Omega Found by E.L. Rose


The video was a shit move, and we all knew it. No one congratulated Syler on being able to get that video, we tried to talk him out of using it against her, but it would not sway him.

Later that night we know she is fucking, multiple times, and it’s to the point where we are all at each other’s throats. The anger from her mating and it not being with us is causing jealousy, rage, and unsaid feelings that none of us want to take a closer look at. R

iddic and Phoenix have gone to fuck each other, while I tried to fuck Hailey, but I can’t get it up with her, all I can think about is caramel skin, long legs, and perky breasts. It pisses me off but judging from the smack Hailey lands on my face, she is even more pissed than I am.

I am losing my mind, but as the weeks go by, I cannot get Honey out of my mind, I want her to the point of pain and distraction. What is hurting me more is that the bond is fading. Honey is happy, and she is always with Cam and Ronnie. We still don’t know who her other mate is, but she radiates confidence.

No matter what we do, Cam or Ronnie will step in before we can pull off most stunts. When they aren’t there, we get a few in, like having some wannabes throw food on her or trip her in the hallways. I am no longer participating in trying to hurt her and tell the guys this. I even broke up with Hailey, which has become a nightmare all its own.

Hailey is a Winter Fae and I am from the Fall Fae court, our parents had arranged for us to be married the moment our mothers knew our genders. We were to unite the realms in harmony, and me breaking up with her will cause an uproar. Hailey has the elements of winter to play with so when she is mad, she has them at her disposal and with her season coming up she will be the ice princess she is well-known to be. She has called home and told her parents I broke up with her; so it is only a matter of time before I will need to talk to my parents.

I’m not ready to just yet. I need to try and see if I still have a chance with Honey.

When I see her alone, getting ready to leave the building I decide now is my chance. It has been weeks since the whole video incident and I hope she will speak to me. “Honey, wait, can I talk to you?”

When she picks up her pace, I know she heard what I said. I quickly run ahead of her and force her to stop. I can hear the snarl coming from her throat. “Please just give me a minute, that’s all I’m asking for.”

“What do you want, Legion? Is there another camera hidden somewhere?” She looks around trying to see if someone will pop out like the last time one of us had followed her back to the cabin.

“I deserve that, but please can we move somewhere different, somewhere more private?” I look her in the eyes and try to show her I am genuine.

When she sighs, a small spark of hope flares to life. I see her concentrate, probably mind-linking to her other mates letting them know what she is doing. Undeniable jealousy courses through me. I want that and I want her. I no longer want to be alone. I want to have that connection I saw in other mates and she is mine. I will deal with my parents when the time comes.

“Fine.” She motions me ahead of her, allowing me to lead her to a small clearing close to her cabin.

“Honey, I am sorry, and I am willing to do anything to make it up to you, all I want is a chance. I don’t want the bond to fade, I want to be your mate.” I watch her as the emotions cross her face, one of distrust, which I understand and feel guilty about, and one of longing, which sparks some hope in my chest.

“How am I to trust you? You have done nothing but hurt me since you met me.” She crosses her arms watching me.

“I know and I am so sorry.” I take a chance and move closer to her, backing her against a tree. Her eyes widen when she realizes how close I am. “I’m not going to hurt you, Honey, not anymore and I promise no one is going to pop out from the trees.”

I stay where I am and hope she knows I am being truthful. When I sense someone watching us, I look around. I don’t see anyone, and it makes me nervous. When I try expanding my senses, finding someone is out there, just not anyone with whom I am familiar. I brush it off, I don’t care, I want everyone to know who I am with and why.

“What about your friends?” She studies me waiting to hear my answer, seeing if I will lie to her.

“Honey, they know where I am and why I am here, they are not going to stop me.”

“I don’t trust you, not yet, but I am willing to give you another chance, but if you hurt me again or any of my other mates ever, this will be done, and I will never trust you again.”

I nod and lower my head until I am near her mouth.“May I kiss you, Honey?”

When she nods yes with her head, closing her eyes, I close the gap between us and claim her mouth with mine. The kiss sets my body on fire and I feel the bond flare up again. She molds her body to mine deepening the kiss. Her fingers reach up and play with my hair, tugging slightly. I groan into her mouth and pull back, not wanting to press her further. I want her to fully accept me before she gives any part of herself to me.

“Thank you Honey, can I walk you back to your cabin?”

She takes my hand in hers and my heart warms at her touch, and how she is so willing to forgive me for everything that I have done to her and not be completely hateful towards me.

When we are in range of the cabin, I see Ronnie and Cam standing outside waiting on her and I once again feel jealous, I know I have no right considering everything, but nonetheless, I am. I kiss her hand and walk back the way I came, leaving my mate there with the ones who have earned her love.

When I get back to my room, the guys are all there waiting on me.

Riddic is the first to ask, “How did it go?”

I know some part of them wants to make up with Honey, but their pride keeps them from doing so. “She is going to give me another chance. She also allowed me to kiss her, which flared the bond again making it stronger. I can feel some of her emotions now that the bond has flared back to life.” I smile at the thought of how her mouth tasted on mine.

Syler stands up growling. “Why would you do this, Legion? We agreed to not be her mate and now you crawl back to her like a bitch.” He is fuming. “Cam is now in a position to take what is mine. He can lead our section since he now has a full immediate pack and an Omega.”

I know he is worried about losing his position as the future Alpha and I know his father will be pissed with him. “Sit the fuck down Syler, I did this for me, if you want to continue to be an asshole then that is on you.” I want her and that kiss proved to me just how much I want her in my life, she would be queen, ruling alongside me.

Phoenix walks over to me, “Just because you want to play nice with trash now does not mean we want to stop and do the same. This isn’t over for us, just because it is for you.”

I know he is serious, and I know they are not going to stop just because I suddenly did. “Fine, but I will make sure that I help her. I love you guys but now it’s my turn to be happy.”

I walk away from them heading into my room. I know they are angry, but I also know that they understand where I am coming from. I know the guys would not mind a mate if they knew she would be okay with the relationship that Syler, Riddic and Phoenix have with one another. They love each other, and they did not want anything to break them up.

With one week left before Christmas break, I make sure to be near Honey as often as she will let me, much to the dismay of her other mates. I offer to carry her books, wait for her when she comes out of class, and walk her home when school ends.

What worries me the most is how Hailey is acting. I expect her to be angrier than she is, she’s too calm. I know she is plotting, and I have to try and get ahead of her before she does something that cannot be undone, something that could really hurt someone.