Omega Found by E.L. Rose


Ican’t stop thinking about Honey.

Every waking moment my thoughts drift to her and what she said to me. dare I believe she would allow me to have Riddic and Syler warm my bed? I have never heard of a mate allowing that before.

Anyone who looks at Ronnie and Honey together can see the love they have for each other with the look in their eyes and the way they always touch each other without even realizing.

“Are you ready for today?”

I am startled out of my musings when Riddic questions me. “I talked to Honey.”

He raises his eyebrow in surprise. “Why?”

“I think I wanted to convey a deeper meaning here than thought I had to,” I watch as he leans against the closed door.

“What things did you have to explain, Phoenix, and why would you if we don’t plan on mating her?”

“I’m not so sure I want to give up the chance at a true mate, Riddic.” He moves over to my bed, his eyes narrowing to slits, but before he can go off on me, I blurt, “I told her, Riddic, all of it, about us.”

“You did what?” I watch as he explodes, standing up and marching over to me. “Why the fuck would you do that? She could tell the whole fucking school.”

“First, I trust her not to. I don’t know why, but I do. Secondly, why do you care? Your parents are cool with having relationships with males and females.”

“Because she is a wolf. My father would gut me for being mated to one; no one in the history of our line has had a wolf mate. They are always incubus and succubus mates, and he would see this as dirtying the line. I can maybe get away with you two as mates since both you and Syler are royal, but an Omega wolf, absolutely not.” He is pacing now, and I know it worries him that Honey will tell someone.

“Calm down, Riddic. She isn’t going to say anything.” I walk over to him and kiss him on the mouth. When he pulls back, the purple flames in his eyes have disappeared, letting me know he has calmed down.

“I really hope not, Phoenix; this could go very badly if she does.”

When he smacks me on the ass, I jump. “Let’s go, pretty boy, vacation is over.”

I turn and grab my bag before heading out of my room. Entering the living room, I see both Syler and Legion standing and waiting for us.

Syler has his hair in his famous man bun, and his uniform fits him to perfection. Legion’s hair is partially swept to the side but mostly falling into his eyes and curling at the ends. Riddic is looking just as good as the other two, his uniform fits him perfectly and molds to his muscles. His dark hair is styled to make it look like he just got out of bed. His beard is freshly trimmed.

“Phoenix, are you going to keep eye fucking us, or can we get a move on? I want to be gone before Hailey comes to try and walk with me.”

Legion is always trying to avoid her now since he is trying to cultivate his bond with Honey. I told him he should just tell her and stop being a coward, but he wants to do something else that he won’t share with us.

Walking out the door behind the guys, I suddenly feel nervous. I know I will see Honey today, and I don’t know what to do with that. Do I try to talk to her? Will she even allow me to? I am walking a fine line, my parents want me to marry into another powerful dragon family, making ours even stronger. A wolf is not part of the family plan. Neither is me being into guys, and I know that this will have to go to the grave with me. My father would burn me alive if he knew.

We head to the dining hall for breakfast, and my eyes immediately scan for Honey. As if she knows my eyes are on her, she turns her head and meets my gaze. She raises her hand giving me a small wave and a smile.

Riddic nudges my side with his elbow causing me to flinch. “Stop staring at her, you dunce.”

I snarl at him. When I walk to the line to get food, I watch as Legion piles food on his plate, and grabs a honey bun. He then walks across the dining hall, close to the doors and past our table to stand directly in front of Honey. I see him mouth something to her, and when her lips form the word ‘yes’, he smiles back at her and sits down. He holds out the honey bun to her, and when she laughs and takes it, I am jealous, I feel it burn through me.

I take a deep breath and walk over to her. “Can I sit with you this morning, please?” Saying please burns my throat, I never have to say please for anything, but I want to be near her so badly.

She motions to an empty spot and smiles at me. I hear the whispers start up; two of the four heirs are sitting with the Omega wolf, the disaster of the school.

When Legion lifts his hand and a gust of wind goes through the cafeteria, I know he used some of his magic to remind people who he is. I search for Riddic and Syler, they are having a heated discussion before they make their way over to our old table. I will have to talk to Riddic about it later and find out why he didn’t just come over. Syler could pull his head out of his ass on his own or not.

Turning back to my mate, she smiles at me, and shame washes through me. She is smiling at me after what we all did. I am stuck because I am now wanting her but know I can’t have her. “How was your Christmas break?”

“It was wonderful. In fact, I have another mate.” Her smile is taking up her entire face, transforming her into something so beautiful it makes you want to stare at her all day. I don’t know how to respond to her without sounding like an asshat, so I keep my mouth shut.

When breakfast is done, Honey stands up from the table and immediately grabs Cam’s hand. He smiles down at her and kisses her on the forehead. I watch the interactions between them and, damn it, I want that too. The connection and love between them is so easy, it is like they are always together. When Ronnie steps in front of Honey, taking her chin in her hand and planting a kiss on her mouth, Cam doesn’t show any signs of jealousy or even lust at the display. My mind is once again filled with everything that I am missing out on.

Legion steps closer, and surprises me the most, “Honey, may I hold your hand and walk with you to your first class?”

She looks hesitant, so I step forward. “I would like to walk with you too, I can carry your things.”

Cam leans down and whispers in her ear and when she shivers, my nose catches the scent of arousal. That is odd, whatever he said must have turned her on. I have to hold back the jealousy I feel, I can't allow it to show or I will scare her off again.


It's short and clipped but it is progress. I hurry to grab her things, while Legion grabs her hand.

When the shriek happens, no one has enough time to defend Honey when an ice ball is thrown at her. Hitting her square in the back, the force knocks her back into Ronnie. The dragon in me roars to life, wanting to fry this Fae bitch.

“Are you fucking kidding me, Legion? I will tell your parents about this.” Hailey storms over, hands raised, ready to send another ice ball at Honey, who looks like she is in pain.

I step in front of her, “If you so much as look at her strangely again, I will burn the shit out of you. Do you understand?” I keep my eyes on her, making sure she knows I am not kidding.

“What, so now you like her too? Move, dragon.” Hailey tries to move around me, but I stop her, my arm blocking her path.

“I am her mate, so you will not be messing with her, now or ever again, do you understand, Hailey? Or I will make sure that the Winter court Fae have problems with the dragons.” Her eyes grow wide, and the whispers pick up. If people didn’t know before that Honey was an Omega, they know now.

“So, she really is an Omega?” Hailey tilts her head for a moment before a calculating look crosses her face and she turns on her heel, storming out of the dining hall, never looking back.

“Let’s go before anything else happens.” Cam starts walking towards History of Wolf Species.

When we reach the classroom, Cam walks in and Ronnie takes off for the classroom a few doors down, kissing Honey before she goes, leaving Legion and I standing alone with Honey.

She clasps her hands in front of her, bouncing on the balls of her feet. “Well, um, thank you.”

She goes to turn away and I react. I grab her arm spinning her around, weaving my hands through her hair, grabbing a handful, and kissing her deeply. Her arms immediately wrap around my neck and she molds herself to me. I am surprised that she doesn’t push me off. Even more surprising is my dragon’s reaction. He wants me to mate her now, take her and claim her. The reaction is strong, almost feral. I have to pull away.

When I pull back, she looks flushed. Legion bends down kissing her lightly. She blushes furiously, before she ducks into the classroom.

Legion turns towards me when we step away to walk to our respective classes. “Change of heart?”

“Yeah, well, I’m still not sure.” I rub my head noticing how Legion frowns at my answer.

“You can’t do that, Phoenix, don’t mess this up,” He walks away, leaving me standing next to my classroom door thinking about what he said.

When the bell rings, I go to class. Dragon Species is an easy class for me, it is like study hall as my father has trained me on everything since I was little. He wants me to take over as ruler of dragons when he steps down. I always thought that would be what I wanted to do, stepping up as ruler was something anyone in the dragon kingdom would kill for. My father became stricter as the years passed. He needed control and to make sure that I was the best there was. He barely tolerated my friendship with the guys, but because they were also heirs of their kingdoms, he knew that keeping them as friends would benefit us in the future.

By the time lunch rolls around, I have decided: I want Honey, if she will give me the chance.

On Parent’s Day I will talk to my parents. Honey is an Omega wolf, so rare that there hasn’t been born in seven hundred years. Maybe they will see that as a gift? They are the only species that can create true heirs of kingdoms without being the same species.

When I see her in the dining hall, I head her way, noting Legion has already beat me there. “Honey, can I stop by the cabin tonight and talk to you?’

She bites her lip, her cheeks slightly pink from the blush rising to her face. “Um yeah, sure you can.” She quickly steals a glance around the dining hall making sure no one can overhear our discussion.

I reach out a hand to her. “Honey, I don’t care if they hear; I want to stop by.” She gives me a small smile and goes back to her food. When her other mates arrive, I notice she fidgets a lot. “Honey, are you ok?”

“I think I’m getting sick.” She doesn’t elaborate and no one else does either.

By the time lunch is done, Honey is dragging Cam out of the dining hall forcefully. I watch them find the first janitor closet and close the door. Ronnie just smiles and looks thoughtful. When she whirls on me, I’m not expecting the fire that comes from the little fox.

“If you hurt her, I will feed your man jewels to you; do you hear me dragon?”

I cringe, the visual alone has me wanting to cover my cock. “I hear you fox, I’m not here to hurt her.” I move a few feet away from her while her eyes continue to flash her determination.

“Good, because she has been through way too much to deal with you spoiled princes.” She turns and storms off with some more fire to her step. I know not to mess with her now.

The rest of the day drags on and when the final bell rings, I am practically running out of my classroom. I am buzzing with energy. I’m excited to be able to go to Honey’s cabin later today. The thought of our kiss in the hall had my cock hard most of the day.

When I get back to our room, Syler is pacing in the living room. “What is wrong with you?”

He stops pacing, “I don’t know, I was training with Honey in class and I had to force myself to not shift, the urge was so strong to bond her I had to leave.”

That’s odd, why are we all having this problem near her today? I push it out of my mind, maybe it is a reaction from denying the bond for so long? I don’t see Cam or Ronnie acting this way around her.

“Well, I’m headed to Honey’s cabin.” When Syler snarls at me, I raise my eyebrows at him. “What is your problem, Syler?”

“I’m sorry, I don’t know. I really don’t. Just don’t mention her name.” He turns and storms off to his room slamming the door, leaving me stunned. He is never this aggressive with me or any of the guys.

I check myself in the mirror. I am still wearing my dark jeans that are tight on my ass. Riddic loves these jeans. I paired them with a black band tee that shows off my muscles. I want her to desire me as a mate; my dragon snorts, agreeing with me.

Leaving the dorm, my palms grow sweaty the closer I get to the cabin. I run through everything I want to say to her, and it all sounds like I am making excuses why I was an asshole to her. I need to be honest with her and tell her more about me and my family and why I acted how I did. I think that if I can explain and get everything off my chest, then she will be more willing to offer me another chance to make things right between us.

The sound of her laughter is floating through the cracked windows of her cabin when I arrive. I walk to the front door and knock, then I hear the laughter die. Honey comes to the door and steps out.

When she looks at me appreciatively, I preen under her attention. My dragon stomping around like a peacock, happy to accept our mate’s glances. I snort out loud, making Honey frown.

“No, sorry it’s not you, I’m snorting at my dragon.” I don’t want to elaborate on why I snorted and move to sit on the steps leading to her front door. “I want to get some things out here, I want to tell you a little about my culture.”

She sits down next to me, keeping her distance. “Why do you want to do that?” I don’t hear any sarcasm in her voice, she genuinely wants to know.

“We started off badly and I want to explain why I was against having a mate.” I turn to look at her to see if she is catching on to what I said, and she doesn’t disappoint.

“Why were you against it; what changed?” I smile at her.

“You changed my mind. I keep going over and over in my head what you said that day when I told you about me and the guys.” I try to plan how I am going to tell her about my family and why I was so closed off. She sits and patiently waits for me to explain.

“Ever since I can remember, my father has groomed me to be the next dragon king, everything had to be perfect. I had to dress perfectly, speak perfectly and when the time comes, I will have to breed perfectly. He had my whole life planned for me, and when I did something wrong, he would show his disappointment by making me train with dragons who were much stronger and let them have free rein, no limit to the amount of pain they could cause me.”

She places her hand on my thigh and my cock immediately gets hard. I adjust myself, hopefully without her seeing. Clearing my throat, I continue, hoping she will still give me a chance once I finish my story.

“As I got older, I knew I was attracted to both sexes, the dragon species is extremely strict, so if there is a same sex couple, they are discreet. I will change that when I am king, but once upon a time the dragon species almost died out, leaving my father in charge of a dying race. So, he made a hard choice and eventually the dragon race picked back up, blossoming and thriving once again.”

I continue to talk, noticing how her knees are now touching my legs. “When it was time for me to attend school, I met the guys. We all immediately hit it off. Each of us bonded on a deeper level, meaning we knew what effect the pressure of being the next in line had on us as kids. When something deeper developed between Riddic, Syler and I, I pushed them away. I was scared, but eventually they made it past the barrier. The way they raised us; we were under the impression that a mate would not allow us to be with the two people we came to love as more than friends.” I chuckle. “Who would have thought we would all be mated together, and our mate would be OK with us, and we fucked it up.”

“Well, you are attempting to change things now, better late than never, I guess. I’m willing to give you another chance, Phoenix, but if you ever hurt me or my mates, I will never trust you again. I have lived too long in the hands of someone who was supposed to love me and didn’t.”

I feel like a complete asshole, we knew she had been hurt in the worst way and yet we were volatile with her. “Honey, I am so sorry.’’

“Stop. Let’s move forward, I can see you’re trying, and I am going to give you a chance. You know if you hurt me this is done.” She stands and I follow her. “Would you like to take a walk with me?”

I grab her hand and let her lead the way. When we get deeper into the woods, she turns to me. “There is a clearing about two miles out that I found when running. I wondered if you would show me your dragon. I’ve never seen one, and the clearing is far enough away that no one would see us.”

She looks so hopeful and my dragon is just as eager to meet her. I nod, allowing her to continue to lead the way. I can’t keep my eyes from roaming over every inch of her body, her jeans hug all her curves. I know the curve of her ass would fit perfectly in my hands, just like her delectable tits. My mouth is going dry and I want so badly to run my tongue over every inch of her body. When she looks back at me, I don’t try to mask the desire in my eyes as her eyes travel down my body, I know she can see my hard cock.

“We’re here.”

I didn't even realize we had continued to walk. At that moment, I see that I am standing in the middle of a field. I take my shirt off looking at her.

“Are you ready?”

When her eyes heat, I think that she is ready for more than just my dragon.