The Trouble with #9 by Piper Rayne


Iwalk into Mr. Gerhardt’s office for the last time as someone who works for him.

“I’m leaving now,” I say.

“I can’t convince you to stay?” Mr. Gerhardt rises from his office chair.

“I don’t think I’m meant to work here. If anyone needs me, send them to my main office.”

It was a tough decision, but I signed off on everyone but Maksim. I just can’t in good conscience allow him to skate out of therapy when he might be the one on the team who needs it the most. And that’s saying a lot when his teammate is Ford.

“So… Maksim?” He lowers his chin and looks at me from under his bushy eyebrows.

“Jana told you.” I can’t even be mad at her at this point. I was terrified for the man in front of me to know, and now that he does, it feels very anticlimactic given the circumstances.

He nods. “But only after I questioned her after hearing about you two being the first ones at the hospital together. You could’ve told me. I feel like a fool that I kept setting you up.”

“It’s against the rules for me to be involved with a patient.”

He laughs. “Oh, Paisley, my rule follower. I always knew my daughter picked the best friend. My wild child needs a girl like you to keep her in line. But sometimes rules are meant to be broken. Someone said that once.”

I cringe. “Not when it comes to the ethics of my profession. But I did it anyway. My conscience tells me I never acted as his therapist though, so I guess that makes it a little better.”

He looks over my shoulder, seeming to be thinking, then meets my gaze squarely and huffs. “When I first met Maksim, I wanted him on the Fury. A lot of teams felt the same way. With his size, he could be a big contributor. He was from Russia, and I think people assume Russians can be cold, cutthroat when they need to. Like they don’t bleed or something. But Maksim bleeds, he feels. Doesn’t he?”

Wetness coats my eyes when I think of what Maksim has endured. I nod, wiping my eyes with the backs of my hands.

“Oh, sweetheart.” He comes around his desk, takes me by my upper arms, and pulls me in for a hug, more of a father to me than my own. “That’s why I wanted him. I don’t want some player with no emotion out there on the ice. I wanted a guy who could be part of a team, a good guy for the community. Maybe that’s why I’ve been so hard on him this year, wanting him to straighten himself out. Maybe I pushed too hard.”

I pull back. “I suggested he try therapy with a colleague of mine. Obviously you can do what you want since I didn’t sign off, but it might help.” I can’t say much more than that without feeling as though I’m betraying Maksim’s confidentiality.

He nods as though maybe he’s familiar with Maksim’s story. “I appreciate everything. I know this didn’t work out like we planned, but I think in the end, you coming here might have changed your life for the better.”

I shake my head. “Maksim and I are done. It was nice while it lasted, but we’re over.”

He purses his lips. “Take it from an old man. Nothing is black and white. Always keep your heart open for a second chance.”

“Thanks, Mr. Gerhardt. I better get going.” I want to be out of here before the players come in for practice.

He kisses my cheek. “Come by for dinner soon.”

“I will.”

I leave his office and head to mine to grab the last box—only to find Maksim standing in the middle of the room. My heart betrays me and skips a beat because he looks almost happy.

“Maksim,” I say, grabbing my box.

“Paisley, can I have a word?”

“No, I don’t think so. I have to get going.” I walk out of the office and he follows. “Please just leave me alone.”

“I can’t do that because we never had our ninth date.”

“That’s because we’re not dating anymore. Did you forget we broke up?” I press the elevator button and purposely look away from him.

“Oh, I remember. I’ve been depressed over it for days until I figured out that I don’t want to break up.”

Ugh, anger makes my blood pressure rise. “How nice for you. Should I jump into your arms or let you fuck me in the elevator because you’ve decided you don’t want our relationship to end? Screw you.”

The elevator doors open, and he takes a step forward to follow me, but the maintenance guy is in it with a big trash receptacle and I’ve taken up all the available room. This couldn’t be more perfect.

“Sorry, no room.” I press the button to close the doors.

Maksim removes his hand when the doors don’t stop from closing. Got to love mechanical difficulties when they work in your favor.

“Sorry,” I say to the maintenance guy as we go down.

He shakes his head.

The elevator stops on the ground floor and I file out, heading to the parking lot. As I reach the doors, the emergency staircase door opens, and a breathless Maksim rushes out.

“Just listen to me.”

I stop at the door and rest the box on my hip. “What?”

“I love you.”

I give him a saccharine smile. “Nice. Bye.”

I walk out of the Fury building, but of course he follows me, running and walking backward in front of me while he talks.

“I’m serious and I know that’s not enough, but I’m going to do the work. I’m going to talk to someone. But I want to make sure you’ll wait for me.”

“You cannot be serious.”

“Please, kotik,” he says, and my last nerve sizzles and snaps.

“No!” I put up my finger. “Don’t use that word for me. You lost the right when you laughed off the idea of ever loving me to Jana. When you said those mean things to me. So my name is Paisley Pearce to you now.”

He bites the corner of his lip to stop from smiling.

God, I’d love to smack him across the face right now. “Stop laughing.”

“I’m sorry. Paisley then.” He holds up his hands. “I know you love me.”

I reach my car and put the box on the hood, turning around. “You have no idea what I feel for you right now.”

“You wouldn’t be talking to me if you didn’t. Plus, I know that the love we shared doesn’t just go away. The connection we have doesn’t disappear. Just wait for me. I promise I’m coming for you as soon as I have my head sorted out. I want to be someone you can be proud of.”

Another round of tears hits my eyes and I almost give in. I almost crack and let him back in my life, but then I remember his words and a fresh wave of pain hits me. “I am proud of you. I was proud of you. What you endured is more than most people go through and you got through it. That’s a testament to your strength and perseverance. But I put myself out there once and I got burned. I’m not sure I can do it again.”

I step forward, placing my hand over his heart. I close my eyes for a moment to gain the strength to put the final ax in this cord tying us to one another because I never again want to feel what I am right now.

“I’m so happy you’re going to get help, but don’t do it for me or for us. Do it for yourself. There’s no turning this thing between us around. I wish you the best of luck, Maksim.” I rise up on my tiptoes and kiss him on the cheek. Then I grab my box, climb into my car, and start the engine.

“This isn’t over. I’m not accepting no,” he says to my closed window.

Without looking at him, I drive off, leaving him in my rearview mirror.