Striker’s Claim by Lila Fox

Chapter Nine

Kristina watched him leave and had the overwhelming urge to call him back. He was the only one she felt safe with in so long. She couldn’t even remember feeling secure with her mom. It was unreasonable to trust someone she didn’t know, and a motorcycle guy to boot, but she’d felt safe with him from the beginning.

And then, when she lived with just her sister, it had gotten so much worse. She couldn’t remember what a good night’s sleep felt like or how it felt to be rested throughout the day instead of starting to yawn at two in the afternoon and not stopping until she was able to go to bed.

She turned on the TV and surfed through the channels for several minutes until she gave up and shut it off. After crawling out of bed, she flipped on the bathroom light, and then turned off the overhead one, so the room was mostly dark.

Only a few minutes ticked by until sleep tugged her down.


Several hours later, he walked in to see her asleep. He strode to the bed and stood over her. A bit of moonlight came in through the window, and then the light from the bathroom made it so he could see her.

She lay on her side with her hands tucked under her cheek. If he hadn’t seen papers that stated she was born twenty-three years ago, he’d think she was twelve, and he wasn’t into that shit. He liked women and only women. He’d tried a guy in the past when he’d been drunk, but it didn’t do anything for him.

Fortunately, she had all the equipment he needed. He’d seen her mature nipples trying to poke through the fabric as she walked out of the bathroom earlier, and he’d seen the shadow of her pubic hair when she slid into bed.

The trip to her house to get her things had been uneventful. Feral told him the sister hadn’t shown her face.

He’d wanted to call church that night to explain the situation, but many of the guys were already either drunk, stoned, or fucking, and he knew they’d be no good to him at the moment.

Instead, he turned and went into the bathroom, shed his clothes, and stepped into the shower. He’d had an extra-large one put in because of his size, and he was thrilled he’d done it. In a regular shower, he was bumping his elbows and shoulder against the sides so much he would be pissed and ready to tear someone apart by the time he got out.

He washed quickly, dried off, and brushed his teeth before sliding into bed behind her. Then he listened to her breathing to make sure he hadn’t woken her, and curled his body around her.

One of his hands was pressed against her stomach, and he maneuvered the other one until her head lay on his shoulder. When he finally got situated, he took a breath and relaxed. Her scent wrapped around him and made his cock even harder. Fuck, maybe this hadn’t been the best idea. Now he’d have the hard-on from hell for the rest of the night. But there was no way he’d leave her, so he sucked it up.

He loved it when she snuggled up against him later that night. When she rolled away from him a few times during her sleep, he woke up and pulled her back into his arms.

Striker would never admit it to anyone else but himself, but it felt so right to have her in his bed. It was like she’d belonged there all along.

Now, he just had to get her under him so he could fully claim his woman. Only then would he be at peace.