The Trouble with #9 by Piper Rayne


Nashville is a beautiful city. Especially when Maksim is in my hotel bed. So far, only one Fury teammate knows about us and that’s only because he’s Maksim’s roommate on the road.

This will probably be my last time traveling with the team since almost every player has completed their three sessions. Plus, it’s unlikely the Fury are going to make the playoffs, so their season will be ending soon too. I think a handful of the players will choose to continue meeting with me outside of Mr. Gerhardt’s requirements, but that will be between us, and nothing to do with the Fury.

“Tonight, after the game, is our sixth date,” he says, naked in my bed.

“So tell me, which do you prefer… porn or me before a game?” I lie on top of him, our naked bodies pressed along one another’s.

“You, of course.”

I kiss him briefly and slide off him. “Now you can have your nap. I have one more session with Tweetie.”

“Do you seriously have to go? I nap so much better on your tits.” He leans his head on his hand that’s propped up with his elbow.

“Sorry, these pillows come with me.” I secure my bra and slide on my panties. “But they’re yours tonight again.”

“About tonight,” he says. “Some of the guys got wind and want to come, so we’ll have to play it cool.”

“Okay.” I shrug. It’s not ideal, but it will still be fun.

We plan to go on one of those moving pubs where people sit on either side and pedal to drive it around downtown.

“I want everyone to know you’re mine. When are we coming out?”

I finish putting on my slacks and blouse, then slide my feet into my heels. “I’m done with the team after everyone has their three sessions. Including you.” I tap him on the nose. “So?”

I hate that I’ve become a nag on this subject. I’m only being a stickler about it because I really think he would benefit from talking to someone. Clearly, he carries a lot of guilt when it comes to Armen.

He rolls his eyes. “Fine.”

“I’m just saying, you’re the one responsible for us coming out. The sooner I finish everyone’s therapy, the sooner I’m not working for the Fury anymore.”

“And then you’re going back to your private practice permanently.”

I hope business picks up or that some of the team continues their therapy beyond what Mr. Gerhardt has required of them. Something to keep the business afloat. Who knows? Maybe next year Mr. Gerhardt will request my presence again. “Yep. So you’ll have to hand out your girlfriend’s business cards.”

“I’ll be like Aiden when he’s chatting up his girlfriend’s skill.”

“Perfect.” I lean over the bed and kiss him quickly. “Sweet dreams.”

He places his hand on the back of my neck and holds me to him, deepening the kiss. God, I can’t believe he’s mine sometimes. Almost as though it’s too good to be true.

Later that night, after the Fury win with a score of two to one, I’m waiting for Maksim and the rest of his teammates to come out of the arena.

It’s the first time I’ve ever waited out here and noticed how many fans linger around, hoping for an autograph or a picture. And it’s the first time I’ve seen how many of the fans are women. No wonder they have the expression puck bunnies.

I feel overdressed in my jeans and an off-the-shoulder blouse. They all have their phones in hand, and I watch as they perk up their breasts and adjust their shirts to show a little more cleavage.

When the door to the building opens, the women murmur to themselves, rising on their tiptoes to get a better view. The deep voices of the team echo into the night air. I wait patiently behind the group, not needing an autograph.

Tweetie comes out first, fist raised and signs a few signatures. He takes a few selfies with some girls but then climbs into the bus to head back to the hotel. Roadie only waves and hands his bag to the bus driver, stepping into the bus without really stopping. A few of the younger guys get swallowed up in the mass of girls. I’m sure they’ll be emerging with lipstick on their faces.

Then Ford comes out and stops in front of a group of girls calling his name. He gets pictures with them, and they all hang off him as though they’d welcome an orgy if he made the request.

Aiden and Maksim walk out together. Aiden stops in front of a boy and his father while Maksim weaves through the crowd with a smile, walking toward me.

Then a girl calls his name. I hear the Russian accent. He turns away from me and she’s greeted with the same smile he just had for me. The two of them talk, and I’m stricken by how beautiful she is. Long lean legs, blonde hair, perfect makeup. His face grows serious as he talks to her and she looks at the ground—disappointed, I think. Just as he’s about to leave her, she grabs his elbow, thrusts herself at him, and kisses him on the lips.

My eyes widen, but I pretend my heart isn’t racing, that I don’t want to go over there and rip her off my man. Maksim lightly pushes her away, wiping his face with his forearm. He says something to her in Russian, then walks over to me.

“She kissed me,” he whispers when he reaches me, but I’m stricken—and mute apparently.

There are no words for me to say. I can’t believe I saw the man I’m falling for in a kiss with another woman, even if he didn’t kiss her back.

I nod.

“Let’s go.” He nods toward the road, drops his bag with the bus driver, and tries to flag down a taxi.

Aiden and Ford are suddenly at our sides.

“Shit, Petrov, the way she smacked those lips on you. I can’t believe you turned her down,” Ford says, clasping Maksim’s shoulder.

Aiden gives me an apologetic look. “Fans overstep all the time.”

“But since when does Petrov deny them? I thought for sure she’d be coming with us.”

Ford is Maksim’s good friend. They hang out after games and during the off-season. I think he knows Maksim pretty well, which means that when Maksim told me he didn’t really ever screw the puck bunnies, he lied.

“Shut up, Ford,” Maksim murmurs.

Some of the younger teammates join us on the curb with a group of bunnies. Great, this is going to be a fun night.

“I think I’m out. Saige would have my ass if pictures got out in the press.” Aiden turns and heads back to the bus. I want to beg him to take me with him.

“You’re so whipped!” Ford yells after him.

“And I love it,” Aiden yells back, climbing into the bus.

Maksim slides between Ford and me.

“Whoa, I’m with the shrink tonight.” Ford swings his arm over my shoulders.

Two taxis arrive, and somehow, I end up in the back with Ford and another player while Maksim rides in the front, the rest of our party following in the taxi behind us. I’m not looking forward to this night anymore.

We end up getting two taverns on wheels. I’m with Ford, Maksim, a rookie, and two bunnies. At least it’s not the Russian bunny. Because of the way it works out, I end up between Ford and the rookie while Maksim is between the puck bunnies. It’s pure hell, even if they aren’t all that handsy and flirtatious. I think maybe they just want to hang out with the team, not get into anybody’s bed.

As we’re drinking and pedaling, the boys complain about being tired, Maksim more so than the rest.

“How about we hop off and go back to the hotel?” the one girl says.

So much for just wanting to hang with the team.

“Nah. I’m good here.” Maksim eyes me over the table.

I sip my beer. “When is your baby due?” I ask Ford because I’d rather engage in conversation than watch these two talk up my secret boyfriend.

Ford balks. “Paisley, we don’t talk about my baby mama with ladies present.”

I shake my head. “My mistake.”

I can’t believe this guy is going to be a father.

He leans in and whispers, “Very soon.”

I nod. Although the girls were clearly trying to eavesdrop, I don’t think they heard.

Since Ford is all about scoring with one of the ladies, I leave him and Maksim to talk with the girls and I set my attention on the rookie. His name is Prescott and he goes by Prez. He was just traded in a few months ago and he barely makes it off the bench. He’s originally from North Dakota and has no idea what to do in Florida, so I give him some ideas of places and restaurants to check out.

By the time the night ends and we make it back to the hotel, I’m barely able to keep my irritation in check. This certainly wasn’t the date I expected.

I say good night to the group as Ford, Prez, and Maksim walk the girls into the hotel lounge. In the elevator, all I can do is stare at the numbers as the car continues to rise. I know we’re not supposed to act like a couple in public, but I could do without Maksim actively flirting with someone else.

As soon as I’m in my hotel room, I strip down and throw my clothes by my suitcase and turn on the water for the shower. I was sweating so badly while pedaling. All I want is to shower and go to bed and not even think about what Maksim is doing.

I’m just about to go into the bathroom when my hotel room door buzzes and opens. Maksim walks in as though he owns the place.

“Excuse me?” I grab a towel to cover myself.

“Why are you covering yourself up?” His eyebrows are raised.

“Um, because I’m naked.”

“I’ve seen you naked.”

“How did you get a key for my room?” I change the subject.

“I told them I was your boyfriend. Voilà.” He holds up the key card.

“Well, that makes me feel safe.”

“Were you disappointed it wasn’t Prez? I could call him right now for you.” He sits on the edge of my bed and takes off his shoes and socks.

“What? I wasn’t the one all over a bunch of puck bunnies tonight.”

He looks at me with irritation. “You were talking to him the entire night.”

“And you were lip-locked with some Russian chick before the night even started.”

“I pushed her off. I didn’t ask her to do it.”

I stand in the bathroom doorway, waiting for a better answer.

“So what? Prez was payback?” He stands and takes off the rest of his clothes, leaving him in only his boxers.

“What are you talking about? I had a pleasant conversation with the guy while you and Ford chatted up those girls. That’s all. Why don’t you tell me who the Russian really is?”

He puts his hands on his hips. “She’s someone I’ve seen here before. Her name is Alina.”

I suspected as much but hoped I was wrong. “You mean someone you hook up with when you come through Nashville?”

“On occasion. But I told her it was over. That I’m seeing someone now.”

I shake my head. “I gotta take a shower.”

Heading straight for the shower, I stand under the stream of water, a million questions accosting my brain and a million emotions swirling through my heart. Does he have hookups in every city? How will I ever deal with his life when I’m not traveling with him? I understand a little better now why it’s hard for Saige. Trust is huge and hard for me to give. Do I have what it takes to handle dating a professional athlete? I mean, my dad wasn’t famous and look what he did. He didn’t have to face temptation from women every time he clocked out for the day.

The fogged up glass door slides aside and Maksim steps in. “We’re going to talk about this.”

“I’m busy.”

“Paisley,” he says with a bite.

“Maksim,” I impersonate his tone.

“She means nothing.”

“Prez was just someone to talk to. I don’t like it though. I don’t like the girls. I don’t like the way it makes me feel.” Water streams down my body and I think it’s all the better to hide the tears brimming in my eyes.

“Good thing I only like one girl,” he says with a smile. He always says the sweetest things. He takes me into his arms, turns me around, and shampoos my hair. “Have I ever told you how much I love your hair?”

“About a hundred times.” I allow the distraction, leaning along his body after he’s washed and conditioned my hair. I look up at him, feeling more vulnerable than ever. “Maksim, please don’t hurt me.”


Afterward, Maksim dries me off, picks me up, lays me on the bed, and makes love to me—missionary style.