Omega Found by E.L. Rose


Legion kissed me, not just the one time but every day this week. Sometimes it is just on the cheek and other times it is a featherlight kiss on my lips. My body is always aching for him, I just don’t trust him yet.

When the end of the week comes, and we are all left to have our vacation, my mates of course stay behind with me, knowing that I have nowhere else to go.

I am called to Roman’s office. I am excited, hoping to have more sexy time across his desk, but when I push open the door, I can tell that isn’t happening. “Honey, come sit, we have to talk.”

I move over to his desk. “Is everything okay, Roman?” He looks so distraught.

“Honey, I wanted to tell you, but I thought that the situation would have been handled before I had to tell you. I didn’t want to scare you.” He pauses and holds out his arms to me. When I move to sit in his lap, he squeezes me tightly. “Honey, your father escaped, and no one has a lead on him. I've called the council, and I will be allowed to move in with you since this is being taken as a serious threat.”

My body freezes with this news. I don’t know how to respond. I feel the tears falling before I even know they are there. I immediately go back to feeling scared, my wolf curls up, no matter the progress she has made, we are both terrified of that man.

“Honey, I’m here for you, I promise, and I won’t let anything happen to you.” Roman nuzzles me, “I’m so sorry, I should have told you sooner.”

I know why he didn’t, and I don’t want him to feel guilty about it. “Roman, it’s okay, I know why you didn’t say anything to me until now, I am not mad at you and you should not feel guilty about it.” I move his head to mine and kiss him.

“Honey, until he is caught, I want you to be with someone at all times. Don’t go anywhere by yourself.”

“I promise, and I don’t plan to. He still scares me, and I don’t want to take any risks.”

“Christmas break starts today and by next week, we will be celebrating. I have the perfect gift for you,” he says as his eyes light up. I can tell he is happy.

“Roman, you don’t have to do that.” I feel bad now since I didn’t get any of my mates anything yet, even though I plan to. I am going back to the cabin and having things shipped there. Roman left me his credit card, much to my protest, so I could order some gifts.

“I wanted to, and it’s not what you’re expecting. Now, I have linked with Cam and told him to come grab you.”

I am amazed, the more my mates and I spend time together, the stronger our connection is and the stronger they connect with each other. They are able to mind-link with one another while having private conversations. I know they all feel like family and none of my male mates are attracted to Ronnie in that way, and vice versa... They understand her dislike of the male form and respect it, not that she hasn’t seen an eye full of both Cam and Roman, but she just laughs and goes about her day.

I stand up and walk out the door with one last look at Roman. Cam is waiting with a worried look on his face, which lets me know Roman has already told him about my father. “How are you taking everything?”

“Better than I thought. I am still scared, but not as much knowing that I have all of you.” We keep walking only too late sensing that someone is following behind us.

“So, daddy is out to get his little girl, huh?” Hailey moves around us with a smile on her face. “Hopefully, he kills you this time you little slut.”

Before I can move Ronnie is suddenly there, she rips Hailey’s head back, dragging her down to the floor by her hair. “You little bitch you need to learn a lesson in humility.” Ronnie is furious, a crowd is now gathering to watch the Fae princess and the fox shifter.

“Ronnie, don’t.” I don’t want her to get in trouble for hurting one of the royals in the school. Ronnie looks over at me and can see my concern, her eyes softening as she takes me in.

When she looks back at Hailey her eyes harden again, and she leans down to her. “You ever say shit like that again to my mate and I will end your pathetic existence.” She pulls back her fist and Hailey never even has a chance to block her face when Ronnie’s fist connects with her nose. Ronnie stands up and holds her hand out to me, which I take, and we walk off with Cam following behind us.

When we are outside Ronnie stops and focuses, I know Roman is mind-linking with her. “Honey, I have to go back to Roman, I will be in trouble, there is nothing he can do about it.” She drops my hand and walks away leaving me with Cam.

“Honey, she will be fine. Roman knows what happened, but he can’t do anything. There were too many witnesses.” He cups my chin forcing me to look at him.

“I know, Cam and I trust Roman, let’s go home.” I hold his hand all the way to the cabin and when we enter, he drops it and turns once more to me with a serious look on his face.

“I know we mated, but we haven’t mated fully in the way of wolves, there is something I want to try with you if you will let me.”

He looks nervous now and I try to think of any reason why he would be. “Cam, whatever you’re nervous about we will do this together.” I smile at him reassuringly.

“Honey, when male wolves mate, they knot, and it is something my wolf is desperate to do with you.” He is fiddling with his hands nervously.

“Do you mean we are not full mates until you knot me?” I was confused. I thought that when I marked him and he marked me that sealed the bond.

“Yes, we are full bonded, my love. Knotting is just something extra that wolves do. It can be done in animal form or in human form.”

“What is a knot?” I had never heard about it before and the school did not go into sex ed classes.

The blush that spreads on Cam’s face is endearing. “When I’m inside you and close to climax an extra bundle of nerves will expand inside you, and I will lock inside you. It may hurt at first, but I promise, I will make it worth it for you. Are you still ok with doing this with me?”

“Yes, Cam. I want to.” I don’t really know what he means, but I know that it is important to him, so it becomes important to me.

“How about I make dinner for you and we can watch a movie?”

I nod my head yes and head to the living room. I scroll through some movies while waiting on Ronnie. Roman said that he would be moving in with me once break started, so I assume he will be here at some point tonight. I decide to sit with Cam while he cooks.

When I walk past a window, I see something flash by. I move to the window to look outside myself, checking if I can see into the darkness, but I can’t see anything. The feeling of being watched and unsafe rises to the surface, but maybe that is my paranoia talking to me. I put it out of my mind as I turn and take Cam in.

He is wearing sweatpants that hang around his hips, his shirt is off, displaying every lickable muscle that he has. He must have changed while I was fiddling with the TV. His hair is pulled back in a loose ponytail by his neck. I finally meet his eyes after drooling over him, and I know he caught me staring when he smirks. I can feel the blush heating my face.

“Honey, you can stare all you want, I want you to, I am yours and you are mine, there is no shame. Later I will show you just how much I love staring at you.” Now I know my cheeks are flaming when he chuckles. “Now, sit while I cook.” I move to one of the stools and watch him cook pancakes with chocolate chips.

When the door opens, I move off the stool and face Ronnie. “Well, I no longer have a flawless reputation, but it was worth it. I only got detention for a week.”

I pull her to me and mold my mouth to hers. I whisper in her ear, “I want you.”

She pulls back and smiles at me. When I hear her laugh, she says, “Damn, maybe I should punch that bitch every day, she deserves it.”

My wolf surges forward with the need to dominate her. I pull her alongside me towards my room. Once I shut the door, I turn to face her. “Clothes off.”