Wings and Shadowthief by May Sage

The Island

“He was here a fucking second ago. What happened?” Tris looked to Gwen for answers, but she had no clue. She’d just activated the portal; she hadn’t been in charge of anything else.

Before she could point it out, Seth stepped forward. “We don’t have time for this.” He waved to the city in the distance. “They will have felt a transport come in, and there are guards on their way to greet us. Keep it together. Gwen, Tris, there’s a creek a mile east.” He tilted his head left. “That way. You'll find a littoral cave under the cliffs. You’ll need to swim, or at least walk in the water so that your footsteps aren’t followed. We’ll come to you when we’re done, as planned.”

His stern voice did nothing to ease Gwen’s raising panic. “What about Jack? He could…”

“We can panic for him here, and the mission’s over. Or we can trust him to be a competent huntsman and take care of himself. He knows the plan. He’ll come when he can.” After a pause, Seth added, “Unless he’s dead. Either way, let’s move now.”

Gwen didn't think she'd ever hated anyone as much as she hated Seth in that moment. Mostly because he was right.

She turned to the glittering surface of the water, wondering if Jack was lost beneath its waves.

But that was silly. He was fine. She could feel that he was fine.

"Let's go." Tris tugged on her hand, directing her toward the waves.

With a last glance at their friends, departing for the glimmering city in the distance, she started to walk, her feet in the cold water.

"He's fine," Tris assured her. "My cousin's a survivor. The one thing we can do for him is to take care of ourselves."

He sounded like he was trying to reassure himself rather than her, so Gwen just nodded.

Their walk was slow and silent, but eventually they reached an inlet sheltered from view by the cliffs overhead.

As Seth had promised, they could walk to a cave under the cliff, the waterline rising to their midriffs. Gwen gave up, opting to swim until they reached the entrance.

Inside, they found a small island where they could sit, though it was cool and wet.

“What now? We just wait?”

It didn’t feel right. Hours passed, melding together as they both remained still and soundless, feeling worse and worse.

Jack was gone, their friends were gone, and they had no idea if any of them were okay. Safe. They could all be dead by now.

Gwen had a simple, straightforward choice. She could stay in the cave, keep hiding, in order to ensure she was able to get their friends out of there later. She could stick to the plan, play it safe.

Or she could get out of there.

Two choices, yet no choice at all.

Seth was often seen as heartless, which was a gross injustice. He had a heart, like anyone else. He just happened to be capable of ignoring it unless it was in perfect accord with his brain.

“Smile, people. We’re here to party,” he reminded his companions, wishing they shared his views.

They were worried about their friend, he could feel it in their heartbeats, taste it in the air. They were going to get themselves—and more importantly, his sister—killed.

Seth wasn't overly concerned about his own fate. For one, he was too pretty to die. In its infinite wisdom, the universe had gone through great pain to ensure he was as durable as possible. He was immortal from both sides of his family, and considerably harder to kill than just about anyone he knew.

He removed a flask from the inner pocket of his cloak and passed it around after taking a sip, wiping his mouth with his sleeve. Repellent, but they all had a part to play.

Cat drank, and managed a radiant smile, and the only reason he could tell how fake it was was because they were related. He saw that grin in the mirror every day, and understood its lies. Bash assumed an almost acceptable expression. The Helsings kissed each other, sharing whispers and laughs. Only Mikar remained too serious for his liking, but one out of six wasn't a bad deal. Besides, after finishing his drink, they at least smelled like they were here for a jolly grand time.

By the time they were met by a party of guards, they looked convincing enough.

"Stormhale. You brought friends."

He flashed a grin. "When am I ever alone?" That was true enough; he was always surrounded by sycophants. "Rome was boring. We want some real fun."

The four guards exchanged a glance, before coming to a decision. "The guests have to remain in the lower levels, unless they're invited to the brugh. Protocol, you understand?"

"Of course." He waved indifferently, having expected nothing else.

Seth could feel his sister tense as they reached the lower city. Catharina was no prude, she'd been raised in Drusilla’s household, and the gods knew their old aunt had enjoyed orgies as much as the next deviant queen, but they were greeted by the sight of naked women waiting in line to sit on a handsome lad's cock right in the open. Perhaps she hadn't taken it entirely to heart when he'd warned them that the island was a palace of sin.

The blood of slaves and fools flowed like wine, and in the cacophony, it was hard to tell if screams came from pleasure or pain. They walked behind the guards, smiling and laughing, accepting kisses from any stranger who wanted to taste their lips. Seth saw Alexius tense when a bare-assed drunken fool took Avani's hand and pulled her into a tight embrace. The she-wolf had more wits. She chuckled, kissed his nose, and moved away, after slapping his naked butt cheeks.

Seth had to admit, it was rather fun to watch the proper folks internally squirm. Mostly because none were foolish enough to give them away.

They soon reached the apartment Seth had occupied during his previous visits, in low town, yet a stone's throw away from the queen's brugh. Aveka liked him close—whether to watch him or in the hopes of inducing him to join her court, Seth wasn't certain. Perhaps both. She had little hope of succeeding in either venture.

The guards bid them farewell and left, no doubt to inform their superior of the presence of his guests.

Seth entered the home. There were no locks or keys in Atlantis, and the doors and windows remained open at all times.

He removed his cloak, his waistcoat, and opened his loose shirt.

"You'll find several rooms. Make use of them."

His companions stared at him like he's grown a second head. Seth could have groaned. Was it their first time playing spy? He made a mental note to choose his associates with more discernment in the future.

Two giggling women walked inside, their nakedness covered in blood and other bodily liquids. "I heard you were back, Sethie," one of them—a mortal girl—slurred, swaying her hips as she approached.

Sethie? What the actual unholy fuck.

Her companion, a vampire he might have fucked once or twice, was equally revolting and twice as audacious; she leaned against his chest and slid her hand inside his breeches.

When in Rome—or Atlantis…