Shadow in the Mountain by KaLyn Cooper

Chapter 21

Ryker’s heartfractured at the closing of the door.

She couldn’t run away from me fast enough. I was nothing more than talented fingers, an eager mouth, and a stiff cock to her. Stress release. That was all.

But he had set those rules, not her. They had both known what they had in that bed could never last. It had an end date before it ever began. Besides, walking into a firefight was a given. Walking out wasn’t.

If he made it through the night, got his teammates to safety, he’d give more thought to the situation with Xena. He’d have some time while hunting down the bastards who started this entire cluster fuck.

Ryker quickly finish dressing and trotted down to the dining room. He followed one of the men from Xena’s team through the dining-room door.

“Tracker,” she said with a smile. “Come, sit down and eat with us.”

“Thank you, ma’am, but I came here straight from the helicopter. I know how bad I smell. I wanted to report in to you before I got a shower and some grub up at the chow hall.”

Ryker had to agree. The man smelled like two-day-old sweat mixed with the garbage and piss from the camp they had reconned the night before last. He was glad the man, and the stench, stayed near the door.

“Before you get started, we found their new camp. It’s near Jimma.” Xena handed her teammate a glass of juice. “We also know they’ve been reinforced with at least another twenty-five men. Our plan is to go in late tonight and free the Navy SEALs.”

“And the women they’ve captured and tied to trees,” Clint added through clenched teeth.

Ryker completely agreed. It was abusive enough when he first thought his teammates had been tied to trees, arms, and legs spread out, but when his bee caught one of the rebels raping a girl, he wanted to throw up. They had to rescue those poor girls and return them to their homes.

“If you want in on tonight’s raid, just say the word.” Xena knew how to handle her men which impressed Ryker

“You’re not going to leave without me.” Tracker’s tone was determined. “Xena, you wouldn’t believe what they did to those people. Some were sympathizers to their cause when they first showed up. Now, they would help us kill them all. When the first group, the ones with the Navy SEALs, showed up, they paid for the food. After several weeks, they’d just storm into someone’s house and take whatever they wanted. The drought last year, followed by torrential rains, didn’t allow them to grow enough crops to carry over. They couldn’t even feed their families.”

Ryker’s heart went out to the mountain people. He knew about farming. He also knew how quickly mother nature could ruin the crop.

Tracker swallowed hard. “Xena, those people are starving.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of gold nuggets. “The rebels paid the people with these. They were sure it was stolen. Mountain people know about the ruthless mine owners. If someone from that region showed up in a major city with gold, they’d be killed by the mining company. That’s why they gave me these.”

He emptied his pockets, placing nuggets of gold as small as a pea to as large as a peach pit. “That big one came from the town leader. That’s what they’d paid him to keep his mouth shut about their camp when the Ethiopian civil patrol rolled through. It was the same story village after village.”

Ryker had never seen raw gold. He had no idea how much money was sitting in the rocks in front of him.

Tracker couldn’t hold Xena’s gaze.

“What aren’t you telling me?” She asked.

“Some of that gold. It was for virgins.” Tracker said just above a whisper. “They would steal their daughters. Young girls. Then throw the gold at the parents.” The anger in his eyes could be felt throughout the room when his gaze met Xena’s. “I will be there tonight at your side. Or with whoever is going to save the girls.”

With tears swelling in her eyes, Xena hugged her teammate. “Thank you, Tracker.” She sniffed and stepped back. “I want you to be sure to get at least six hours of sleep. You’re going to need it for tonight.”

When she returned to her seat at the table, she announced, “I’ll call Father Domenico. We can spare a pilot to take him to that area with basic supplies. Next week we can load up a Huey with even more.”

She ran her fingers through the golden stones. “Daddy, can we convert this to Ethiopian currency? Maybe we can make a deal with the bishop to feed the mountain people.”

We’ll feed the people.” Her father trusted no one outside their family. “And yes, we’ll convert this to birr and put it in a separate account for their needs.”

“Thank you, Daddy.”

“I love you, too, my bighearted princess.” Digger finished his breakfast along with everybody else.

Her huge heart and compassion for others was one of the many things Ryker loved about Xena.

As everyone was about to leave, the house phone rang. Digger picked it up in the dining room. “Dell wants us in the operations center.”

Minutes later the same group wandered around the three-dimensional plastic version of the rebel camp. It took up two whole eight-foot-long tables.

“It’s perfectly to scale,” Dell announced proudly. “One inch equals one foot.”

“I see roads here,” Van then pointed to one end and quickly walked to the other. “And here. This one leads to the main highway into Jimma. If one of you can get into a sniper position and paint it for me, I can put a crater in that road, and they’ll never be able to use it again.”

“Trapping them is a great idea,” Clint agreed. “I’m thinking Javier can do it. We need oversight anyway.”

“I agree.” Xena was studying the model intently.

Ryker had immediately focused on the truck. “If you bomb the hell out of the road, we can’t drive this truck out of there. That was my initial idea for getting my teammates away from the camp as fast as possible.”

“Good idea, but if it were me, I’d rig the truck with explosives and probably disable the truck by removing…”

For the next several hours, Ryker and the Riggs family worked through possibilities, probabilities, and impossibilities.

At noon, an alarm went off on Xena’s cell phone. “Ryker, time to make contact with Ajax.”

He followed her out of the operations center into the bright sunshine and handed her a bottle of water. All morning they’d been surrounded by others, acting completely professional. It felt nice to be alone with her again.

“Thanks.” She concentrated on punching in the numbers, so he grabbed the bottle back and cracked it open. As the phone rang and rang and rang, she guzzled the water, tipping back her long sensitive neck. But she wasn’t offering it to him to kiss or nuzzle.

Cutting the connection, Xena announced, “We’ll try again in five minutes.

“Do you think he’s okay?” Ryker worried about his brother. He had no idea what plans had been made on Ajax’s end.

“I got a text earlier today that he arrived at Striker’s camp. He’s former Army SpecOps and a great guy. He knew exactly where the Eritrean rebels had taken the other two SEALs. Last I heard from him, they were heading closer to the site.”

“So, Ajax has a team going with him?” That idea made Ryker feel even better about what his brother was facing.

“A solid team. They’ve seen lots of action with the Eritrean rebels. They are very familiar with how they operate. Striker has had men watching the cave for days.”

“They’re in a cave?” More than once, Ryker and his SEAL team had been sent to rescue someone from a cave in Afghanistan. He was well aware of the problems and situations that could arise for his brother. On the good side, this wouldn’t be the first time Ajax had a cave rescue.

At the beep, Xena tried again. No answer.

“Next contact, twelve twenty-five.” Xena set her alarm.

One of the small trucks that seemed to zip around her father’s base backed up to the office door. Two men in white kitchen uniforms unlocked the back and pulled out trays.

“Let’s grab some lunch while we have to wait,” she suggested.

In two trips to the little truck, the men had a complete buffet set up in the office including pitchers of juice.

When she was sure the men were gone, Xena opened the secret door to the operations center and yelled, “Lunch is served.” She looked at Ryker. “Grab a plate now because there will be hardly anything left if we wait until after we talked to Ajax.”

Ryker didn’t need to be told twice that it was wise to eat now. He and Xena filled their plates and took them back outside. At the designated time, she redialed the phone.

“Birdman.” Ajax’s voice was such a relief even though he was breathing hard.

Xena had a mouthful of food, so Ryker took the phone. “Oh good. I was worried. Are you on track?”

“Yes. You?”

“Yes.” Ryker wanted to add that they were planning to practice for several hours that afternoon and he’d feel a hell of a lot better after they ran through plans A, B, and C. Then he remembered the purpose of the call. “We’re a go for oh-four-hundred.”

“Got it. Oh-four-hundred. Good luck, brother.” Ajax gave him their usual sign-off just before they were heading into danger.

Ryker replied with his. “You two. See you on the other side, brother.”

“God willing.” Ajax ended the call.