Shadow in the Mountain by KaLyn Cooper

Chapter 14

Ryker watchedXena’s face as her body stopped quaking and her muscles relaxed. When her breathing returned to normal, her eyes remained closed, giving him a perfect opportunity to take in her beauty. Her blonde hair lay strewn across the pillow from where she’d thrashed her head back and forth trying to hang onto the climax for as long as she could. He never knew there were so many shades of blonde. Her eyebrows and lashes were slightly lighter than her hair on top of her head and that which covered her pubic bone. He’d never been with a real blonde.

He enjoyed the way Xena reacted to his kisses and his touch. She was extremely responsive. He wanted her to come first and did he get a show. She was uninhibited as her muscles contracted, her back arched, her body begging for more.

Quietly, Ryker slid the nightstand drawer open and he laid two condoms on the top next to the lamp. His cock was more than ready, but he needed to prepare Xena for her second orgasm.

A small smile stayed on those kissable lips as she floated her way back to consciousness. The minute she opened her eyes, he bent down to kiss her. She immediately opened for him. Good. He wanted to share her taste, let her know how delicious she was when she completely put him in charge of her orgasm.

Without lifting his mouth from hers, he ran his hand over each breast, rolling the nipples between his thumb and forefinger before he squeezed them lightly. Without wasting any time, because his cock was weeping and ready, he lightly played his fingers down her tight abdomen. He stopped and cupped her sex before he dropped his finger back into her channel and pressed the heel of his hand on her clit.

Xena gasped and Ryker inwardly smiled with contentment. He stroked her swollen and sensitive clitoris and had her begging for him within minutes.

He reached for the condom on the nightstand, but Xena was quicker. When she ripped the packet open with her teeth, he almost came. He grabbed the bottom of his cock and squeezed it in warning. The second her soft fingers touched him, he squeezed harder and closed his eyes, running through the probable starting lineup for the Indiana University football team. He couldn’t think about the ways she caressed his erection as she rolled on the condom.

“Now, come here,” Xena commanded as she grabbed his shoulders and rolled onto her back. His knees slid between hers and he spread them a little wider, opening her completely to him.

In the late afternoon light, her sex glistened. With his cock still in hand, he slid the tip through her wetness before he notched it at her opening.

“Xena, are you sure?” The last thing Ryker wanted was after-sex regrets, especially since they may find themselves in a firefight in just a few hours.

She arched up and he slid in a few inches, their gaze never wavering. “Yes. I’m sure I want you as deep as you can go inside me.”

That was all the consent he needed. In one smooth thrust of his hips, he was all the way to the hilt. Christ, that felt good. She was tight but so very soft. It felt as though he hadn’t had sex in years, it was that good.

He was positive it had only been six weeks since he’d hooked up with an old girlfriend from high school who was between husbands. Though both were just scratching an itch, Xena felt totally different. Somehow this was more.

“Ryker, I need you to move or I’m going to flip us over and ride you until you moan my name.”

He liked that idea…next time. He unhurriedly withdrew before sliding back into her, setting a slow pace. “I like the way you think. We’ll definitely do that next time. That way I can play with those gorgeous tits. You like it when I bite them.”

Her channel suddenly became very hot and clenched around his cock. It took everything he had to hold back. Xena liked dirty talk during sex.

“You liked it when I sucked on your clit, too.” He knew he had her when she closed her eyes. “Admit it.”

She was already breathing fast. He held his gaze until she opened her eyes.

“Admit it,” he repeated.

“Yes.” She snapped the word between gasps of air.

Ryker had promised her the best she’d ever had so he stepped up his game. Hooking his elbows under her knees, he pulled up her bottom to change the angle. Christ. He thought she was tight before; she gripped him on the way in and out. He wasn’t going to last long.

“Are you close?” He asked between pants.

“Hell, yes. I’ve been waiting for you.” Her golden eyes flashed a light yellow.

“Go ahead. Take us both,” he ordered.

On his next stroke in, she arched up. Ryker swore he hit bottom. It was the most amazing feeling, as though her body kissed the head of his cock. He did it again, and her whole body shook. The third time, her internal muscles spasmed, stroking him all the way down his shaft.

Xena was coming, forcing him to follow her over the edge.

Ryker had enough clear brain to roll over to the side, taking her with him, before the dark fog took him under.

When the euphoric afterglow forced his mind to clear, he tucked the blanket around Xena and crawled out of bed to deal with the condom. When he returned, she was still asleep.

I really should go into my own room and shower.

Her lips quivered and settled into that soft smile of a contented woman. He’d put that smile on her face. He wanted to do it again.

Ryker had always been fine with a one-night stand. Would that be good enough for Xena? Will she want more?

He certainly hoped so.

A quick glance at the clock told him they had time for round two. He checked to be sure a second condom was sitting on the nightstand before he crawled back into bed. Xena had rolled over on her side facing away from him, so he scooted in behind her, his chest to her back, spooning like longtime lovers.

Knock. Knock.

“Xena, time to wake up.” Blade’s voice cut through any sleep Ryker had been getting. He was instantly awake.

Sometime after he fell asleep, Xena had rolled to face him, wrapping her arm around his waist. His erection bumped against the juncture of her thighs as though asking her to spread her legs and allow it in once again.

Bam. Bam. Bam.

“Xena. Wake up. We need to eat before we head up the mountain to prepare for the mission.” Blade’s voice was louder this time.

Without opening her eyes, Xena yelled, “I’m awake.”

“And I’m now deaf,” Ryker whispered.

Xena’s eyes popped open and wide. They relaxed as soon as they met Ryker’s. “So, you’re still here?” She moved as though to stretch and instantly stopped. She smiled and took his cock in her hand. “Had I known this was waiting for me, I would’ve awakened sooner.”

She stroked him and ran her thumb over the slit at the top. A small drop greeted her as she passed over a second time.

“Xena,” Blade’s voice carried a warning. “Don’t you dare roll over and go back to sleep.”

“I have no intention of going back to sleep.” She said loud enough so Blade could hear her but her gaze never left Riker’s. “I’ll be down in a little bit.”

“You’re responsible for waking up the squid.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of him.” She stroked him again as she grinned. “And he’s not a squid, he’s a frog.”

“I don’t give a fuck what kind of animal he is.” Blade sounded irritated. “He’s your responsibility. I’ll see you in the dining room. I got shit to do.” His footsteps faded down the hallway.

Thank God he was gone. Ryker let out a long sigh. “There for a minute I thought he was going to come into the room.”

“He wouldn’t dare.” Fire flared in her eyes.

“Is he going to kill me for sleeping with you?” Ryker certainly hoped not.

“Probably,” Xena said flippantly.

“What’s the deal between you two?” He propped his head onto the palm of his hand. “Do you two have some kind of an open relationship?” He didn’t like the idea of her sleeping with anybody else, especially Blade.

“What the hell are you talking about?” She let go of his cock and mirrored his position.

“You and Blade.” Ryker now worried he’d misread the entire situation. “The way you act together. It’s beyond friendly.”

“Blade is like family to me. He’s my brother’s best friend. I’ve known him since he and Clint went to West Point. Sometimes he’s more protective of me than my own brothers, which is the way I think of him…as a brother.”

“You’re not lovers?”

“Hell. No,” she shot back. “The very thought of that has the biggest yuck factor.” She shivered.

“Thank God. I was afraid I might get shot by friendly fire.” A huge weight lifted off Ryker.

“You just might. I told you my brothers are very protective of me. Even though I’m better trained in special operations than anyone else in camp, they think of me as their smaller, weaker sister.” Then she added, “Except Blade and my team. They’ve seen me in enough combat situations to respect my abilities.”

“What do you mean you’re better trained in SpecOps?” Ryker knew just by the way Blade moved that the man had honed skills.

“Clint was Delta in the Army and Blade was the chopper pilot assigned to his company, so he was also Special Forces.” She stared at him for a long minute as though trying to decide what she could or couldn’t tell him.

She finally shrugged. “After college, I joined the Navy and then got selected for top-secret training. I went to the Joint All-Female Special Operations School. We secretly went through SEAL training, from BUD/S all the way through Jump School. Then we had a few unique schools offered by the Army as well as the medical training from the Air Force’s Pararescue school. Then they sent us to the CIA for unique undercover training.”

“We heard rumors of an all-female SpecOps team, but no one believed it.” Ryker went on, “SEAL training was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life.” He suddenly had a new respect for her.

“Me too. I’m still not very good at deep diving. To be honest, the mixed tank thing gives me pause.” She took another breath before she continued, “After training, I was assigned to the State Department where I was on a SpecOps team. For several years we rescued congressmen, or their kids, from places they never should have gone. It’s a good thing those idiots are only elected for two years at a time.”

“Yeah, we’ve had a few of those, too.” Over his many years as a SEAL, he could name several. His hand wandered from her shoulder over the curve of her rib cage into the dip of her waist and over her hip, mapping her curves. Maybe he could talk her into a quickie before they had to leave.

Xena continued with her story, “Once my Navy commitment was up, they offered me a job at the State Department, but I knew I wanted to come home and work with Daddy. Africa is a mess. There are so many good things that I can do here…get away with here. If I were back in the U.S., my hands would be tied with political bureaucracy. In the States, they wouldn’t allow me to hunt down the rebels and kill those sons of bitches who took your SEAL squad. Here, I’m in charge of the team.”

A thought ran through his brain. In the SEALs they preferred to sneak in, rescue the high-value targets, and sneak out with as little gunfire as possible. “What are the rules of engagement?”

Xena held his gaze with those gorgeous golden eyes that now had more brown flecks than when she was aroused. “The mission is to rescue your team. Charley doesn’t give a shit how many rebels die in that process. The current Ethiopian government doesn’t give a shit how many rebels meet God, or Allah, or their ancient ancestors. How we complete the mission is up to us.”

She shifted closer to him and ran her fingers through his hair. “I’ll tell you right now, the men on my team have no tolerance for rebels. Many of their own families have suffered at the hands of the terrorists, and that’s what the president calls them. In places, they have killed every man, woman, and child in a village because their bloodline isn’t pure enough. The United Nations calls it ethnic cleansing. Within this household, we call it murder.”

She laid her palm on his cheek, her fingers splayed through the hair on the side of his head. “No one here is going to think any less of you, me, or my team, if we are the only ones, besides your brother SEALs, who walk away from that camp alive.”

“Good to know. Because I intend to kill the motherfucker who took them captive.” He gritted his teeth. “Then I’m going to hunt down every person involved in that ambush and the cover-up. I haven’t decided whether I’m going to torture them, kill them slowly, or just put a bullet through their head. No one will be safe from me.”

All the color had drained from Xena’s pretty face.

“I’m sorry, babe.” He pulled her in closer until they were chest to chest. “I didn’t mean to frighten you. I’m not usually a violent, vengeful man, but this entire situation took so much from me—Ajax, and the rest of our SEAL squad. Somebody has to pay.”

Xena lay very still in his arms.

Did I fuck up? Maybe I shouldn’t have told her my plans.

She leaned back until they were face-to-face. “I know there’s compassion in there somewhere. Promise me you won’t be so quick to judge.” Her smile didn’t reach her eyes, but she quickly kissed his lips. “We need a shower.”

Throwing off the covers, she leaped over his naked body. Halfway to the bathroom, she glanced over her shoulder. “If you’re going to come, grab that condom.” She raised one eyebrow and Ryker was on his feet. He swiped the foil packet off the nightstand and scooped her up on his way to ecstasy.