Striker’s Claim by Lila Fox

Chapter Ten

Kristina woke up the following day and stretched. She couldn’t remember feeling as rested as she did at that moment, and she wanted to savor it.

After a moment, she looked at the clock and thought she would have a panic attack. She sprang from the bed, slid on her jeans and shoes, and grabbed her bra to put on later.

She raced out of the bedroom and down the hallway. Her breath hitched in her throat when several men from the room at the bottom of the stairs looked her way and started whistling.

She hated to be whistled at. She started down the stairs in a rush when she saw Striker head her way. He met her halfway down, threw her over his shoulder, and walked back upstairs.

Wait, I’m late for my job.”

She smacked his back when he didn’t respond. “Didn’t you hear me?”

A hard hand landed on her ass, making her scream.

You quit, remember, babe? Now knock it off.”

She screamed again when she was thrown onto the bed. Her eyes widened when he locked the door and headed for her.

She held her hand out at the same time she scooched back on the mattress. “Wait.”

He stood over her with his hands on his hips. “What?”

Why are you mad?”

I didn’t like the men seeing your breasts without my approval.”

She was so confused. “I’ve never taken off my shirt.”

He snorted and pointed to her chest. She looked down and gasped. The material was white and had been washed so many times, the fabric was thin. It showed her breasts and her nipples about the same as if she were shirtless.

She crossed her arms over her chest. “Wait,” she wailed when he started to bend down.

He straightened and rolled his eyes. “Now what?”

Where did you sleep?”

Right beside you.” He pointed behind her.

She twisted her head around to see the indention from his head on the pillow. “Oh.”

Are we done?”

She shook her head. “What are you going to do with me?”

I’m planning on stripping you.”


Because I want to see what belongs to me.”

She growled, which made him laugh. “I’m not a possession.”

He nodded. “You are to me.”

Well, that’s rude.”

Baby, that’s probably the nicest thing anyone has ever called me.”

She gasped when her shoes and jeans were pulled from her legs. She hadn’t had time to put on panties, so she was now in just his t-shirt.

Don’t do it,” he warned when she tried to pull the shirt down to cover herself.

Wait,” she said as he stripped her of the shirt, leaving her buck naked.

She thought she’d see disgust in his eyes as his gaze ran over her. Instead, a look of hunger and heated need filled his expression. She couldn’t believe he found her pretty.

You’re fucking beautiful. Jesus. Spread your legs for me and let me see that pretty cunt of yours.”

She flinched at the coarse words but did what he asked. “Why don’t you come down here?” she asked. Her reasoning was he wouldn’t be able to see everything if he were beside her.

I won’t touch you until you tell me to, babe.”

She blinked. “Why?”

I’m getting really sick of hearing that word come out of your mouth. You have to give me the go-ahead, and it tells me I have your consent. Be aware that when that happens, we won’t go back, and I’ll be all over you as much as I can.”

I’m scared.”

I know. When I get my cock inside of you the first time, I’ll do everything in my power to make it good. There will be pain, but after, I’ll give you so much pleasure you’ll beg me to fuck you all the time.”

She exhaled and nodded.

I need the words.”

God, was she ready to give herself to this man? She had just met him, for God’s sake.

Would she be able to handle the MC lifestyle and the people involved? Her thoughts went back to the night before when she realized how safe she felt. She knew she wasn’t going to give that up. She’d make this life the best she could.

You’re thinking too much. We’re not hurting anyone if we have sex. You and I both know you want it. I can see your cream drip from your cunt. I don’t want to wait for us to learn things about each other before we fuck. How about you?

She exhaled and raised her arms. “Make love to me.”