On the Prowl by Kate Rudolph


The sun setand Andre and Em were finally alone. The rest of the pack had already run off, but tonight it was just the two of them. He and his mate and miles and miles of safe land to run on. They had shifted before. But given that the tour took them from city to city to city, there wasn't much space where they could actually run.

City parks could be big, but they were also full of humans who knew nothing about werewolves and would be terrified if they spotted them.

"Are you ready?" Andre asked as he stripped off his robe and folded it nicely on the ground.

Em was still wearing her robe; she had it clutched tightly around herself. He knew it wasn't really modesty that was keeping her covered. And he wondered if she was suddenly afraid. And then she smiled and let her robe fall to the ground.

Her naked skin gleamed in the moonlight, and Andre the man and Andre the wolf fought for dominance to figure out what they wanted. He wanted to claim his mate again right there. A run could wait.

But she was already beginning to crouch down and breathe deep to bring on her shift.

"I'm going to win," she declared.

"Win what?" Andre knelt down beside her.

"Whatever there is to win. The prize is totally mine." She grinned and rubbed her hands together in anticipation.

Andre leaned in and kissed her. How could he do anything else?

"You’re on." He was ready for a game.

They each let the change take them, and then they were off, racing deep into the woods as wolves. Together, just as they were meant to be.

Em raced ahead of him, and Andre sprinted to catch up. And when he overtook her, his mate sped up until they were both going as fast as they could.

It didn't last for long. They could only run so fast for so far, and the night was long.

But racing wasn't the only game that Em seemed intent to play.

And Andre wouldn't tell her, but no matter who was the victor, he already had the greater prize. He had her. And he wasn't letting her go.

Andre leaned his head back and howled at the moon. A moment later, Em joined him.

And in the distance, they heard the pack join them as well.

It was everything Andre hadn't known to want. And then Em took off running again, and Andre chased after her.

This was life with his mate. And he couldn't wait to see what lay ahead.