On the Prowl by Kate Rudolph


Wrongness surrounded Em;she didn't smell like herself, and Andre’s wolf hated it. He clutched her shoulders and breathed deep, trying to identify what was wrong.

She was looking at him like he was crazy, her eyes half-lidded and still a bit drowsy from the nap she claimed she had been taking. But it was a busy day, and he knew Em well enough to know she wouldn't sneak off for a long nap when people needed her.

And Vi’s scent was too heavy for him to ignore. She had been in this room. She had done something to Em.

He didn't trust her, and with the shadow beast stalking, he was sure she was a threat.

If Andre was in his right mind, he would run after her and demand to know what she had done. If it had appeared that Em was hurt in any way, nothing could have stopped Andre from attacking the other woman.

But Em wasn't hurt, just a little dazed. And his wolf insisted that he stay there and tend to his…

To Em.

He trailed kisses up her neck and rumbled in satisfaction as his scent covered her and seemed to obliterate the wrongness that was still over every other part of her. She should smell like him all the time, his wolf insisted, and the man couldn't disagree.

"What are you doing?" There was a bit of a laugh in her voice, and one of her fingers splayed through his hair, pulling him close. "Did you remember to lock the door?"

He had no idea. And while he wanted his privacy, there was nothing that could make him take any step away from Em until she smelled right again. "Your scent." He couldn't quite explain it. She had a human nose. She understood some level of his werewolf reality, but he didn't know how he could explain this to a human.

"Is this possessive werewolf bullshit?" she asked, but there was still a smile in her words.

Was this possessiveness? Andre had never been possessive before. All he knew now was that he had a driving need to cover her in his scent so that there would be no mistaking who she belonged… Okay, yes, that was possessiveness.

"Do you want me to stop?" It was torture to ask. And he didn't know how he would get his wolf to agree. Already he could feel the rumblings of resistance.

"We don't have much time," Em warned, still holding on to him. But it wasn't a no.

It wasn't a yes, either.

"Do you want me to stop?" he asked again, even as his hands trailed up her sides, finding a naked line of skin and stroking her until she broke out in goosebumps.

"I'm blaming you if Melinda yells at us." And then she tugged him down onto the small couch.

Yes. Andre had her now. And there was no place he didn't want to kiss, want to touch. He let his hands rove over her and his lips followed. He stripped off her shirt, and it was Em who slipped her bra off and let it drop to the floor.

He looked his fill. Pert breasts with nipples drawn tight, pale skin, and her scent starting to peek through the wrongness as her arousal grew. He wanted her mad with it. Wet and ready for him. But even as Andre’s wolf demanded that he claim her for good, he knew that they didn't have enough time. And he knew he was leaving this encounter frustrated.

But only in one way. Because he was going to give Em the pleasure that he didn't have time to take.

His lips closed over her breast and Em arched up into him, the sound she made a primal song of lust. Even when she let herself be lost to it, there was still music in her.

He could love that he knew.

He luxuriated in the taste of her, her skin a silken dream under his tongue. He could imagine what she would be like if they were in bed together, if they had the whole night. And soon they would.

She wouldn't just take then. From the way she was touching him, he knew she was eager to give as well.

But right now, it was Andre’s privilege to give this to her.

He wanted her naked, but knew he was being greedy. They didn't have time for full nudity. Not if she was going to give a concert tonight. He let his fingers undo the fly of her too tight jeans and quested until he found her wet heat.

Em moaned again and cried out his name as he found the spot he was looking for, his fingers making tight circles right where she needed it.

"Yes, yes. God yes." Her head lay back against the back of the couch, her hair spread out in a golden halo.

Andre kissed all over her as his fingers continued to work her sex. He wanted to taste her, wanted her soaking heat around his tongue, but knew if they got that far he wasn't letting her go. Not tonight. Not ever.

Inside his head, his wolf gave a sharp protest at the thought of letting her get too far away. And Andre tried not to think about it. Not when he had her under his fingers.

Not while she was rippling around him and crying out as her climax took her.

Not as he covered her mouth with his own and gave her a searing kiss to remember him by.

She smelled right. She smelled like him. And that was as it should be.

But there was something wrong on the tour, someone still wanted to hurt her.

And Andre was going to do whatever it took to make sure that no one got the chance.