Shadow in the Mountain by KaLyn Cooper

Chapter 16

“Cheers.”Ryker clinked his glass with the three siblings then threw the bourbon to the back of his throat before he swallowed. The delicious burn slowly seeped down to his stomach.

Delicious.Smoother than any I’ve ever had.

He sniffed the glass, loving the spicy smell, then wandered to the wet bar and picked up the unusual soccer-ball-shaped bottle.

“This is really good bourbon.” He hadn’t bothered reading all the information beyond assuring that it was Kentucky bourbon. Blanton’s Gold Edition. He would look it up when he got home and buy a bottle.

“I should hope so, given its cost.” Clint poured two fingers of eighteen-year-old scotch into the lead crystal glass, downing it in two sips. “That’s my limit.”

Van added lemon-lime soda to his vodka and tossed in several ice cubes. “He starts to let down his guard at shot number four. By number six he’ll be dancing.”

“Stop right there if you want to live.” Clint’s gaze shot daggers at his younger brother.

“Clint doesn’t dance.” Xena glanced at Ryker and shook her head. “He can’t even tap his toe and keep time with the music. He sits at the table glaring at everyone who’s out on the floor having a good time.”

Van grinned ear to ear and reached into one of the many pockets in his flight suit. “Not always. I have video proof. At his Delta team reunion in Vegas a few months ago, our dear big brother let loose.”

“Where did you get that?” Clint turned pale under his deeply tanned skin.

“Your buddies posted it on social media and tagged your name.” Van chuckled as he opened the app and found the video. “I guess now that you’re no longer in the Army social media isn’t taboo.”

Faster than Ryker could imagine, Clint grabbed the phone and was watching the video. Color returned to Xena’s older brother, and his shoulders relaxed.

“Is that the only one?” Clint asked Van.

“Yeah, that’s it.” Van’s smile grew wider. “What else happened in Vegas?”

“Nothing…that’s any of your business.” Clint tossed the latest model smartphone back to his brother. “I’m going to bed.”

“Me, too. I was flying all day while everybody else took a nap.” He glanced down at his phone. “Fuck. I have to go see a Saudi general tomorrow afternoon.” His gaze caught Xena’s. “If you need some recon flights, text me. I might be able to help you out on my way back.”

“We’ll stay in touch. Will you be back by tomorrow night…I mean later tonight?” Xena yawned.

“That’s the plan.” The man turned his attention to Ryker. “Thanks for keeping Xena safe out there. We’ll find your buddies.” Drink in hand, Van strode out of the room.

“Want another drink?” Xena offered as she rinsed out Clint’s glass and set it in the small sink.

“Are you having another?” Ryker asked.

Xena stared at her empty glass for several heartbeats before she answered. “No. If I drink any more, I’ll fall asleep before I even make it to the shower.”

Ryker closed the distance between them. He set his glass in the sink then took the one from Xena’s hand and set it beside his. “I need a shower too.” When he stepped closer, she wound her arms around his neck as he encircled her waist. “How about we share water?”

“Why, Mr. Tufano, are you suggesting we be naked together in the shower?” Xena teased.

“Fuck, yes.” He crashed his mouth on hers.

Minutes later, when they both came up for air, Xena said, “That was my answer, too. Fuck. Yes.”

When they reached Ryker’s room, he pointed to his door and raised his eyebrows without saying a word. When she nodded affirmatively, excitement rose in him. Not that he wasn’t already hard as a rock, but having Xena in his bed, his shower, seemed so much more personal.

After closing and locking the door behind him, he caught Xena around the waist and tossed her on the bed. Her legs automatically separated, and he stepped in between. He was desperate for her, grinding his hips against hers, her warm center heating his cock even through layers of cloth.

She reached for his pants and unbuttoned and unzipped them, releasing his aching erection. He wasn’t going to last long.

Forgetting where he was, he opened the nightstand drawer. To his surprise, there were several strips of condoms. “Did you put these in here?”

She nodded and smiled. “Your room is farther away from my brothers. I don’t need them hearing us.”

Ryker leaned over and kissed her already swollen lips. “You mean, hear you. I don’t make much noise. You, on the other hand…” Before he said anything that would make her feel bad, he added, “I really like the little noises you make. You have the cutest little groan when I stroke your hard clit.”

He shoved his hand down her black camouflage pants straight to her center. He almost moaned when he found her wet and ready. Sliding two fingers into her channel he rubbed her clit with his thumb and was rewarded with the groan he told her about.

“Fuck. I really do groan.” Xena flung her head back on the pillow.

After kissing her nose, he gave her a light peck on the lips. “Yeah, you do. And it’s fucking cute.”

“I understand the fucking part, but you think it’s cute? Does that make me cute? I don’t feel cute when I’m with you. Little girls are cute, and I haven’t been a little girl in a long time.” She pulled his head down until their lips met in a long sensual kiss.

Ryker pulled his head back. “Okay, I’ll give you that one. Little girls in pigtails and kittens are cute. I’ll also agree, you are all-woman.” He cupped her breast through the shades of black camouflage shirt and massaged gently. “How about we get out of these dirty stinking clothes?”

“That’s a wonderful idea.” She rolled out from under him. “Let’s grab a shower and pick this up afterward.” Her face scrunched up. “That encampment…it was gross. I feel dirty even though all I did was walk through it. I’m not usually a prude, but I want to wash the filth of those men off me.”

She cupped his face with the palms of her hands. Ryker loved the way her fingers wove into the hair on the side of his head. “Sex with you is beautiful. I don’t want to drag any dirt into our bed.” She leaned in and gave him a quick kiss. Her smile became playfully evil. “Once we’re clean, I can think of several dirty things we can do.”

Ryker didn’t wait. He scooped Xena into his arms and headed for his en suite. He set her down on the counter and kneeled before her, taking off her boots and socks. Standing, he unbuttoned her shirt and she reciprocated. Within a minute, they were both naked, dirty clothes mostly in the hamper.

In the shower, they took turns washing each other in what Ryker would later think of as one of the most sensual showers he’d ever had. Sudsing his hands and running them over every inch of her toned body as she did the same for him, was the most sensory-stimulating foreplay he’d ever had.

By the time they rinsed off, his cock was begging entrance into her body. He forced himself to be gentle as he dried her off.

Xena squeaked in astonishment when he picked up her naked body and carried her to the bed. She returned the surprise when she’d already opened the condom by the time he lay down beside her.

Sex was hard and fast, the way they both needed it. They came within minutes, flying over the edge into ecstasy together.

Barely conscious, Ryker took care of the condom and pulled her body close to his. Falling asleep with her in his arms, snuggled next to his body, felt right.

The vibration and light from Xena’s watch woke Ryker. It was practically in his face. She looked almost angelic with both hands tucked under her cheek as she lay on her side facing him.

Call Serena 30 minutes

Good. They had thirty minutes. Sex last night, which was really only four hours ago, had been quick. True, it had been preceded by some intense foreplay, but Ryker was almost embarrassed at how quickly he’d come. Xena deserved more.

She was an absolutely amazing woman. She was smart, kind, and sexy as hell. He had nothing to offer a woman like her. Once they’d rescued the other members of his squad, he was out of a job. Two years shy of a guaranteed military pension for life, he’d been tossed out of the Navy. He’d always thought of his retirement pay as a cushion, but the Navy had pulled the chair out from underneath him and he’d fallen on his ass.

Sure, he had the money Charley gave him for this mission, but that wouldn’t last long if he didn’t work. He’d have to find a job. The problem was, the last time he checked, there really wasn’t a civilian job that needed his unique skills. He could always be a mercenary. Hell, maybe Xena’s father would hire him. But fucking the boss’s daughter was never a good idea.

What the hell am I thinking? He’d only known Xena for two days and he was already considering long-term with this woman. This was nothing more than a stress reliever. She was handy, more than willing, and extremely capable. They both knew the score going into this fling.

He’d be gone as soon as he tracked down and eliminated those responsible for the ambush. Xena would always be here in Africa fighting next to her brothers and father.

Ryker’s gaze ran down her half-naked body and he instantly grew hard. They had thirty minutes. That was enough time. He’d gladly take advantage of the available time he had with her. It would be over all too soon.

He cupped her bare breast, kneading it gently. He rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

She took a deep breath and rolled onto her back, never opening her eyes or interrupting her rhythmic breathing. He moved his hand to her other breast and took the closest one into his mouth. Xena arched as though her body were begging for more.

She took a deep breath and opened her eyes. “What time is it?”

“Time for me to work my way down your body, kissing every nerve good morning.” Ryker smiled at her disheveled appearance. He did that to her. “Then I’m going to spread your legs and lick—”


Ryker popped his head up so he could see her eyes. “What’s the matter?”

Xena was staring at her watch. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”

He crawled up her body and looked down into her gorgeous golden eyes. “Xena, whatever it is, we’ll work it out. Just tell me, what’s the problem?”

“I was supposed to call Serena and Ajax nearly forty minutes ago.” She rolled off the bed and ran to the bathroom. Clothes started flying through the door. “I need to find the satellite phone. I had one in my camouflage pants.”

“Ajax, you fucking cock blocker.” Ryker swung his legs over the side of the bed and kicked something. Reaching down, he picked up a satellite phone. “Found it.”

Her head appeared in the doorway. “You did?”

Ryker waggled it and Xena came running. She tackled him onto the bed, kissing him all over his face.

“Does this mean I can return to my previously scheduled activities?”

“You can do anything you want. I’m going to call Serena.” Xena put the phone on speaker so he heard the ringing.

“Birdman.” Ajax sounded anxious.

“This is Xena. You guys okay?”

“Right on track. You? Where’s Ryker?” Did Ajax think Xena had killed him? It had been a possibility that Ryker had discussed with his brother, fearing they were walking into an ambush to eliminate everyone on their SEAL squad.

“I’m right here,” Ryker responded. “We’re on track too.” And I’m on track to give Xena another orgasm.

He started to kiss his way down her flat stomach and ran a finger through her slit from her clit to her entrance, parting her folds. Smiling, he licked her the entire length before flicking the underside of her clitoris with his tongue.

With a shaky breath, Xena said into the phone, “We’ll touch base again with you at the next agreed-upon time to make sure we’re both ready to strike at the same time.”

“Got it. Be safe.” Ajax said.

“You, too.” Xena quickly ended the call and tossed the phone on the nightstand. She glared at Ryker. “Oh, you dirty boy. Don’t you dare stop until I tell you.”