Omega Found by E.L. Rose


Honey has Syler in the room now and we are all on pins and needles.

She has marked all the other heirs, but I have a feeling she won’t be marking Syler. He has been the worst one, but she asked for him to come to her, not wanting to continue her heat.

Legion came down with a blush on his face and proudly displayed his vine mark. We hadn’t been sure if the heirs would have the mark, but each one has shown us theirs; the biggest difference being for them there was no pain. They didn’t even know they had it until Ronnie pointed it out.

We turn on a movie, waiting, distracting ourselves from what is going on, we hope that it will be a pleasant experience for both of them and for Honey to come out of her heat. We know that every day she is in heat, the pain also increases. Halfway through the movie we hear a shout.

Grady, Cam and I are already on our feet, when we see Syler stumbling down the steps with a black eye and a bloody nose.

I am the first one in his face, my hands circling his throat, squeezing while he tries to paw me off him. No one dares to move. I bring his face close to mine. “What the fuck did you do?” I swear I’m so tired of his shit, I will kill him if he hurt her.

“I can’t breathe, let me go.” His voice is coming out strangled, but I continue to squeeze his neck, I haven’t been able to stop his shit before, but I will end him now.

From the corner of my eye, I see Ronnie walking upstairs, I know she will go check on our mate.“Roman, you have to let him talk, so he can tell us what happened.”

Cam grasps my shoulder, looking me in the eye. I hold back my snarl because I know that he is right. Dragging Syler into the living room, I look at the rest of the guys. Each of them contains a different emotion, but the consensus is angry.

“Talk.” I make sure my voice is firm and holds no room for push back.

Syler looks at everyone and turns to me sighing. “I marked her, it was instinctual, I couldn’t help it.”

My anger hits its peak and I grab him again, not listening to the protests of the others and I drag him outside and pound my fist into his face. Syler does not fight back, just lets me hit him.

“Roman, stop.” I look over my shoulder to see Cam and Grady.

“You will kill him, Roman.”

I look back at Syler who is kneeling, his face bloody and bruised. He is healing slowly. “Why, Syler?”

He wheezes through his nose that I am sure is broken. “I couldn’t help it, ask Cam or Grady, it was instinctual. When she bared her throat to me, my wolf took over.”

Cam steps forward next to me, a scowl on his face. “After everything that you did, you thought it would be smart to have some sort of control.”

The tension in the air is clear, two Alpha wolves in a pack is beyond rare. We knew this was coming eventually and from the look in Syler’s eyes, so did he. “I, Cam Pierce, challenge you, Syler Weston, for the Alpha position.”

Before anyone has a chance to react Cam and Syler both shifts. One blond wolf and one black wolf. They circle each other, jaws snapping and snarling, I move everyone back so no one gets hurt in the crossfire.

Syler attacks first, catching Cam in the side and knocking him back. Cam shakes it off and moves to the side, he jumps towards Syler’s front leg and bites down, making Syler whine and bring his paw up to free himself, hitting Cam in the muzzle with his claws. Cam lets him go and starts to circle around him. You can tell Syler is not prepared for this fight, he is becoming sluggish, his reflexes slowing down the longer Cam circles him looking for an opening. The second he sees one, Cam attacks again, biting Syler’s neck and moving his paws to drag Syler’s head down.

Cam pins Syler to the ground, his teeth buried in his neck. I watch as the blood flows from the blonde wolf, he tries to move his neck out of Cam's teeth, and when he realizes that it only digs the teeth in further, he finally submits.

Laying all the way down, head down, eyes down. Cam just won the Alpha position. Syler cannot claim the title in the future, which gives me more hope, we may finally get more security this way. When they both shift back, they silently get dressed.

“I’m sorry.” Syler hangs his head and doesn’t look up again. I move closer to him when I hear the door open.

“Roman, stop, I’m okay now.”

Honey is standing in the door looking at Syler and I. Moving closer to me I see the mark on her shoulder, making me want to punch Syler again, but Honey stops me when she moves closer to Syler. “I understand it was your wolf's instinct, but I cannot allow you to stay here, as I am not ready to forgive you and I was not ready to become your mate, you hurt me too much.”

Syler nods his head. “I will make it up to you. I’m so sorry, Honey.”

To my surprise and everyone else’s she puts her hand on his face and leans in to kiss him on the forehead. “Go back to the school, Syler, and I will see you tomorrow for the dance.”

Syler gives a weak nod, stands up and without a backward glance heads in the school's direction.

“Honey, are you sure you’re okay?” I watch Cam and Grady crowd her while the other three heirs look on, not sure what to do.

I move over to her, pulling her close to me, to calm the beast within. I have worked so hard to leave my past behind but knowing how he could have physically hurt my mate brings it all to the surface. Calming myself I squeeze her close to my chest, repeating to myself over and over that she is okay, to not let the rage I feel get the better of me. I am amazed how quickly she forgave him; her heart is pure even after everything she has been through.

Looking up at me she smiles. “Why, Headmaster, I expect a dance tomorrow.”

The blackness fades from my vision and I smile back down at her. There is no way I can continue to be angry, not with my mate looking up at me with the sweetest smile and big brown eyes.

“Anything for you, my love.” I kiss the top of her head and pull her back to the house. I can’t wait to dance with her. I have not danced in so long. The feeling of nostalgia hits me hard, and I have to shake myself out of times I would rather forget.

The next morning, Honey is vibrating with energy. She comes into my room, bouncing on my bed, her mouth finding mine, her hands finding my hair and tugging slightly. “Wake up, Roman, I’m so excited for today. Legion surprised me with the most amazing dress this morning, I have no idea where he got it so fast but it's gorgeous.” She takes a breath before she launches into more. “Ronnie said we are kicking out all the guys and getting ready together.”

I arch my eyebrow at her, grabbing her hips and grinding her down on my cock. Her eyes flare wide and her scent changes. I roll her until she is under me, reaching my hand up her t-shirt, rolling a nipple in my fingers.

She wraps one leg around me, preventing me from moving. “Roman, I want you.”

Are there any sweeter words to hear? I grind down against her harder. She moves her hands down to her hips and tugs at her underwear, trying to remove them while keeping me from moving off of her.

Chuckling I grab her underwear and tear them off her. Sliding into her wet heat, I look into her eyes as I move inside her, letting her see all the love I have for her. “Bite me.”

She turns her neck to the side and my fangs descend as I watch her pulse. I rub my thumb on her clit while I continue to make love to her. She clamps down on my cock and I bite her neck, sending her spiraling. “That was amazing Roman, I love you.”

Hearing the sincerity in her voice tells me how loving she really is. It makes me angry again that she was treated so badly for so long, if I ever find Dan, I will kill him, and not fast either, I will make him bleed out. I will beat him over and over, taking his life into my hands. I will relish the moment I get to watch the blood drain from his eyes.

“Roman, you better not be keeping our girl from getting up, it's a girl’s day.” Ronnie stands outside my door, banging.

“Ronnie, go away, she will be out soon.”

Huffing and laughing all at once I hear her leave. “Fine Roman, but I’m kicking you and the guys out in fifteen minutes.”

I look down at the smile playing across Honey's lips. “Guess we should get moving before Ronnie bangs down the door.”

Her laugh is amazing. I move off her letting my cock slide against her folds, feeling my cum coming out of her. None of us have worn protection and yet I do not sense any pregnancy. The thought alone makes me feel lighter. I haven’t thought of children much but having one with Honey would be a dream come true. I could almost see a little boy running around with her skin coloring and my eye color.

“What are you smiling about?”

Not wanting to scare her away with the thought of babies I look down at her. “I’m thinking about us, about what we have. I never thought that I would have a family I could call my own, you gave this to me and I couldn’t be happier. Having a brother and parents is different, but having a mate is something special.” I pull her up with me as I stand. “We better get a shower before Ronnie comes back.”

“You are right.” She goes ahead of me to the shower and I groan looking at her ass. Since being here and eating healthier, she has put some weight on. She has perfect curves. Her skin is like caramel that has been kissed by the sun. She looks over her shoulder with a smirk on her face. “You coming, Headmaster?”

The way she says Headmaster makes my cock harden again and images of her spread out on my desk makes me want to be buried in her so deep she can’t move for a week. I watch as she turns on the shower and steps in, tilting her head back, letting the water slide over her body. Her eyes close in peace and it's beautiful.

Stepping in behind her I grab the shampoo and wash her hair. This is something I never thought I would like, but it is very intimate and allows me to bring her pleasure without my cock. She leans back into me, allowing me to take my time washing her. I finish her and quickly wash myself, moving out of the shower to dry off, I get dressed and grab my black bag containing my suit for the night.

“Make sure you save a dance for me tonight, Roman.” I turn to look at her, still holding her towel, water dripping from her hair, little droplets sliding down her body to fall at her feet.

“Of course, love, you will be the only one I dance with.” I close the distance to her and press my mouth to hers just as another knock sounds on my door. “Come in, Ronnie.” I turn and smile at the bossy fox shifter.

“About time, the others are waiting for you, get moving Headmaster.” She smirks at me, knowing that I would rather be called Roman while we are in the house.

“I’m leaving, Miss Bossy.” I steal another kiss and walk to the door, looking back to see Ronnie lean in and kiss Honey.

Walking down the stairs, I look at the guys there. I look little older than they are, but I am, my birthday is coming up. I know I haven’t even told Honey how old I am yet, but at some point, I will. I just want to make it through all this mess first, knowing her inquisitive mind she will have lots of questions for me.

“Ready for tonight?” Grady has his black bag in his arm, like the rest of the guys.

I went shopping with them, I know what suits they have, the heirs of course went all out buying Brioni suits, one of the most expensive suits you can buy. Grady, Cam and I went with Armani. “Yes, I want this to be a night Honey will never forget.”

I want to take the special moments that we have and make them memorable for her.

We head to the school. The guys all say they are getting ready in the heir’s dorm. I head to my office. I need to call Lila and see if there are any updates on Dan and the security I requested. Heading right to my office, I make sure that it is still locked and that no one had entered it during my time at the cabin. Sitting at my desk, I pick up the phone and dial Lila.

She answers on the second ring. “Roman, I’m so glad you called.”

“Lila, thank you for taking my call. Are there any updates on my earlier requests?”

I hear her take a long sigh before answering. “Roman, I am so sorry, but they pulled the extra security request saying that Dan had not been seen in your area. In fact, there was a sighting over five hundred miles away that we are following up on.”

Trying not to snap at her, I take a calming breath. “That may not have been him, can you please send some more security here?”

“Roman, I can’t, I’m sorry.” Her tone of voice lets me know she will no longer discuss the matter.

“What about the evidence that I sent you that Grady and I have collected over the years. Is that enough to put Dan away for a long time?”

“Yes, when we catch him, he will not see the light of day again. Now I need to go, goodbye Roman.”

She hangs up the phone before I can say anything else. What she doesn’t know is that I don’t plan on letting him live. I will hunt him down over the summer and I will kill him. There will be no way that he will ever get to hurt Honey again.

Sitting at my desk I unlock the drawer that I had placed all the investigation documents about Honey in. After the break in I took extra precautions when it came to her. Looking at the files, it brings my heart to a stop, the pictures of my mate chained to the floor, broken and bruised is enough to make me want to murder anyone who looks at her wrong. I have collected enough to convict him for a long time if that was what my plans for the future were.

Closing my desk, I get up and walk to the door where I hung my suit for the night. I pull the Armani suit out, it’s all black with a white undershirt. Having already showered this morning, I take the time to make myself look good. I’m not a vain man, but standing in front of the rest of Honey's mates made me feel old.

I am old but I don’t look it, I know that, but they are young. I head to the small bathroom in my office and I trim my beard, making sure that it’s cut close and even. Honey likes when I cut it close, saying it makes me look sexy, and tonight I need that since I will be among her other mates.

I finish my beard and spray on Honey's favorite cologne, I look at my hair, it hangs around my face, curling slightly at the ends. I have always liked it long, and I usually leave it down, but tonight I want something different, something more. I gather my hair in my hand and using a hard brush I pull it all up in what they call a man bun, making sure it is neat and that all of it is back. Satisfied with the look, I brush my teeth. Hearing a knock on the door, I go to open it and see the rest of Honey's mates, besides Ronnie.

“Are you ready?” I look at Grady who has his hair slicked back, he is also wearing an Armani suit, but his dress shirt is blood red with a black tie. I see a piercing in his ear that he didn’t have before.

“As ready as I will ever be.” I step out taking in the heirs, even Syler is here.

“Let’s go make our girl happy.” Cam says as he walks away.

I follow when all our phones buzz, pulling out my cell. It's half a picture of Honey in her dress from Legion. She is so beautiful I think we forget to breathe. Her hair is done up in curls, some cascading down her neck. She has a hint of eye liner on and amber colored eyeshadow which makes her eyes pop. Her lips still have the just kissed look to them, making them look pouty, and we can see the start of her dress. It leaves her shoulders bare; it dips down to a sweetheart over her chest, showing us her ample chest. Ronnie cut it off after the top.

“Well, now we need to hurry, I’m dying to see what she looks like.”

Legion moves ahead to lead the way. The theme of the dance tonight is Love Through the Seasons. Each of the Fae had made a part of the dance floor into their season, and with their magic flowing through you will really feel each season. I am excited to see what they have done and to see my mate.

Tonight will be a night she will never forget.