His Dancer by Darcy Rose



Ican’t believe I let Ace touch me the way he did, and even more than that—I let him mark me and rub his release into my skin. It was heady, the sensation of his cum over my chest. I wanted to lie back and ask him to do it again. To cover me in him. What the hell is wrong with me? The danger must be going to my head because I’ve never been this way with any man before.

Not that I have a lot of experience or anything. I’ve only been with one guy, and after he took my virginity, he ran for the hills. This isn’t like that at all. The dark, depraved look Ace is giving me right now tells me he wants to spread my legs and devour me.

My lips are swollen from our kissing, and my heart beats as if it’s going to burst from my chest and fly away. I’m terrified of what’s to come next, but at the same time, there’s a burning need for this man in my veins. A curiosity. Is it wrong that I want him? A man I don’t know? Who kidnapped me and threatened me? My thighs tighten.

“I want you to come back to my place with me. Spend the night.” Maybe his words are intended to be a request, but that’s not how it sounds. It sounds more like a demand.

“Do you think that’s a good idea?” I ask hesitantly even as I feel the remains of his cum start to dry on my chest. My face feels hot, and I slowly cover myself, very aware that I’m still sitting on the floor, half-naked.

“Don’t,” he warns. I freeze with my hands cupped over my breasts. He gives me a hard look and then slowly lowers his eyes down, pointedly staring at where I’m covering myself.

I don’t know what comes over me. Were he anyone else, I would flip him the bird and immediately get up and grab my shit and leave. There’s something about Ace, though, and I find I don’t want to. Even if I could—even if I had the choice—I’m not sure I would. My arms slowly lower back to my sides, and he continues the conversation as if it’s perfectly normal for me to sit here with my breasts exposed to him.

He offers me a hand and lifts me to stand. “You will come,” he says.

“We don’t really know each other,” I point out, taking my hand back and glancing away awkwardly, excessively aware of how I must look to him right now, “and we didn’t exactly start off on the right foot.”

My words seem almost hollow, and a part of me can’t believe I’m saying all of this after what I just let him do to me. Going back to his place shouldn’t really be that big of a deal when he’s … when we’ve just … I shake my head, letting that train of thought disperse.

“The only way to get to know each other is to spend time together.” I turn my head and face him once more at those words. Surprisingly, he’s not gawking at my appearance. Instead, his eyes are settled firmly on my face, and there’s a heat within them. “After what we just did, I don’t think you have anything to worry about. We’ll get to know each other, sweet Cara, make no mistake.”

Again, it sounds more like a command than a suggestion. Like there’s really no other choice in the matter now. Why does that thought make my heart race, though? My hands come forward, twisting together. Nervousness makes me fidget, and though I know that’s what I’m doing right now, practically broadcasting my own thoughts to him, I can’t help it.

Cool air washes over my nipples, making them hard. Oh, how I wish he’d let me leave or at least pull something on. I feel vulnerable in front of him like this. A practical sacrifice to his desires. Sacrifices don’t normally like it, though, which just makes me think I’m the one who’s fucked up because I do. Oh, how I do.

Standing here, before him, covered in his cum with my chest on display all because he demanded it with his actions, because he wants it, makes me hot. Makes me want to accept his offer, and that, too, scares me.

Ace steps closer to me, and his hand moves forward, taking one of mine and cradling it against his palm to stop my movements. I don’t know what I expected from him, but it wasn’t … warmth. I look up and meet his eyes, and I know that he sees my fear, my uncertainty. There’s no doubt in my mind that he sees it all. I’m not exactly good at masking my thoughts. I never really considered that I might have to. Even if I was good at it, though, I have the distinct feeling that in the face of this man, it wouldn’t matter. He’s far more perceptive than most.

“There’s nothing to fear,” he says quietly. “There’s nothing to be worried about. I would never make you do anything you don’t want to do.”

His words penetrate my brain. He’s not wrong. So far, nothing he’s done—aside from kidnapping me—has been against my will. I nod because Ace is dark and definitely dangerous, but I don’t think he would do anything to endanger me. Not when he’s had the chance to do so more than once. Why would he? He has no reason to.

“Okay,” I finally say, exhaling as I give in. “I’ll come.”

Ace’s lips spread into a smile, and seeing him go from dark and serious to smiling damn near turns me into a puddle at his feet. He’s sexy as a brooding man, but when he smiles … he could kill. It’s both terrifying and orgasm-inducing. I suck in a quick breath as his hand clamps down on mine, and more of that warmth pours through me.

A part of me wants to deny it, but the truth is … I feel safe with him. I feel protected as if nothing can hurt me. “Let’s get you cleaned up,” he says.

Ace releases me and disappears out of the door for a moment before he returns with a clean but warm and damp towel, which he uses to wipe the cum from my chest. With each pass over my breasts and nipples, I try not to show just how much he affects me.

It’s only when I’m completely dressed, and he takes my hand, squeezing it as he leads me out of the restaurant together like a normal, happy couple, that I realize I agreed to follow a criminal.

He might not act like one all of the time. He might treat me like a princess when we’re no longer in private, walking me to the car, opening the door, and handing me inside like a gentleman, but the fact is … he’s more complex.

I tuck my hands into my lap after buckling, wondering if I’m doing the right thing.

He’s a criminal, and I’m just a poor girl trying to make it through life.

* * *

As we pullonto a one-lane road and pass through a copse of trees, my jaw practically falls to the floor of the vehicle I’m in. The building in front of me is a massive multi-story fucking compound. The first thing I can think is holy shit, it’s huge. It’s not a freaking house at all; it’s a mansion. My eyes cut to Ace as he navigates the SUV down the long gated driveway, and I try my best to keep my face from showcasing my shock and awe.

I doubt I’m any good at it, though, because as I watch him—my gaze flickering between his face and the mountain of a building before us—I see the corner of his lips tilt up. Just what the hell have I gotten myself into? I knew the man had money, especially when he offered to pay for my tuition in return for a dance, but there are different levels of rich. I thought Ace was normal rich, maybe even rich nouveau, but now I’m starting to think maybe there’s more to the story behind his money because I certainly didn’t expect this.

“You okay?” he asks as the SUV slows to a stop in front of the four-car garage attached to the main building. Ace puts the car into park and then glances at me, meeting my eyes for the first time since he put me in.

“Yes,” I lie. “Perfectly fine. Why?”

That corner grin of his turns into a full-out smirk. “Really?” he presses.

My eyes lower back to my lap before I look up nervously at the building in front of me. Thoughts race through my head, but in front of them all, there’s one question: what is Ace doing with me, a poor, college waitress? “It’s just … I’ve never seen a house this big before.”

There’s a moment of silence, and for a split second, I feel as if I’ve offended him—though I don’t know how. I glance up quickly only to find that he is apparently waiting for that. Even in the dim lighting, I can make out the expression on his face, full of amusement. “If you think the outside is big, wait till I take you inside.”

All of this seems so surreal, like at any second someone will snap their fingers and I’ll wake up in my bed at the dorm, with this being nothing but a dream. Ace is certainly the type of man I would fabricate in my mind. Handsome. Dark. Dangerous. Completely and utterly focused on me.

“Wait here,” he states when I unbuckle my seat belt and reach for my own door. I pause, ready to tell him there’s no need to open my door every time, but before I can get the words out of my mouth, he’s already out of the car—the driver’s side door closing with a sharp sound. I watch as he stalks around the front of the SUV and even debate opening my door before he gets there, but I think better of it.

“Here you are,” Ace says as he pulls the passenger side door open and holds out a hand, looking at me meaningfully. With slow and careful movements, I take his hand and let him help me out of the vehicle. Inside, I’m a riot of nervousness and anxious emotions; I feel so out of my element.

The windows are floor-to-ceiling, and as we walk up the steps and into the house together, I get my first glimpse inside. Lights are on inside, making me wonder if someone is here as well? I bite my tongue and consider that a stupid question.

Our hands clasped together, he once again opens the door—this time into a massive foyer. My head tips back, and my lips part. He was right. On the outside, it’s giant, a hulking behemoth. On the inside, it feels even bigger, like a wide space decorated perfectly for the man who inhabits its inner walls.

Ace’s home is sleek and modern, with a homey feel. As he urges me farther into the front hall and then even deeper into his domain, I can’t help but stare around in amazement.

Ace releases my hand and closes the door behind us before he nudges me toward a particular open doorway and into a living room that’s more than quadruple the size of my meager dorm room. Turning just inside the room, I note that it’s also connected to the kitchen through an open floor plan. The grand space made that much bigger by the lack of walls separating it.

“It’s beautiful…” I murmur under my breath, almost afraid to disturb the spell that seems to have fallen over me. “I bet the sunrise is magnificent.” I can picture it. The light shining in through the windows, slowly inching across the walls and floors until it radiates through every crevice between, driving away the darkness.

Footsteps echo into the open space as Ace walks over to a bar that’s situated near a huge floor-to-ceiling bookshelf. “It is, and perhaps if you decide to spend the night, you’ll see for yourself just how amazing it is.” The grin he gives me is contagious, and I can't help but return his smile. I continue to look around the room and peer into the kitchen almost curiously. The furniture is hardwood and leather, giving it a very manly feel.

“Here.” Ace interrupts my thoughts as he presses a wineglass into my hand. The crystal is filled with a dark red liquid, while his own glass is filled with something amber-colored—most likely whiskey.

I take a hesitant sip of the wine. It’s bitter yet sweet too in the taste that follows after I swallow. I find that I quite like it. Feeling his attention on me as my lips press to the glass for a second sip, I glance up and meet his gaze.

“I’m surprised that you decided to come tonight,” he says, tipping his head back as he places his own glass to his lips and takes a swallow of his whiskey.

I cock my head to the side and give him a smile.“Why is that?”

“You remind me of a skittish kitten,” he answers. Ace’s eyes are on me, but I have the feeling he’s not seeing me so much as he is assessing me. What is he looking for? I wonder.

“How am I kitten-like?” I ask.

“You’re afraid,” he says, his eyes trailing down my face and over my throat to where my breasts push against my clothes. I flush, remembering how he’d covered them with his cum just a short while ago. “Timid,” he finishes.

I scowl, both embarrassed and unsure of a response. “So, you’re saying I’m a cat you brought home?” I reply, hating the way my voice sounds rougher, almost irritated by that fact. I don’t want Ace to think of me as a stray.

A burst of laughter passes his lips, startling me enough to turn back to him once more. “No.” Ace shakes his head, his lips still tilted up as he swallows the rest of his whiskey and sets his glass down on a nearby end table. “You’re so much more than that.” Despite the fact that my glass is only half empty, he reaches forward and takes it from my hand before setting it down on the table next to his own.

More heat rises in my cheeks, and my pulse spikes. He turns his attention back to me and leans in, bringing our lips so close that I can practically taste the whiskey he just drank. The smell of spice and alcohol on his breath tickles my nose. His nose brushes against mine gently, but it’s his eyes that hold me captive. Spellbound. Ace lifts his hand and strokes my cheek, turning until his palm is cradling it. For such a rough man, his hand is smoother than I expected, and I find myself leaning into his touch.

Fire ignites low in my belly, crackling and expanding. It’s happening again—Ace’s powerful ability to make me lose my reasoning.

“I want you,” he tells me in that low, gruff voice of his, “stripped and exposed. At my mercy and in my bed.” Soft little pants escape me. I swallow reflexively even as my lashes flicker, dragging against his skin we’re so close.

The air in my lungs grows tight. There is something to be said for the straightforward approach from a man. It leaves little room for interpretation. He’s telling me what he wants, what I’m here for. The only question left is … is this what I want to do? Do I want those things too? Looking up at him through my lashes, I recognize his want and need for me. It pulses with its own heartbeat, making his irises darken with desire and his pupils dilate.

“Is that what you want, Cara?” he asks. “Do you want me to fuck you? To own your body, to worship you in a way that I’m certain no man ever has before?” The deepness of his voice wraps around me, careening me toward the edge.

My nipples harden painfully and strain against the thin fabric of my bra. Impulse drives me forward, and instead of replying, I press my mouth to his. My lips flutter against his, the air around us sizzles, and for one single second, he is still as a statue.

I think maybe I’ve made a mistake in kissing him until I feel his hand leave my cheek and his fingers spear through my hair. He cradles the back of my head, holding me in place so he can deepen our kiss. A raging inferno of emotions swirls inside me, and I’m consumed by this man.

He’s bad and dangerous, but there is something so protective about him. I don’t understand why I’m attracted to him the way that I am. All I know is that each kiss, each touch is addictive. If I’m not careful, I think I might lose myself to this dangerous man.

Ace’s tongue presses against the seam of my lips for entrance, and I open to him. Our tongues collide, and all I can feel is his hard body pressed against mine, his hand in my hair holding me in place so he can ravage me from the inside out. He’s driving me to a new place—a wonderful realm full of heat and passion.

My core tightens, and I press harder against him to let him know that I want more, that I need more. He breaks the kiss, and a chuckle fills the air. I’m breathless, my heart racing, my lungs heaving with every breath I take. I imagine my cheeks are flush as well. Ace looks unaffected, minus the darkness filled in his eyes.

“You’re so needy, my sweet little kitten.” His tongue flicks across my bottom lip, and I shiver. “I like that. Your desire. It’s delicious on my tongue.” I moan a little bit as he drives his hips forward, and I can feel the outline of his cock. “What is it that you want?” he demands.

That’s an easy enough answer. “You.” I whisper my reply, wondering when I became this woman who tells a man what she wants. I’ve never been so bold. But this man makes me feel different. I don’t know if it’s courage or just the lack of inhibitions.

A devilish smirk tugs the sides of Ace’s lips up, and I swear if my panties weren’t already near combustion, they would be now.

“I’ve thought about what it would be like to fuck you since the night my men brought you into my office,” he confesses. The crude words don’t dampen my ardor. In fact, hearing him say that only serves to make me wetter. I repress another moan as he drags the side of his cheek against mine, the rough scratch of his beard stubble making me shiver. “I want to hear you scream my name, see what you look like as you fall apart on my cock. Tonight…” Is he panting? Good. It feels powerful to know I’m not the only one affected by the atmosphere he’s created between us. “You looked absolutely magnificent while I fingered your pretty pussy, kitten. Watching you shatter all around my hand, then looking at your face as I took my own pleasure, was a mere taste of what I want. Imagine what you’ll look like with my cock inside you? My cum dripping out of you…”

I’m caught up in this man, and I’m afraid of what might happen if things go wrong. My heart hammers against my ribs.

“Ace,” a male voice calls across the room. Startled, I jump into Ace’s arms and immediately try to pull away as my face flames ever hotter. Holy crap, we weren’t alone? Ace doesn't let me get far, though, as he drags me back against his front until my breasts are pressed against him.

I blink, and my gaze ping-pongs between him and the sudden intruder who stands in a nearby doorway. Shock covers me as I note the man’s face and stature. They have to be related. They’re too similar in looks not to be. There just can’t be that many handsome men with dangerously dark eyes, twisted masculine lips, and sharp jawlines in the world.

“What is it?” Ace growls toward the nameless man while one of his arms wraps protectively around my middle, keeping me still.

“We found the girl. The right one this time.”

I blink, suddenly realizing what that means. The haze of lust that had descended upon me at Ace’s words dissipates as reality sinks back in. They have Leanna, I realize. They found her.

Panic bubbles to the surface, and I turn to Ace with fear taking over as my hands reach up and my fingers sink into the fabric of his shirt.

“Ace, please … you don’t have to do this. Just let her go. Let her go, and we can go upstairs and spend the night together,” I say quickly.

He looks from the man, then down at me, the same darkness from that night dancing in his blue eyes. “I wish that were true, but it isn’t. I can’t let her go, Cara.”

The finality of his words is like a knife to the heart. My mouth goes dry, and I don’t think I can handle knowing what he’s about to do.

“I have to handle this,” he says, pulling away from me. A mask falls into place over his face, and I’m left chilled at the loss of his body heat. The sound of his shoes as they click over the floor fills the room. “Stay with her, and make sure she doesn’t go anywhere.”

I turn around and glare at him, angry that he thinks he can keep me here while he goes and does whatever the hell he plans to do. Still, I keep my mouth shut, pressing my lips into a firm line. Ace gives me one last look before he disappears down the dark hallway.

It takes me all of half a second to develop a plan once he’s out of sight.

The man Ace ordered to watch me remains standing in the same spot. He pulls out his phone, and I tuck a long strand of hair behind my ear. Nervous anxiety pulses through my veins. What will Ace do to me if he catches me trying to escape?

“I-I have to go to the bathroom,” I tell the man.

He looks up from his phone and pins me to the floor with a single stare. I don’t know if I can do this. I’m not daring or over the top.

“You don’t need my permission to use the bathroom. Just don’t think about leaving, and we won’t have a problem.”

I nod and swallow around the golf ball-sized knot in my throat. “Can you tell me where it is?” I pray that it’s in the direction Ace just went.

The man hooks a thumb toward the hall behind him, and I almost jump with glee. Instead, I barely manage to keep my lips pressed together as I walk toward him and then down the hall.

My heart thumps wildly in my chest. I have no idea where I’m going or what I’m doing. Only that I need to get out of this house and save Leanna. At the end of the long hallway is a door. I peer over my shoulder to see if the man has turned around or is following me, but it’s just me and the darkness.

Then I hear it. On the other side of the door is a faint cry, followed by words I can’t quite make out.

I know I should stay put and that I’m risking my own life by intervening, but I don’t know that I could really be with Ace if he actually went through with hurting her. With shaking fingers, I grab the door handle, and I open it, obviously not ready for what I find on the other side.