Shadow in the Mountain by KaLyn Cooper

Chapter 12

Hell,yes, he’d stay with her. If Xena needed some help relaxing, Ryker would be more than willing to assist with that too. She opened the door and took him by the hand, leading him into her bedroom.

One sweep around and the layout was a mirror image of his but that’s where the similarities ended. This was definitely a feminine domain. He recognized the yoga pants from last night flung across the back of a chair, mixed with about twelve other pieces of clothing including colorful panties and bras. She did, though, manage to hang up the beautiful gown she wore to the party.

Was that just last night? Damn. They’d been through so much in just twenty-four hours. Ryker felt like he’d known Xena most of his life. Her bedroom showed him another facet of her personality.

The room was a study in blues. Buried under all the clothes was a dark blue overstuffed chair next to a modern curved reading lamp. The chrome and glass side table matched those next to the platform bed. Every flat surface, including the floor next to the furniture, was stacked at least a foot high with books. Some looked like textbooks while others were definitely paperback romance novels given the ripped male pectorals and abdominal muscles on the covers.

Xena was a romantic. He stored that bit of information for later then wondered if he could match up to the high standard of her book boyfriends. He’d definitely bring his A-game when he had her naked in bed.

What the hell are you thinking? She’s a teammate. Yeah, she’s female, but this is a mission. One that begins after you both get a few hours’ sleep. Sleep that does not involve sex.

“Thanks for staying with me.” She squeezed his hand then let it go when her gaze darted around the room. “I’m sorry the place is a mess, but I’ll be honest, I’m a messy person. It gets picked up and sorted on laundry day.” She crinkled her nose. “And that should come sooner rather than later by the smell.”

Sniffing, she pulled the low-cut tank top away from her body, giving him an excellent view of her sports bra.

“Okay, I guess it’s not the laundry but me and the clothes I’m wearing.” She headed to the bathroom. “I’ll only be a few minutes. I need a shower before I crawl between the clean sheets.”

When she entered the bathroom, he could no longer see her. Clothes started to fly through the open door onto the chair.

That explained a lot.

Movement caught his eye and he realized she was stripping in front of the mirror.

Holy fuck.

Her ample breasts bounced as she peeled off the sports bra which flew through the doorway a second later. She released her long golden hair from the ponytail and ran her fingers over her scalp, fluffing the strands until they fell over her shoulders.

Ryker wanted to look away. He knew he should. But he couldn’t take his eyes off the most gorgeous woman he’d seen in years. He couldn’t move, mesmerized by the grace of her practiced movements.

She disappeared from the reflected glass.

Damn. The show was over.

She reappeared seconds later as royal blue running shorts flew through the door. Ryker’s knees went weak when a pair of matching cheeky panties separated and drifted to the floor.

He couldn’t ignore his erection any longer. It throbbed, begging to be touched.

“Xena,” he called out loudly. “I…uh…need to shower, too.”

“No.” Her cry was filled with panic. When she turned to grab the towel hanging on a hook next to her shower, he got an excellent view of her perfect backside in the mirror.

He realized she’d appear in seconds in the doorway, or worse, she’d come to face him. He immediately held his hands in front of his cock as casually as possible.

“Please don’t leave. Not just yet.” Her golden eyes begged him to stay as she strode toward him while tucking the end of the towel wrapped around her into her cleavage.

Ryker didn’t need for her to point out her wonderful assets. He was a breast man. Always had been. Always would be. And Xena’s were spectacular. The tight towel had plumped them and pushed them together. His mind flashed to the dark pink areola he’d seen in the mirror which were now inches from his chest, nearly touching his T-shirt with every hurried breath.

Her shaking hand touched his forearm, tearing his gaze away from the soft mounds he wanted to trace with his fingertip, then his tongue.

“Ryker, please don’t leave.” He forced his eyes up to meet hers. “The aftershocks. They’re coming.” Her whole body shook. “They always come.”

Nothing could have stopped him from pulling her back into his arms. “Okay. I’ll be right here.” He only hoped that through the layers of the towel she couldn’t feel his erection. “Breathe with me.” He sucked in a deep breath through his nose to the count of four then exhaled to the count of eight, a technique he’d been taught in SEAL school to calm victims.

In the span of less than a minute, they were breathing together. She seemed to melt into him. They fit perfectly.

Too perfectly. Teammate.Remember that, Ryker scolded himself. “Better?” He leaned back to look her in the eyes.

Those gorgeous golden eyes. He wondered if they lightened or darkened when she was aroused.


“How about you go take that shower and then crawl into bed.” He looked around the room for someplace to sit. The only chair was covered in her clothes—and her scent. The last thing he needed was to surround himself with the smell of sweaty Xena. He already knew the fragrance of her skin from dancing the night before and couldn’t wait to experience their sweaty bodies rubbing against each other.

Stepping away from her, he went and sat on the edge of the bed. “I’ll be right here for you until you fall asleep.”

His knees were slightly splayed and she stepped between them. Cupping his face with her small soft hands, she leaned over and forced him to look into her eyes. “Promise me you’ll stay.”

She was so close he could smell the spiced meat on her breath.

He couldn’t deny her anything. “I promise.” He forced a friendly smile so he wouldn’t lean in the last few inches and kiss her. “Now, go take that shower.”

Xena closed the distance between them and brushed her lips over his. “Thank you.” She spun around and trotted into her bathroom, closing the door this time. She didn’t lock it, though.

Surprisingly, five minutes later she walked through the billowing steam wrapped in a towel tucked between her breasts, again, that fell to mid-thigh. She took showers like a man. Ryker never met a woman who did everything she needed to do in a bathroom in under thirty minutes. Xena was the exception.

“That was fast,” he admitted.

“I learned to take quick showers in the Navy.” She gave him a small smile. “You know what it’s like. Now, please turn around while I crawl in bed.”

“What? You were in the Navy? The U.S. Navy?” The thought of her being in the military, least of all defending the United States, had never dawned on him. “What was your NOS?” He asked referring to her Navy Occupational Specialty.

Her smile dropped slightly with impatience. “Ryker, turn around so I can crawl in bed.”

Why was she ignoring his question? Was she lying about serving in the Navy? Most people who had served in the military were proud of what they did. He certainly was…up until three and a half months ago.

“I was an E300.” Maybe if he told her what he was, she’d share her specialty.

“I’m well aware of the SEAL NOS.” Her frustration was growing which just made Ryker wonder more.

She huffed out a breath. “What the fuck. I’m too tired to care.” Xena dropped the towel. Naked as the day she was born she threw back the covers and crawled between the sheets.

Ryker’s jaw hit the floor. Holy fuck. He thought Xena in a beautiful gown was gorgeous. Xena in yoga pants was enticing. Xena naked, a little pissed off, and a little resigned, was delicious.

“You’re stunning,” Ryker whispered.

“I’m exhausted.” She pulled the covers over her magnificent breasts and pulled her arms out, laying them down on each side of her small frame. “While you got an extra two hours of sleep, I was running the obstacle course. I need to sleep.”

He hadn’t moved from where he’d planted his ass on the side of her bed. Standing, he looked down at her all tucked in. “You seem to be re-fortified. I’ll just head back—”

The glass bottles on her dresser started to tinkle.

Xena squeaked.

Ryker watched her sassy face turn to terror.

He stretched out on the bed next to her and rolled her into his arms. “It’s all right. It’s just an aftershock. It’ll stop soon.” At least that’s what he hoped.

Her gaze darted all over the room.

“You’re safe.” As he rubbed his hand down her naked back, he forgot about the earth shaking. He was on the bed. Xena was at his side…naked. She clung to him like her last bastion of hope.

They stayed like that long after the house settled. Ryker finally pulled back but they remained lying face-to-face. Strands of light blonde hair covered half her face. Needing to see her eyes, he gently brushed them to the side and curled them around her ear.

“Better?” He whispered.

“Yeah.” The word was barely audible. “I hate those fucking things.”

“Why? If you grew up here, I figured you’d be used to them. They don’t seem to bother your brothers or your father,” Ryker pointed out.

Xena let out a long slow breath. “Clint and Van weren’t here. They’d gone with Mom to Addis. Most of the staff was off because it was just me and Daddy. I was twelve.” Her gaze swept the room. “This isn’t the original house. Daddy built it to be as earthquake-resistant as possible after…”

Ryker started putting the disjointed story together. Xena was obviously still shaken up by the earthquake and aftershock. “You were in the house during an earthquake?”

She simply nodded her head up and down. “I was sick. In my bedroom. The house only had one floor back then. I had this big four-poster bed with thin pink material draping from the middle to the tops of the posters.”

She drew in a shaky breath before continuing. “My bed was bouncing off the floor. Pieces of the ceiling fell down on me but some of it was captured by the canopy. Daddy ran in and scooped me off the bed. We rolled underneath it as the house crashed down around us. He held me, keeping me safe, hovering over me. Protecting me.”

Then she let out a long slow sigh. “Although we both made it out alive, our cook didn’t. Much of the nearby village was destroyed. Mom got a grant, and some architects from the United States came over and designed this house for us. It’s still part of some architectural school’s long-term study.”

“Do you get earthquakes often?” Now he was just curious. He’d grown up in Indiana where they’d never had an earthquake. While at BUD/S, they’d had what the locals called a shaker but nothing close to what he’d experienced here as either the earthquake or the aftershock.

Her chuckle contained no amusement. “Eden sits on the East African rift. That’s why this is a valley. The African plate…do you know about plate tectonics?”

“No. Although I loved science in school, since it didn’t affect us, we didn’t study geology very much. Geography with flooding rivers was more important. Agriculture and things like 4-H, Future Farmers of America, were big at my high school.”

She grimaced. "I can stop.”

“No. Please. I’m interested.” Ryker really was curious.

“Okay, if you’re sure.” She seemed content to go on after he nodded. “The lithosphere, the outer shell of the earth, is made up of rigid slabs that are constantly shifting and sliding into each other. They’re called tectonic plates and fit together like pieces of a puzzle. Eden is located where the Eastern African plate rubs up against the great African plate. Our valley is almost in a straight line, so they slide against each other easily. It actually moves almost an inch year. That’s what formed the mountains behind us.”

Worry had completely left her voice, replaced by excitement. “Daddy believes that this area is where man began. Back in 1994, he was on the dig that discovered Lucy, the oldest humanoid unearthed to date. He helped carbon date her to 4.2 million years old. You saw some of the skulls his students are digging up now. The most recent one was discovered at eleven thousand feet up that mountain.” She threw her thumb in the general direction. “Remembering that the rift moves almost an inch year, his students can cross qualify and validate the carbon dating.”

Holy shit. “So, what you’re saying is this really could be the Garden of Eden the Bible talks about?” Ryker suddenly had a greater appreciation for Ethiopia.

“Could be,” Xena shrugged her bare shoulders. “Daddy named the compound Eden as a joke. His first name is Adam and when he found the original house, it had an apple orchard in the backyard. We’re pretty sure those were planted by missionaries around the 1940s but it adds to his tale. He also says that the Garden of Eden, also known as the Garden of God in Hebrew, was supposed to be the most beautiful place on earth. Every time I look through the big front windows at Lake Shala, I have to agree with him.”

“I’ll make it a point to catch that view.” In the meantime, he was enjoying the view in front of him. Xena, tucked into bed, all warm from her shower, soft pink on her high cheekbones, big golden eyes that stared back at him.

She fought a yawn and lost.

“You ready to go to sleep?”

“Yeah.” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Ryker leaned up and kissed her forehead. He’d just lay there for a few minutes until she was sound asleep, then he’d go to his own bed. He matched his breathing to hers, closing his eyes for what he promised himself would be only a moment.