Omega Found by E.L. Rose


It's Christmas day and I can’t find the energy to get out of bed. I turned each of my mates away one by one when they tried to come lay with me. Yesterday when I heard the Christmas music playing, I had flashes of my father beating me in the basement, it all became too much and I excused myself as my mood had become so low.

I know they are all worried about me. Each of my mates have tried to come lie with me but I can’t have them here while visions of my mother and brother are haunting me. Times we spent singing while making Christmas cookies. I need to wallow by myself, but I feel bad for making them worry about me today.

Grady has fit right in with my other mates. They are getting along very well, and it makes me happy, Roman and Cam took to him quickly. Ronnie is more reserved, but she eventually opened up last night and laughed and joked with him.

My mind is still going a mile a minute thinking about my interaction with Syler. I hate that my heart still leaps at the sight of him or any of the other heirs. Legion is the only one who has attempted to apologize for everything that he has done. Syler keeps finding ways to torment me and hurt me. The others have backed off a lot, even though they remain unapproachable and keep their distance from me.

I'm startled when a knock sounds on my door. “Come in.”

When the door opens, I see Ronnie, her red hair everywhere. She is wearing a black tank top and some red cotton shorts. “Merry Christmas, Honey.”

She bounces onto my bed, giving me a sweet kiss. I told them not to get me anything, but I knew they would, just like I got them gifts. “I know you were down last night, so our biggest plan is to make sure we create happier memories for you, so out of bed, wolf.” She rolls back out of my bed, pulling me along with her, right into the bathroom where she turns on the shower.

Once we are naked, we step in and Ronnie washes my hair and back. I do the same in return, whilst we both talk about the books we want to read. When we step out, we go to our bedrooms and dress for the day. I throw on some jeggings with a hunter green sweater and brush my hair.

When the smell of food hits me, I follow it to the kitchen where Grady is setting the table, and Roman and Cam are each cooking, moving around each other with ease. “Merry Christmas guys.”

They all look up at once and smile, each returning the sentiment.

“Breakfast is almost ready, hang out by the tree until we're done, babe.” Cam says.

I admire the tree we put up together as I walk into the living room, I could make it through decorating, but when I had finished and sat down the memories assaulted me. I sit down now, and tears are tracking a path down my cheeks. I reach a hand up to wipe them away before more have a chance to fall, when I hear a knock on the door.

“I’ll answer it.” Ronnie comes in walking to the door cracking it. When I hear the small snarl come from her mouth I immediately go on alert. “What are you doing here?” Her voice is strained like she is trying to hold back.

“Please, I just have a gift, I’m trying.” I perk up; it's Legion.

“Let him in Ronnie.” She steps aside, snapping her teeth at the Fall Fae prince. He is gorgeous, wearing a full white sweater that hugs his body. He is wearing tan pants and some white shoes. His blondish hair and gorgeous porcelain skin make him look like one of those K-Pop stars. In his hands he holds a red and green striped bag.

When Grady enters, shirtless and carrying a plate of food for me, Legion's eyes open wide. “You have another mate?” He is staring at the gold vine mate mark.

“Yes, I do, and this one was never mean to me.” Legion looks down. I can tell he is ashamed.

“I’m trying, Honey, I really am sorry.” He inches closer to me, looking suddenly unsure of himself.

“You can come sit with me.” He smiles brightly and moves to the empty spot and hands me the bag.

“This is for you. I had little time, but this is special, and I hope you like it.” He watches as I open the box and remove the glittery white tissue paper.

Looking inside I am stunned. I carefully pull it out and lose the ability to speak. It is beautiful, it is swirling leaves encased in a frozen glass case that reminds me of the one from Beauty and the Beast. Engraved in the bottom is with ‘all my love, Legion’. I look at him and he is messing with his hands.

“I know it’s not much, but the leaves are from my realm and will never stop swirling and they will never lose color. They were frozen solid by a Winter Fae, keeping the display cold forever.”

My heart beats for him and I want so badly to forgive him, but there is something still holding me back. I lean in and hug him, catching him off guard. He takes a moment before I feel his arms wrap around my waist. I press my nose into his chest, he smells amazing, you can smell magic coming from him. When his lips meet mine, butterflies erupt in my stomach. “Thank you, Legion.”

“I should go, thank you for allowing me in here.” Legion stands up and a part of me wants him to stay, and I know he wants me to ask him to, but I don’t. A part of me still doesn't trust him.

When he walks to the door and opens it there is a large square box. “Honey, this gift says it’s for you.”

I go to stand up when Roman comes running in, “Honey, don’t! Don’t touch it if we don’t know what it is.”

Legion looks at Roman then at his wrist. “Oh my God, you’re her mate too?” he steps back into the living room but Roman isn’t hearing him. “Why can’t she look at the box, what is going on?”

Cam waves Legion in while Roman hauls the box in. My stomach fills with dread when Roman moves the box over to the table.

“You should leave, Legion.” Roman says looking over his shoulder. “This is a family matter.”

Legion looks taken aback.

“No, Roman, it’s okay, let him stay.” Something in his expression breaks my resolve.

“I promise, Honey, nothing will leave here. I will tell no one anything.” He moves to sit down next to me again and Ronnie sits in front of me, her head between my legs.

Roman looks at Legion, “If this is some kind of cruel joke, I will have you all removed from my school. My position be damned. My mate or any of my family will never be bullied again.”

My eyes widen like Legion’s; Cam must have told the other guys about our run in with Syler.

“What do you mean? I had nothing to do with this, whatever this is.” He motions to the box. “I am trying to make it up to Honey, I will not jeopardize that. As for my best friends, we are not exactly on speaking terms right now.” He continues to look Roman in the eyes. “As for your position as Headmaster, I will not threaten that, you are the best Headmaster this school has ever had.”

Roman studies him for a moment before carefully removing the paper. When a white box is revealed next, my wolf starts pacing, it agitates her. Roman glances at me, feeling how upset I am through the bond. He looks down at the box when Grady, Cam and Ronnie all reach out to touch some part of me. Roman lifts the lid and the smell that escapes paralyzes me.

Roman’s fangs descend, while Cam and Grady snarl. The scent is urine and blood, my urine and blood. Roman is pulling the blanket all the way out when a note flutters to the ground. I don’t move, I can’t stop staring at the disgusting green blanket. What breaks me out of my trance is Ronnie crying. I look down at her noticing that I too am crying. The tears are cascading down my face.

Roman reads the letter and crumples it. “I need to make a call.” He leaves the room pulling out his phone as he disappears up the stairs.

I reach out to take the note when Grady stops me. “Honey, love, don’t read it, please don’t.”

I can’t stop my hand from reaching for the note, I can’t stop myself from slowly opening the paper and looking down. In neat scrawl on the paper, it reads, Merry Christmas, Love, Daddy. Four simple words that bring so much fear with them my heart starts to pound.

Roman walks back in, “Cam, is there any way you can claim Alpha? We need the extra security; the council is only willing to do so much.”

Cam shakes his head, “Not right now. Now that I removed my claim, I have to wait a couple months to give Syler a chance to find an immediate pack and put in a claim of his own. If he does, I will be allowed to fight him for the Alpha position. The only thing I can do is wait.”

Legion listens intently, “Did Syler do something?”

Cam sighs looking at Legion, “He came to the cabin to spy on Honey in a private moment with Roman and decided to video it. He demanded I take my claim back or he would share the video, possibly ruining his position as Headmaster. I stepped back, effectively losing the security we could have had for Honey.”

“I’m so sorry, Honey. I did not know that he did something like that. I am going to try to fix it now.” Legion stands up and walks to the door, once again turning to me. “I will be back. Hopefully, this situation with Syler can be fixed.”

I am still staring at the blanket when I am lifted into someone’s arms. My head falls against a warm chest and looking up I stare into the eyes of Grady.

“I’m taking you to bed, babe.” He moves through the house, stopping at Roman’s room. “Roman, we are all going to Honey's room, join us when you’re done.”

Roman nods not really focusing on anything and we continue to my room. I am laid down in the middle of my bed, Ronnie climbs in on my left and curls on her side, and Grady and Cam move to my right. Cam is nestled against my side and Grady is behind him, reaching one arm over him to touch me. They make sure I am being always touched by one of them. I drift off to sleep.

When Roman comes in later, he lays down by my feet, closing the gap that is left. I feel loved and protected. This Christmas is the best that I have had in a long time, despite the blanket.

* * *

The next morning, I open my eyes to find all my mates still asleep, I take a moment to study each one.

Ronnie’s gorgeous long eyelashes that meet her cheeks, her little upturned nose, and the splatter of freckles. Some of her hair has fallen over her shoulder, while most of it pours over her back, and with the sunlight hitting her hair it looks more auburn with gold highlights. Her porcelain skin has small freckles all over and not a bruise or scratch in sight. She wore her pajama shorts allowing her bare legs to tangle with mine and Cam’s.

Turning to a shirtless Cam, I look at his dark eyelashes and hair that he lets hang loose. His body shows hard work and lean muscle showcases the strength of an Alpha. His skin is tanned slightly and his tattoo across his shoulder is mesmerizing.

I sit up a little, peeking over Cam to see Grady. He is a wonderful surprise as a mate. I grew up having a crush on him ever since my father moved us to his neighborhood. His hair, which he loves to leave long on the top and shaved on the sides, is messy. He also slept with no shirt, his body on full display, and shows a work of art from his many tattoos that cover his chest, arms, and neck. I can see the newer ones he added to his hands. He has some scars, many of which I know the stories from when he was younger.

I smile a little seeing his arm flung over Cam so he can touch me, almost like they are cuddling. I love how my guys are not afraid to be this close to each other to keep me protected. They also respect Ronnie’s space, knowing she doesn’t want to be close to any of the guys.

I look down at my feet where Roman is asleep, my gorgeous vampire. My bed is the biggest in the cabin and he could have slept anywhere, even on the side Ronnie did, and he wouldn’t have had to worry about touching her, but he chose to close the net around me. His brown hair is unruly this morning, the ends curling slightly from sweat. He is also shirtless but wearing red and black striped pajama bottoms that hang loosely around his hips.

I’m not stupid; I know how almost every woman in the school looks at him. He is sinfully gorgeous; he has full lips that even in his sleep I want to bite. His skin is also flawless. His cheekbones are strong, and his body exudes strength, a lethal power, one to be feared. I continue to stare at him until his lips turn up in a smile and his eyes crack open.

“Morning beautiful, were you watching us sleep?”

I feel my other mates start to shift and yawn while Ronnie snuggles closer to me.

I try to get up and at once all of their eyes fly open with Grady asking, “Where are you going, love?”

“I was just going to make some breakfast for everyone.”

Ronnie gets out of bed and holds out her hand to me. “Let’s go make it together.”

I take her hand hauling myself out of the bed, leaving the men. I am nervous and have a feeling like I am being watched. Moving into the kitchen, Ronnie gets out everything needed to make pancakes and I go over to her to help.

We cook as I listen to the sounds of the guys moving around. When they finally filter out to the kitchen, I have to clench my thighs together. They are gorgeous. All my men are in jeans of varying shades and tight white t-shirts. I try to discreetly wipe the drool I am sure is coming from my mouth.

Cam catches me looking and laughs. “Honey, Roman, Grady and I, have another gift for you tonight, so don’t make any plans.” I raise my eyebrows and am trying to figure out what the three of them could have gotten me.

Putting food on the plates, Roman walks over to us sitting down on one of the stools. “I will be back tonight; I have to call the council and inform them of what happened last night.”

“Do you mind if I tag along?” Grady asks Roman. “I want to see if I can actually stay on campus, considering I am newly mated.” Grady turns his head and winks at me. “I do have to head home and get things in order, but I want to be able to come back.”

“Sure, you can appeal to the wolves on the council, they know how important matings are. We need it done before the parents’ luncheon.” Roman runs a hand through his hair, he is looking more stressed the more he talks. “I need to get it all cleared to make it known Honey is my mate before they arrive.”

“What is a parent luncheon? I have never heard of it, but the look on your faces says it's a big deal.”

“It is a day where parents are allowed on campus, to meet any mates of their children, see their progress at school and overall socialize to try and make connections for one full day,” Roman says. “I need to have everything in order and make sure there is enough security before then.”

“What do the people that don’t have parents coming do?” I am curious if we will be told to stay out of the way.

Cam steps forward, “Well, we are your mates, and you will be meeting our parents, even Roman’s mom and dad will be there.” I hear Roman groan from his spot. “My mom will want to meet you.” Cam smiles at me.

“Mine will want to as well,” Ronnie says. When I look at her, I see a flash of uncertainty before she masks it.

“I have some things to do today as well, will you guys be okay?” Cam asks Ronnie and I, knowing that we will be by ourselves and I know they feel guilty about it since last night and the blanket.

“We will be fine I promise.” I go back to my room, followed by Ronnie.

When I am dressed, the guys are already gone. I am looking out my window when Ronnie moves behind me and wraps her arms around my waist, putting her head on my shoulder. I turn my head to kiss her, she smells so sweet, like cherries, and I know it is her shampoo that she bought because she knows I like it.

“Will you spend the day with me? I would like to go on a run with you, then have a picnic before the guys come back tonight.” Her question is hesitant since we never run in our shifted forms together on our own.

“Of course, I will. Ronnie, I love you, and I will always make time for you.” She steps around me and kisses me, right before she strips and shifts into her fox. It always amazes me how easily she shifts.

She jumps on the bed so I can look at her. She is a beautiful fox, all orange with white tipped ears, her tail is so fluffy and long. I reach out a hand, I want to pet her, but I don’t know if that is disrespectful. When she nudges her head into my palm, I stroke down her back. Her fur is silky like you could curl up into it. I step away and just smile at her, being with Ronnie feels like being free, she is my best friend and my lover, something I thought I would never have in this lifetime.

I lead the way to the front door, making sure it closes all the way, and remove my clothes, shifting into my wolf. My wolf takes chase when the fox takes off. We aren’t hunting, we know this is a game. My wolf will let the fox have the lead for a little while before racing past her. They play for hours until I force my wolf to turn back to the cabin because I am starving.

We get back and I take a moment to try to sniff out any other scents that may be unfamiliar and when there are none I shift and go in, Ronnie follows behind me, quickly grabbing things from the refrigerator, and putting them in the basket. We dress before heading back out the front door.

We get to a small clearing; I see a blanket has already been laid out and on top is a bundle of wildflowers. I turn and kiss Ronnie. “Thank you, Ronnie, it's beautiful.” She grabs my hand and pulls me down onto the blanket. We start eating when my mind replays the doubt that passed on her face when Parents’ Day was mentioned. “Ronnie, can I ask you something?”

“You can ask me whatever you want, my wolf.” She turns her head slightly, her hair falling over her shoulder catching the sunlight.

“First, how did you do all of this?”

Smiling she says, “The guys helped me out, some snuck down here last night, and the others finished really early this morning.” Her eyebrow quirks up, “What is your second question?”

“Why did you look unsure when Parents’ Day was mentioned?” She sighs and lowers her sandwich.

“You are very perceptive.” She turns to look at the trees instead of at me as she continues, “I am worried my parents will disown me, I was raised by very closed-minded parents, they taught me that I should find a good fox for a mate and to have babies. They prepared me for the marital bed and everything I would need to be a good wife.”

She lets out a long sigh. “I am worried because I love them, but my love for you surpasses anything. I would give up everything to stay with you, including them. I know my mother will be sad I won’t be the one to have babies, but I never wanted to be the one to have them to begin with. I hope that if they stop and think for a moment that they will realize they can still have grand babies with you being my mate.” She snorts and then laughs, “How many foxes can say they have a vampire for a grandchild?”

I laugh too. “Well, I imagine they would be the first.” Something worries me though. “Ronnie, are you sure you want kids? Because I do and I don’t want to force that on you.”

“Of course, I do, I just never saw myself as being the one to carry the child, I just hope my parents don’t make asses of themselves.” She frowns again, making me wish I could reassure her everything will be okay.

I reach over to tug her into my arms “If they are wonderful parents, they will see how happy you are and be okay with this and embrace it.”

“I hope you’re right, love” she turns to kiss me. The rest of the day we spend talking.

When the sun fades, we go back inside and wait for the guys to come back. The buildup is killing me, I am so excited, and when Grady enters first, dangling what looks like a long black ribbon with that sexy smile of his. I feel my panties get wet with desire.

Ronnie excuses herself with a smirk, calling over her shoulder to have fun.