Striker’s Claim by Lila Fox

Chapter Nineteen

After close to an hour, Striker stood. “Okay, that’s it for now. We’ll talk more about it tomorrow.”

Feral laughed. “Yeah, you’ve got some sucking up to do.”

Striker snorted and walked out of the room. Right away, he could tell something was wrong because no one would look at him. He guessed they’d heard part of what he said to Kris and were pissed at him.

He whistled to get everyone’s attention. “I know you’re probably pissed at the way I treated Kris. I know I fucked up, and I will make it right. Give me a few hours.”

The door slammed shut behind him, making him turn, and Stone walked in.

Where the fuck have you been?” Striker asked.

Giving a friend a ride.”

Striker rolled his eyes and turned back to the group. “For the rest of the day, don’t interrupt me unless you really need to.”

He started for the stairs.

Striker,” Stone shouted.

He turned. “What?”

You won’t find K up in your room.”

Striker studied his friend’s face and knew beyond a shadow of a doubt he’d fucked up more than he thought he did.

Striker took a few steps toward him and stopped. “Who was the friend you took to town?”

You know who,” Stone replied.

Don’t fuck with me right now. I’m about ready to lose it.”

Kristina. I took her to town.”

Jesus Christ, why would you do that?”

Stone shrugged. “Because she asked me to, and I don’t blame her. If someone had said that shit to me, they’d be dead.”

Fuck, listen. I know I fucked up, and I’ll make it right. Some shit happened last night, and it concerns Kris.”

I told her.”

Striker looked at Stone. “Everything? You told her that I did it? What the hell did she say?”

Something along the lines of ‘Am I a bad person for not caring that my sister is dead, especially since she’s the only family she had?’ I told her about your involvement, but she didn’t blink an eye. She knew it had to be done.”

Striker pressed his fingers against the bridge of his nose. “We’re her family, goddammit.”

She doesn’t think so. I tried to reason with her, but she wouldn’t listen to me. I get why she left, though. I wouldn’t stay with someone who said that shit.”

I fucked up, okay?” Striker yelled.

Stone nodded. “Yeah, and it cost you the best thing you’ve ever had.”

The fuck it did. Saddle up, boys, were going to head to town and bring her home.”

He started for the front of the building.

She’s not there, man. She’s headed to Florida.”

His head spun, and he felt like he was about ready to blow. “What? Why?”

She wanted to take a bus, and she had three choices. She chose Florida. I made sure I knew which one and what direction they were headed.”

Fuck that. We’re going to get her. They can’t be too far ahead of us.”

Stone nodded. “The bus left about twenty minutes ago. Going south.”

Striker raced out of the club and jumped on his bike. He and about fifteen of his men roared out of town.

Within an hour and driving well above the speed limit, he saw the bus ahead. He pointed at four of his guys to get in front of the bus, and the rest followed him. He came alongside the driver’s window and yelled. “Stop. We’re not going to hurt you.”

He finally heard the bus gear down, and then, when it was slow enough, it stopped on the side of the road. Striker got off his bike and started up the steps of the bus.

He was getting what belonged to him no matter what happened.


She heard the roar of the motorcycles, closed her eyes, and rested her head against the seat. Would she think of them every time she heard one? Would she ever be able to forget the people she’d become so close to?

Her eyes jerked open when the bus started to slow and then stop. The people around her started whispering and getting upset.

When she heard his voice, her stomach dropped, and she scooched down in the seat.

She peeked over the shoulder of the guy in front of her to see Striker raise his hands.

I’m not here to hurt anyone. I’m just here to get what’s mine.”

What is it?” some guy asked.

My woman.”

She pressed her face into her hands and sobbed. She didn’t want to say goodbye to him.

Kris, come here. If I have to find you, I’m going to be pissed.”

She saw how that agitated everyone, and a few were even crying.

Is he yours, dear?” she whispered.

Kristina looked over at the older woman she’d talked to and nodded. “He used to be.”

Oh, I don’t think you’ll be getting away from him any time soon. He looks like he’s about ready to hurt someone. Why don’t you talk to him?”

Kris,” he barked.

Kristina sighed, wiped her face off, and stood. “Stop scaring them, Striker. Just say what you’re going to so we can get going.”

He stalked toward her and didn’t stop until he was right before her and cupped her face.

You’re going home with me.”

She shook her head and cried. “I don’t have a home.”

You goddamn do, and it’s with me. I know I fucked up, but I want you to let me explain.”

Fine, go ahead.”

Not here.”

She felt more tears fill her eyes again. “I can’t do that again. Let me go now before I get hurt worse.”

You won’t be, babe. I learned a harsh lesson. I’ll try my best not ever to upset you or piss you off. I swear it on my Prez patch.”

Her breath shuddered into her lungs. She knew how much that patch meant to him.

I’ll come back with you, but that doesn’t mean I’ll stay. I’ll listen to what you have to say.”

He held out his hand. “I’ll take it.”

She set hers in his much larger one before she turned back to the older woman. “Thank you. Have a good trip.”

The woman nodded. “I hope it all works out.”

Striker pulled her along. She apologized to the bus driver as she was stepping off. “Wait, I need my bag.”

I’ve got it, K. Let’s go home. I’m hungry,” Stone said.

She smiled at Stone and rolled her eyes. “You’re always hungry.”

Yeah, what’s your point?”

She laughed, feeling light-hearted already being close to them, and let Striker help her onto the back of his bike. She automatically wrapped her arms around him.

With a deafening roar, the bikes started and headed back to town.

There was no way for them to talk, so she kept quiet and laid her head against his back, savoring the fact she was near him and that he wanted to fight for her. Tears came to her eyes when he reached back and caressed her leg.

When they pulled into the yard, it seemed like everyone came out to see them. She smiled and waved at everyone as he lifted her off the bike. He grabbed her hand and started pulling her into the club, then up the steps.

When they got to their room, he shut and locked the door before he started to strip her.

Wait. I thought we were going to talk,” she said but did nothing to stop him.

And we will. But first, I need to be inside of you. If that’s something you don’t want, tell me now.”

She shook her head. That was exactly where she wanted to be.