His Dancer by Darcy Rose



When someone tempts you with an offer like the one Ace just offered me, it’s almost too hard to refuse. One dance and I won’t have to work day and night to attend college. I won’t have to choose between books or food. It’s a no-brainer to say yes, but something heavier weighs on my mind, stopping me from telling him yes.

One dance cannot be the only thing he wants, and while I’m willing to do a lot of things for money, I don’t know that I’m willing to sleep with this dark and dangerous man, no matter how handsome he might be.

My cheeks burn in anticipation of my next question.

“One dance? Are you sure that’s all you would want?”

Ace arches a brow. “What makes you think it would be more than that?”

I shrug. “I don’t know. My tuition costs a lot. Surely a dance isn’t worth that price.”

Darkness flashes in his eyes, and he plucks a piece of hair off my shoulder, his gaze moving from the strand to my face. “Do I look like a man who cares what the price of something is? If I want to pay you half a million dollars for a dance, then I will.”

Gulping, I nod my head, letting the social class difference sink in. I don’t know Ace very well, but I do know he isn’t a man to be messed with. A moment of silence passes between us, and Ace drops the strand of hair and pulls back, the loss of heat from his body leaving me cold.

“Can I have some time to think about it?”

Ace nods. “Of course. You can think about it all night while lying in your bed tonight.”

Shocked, I nearly leap off the couch. “You’re letting me go?”

A wicked grin that makes my stomach tighten and my heart race splits his face. “Oh no, I’m not letting you go. You aren’t getting away that easily. I’m returning you to your home for the evening.” The joy deflates right out of me. I should know better than to hope for something so far out of reach. Ace shoves from his chair, and I follow a second later, shamelessly staring at how perfectly his tailored dress slacks hug his ass.

I have to stop letting my hormones control my thoughts.

Turning around, he smirks and offers me his hand. I skirt my eyes away, even while knowing I was caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

Neither of us says anything on the walk out to the car. Ace’s men avert their gazes as we pass, and I tug at the bottom of his shirt, wishing I wore something less exposing.

The sound of the SUV unlocking makes me jump, and Ace’s strong hand comes to rest on my hip, steadying me. His touch is like a healing balm on my soul.

“It’s okay. You have nothing to be afraid of. No one here will hurt you.”

The need to retort, no one but you sits heavy on my tongue, but I swallow the words down instead. He helps me into the SUV and then walks around to the driver's side. I shiver in my seat, the cold leather seat not helping my predicament.

Ace turns up the heat and presses a button on the touch screen console. He pulls out of the empty parking lot, and I realize we’re in the middle of nowhere.

I try not to think of how bad tonight could’ve gone.

“What are you thinking about?” Ace asks, almost like he can read my thoughts.

“How bad tonight could’ve been…”

“You mean it wasn’t bad after all?” The hint of humor in his voice cuts right through the lingering tension.

“I mean, if you subtract the hood over my head and being kidnapped, I would say it wasn’t half bad.” I let out a little giggle.

I can see a faint smile on Ace’s lips from the streetlights that let slivers of light in as we pass. As we drive, I realize I didn’t tell him where to go but that he’s headed toward the university. I don’t remember telling him that I was staying in the dorms, but I’m not surprised he knows. It’s stupid to feel comfortable around him, but I do. I sink deeper into the leather and allow myself to relax the rest of the drive.

When we pull up to the dorms, I frown.

“Well, it was nice to meet you, even if it was under the circumstances that it was.” I grab the door handle but pause when Ace’s hand lands on my thigh, stopping me from moving.

That look of pure darkness he showed when I first met him is back on his face. He gives my thigh a squeeze that’s not painful but jarring.

“If you tell anyone what happened tonight... I’ll have to kill you, Cara.”

My eyes bulge from my head, and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth. Every time my mind lets me pretend everything is okay and casual, he does something to remind me it's anything but. All I can do is nod because what else is there to possibly say? If I needed a reminder of how wrong it is to be attracted to him, that was it.

He jerks his head in a get-the-fuck-out motion and releases his grasp on my thigh. With fire beneath my feet, I jump out of the vehicle with my clothes in hand and rush into the dorm, not even glancing backward once.

Thankfully, a girl is coming out as I’m going in, and I slip past her, only feeling marginally safe once I reach my room. Closing the door behind me, I twist the lock into place and let out a ragged breath.

Looking at Libby’s bed, I find it empty and trapeze over to my own bed, slamming down onto the hard twin-sized mattress. I’m happy to be alone, especially after what just went down. Now I just have to find a way to avoid Ace altogether, but something tells me it won’t be that easy.

* * *

I spendall night tossing and turning in bed, so when I wake up the following morning, I’m as grouchy as a bear. Class is in an hour, and I somehow managed to crawl out of bed, take a quick shower, and make a cup of coffee. Once presentable to the world, I grab my bag and head out to my first class. As I walk out of the dorm, I hesitate, wondering if he’s out there, waiting for me to show my face.

Fear slowly worms its way down my spine, and each step I take feels weighted. I have to force myself to walk through the door and outside.

“Everything is okay…” I mutter to myself while walking down the sidewalk toward my first class of the day. Everything is going good until I round the corner and run face-first into a huge muscled wall. The air wheezes from my lungs, and I almost trip over my own feet, trying to backpedal away from him.

Shoving his hand out toward me, I think maybe the man is trying to help me till I see the angry expression on his face and notice the sleek device in his hand.

“Take it.” He shoves the phone into my hand. “Ace wants you to have it. It’s a gift. Keep it on you at all times.” There’s a profound warning to his voice, and I don’t even attempt to give him the phone back. I’d like to make it through the rest of the day alive.

Nodding, I swallow my response down, and he brushes past me without saying another word, leaving me to stand there with my mouth gaping open. I don’t even have a second to gather my thoughts because the phone I was just given starts to ring.

Thinking isn’t an option because my brain is mush right now. Pressing the green answer key, I bring the phone to my ear.


“I see you got my gift.” I can picture the smile on his lips as if he was standing in front of me right now.

“You didn’t have to … I don’t need this…” I stumble over my words.

“But you do, and you can thank me later. Tonight at dinner.”

“Dinner?” I squawk.

“Yes, dinner. This evening. I’ll text you the details, and Cara … remember what I said. Don’t tell anyone anything … or else.”

The line goes dead, and I pull the phone away from my ear, staring down at the black screen. Another warning sign I should not get involved with this man, but what choice do I have? He’s not asking, he’s demanding, and I’m just afraid enough with a smidge of curiosity to give in.