On the Prowl by Kate Rudolph


Andre's lipswere imprinted with the memory of Em's kiss as the buses were unloaded and the tide of her tour swept through the new convention center. Just like at the last location, the hotel was connected to the center, and just like at the last location, there weren't enough rooms, so Andre was put into Em's suite.

He wasn't complaining.

And if he played his cards right, he didn't think he would be sleeping on the couch again.

But that was a thought for later. Em had been swept along with the tide. The concert would happen that night, and to get everything ready in a matter of hours, she would be busy until the performance was over.

His wolf insisted he go down and follow her every step to keep her safe. And Andre would soon. The beast had attacked once that day, and there was no reason to think it couldn't attack a second time. Though he hoped whoever was controlling it needed at least a little time to recharge between attacks.

Andre was betting Em's life and his wolf's sanity that they had at least a couple of hours. And he had to check in with Gibson. Though this wasn't an official assignment, he knew his boss, his alpha, would want an update.

So Andre inspected the room to make sure it was safe and then settled into the chair beside the desk and gave his boss a call. This time, Gibson answered on the first ring. "What's up?"

"Just calling to give the report."

"Yes, we’ve been reading about it all morning. Should I expect to see you in all of the tabloids this week? Is that part of your strategy to keep your client safe?" Wry humor laced Gibson's words. It wasn't a rebuke. Andre wished it was. The teasing was worse.

But teasing went along with their group dynamic, and he would have to deal with it. "Security is lacking a bit. That photographer should have never gotten up to take that photo."

"So the photo’s a complete lie? Just a story to sell to get more clicks?" Gibson didn't sound like he believed it.

But now would be the time to agree with him. Andre's hand came up and touched his bottom lip. He couldn't deny that there was something between him and Em. He didn't want to deny it. What good would denial do when he was already planning on how to get in her bed?

He heard him grumble through the line. "Are you going to say something?"

"Not if I can avoid it." It was the kind of impertinence he never would have dared if they were still in the military, but Gibson wasn't an officer anymore. At least not in Uncle Sam's books.

"Is it the same as Owen?" Now the major was more serious.

Gibson was asking if Em was his mate. And Andre’s wolf wanted him to say yes. He wanted to make the claim right then and there. But the man was more cautious. "It's only been a day. How could I know?"

"I think if she wasn't, you would have just denied it. It's not a bad thing. At least it doesn't appear to be." He was understanding. It was Gibson's new mission to discover all there was to know about werewolves, and mating seemed to be part of it.

But Andre had his own concerns. "Our lifestyles aren't exactly compatible."

"All things can be figured out. You've adjusted to our new way of being well enough. And you'll still be part of our family if something changes. If you're no longer working for us."

"No longer working for you? Are you firing me?" This was not the way Andre expected this call to go.

And a laugh rumbled out of Gibson. "God no. You keep the kids in line. But I would never force you to choose. So do the job, and don't let us interfere with any sort of decision you might come to."

It was too much to consider, and Andre didn't want to keep talking about it.

Instead, Andre gave a report about the shadow beast, and Gibson said he would do some more research. But when they hung up, Andre was left staring at his phone for several minutes.

He had no intentions of quitting his bodyguard job, even if it had never been his dream in the first place. But Em went on world tours like this every year or so. And if this thing between them was something real and not chemistry burning hot and bright and then quickly flaming out, then they would need to find a way to make their lives work together.

But he was getting ahead of himself. Two kisses. He couldn't throw his life away on two kisses. The fact that she had him thinking such things after just one day was perhaps concerning. But his wolf wanted him to go find her.

They'd been apart for long enough.

Andre wanted to go after her as well. But she was surrounded by people, and so far, the shadow beast had only attacked when he was around and she was otherwise alone. He hoped their luck held.

Because right now it was time for him to hunt the beast and leave his songstress to her work.