The Trouble with #9 by Piper Rayne


Paisley allows me to distract her from the issue of therapy, for which I’m thankful. I’ve been this way since Armen died and nothing is going to change. The sooner she realizes I don’t need fixing, the faster we can move on from that.

Later that week, I knock on her office door and hear her say, “Come in.”

“How’s my favorite doctor?” I say, shutting the door and resting my hand on the lock.

She glances up from papers she’s reading. “Do not lock that door.”

The lock clicks as I turn it, and she gives me a stern teacher look.

“Please don’t hurt me,” I say in an innocent voice.

“Why do I think you want me to spank you?” She raises an eyebrow.

I turn around and push out my ass. “Have at it. Although I don’t think I’m the one who likes to be spanked.”

She rolls her eyes, but she can’t fight the smile breaking through. I discovered two nights ago that Paisley Pearce likes it when I spank her. Likes when her ass is red with my handprint. How fucking lucky am I? Never in all the years I’ve been fucking has a woman surprised me like she has, but she treats missionary like a death sentence. She’s kinky as fuck and I love it.

“Do you have a reason you’re here? Shouldn’t you be, oh, I don’t know, practicing?”

“I’ll have you know I came to deliver a gift.”

“Let me guess.” She abandons her papers and walks around her desk. “It’s long and thick and its favorite direction is north?”

“Ding. Ding. Dick, tell the lady what she’s won?”

Her laughter fills the office. “I think I won dick.”

I break the distance between us, wrapping my arms around her small frame and pulling her toward me. “Hey.”

“Hey,” she says back and looks up at me. “Why are you really here?”

“I’m here to invite you to dinner. Nadiya wants to get to know you. Are you game? If not, I’ll totally lie for you.”

I try to tamp down my expectations. This Nadiya thing is still new to her, but my parents are coming to America for Nadiya’s graduation in a month, and it would be nice if Paisley feels comfortable with more than just me. Especially since they’ll probably speak Russian the entire time.

“Okay, when?”

A smile splits my face. I’m surprised but pleased that she agreed so easily. “As soon as we get back from Nashville. The next night.”

She nods. “I’ll be there. What can I bring?”

“Nothing. I’m going to make you dinner. And bring your swimsuit, because Nadiya is going out after with friends and we’ll have the place to ourselves.”

“So…” She places her hand on my chest. “Let me get this straight, your roommate is leaving for the night, and you want me to bring my swimsuit?”

I laugh. “Blyat, what am I thinking? Bring the swimsuit and I’ll punish you.”

“With spankings?” she asks coyly.

“Maybe I’ll tie you up.”

“No objections here.” Her hands fall to my track pants.

I’m freshly showered after practice and had planned on heading home before I realized I could play a little doctor and patient before leaving.

Her hand slides down the front and her mouth makes an O when she realizes I’m going commando. “Surprise, surprise.”

“Lucky you,” I say. “One day I hope to find the same surprise.”

“I guess you’ll have to keep checking.” She pushes me down into her desk chair and falls to her knees. She rubs my length over my pants, squeezing while my fingers grip the armrests of her chair. “I think my gift wants to be unwrapped.” Her voice is sultry.

“You have no idea how much,” I manage to say through clenched teeth.

She takes the waistband of my pants and pulls it up and over my cock. Her eyes are glued to mine and my dick weighs heavy in her right hand as she licks the length of me.

My hands weave into her long curly strands. “Fuck, kotik, that feels incredible.”

All I get is a “mmm.”

Her eyes never stray as she wraps her lips around the head of my cock and sucks. My hands tighten in her hair. Her tongue twirls over the head and her other hand wraps around the base, pumping as I thrust into her mouth, wanting to get as deep as possible but knowing she can’t take all of me.

She works me expertly anyway—twirling, sucking, pulling, tugging. Even her gentle strokes have me on the edge. Before I realize what’s happening, blackness swallows me up as I pump into her mouth and come without warning.

Afterward, my eyes bug open and I look down at her, but my cock comes out of her mouth with a pop and I watch her swallow, a satisfied smile on her perfect lips. How fucking hot is that?

I place my hand on her cheek, running my thumb along her soft skin. “You’re amazing.”

“I just sucked your cock, of course I’m amazing.”

She tucks me into my pants and climbs into my lap. I hold her close, placing my finger under her chin and turning her face toward me so I can kiss her.

“Even if you didn’t just blow me, you’d still be amazing.” I place my lips to hers and the taste of me on her tongue undoes me. Makes me want to take her to my place and never let her out because lately a new emotion has risen inside me—the fear that I’ll lose her for some reason.

“Okay, sweet talker, time for you to go because I have one of your teammates coming in to see me. You know that whole three sessions thing Mr. Gerhardt wants you all to do.” She gives me an unimpressed look.

“You’d think now that you’re my girlfriend, you’d lie for me.” I hold her to my body, wanting to keep her close.

“The G-word… that’s a big word.” She gets up off my lap and I groan. I’ve never had it this bad for a woman before.

“Girlfriend? Aren’t you?”

She grabs a file folder off the desk and places it over by the chair where she sits during her sessions. “Are you sure?”

Kotik, with the feelings running through me for you, you’re lucky I haven’t proposed.”

She turns toward me and her shoulders fall. I swear she’s tearing up. I love that I’m the first guy to ever make her feel as special as she is. It makes me feel ten feet tall.

“Maksim…” She bites her lower lip. “That was really sweet.”

“I mean every word of it. Now stop running away from me.” I walk over to her and bring her into my arms once more. “Tell me you’re my girlfriend.”

She nods.

“I need the words.”

“Yes, I’m your girlfriend. But we can’t tell anyone until I’m not your therapist anymore and I get a chance to talk to Mr. Gerhardt.”

“Sign off on the third session then.” I raise my eyebrows.

She’s reluctant and I have no idea why, other than this notion of hers that I need therapy. “I’ll just tell him I’m referring you.”

“And then I have to talk to whoever that person is. I don’t want to talk to anyone.”

She goes still in my arms, her hands on my chest. “I really think you should. Losing Armen the way you did—”

I step away from her. “I’m not talking to someone. End of discussion. I don’t need someone to validate my feelings—or worse, tell me I’m not responsible. It is what it is and I don’t want to relive it all over again only to end exactly where I am.” Even I hear the anger in my tone.

“Fine. But our relationship remains a secret until I have time to talk to Mr. Gerhardt. With the way the season is going, I say we keep this between us until the season is over. I’m sure he’ll lighten up then.”

“As always, you have brilliant ideas.” I move in to kiss her and she lets me, but there’s no feeling behind it. I’ll have to make up for my outburst tonight. Maybe with my tongue and some whipped cream.

“Now you need to go.”

A knock sounds on the door and I look at her with wide eyes.

“Just answer it,” she says.

I walk over and open the door to see Mr. Gerhardt.

“Big man, how are you?” he asks. “I’m glad to see you’re here. Are you two just finishing up?”

You’d think the owner would know the practice schedule, but whatever.

“Yeah, just finished with my third session.” If Paisley won’t lie, I will.

“Really? So you’re done?” His bushy eyebrows move toward his hairline.

“Technically, our first session wasn’t much of one, so I’d like one more with you, Maksim,” she says sweetly.

Damn her.

“Sure,” I say, inwardly rolling my eyes. Why won’t she let this whole situation with Armen slide? He wasn’t her best friend. It was ages ago and I’ve made my peace with it, know what I have to do. I miss him like hell, and I’ll never let anyone else get hurt on my watch. She needs to let it rest. “I better get going. Nice seeing you, Mr. Gerhardt. Bye, Dr. Pearce.”

Before the door shuts, all I hear is Mr. Gerhardt saying how disappointed he was that she missed the date he set her up on. What the hell is he talking about? Half of me wants to storm in there to demand answers, but I keep my eyes on the door because I can’t demand answers when no one knows I’ve fallen for our team psychologist.

On the way out to my car, my phone rings and I pick it up, seeing my mom’s number.

“Mama,” I answer.


“Yes.” I roll my eyes because of my mood. No doubt she’d smack me if she were here to see.

“Nadiya is graduating.”

A small smile tugs the corner of my lips. Normally my mother would speak Russian to me, but she always seems to use English before an impending trip to America. I think she uses me for practice. I climb into my Mercedes and hook her up to the Bluetooth.


“Yeah, Mama, I’m here. I know Nadiya is graduating.”

“We got tickets. I send you our itinerary.”

I nod even though she can’t see me. “Good.”

“You sound sad.”

“Nah, I’m good.” I leave the parking lot and head toward my place.

“Good. Nadiya doesn’t want to come home after school done.”

“I know.” I’ve talked about it with Nadiya before, but my mom doesn’t need to know that.

“Maybe you find her good job so she can stay?”

“She doesn’t want to work for the hockey team, and I’m not even sure I could make that happen anyway.”

“I was talking to her mother the other day. We have another solution.” I can’t wait to hear this. “You marry her.”

“What?” I screech, almost swerving off the road.

“Marry her. She’s good girl. Our families are close. What’s the problem?”

My hands tighten on the steering wheel. “The problem is I don’t love her.”

“Love. You kids and your love. You love her. Maybe not in love with her, but she’s Armen’s sister, you love her.”

Of course I love Nadiya like a sister, but they’re crazy if they think I’m going to marry her.

“She could stay in country. It’d be big favor to her parents. Make everyone happy. Even Armen up in heaven.”

“Armen never wanted me near Nadiya. That was clear and I always respected his wishes.”

“He’d feel different now. You have success. You give her security and anything she want.”

I release a long breath. “I gotta go, Mama. I’ll call you in a couple days.”

“Don’t forget to be at the airport.”

“I will. Bye, Mama.”

I click off our call and pull over on the side of the road, shoving the car in park. I think she might’ve been serious. What the hell?