Tarnished Love by Bianca Borell





He doesn’t answer the phone. Two days, and my worry persists. I call Sophia because she must know where he is. On the third ring, she picks up.

“Chloe.” Her voice echoes with defeat, adrift.

“I can’t reach Filip.”

“Yes, me neither.” Now my worry spikes up.

“What happened?”

“Damien and Bria happened.”

“He showed up with Monica.”

She inhales a sharp intake of breath.

“You should have said something.” Her accusation rings, and I snap, “It’s Damien we’re talking about.”

“Yes, I am sorry. It’s just . . .”

“What can I do?”

“It depends on how you feel about him. If you care for him, you’ll be there for him, even though he’ll push you aside. Because he will. If not, forget about him. He won’t call, for him this was it.”

“Then he doesn’t care.”

“Believe what you want, Chloe, we’re old enough to make our own decisions.”

She hangs up. The next days prove that she’s right, even though his phone rings and he reads my messages, he doesn’t call me back.

I call my manager, and I finish a one-week photoshoot in three days. Why am I doing this? I ask myself as I get on the plane.