Striker’s Claim by Lila Fox

Chapter Twenty

A few weeks later, Kristina was nervous when a small group of men who lived on the road and moved constantly walked in. Striker had called them nomads, and he appeared to know them well, and fortunately seemed to trust them. They were all dirty, hungry, and tired.

He wanted her and Sally to feed them and then hide upstairs together for the rest of the night.

Striker brought the men through the kitchen to head outside and didn’t stop to talk, which she was okay with. She and Sally pressed close together, kept their heads down, and continued stirring.

Kristina thought they were out of the woods when another man came through.

There you are, woman. I’ve been looking for you. You’re mine all night.”

She can’t,” Kristina blurted out.

Why the fuck not?” he asked.

Oh, God. It was hard to think under pressure. “She has a disease.”

The man’s head snapped back as if she’d hit him. “What the fuck kind of disease?”


The man looked pissed. “Fuck. What about you?”

I belong to Striker.”


We’ve got eight women here, and there’s a bar in town that always has a ton of women.”

Maybe. But I was looking forward to Sally,” he said and walked out into the backyard. The door slammed back against the doorjamb.

Kristina’s head whipped around at someone clearing their throat.

Shit, girls. If he finds out you lied, he’s going to be pissed,” Stone said from the other doorway.

Can’t we spread the rumor around so no one will touch her?”

Stone glanced at Sally. “Is that what you want? Because if you tell them that but later want to fuck one of them, you won’t get to.”

Kristina looked at Sally. “It’s up to you.”

Do I have to be with the guys?” Sally asked.

Stone shook his head. “Fuck, no. We don’t do rapes here.”

Sally looked at her. “We better tell Striker.”

Kristina pressed on her stomach. “I will tell him when he comes in.”

Stone nodded. “Good. If you’re about done, Sally, you need to go and hide in your room for the night. The men aren’t allowed upstairs, but it could happen, so make sure you lock your door.”

Thank you, Stone.”

Kristina turned to Sally. “You’re going upstairs now. Take some food and water. I don’t want you going out unless it’s necessary, like you can’t hold your pee. Put things in front of the door, too.”

They rushed through, getting what she needed, and then Kristina walked her to the stairs.

Go. I’ll come to check on you later.”

What if you get in trouble?” Sally asked worriedly.

Everything will be fine. You know Striker wouldn’t hurt me or let anyone else.”

Sally relaxed.

Go,” Kristina said.

She almost crashed into Stone when she turned.

You going out to tell him?”

Yeah. I’ll tell Striker and let him decide what I should do.”

Stone nodded. “The sooner, the better.”

I’ll go now. Tell me, if that guy wants Sally, can he just take her?”

Fuck no. If she says no, it means no.”

Good. As long as she’s safe.”

You know you’ll get punished, right?”

Kristina nodded. Her stomach was already upset with dread, and it kept building.

D … do you know what he’ll do to me?” she asked Stone.

Whatever he does, he’s not going to hurt you. You know that.”

She exhaled. She did know that.

Okay, I’m going now.”

I’ll follow you out for support.”

Good, I need it,” she whispered.

Stone chuckled behind her.