Omega Found by E.L. Rose


Ican’t breathe, the pain in my chest is too intense.

I notice the guys all bent forward like me with their hands on their chest. I manage to croak out, “Syler and Ronnie, something is wrong.”

Roman grabs my hand racing to the door while the others run after us. As soon as we get outside, my mates start to talk, Roman taking the lead. “Cam, Grady, can you both shift and lead Riddic and Phoenix to Syler and Ronnie?”

They both nod shifting together. If it wasn’t such a dire situation, I would have told them how beautiful it is.

Turning to Legion, Roman says, “Legion, you’re with me, we’re taking Honey back to the cabin.” Roman places his arms under my legs lifting me up. “Hold on, little wolf.”

Before I have time to respond, Roman is already using his speed to get me to the cabin. The smell hits me first and I grab Roman, bundling his jacket in my hand. My father was here, his scent is powerful so it must not have been too long ago.

Legion arrives at the cabin, Roman turns to him, “Check the cabin and let me know if anyone is in there while I stay with Honey.” Legion nods once running inside, not too long after he comes back letting us know no one is here.

“No one is in the house, but he was here, the smell is powerful. He was in all of our rooms.” Legion avoids looking at my face.

Roman’s face is a storm cloud, dangerous and dark, I have never seen this expression on him before. “We are going into the house and I am calling the council. Honey, go to your room and lock the door.”

I stumble into the cabin and head straight to my room with Legion hot on my heels. I hear shouting from Roman. He is on the phone, I don't know with whom, he never says their name, but he is mad. I have never heard Roman’s tone so dark; he is really showing his dark and scary vampire side.

Standing outside my room, I take a deep breath, and allow Legion to open the door. He places his hand on the small of my back, helping me take steps into the room. He leans down to me, kissing me softly, pulling back he says, “Honey, I promise everything will be okay.”

I want to believe his words so much, but the dread pooling in the bottom of my stomach tells me they are just words. I can’t take any comfort in them, no matter how much I want to. “I’m going to help Roman, lock this door and do not open it unless one of us comes to get you.”

I lean in to kiss him one more time before he backs away, leaving me feeling unsteady. I take the time to walk around and inspect my room, knowing he was in here.

At first glance, I see nothing amiss until I make my second turn around my room. Noticing my underwear drawer is slightly open. Fear shakes me to my core. I search in the drawer before my hands move across a pair of black panties, a piece of paper falling out. With shaking hands, I reach for the folded paper.

I sit down on the bed, slowly opening it. The handwriting is his, the scrawl too beautiful to be from a monster. On the bottom is an address, I expect you here alone tonight, or she will die.

The tears swim in my eyes. He is going to kill Ronnie if I do not show up. For me, there is no other choice, it will always be my life for hers and for her I will enter hell again. Ronnie makes me smile and feel confident in my skin. An image of her smiling face swims into my head, her red hair that reminds me of a brilliant sunset, the light splatter of freckles across her nose onto her cheeks. The way her emerald green eyes shine whenever she smiles, her plump full lips.

The knock on my door startles me. “Honey, it’s me, we found Syler.”

With my heart racing I throw open the door. My heart is beating fast, I smell the blood right away and the tears threaten to break free. Walking to the living room, I see Syler. He is hurt, and he is not healing as fast as he normally does.

“Syler,” my voice cracks as I try to come up with something to say to him.

His eyes pop open and he tries to smile at me, but it looks more like a grimace. “I tried Honey, he took her, but I tried to save her.” I bring his hand up and rest it against my face.

“I know, Syler.”

The tears don’t stop this time. They fall down my face, I’m not bothering to hide my emotions from the rest of my mates, my heart breaks a little more. Rage pours into my veins like poison filling up every cell of my body. The knowledge that Dan has Ronnie and almost killed Syler in the process to get to me. I feel like someone reached into my chest and is squeezing my heart tightly.

I move back as Phoenix comes over with a rag, cleaning Syler’s face, removing the dry blood, showing us the bruising underneath it. Noticing me staring at him, Syler sits up and his hand moves back to my face. “It looks worse than it feels, I promise.”

Smiling back at him, I know he’s lying. I can see the subtle way he moves and shifts so his left side is not pressing too hard into the sofa. The door slamming open has me turning my head to see Roman walking in, his eyes are furious and the anger that I feel coming from him is like nothing I have ever felt coming from my vampire.

“Security is on their way and we will be hunting for them tonight, he couldn’t have gone far, especially since he is carrying an extra person.” Roman moves over towards me and pulls me away from Syler, holding me against his chest, which makes my own chest pinch in pain. Knowing that I am going to be hurting him more, but I will not leave Ronnie to go through what I did, or even be killed because I didn’t show up.

Knowing that, this is getting harder. The longer I stay here surrounded by my worried mates, the more I know I will think twice about leaving and hurting them, and start hoping security finds Dan. I pull back, looking Roman in the eye. “I’m not feeling too well, this has been a draining day. I am going to go lay down. I will lock the door.”

I kiss him one more time and savor the feeling since I don’t know when or if I will ever get to kiss him again. Moving to Syler and Phoenix, I kiss them both as well, trying not to cry knowing this may very well be a goodbye kiss. Legion moves to me before I can get to him, and he kisses me sweetly, looking in my eyes with all the feelings he wants me to see, and I almost break under his gaze.

Stumbling away from him I move to Riddic. He pulls me close, his hair falling a little in his eyes. He leans down to whisper in my ear. “Honey, we will protect you.”

Not too long ago I would have laughed at his statement, thinking someone was playing a cruel joke on me, but now I know he would, they all would, including Ronnie. “I know, Riddic.”

I kiss him one more time and head to my room. I need to leave before security gets here and they lock down everything. Cam and Grady are the hardest to say goodbye to. Cam was my first mate, so he knows my feelings more and the bond to him is the strongest. It is hard to hide my fear and racing heart, thankfully he mistakes that for me being overwhelmed with everything that is happening. Grady, however, is a little more observant, he is reluctant to let me go. I know I will have to leave quickly. He will be the first to come check on me.

Looking out the window, I know I can shift, jump and silently land deeper into the woods than if I stay in human form, and it will be less likely that I get caught leaving. I strip down, walking over to my dresser, I lay my phone down and write a note.

Tears falling to my face, I look within to my wolf, stressing how important it is to make this shift and to be silent. My wolf agrees with me, even though I can feel her sadness. She is worried about what will happen to our bond once we are back in Dan's clutches. I push away my fear and guilt. I have to leave, I need to save my mate, even if it means lying to my other mates to keep them from trying to stop me.

With these thoughts in mind, I go to find the little black bag that Grady had given me to carry some clothes in when we shift. I take my clothes, placing them in the bag, and turn to open my window and try to judge where I need to land to be safe and not hurt myself. Once I am satisfied, I go back over to look at the address. My wolf is certain she can get us there.

Knowing I need to have faith in her, I shift. The sadness of my wolf breaks my heart more as she turns to glance at the door that would lead to my mates below, her whimper is low enough that I am sure no one will hear, she grabs the bag in her teeth and goes to the window and leaps out. Landing in the soft patch of grass, she takes one last look at the cabin, knowing this may be the last time she sees it. Inside, both of us hold onto the warmth and the smiles we had for a moment longer before we turn and leave, heading in the direction of Ronnie.

I shut my feelings down and sit back, letting my wolf have control, she is already in enough pain and me adding to it will just make things harder.

We must have traveled for over two hours, but the time seemed to pass by so quickly. My father’s and Ronnie’s scent filtered through the air. I shift back, grabbing my clothes from the bag, throwing them on, wanting to maintain some of my dignity while I still can. I continue walking, following the scent of my father to what looks like an abandoned house. The fear stops me in my tracks for a moment until I hear Ronnie whine.

I rush into the house without another thought and come to a skidding halt, the scene before me has tears rushing into my eyes. Ronnie is on her knees, naked and bruised from head to toe, like she was used as a punching bag. I know those wounds well. My father is behind her, hand grasping her hair with a knife at her throat.

“Baby girl, you almost didn’t make it, naughty wolf keeping daddy waiting, you should know better by now.”

My skin crawls at his voice, making me shiver and my wolf retreat further back into her shell. Silently, I beg her not to leave me alone this time, I feel her presence a little stronger.

“Honey no, RUN!” Ronnie manages to scream the last part out before the knife slices a very thin line across her throat, making her clamp her mouth shut. When I don’t, Ronnie’s eyes fill with tears, she knows I’m not leaving. My father yanks on Ronnie’s head again, forcing her to look up at him.

“You will leave here, do you understand?” Her eyes hold defiance in them, even as she struggles to keep breathing. My fierce fox. “No, I won’t kill Honey, fox, but what I will do to her in front of you, should you follow, will make your nightmares seem like sweet dreams.” Ronnie’s face visibly pales as his words sink into her panicked mind.

I lower my eyes to the ground, before looking back up at my father and Ronnie. “Ronnie, it will be okay, just go.” To my father I glance at his chin, “Please just let me say goodbye to her.”

He studies me, looking for something, I'm not sure what, but he nods his head. “Fine, but if you try anything, I will slit her throat.”

A whimper leaves Ronnie. My eyes snap back to hers. I move to be near her, getting on my knees to wrap my hands around her neck. I kiss her, letting her feel my emotions through the bond. She grabs at me, her arms going around my neck. “Why?”

“Ronnie, there was never any other choice for me, I will always choose you.” Her teary eyes meet mine and she nods, knowing I will not change my mind.

Leaning closer she whispers, “I’m going to get the guys.”

And just like that I remember that I am linked to the guys, they can feel everything. I reach inside me feeling all the emotions flying around frantically. I feel anger, sadness, despair, hurt. Everything that can tear me apart. I send one last wave of love to my mates and cut my link to them, blocking them from feeling me. It hurts, and it takes a few minutes to get enough control to not allow myself to open it wide again. I don’t want them feeling anything more.

Dan, having enough, glares at me. “Give the fox your clothes, can’t have her running around naked, can we?”

Ronnie’s eyes grow wide as I start to remove my clothing. I am becoming numb again, not allowing myself to feel anything. When I am down to my bra and panties, my father looks at me with an evil smirk, “All of it, Honey.” With detachment, I pull off the bra and panties, handing them to Ronnie without looking at her. “Put them on and get the fuck out, fox, and if you try anything, I will make good on my promise.”

Ronnie takes one more longing look at me, I don’t feel anything, I have shut completely down, standing there naked in front of this monster again makes my blood run cold. I feel something hit my face and when I look down, I want to laugh. He has brought a shirt from my life before. The stained and bloodied gray shirt stares mockingly at me. Ronnie touches me one more time, before she is running. Dan moves to the door of the old house, watching as Ronnie disappears, heading towards the way I had come. He turns back to me with that sinister look and right now I am glad I shut off my link to my mates.

“You know the drill bitch, on your knees.” Lowering myself to the floor, feeling the cold metal of the knife press against my throat, I wait. “If you try anything I will go back and kill her.” Nodding to show I won’t try anything I watch him pull himself out of his pants, the urge to bite his cock off overwhelms me and I wrestle to choke it back down, knowing Ronnie won’t make it if I do something terrible. “Hurry up. I want to cum so we can get moving.”

Leaning forward placing my hands on his thighs for support, I let my mind fill with images of my mates, smiling and laughing. The way Grady would kiss my head in the middle of the night when he would think I was sleeping. Roman and his dark sexy laugh and the way he was constantly touching me whenever he could. Ronnie, my best friend and my fierce fox. Cam, my gorgeous Alpha wolf, the soft smiles, warm kisses and love that he showed me, that they all showed me. My thoughts turn to my other four mates, and my heart cries. I never got to really know them and I didn’t even mark Syler as mine.

Feeling his cock press against my lips, I quickly shut down again, taking him in and letting my mouth do the work. His hand painfully grabbing my hair, slamming into me over and over, forcing me to try to block the link to my mates, which is now harder than before.

Finishing, he pulls out of me with a satisfied expression on his face. “Fuck, I missed that, if I didn’t have plans for you, I would fuck you right here on the floor, sadly though, I can’t.” He moves, quickly dragging me outside and around the back of the house where a common gray, small four-door car sits. “Get in the front and don’t try anything.”

I move to the car and slide in, enjoying my last bit of freedom even as it slips away from me. The drive is long, two days, I come in and out of awareness. The hope that someone will find me dies. Surprisingly enough, Dan feeds me. Just a little, but he does, he keeps muttering that he doesn’t want me weak. He gives me no hint of what he has planned, but I can see chains in my future, and the dread of not knowing what he plans to do with me makes me shake with fear.

Multiple times during the night he pulls over on the highway and forces me to service him. One time I think he is going to rape me. He pulls over, muttering that we are close. He drags me out by my hair and shoves me on the hood of the car. Panic seeps in when I realize I am still bare beneath my t-shirt. The shield I have built around the mate bond slips away and they suddenly feel everything that is happening. I am immersed in their emerging emotions, fear, rage and powerlessness for me. It leaves me feeling raw. He pulls himself out and rubs himself across my folds. “FUCK!!”

His shout echoes in the night, he pulls back and tucks himself away, he turns me until I face him again. The punch to the face is a relief, the next punch to the stomach has me buckling. The pain soars through the bond and I feel fury from all my mates. Struggling to close the link off, I stand back up. Dan’s face appears in my vision again. “Soon, you little slut, I won’t have to hold back.”

Those words scare me more than anything else ever has before.