a little differently than other cyborgs it did not mean that he could create his own protocols.

Yet, was that any different than what he was doing now? Was he not making up his own protocols, choosing to be so intimate with this Terran Princess?

If one chose to interpret it that way...

He must not focus on that.

Instead, he needed to think about this beautiful female humanoid before him. She was all that mattered. He would be following protocol to make sure she was cared for. But in doing so, he would be engaging in his own more primitive desires and dealing with the Craving.

He needed to focus on her needs. Her safety and her needs.

Right now, her needs dominated the situation. Her needs were what he had to attend to. Not his growing desires for the Terran Princess.

By the moment.

"Touch me," he said.

She gasped, and a small smile spread over her features.

She lifted her hand off the bed she sat on, but she didn't reach out.

Slowly, he reached up and met her fingers, and they laced their hands together. Her fingers poked out between his, and he marveled at their thin, delicate appearance. The Craving roared under his skin, but different than other kinds of desires, this was almost a kind of approval? He could not explain what it was, more than he knew that his Craving for her was more than he'd experienced with other females.

He ran his thumb over her hand.

"Your skin is magical," she said.

He blinked. "Why?"

"It changes so easily to different colors."

"I can make an adjustment if it bothers you. "

She laid her hand on his chest. Almost immediately, his bare flesh started to shift, so it matched the light brown of her hand and turned white where her dress sleeve was. "It doesn't bother me," she said. "Can you hide this way?"

"I have before. Stepped into a shadowy place and blended into the dark, the targets do not notice me until it is too late."

She stroked the lines on his chest.

He inhaled a breath.

Her hand slid down and followed the carving on his stomach. The Craving charged through him, and he felt the familiar rush of attraction and desire.

More intensely than he'd experienced before. He focused on what she did to savor what he experienced. The light caresses were almost more sensual than the hard rubs he'd felt in the pleasure houses.

Her uncertainty only added to the sensations because he didn't know what she would do.

She slid her hand down his side to his hip. She followed the line where the torso and hip connected to his cock. Yet she paused.

"Explore, Princess."

"I find myself, well, hesitant."

"Because it is all known to you?"

"Just the opposite, I think. Because it's not."

"All the more reason for exploration. To educate yourself."

"Is that your only reason?"

"If I may serve you, Princess, and be of assistance. Whether it is to protect or to educate."

He raised his eyebrow. And made his member bounce.

She squealed and covered her mouth. "You did that on purpose."

He grinned.

"Can it just, uh, move like that?"

"When it's happy," he said.

"So you're happy?" She grazed her hand over his stomach, very close but still not touching him.

"Yes. But I would be happier if you--"

"Did this?" she asked, and her finger stroked him.

He groaned. "Yes. That."

"And what about this?" she asked as she circled the head with her fingertip.

He kept his eyes on hers and stayed perfectly still. Because if he moved too much, he would possibly explode. She drove him that intensely with need.

"You're learning quickly." His words were thick and heavy.

"I have always been curious," she said. "This is much more enjoyable than before."

He reached up and gently touched Eleanor's beautiful face. "Do not think about before."

"Before wasn't much of anything to remember," she said, shrugging her shoulders. "It was very mechanical."

"What is wrong with mechanical? I am mechanical." Yet another person he wanted to punch. Who would not want to make sure she enjoyed the physical experience? Did no one teach Terran males how to treat their female partners?

Her eyes widened, and her mouth fell open. "No. I mean.. Well. That, um. It was uh. There was no--"

"Do you not like mechanical?"

"I meant," she shook her head. "I meant that there was no enjoyment. The experience was more about the physical act than any intimacy between him and me. In, out, and done."

He nodded. "So he did not make sure you reached your peak of enjoyment?"

She couldn't quite look into his eyes. Instead, she seemed focused on his shoulder. "I don't know that I would understand what that was."

He processed the information. Whether she physically was or was not a virgin, she was virginal when it came to coupling. So this would be more. He would need to take his time, no matter what the Craving wanted him to do.

Because he wanted to grab her, to ravage her on this bed. The Craving boiled in his skin, but no matter what, he couldn't give into that. He had to be careful with her. Take it slowly for her so she could adapt to the experience.

Show her what she was missing.

He stroked her cheek again, bringing her gaze back to his. "I have learned it can be difficult when one is inexperienced. I want these moments, whatever happens, to be as pleasurable for you as possible."

"Did you learn these things from the pleasure women?" She looked away from him. She looked around like she didn't want to see him naked anymore.

"The most important thing I learned from them was to make sure whomever I was with enjoyed herself."

Eleanor looked back at him, her eyebrow arched inquisitively. "Really?"

He nodded. "Female humanoids are a conundrum of sensations. I must make sure you enjoy as many of those sensations as possible."

"Why did they tell you that?"

"Because if you are enjoying yourself, then I will enjoy myself that much more."

"So it's a selfish thing, you needing to please a woman?"

"No. It only magnifies my enjoyment to see--"

She put her hand on his chest and smiled. "Jedriek, I'm teasing you."

"Good. Because I look forward to pleasing you."

"Well, kissing is a great way to start."

He leaned down, and they started to kiss again. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her hands sliding into his hair as they continued to kiss. Every bit felt unique to him. They remained wrapped around each other, and he pressed closer to her and felt how wonderful she seemed against him.

It was better than anything he'd ever known.

She felt so tiny but so strong next to him. He twisted them around so they were lying side by side. Mostly. He covered part of her, just from his size.

She ran her hand over his chest.

He stroked her arm and shoulder and used the edge of his little finger to barely graze her breast. She sighed and arched into him, allowing him to touch her more.

"You touch very well," she said.

He stroked her cheek. "I am good at touching."

"Please. Touch me more."

She twisted, so she was flat on her back. He caressed her side and hip, bringing his hand up her body and feeling her side and the curve of her breast under the fabric she wore. He didn't like the barrier the material made between him. He started to stroke her side, trying to find an access point in the gown she wore so he could feel those breasts he'd only just glimpsed.

She pulled at the fabric and wiggled around. He helped her pull the final layers off until she was down to her bare skin.

"It seems like it's only fair." She laid back down.

And oh, what a sight it was.

"I do not think it is fair at all," he replied.


He stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. "For you, my beautiful female, have me at your command."

"I don't think so," she said. "I cannot dominate you. You're so much bigger--"

"I assure you, Princess, that you do control me now. You do dominate me." His gaze slowly roamed over her body. Hips that were just wide enough, round breasts that sat high and proud on her chest. A waist that seemed almost tiny compared to the beautiful round shapes.

She had control of him.

Far more than she could possibly imagine.

"If I told you to get off me and go in the other room, you would do it."

"Without question." He pulled away from her. Did she want to stop everything? He would do as she asked. He also would go over his recalls to determine if he had done something incorrectly to upset her.

She put her hand on his arm. "I didn't mean I wanted you to leave. I just wanted to know."


"Call it, uh, a safety precaution."

"You should feel safe with me, and if you do not, then I will do whatever you need to feel safe."

She put her hand on his cheek. "I feel safe with you. I feel safe, secure, protected, and valued, Jedriek."

He nodded. "Good."

"Kiss me."

And he did. He laid down, and they started kissing again.

It was intense and pleasurable, and it spiraled toward the more intense mode. He started kissing down her neck. No longer inhibited by the fabrics, he could feel the silky touch of her skin. The gentle curves and lines of her. She moaned as he carried his kissing down her chest and in between her breasts. The taste of her intoxicated him, and he could not get enough of her. His hand would caress her curves while he kissed the soft tissue along her other breast.

She cried out when he took her nipple in his mouth.

As he twirled the nipple around in his mouth, she withered and twisted against him, moaning and crying out from the sensations.

He let go and glanced at her. "Are you well?" he asked, though he could not help smiling. Her reaction was precisely what he wanted to see--her undulating in ecstasy.

"It is very intense," she said. "I did not expect that."

"Well, you should have, to properly appreciate it."

"And you are determined to get me there?"

"Most assuredly, Princess."