Immoral by Nicole Dykes

“Mr. Bell, one question please!”I look over at the kid outside the arena in downtown Denver and take pity on him. He looks fresh out of college—maybe. Hell, he may still be in school and probably dying to get an exclusive interview.

Luckily, I have Waylon right here with me in case I get in a jam. Not that Ryan and I have been shy about our relationship.

He went on tour with me for a month before he had to report to training camp last week, and we didn’t bother to hide a goddamn thing.

Waylon gives me a quick nod of permission, and I approach the kid instead of going inside. “No problem, but I needed to be at sound check ten minutes ago.”

The guy, who’s small in stature and honestly kind of cute with his wide eyes behind thick black-framed glasses, grabs his iPhone excitedly. “Okay. Thank you. I’ll only be a minute. This is for my followers. And I know they love you just as much as I do. Well, maybe.”

He grins, and I laugh. “Sounds good.”

He quickly pulls up an Instagram Live feed and does an amazingly fast introduction where I don’t catch every word but can’t help smiling at his enthusiasm.

“Okay, so like I said, I have Grady Bell here, outside the arena.” He points the camera at me. “I’m assuming you’re here for the concert tonight.”

I beam into the camera, putting on my best show, preferring these impromptu interviews far more than the scheduled ones I typically avoid. “I suppose that’s why I’m here. I hear the band is pretty good.”

The kid laughs, but I can tell it’s real and not forced for his followers on Insta. “So, we won’t keep you long, but I just wanted to say you’re a true inspiration. Singing songs that really speak to the heart and then following your heart. Doing what you want.”

He doesn’t specifically say anything about my relationship with Ryan, and fuck if I don’t want to stake my claim on him right now, where I know it’ll eventually be shared all over. But I can’t just yet. I want Ry to get settled into his new role in LA first.

“I appreciate that. Music has a way of saying things we can’t always get out when we’re just talking.”

“Oh, I agree. Your music saved me. I talk about it all the time.”

I wonder what exactly that means and pause, seeing the tear sliding down his cheek as he wipes it away. I pull him into a quick side hug. “I’m happy to hear that. You’re a good person. You deserve all good things. I can feel it.”

He smiles brightly, standing a little taller, and I know the kid isn’t here for a hard-hitting interview. He’s actually a fan.

“I’m really sorry, but I actually am late.”

“No problem. I just wanted to say that and to ask if you’re going to do another tour next year. We need your music.”

I turn to Waylon, who doesn’t offer an answer. I’ve pretty much already told him I’m taking time off after this tour, but it’s not public knowledge yet. And I know it will be a headache for Waylon if it is. “You know I never say never.” I wink at the camera, and the kid laughs.

“Not exactly an answer, but we’ll take it. Thanks so much, Grady Bell!”

I laugh at the use of my whole name, and we say a quick goodbye to his followers before he logs off and then shakes my hand excitedly. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! I’ve been a huge fan for so long, and I wasn’t bullshitting when I said you saved me.”

“Thank you for not bringing up certain things.” I’m careful, but he knows what I mean.

He shrugs. “I’m never going to out anyone. That’s a shitty move. I mean, I pretty much came out as soon as I was out of the womb, but it doesn’t matter. Until you’re ready to share that—if you ever are—it’s no one’s business.”

I wink at him and start toward the door, but then turn toward him. “Hey, kid. What’s your name?”

“Dawson.” He cringes. “My mom was a big fan of that Creek show.”

I laugh at that. “Okay, um.” I can’t shake my smile. “When we’re ready, I’d love to give you the exclusive.”

“Really?” He brightens up.

I nod toward Waylon. “Can you get his info?”

Waylon is already at his side. “On it. Now, go.”

I laugh because he’s a manager first. “Thanks.” I turn to Dawson. “We’ll talk soon.”

He’s giddy, and I’m grinning from ear-to-ear as I walk into sound check.

We aren’t totally out yet, but it’s coming, and I have a good feeling about this kid.

Hopefully, Ry will be on the same page. Though I think we’ll wait till he’s done with baseball if that’s the way he wants it. Neither of us is interested in making a great big gay statement. No one has to come out and say they’re straight, so fuck ’em.

But I do have a good feeling about the kid.

Still, we’re going to do it our way and at our time.