Omega Found by E.L. Rose


The guys have been miserable, snapping at each other.

Not going to lie though, I have been snapping too, and normally a fox is much more skittish being the weaker predator. Full blown fights have broken out in the hotels we have been staying in while we followed leads. Every day that security turned up nothing, or when we traveled to where Dan was last spotted and hit a dead end.

Cam is the worst, his bond being the first, he feels everything harder and more intensely than the rest of us. Sitting in the car yet again, I rub my wrist, once again marveling at the beauty of it. Silver and gold vines mix together in an intricate design. We know Honey mated someone else and hated to think how they met, but a small part that everyone begrudgingly admitted was that we were happy that she had someone in hell with her.

“Fuck, Roman are we almost there?”

Cam is antsy. I told security last week that I thought Dan was doubling back to his location to throw us off and they wouldn’t listen to me, but Roman took what I said and went with it.

Happiness is non existent since Honey has been gone, it is like the life drained out of us. It would hurt to smile if someone asked me to. Last week we felt such pain and anguish through the bond, the males went out in the woods behind the hotel and beat the crap out of each other. Not a single one came back unscathed, blood was pouring from their faces, anger and hurt looked back at me when their eyes met mine. After they left, I went prowling in fox form, and killed any small animals unlucky enough to cross my path.

“We are here.”

We have been surveying Dan for a week and when he doubled back this time, we were waiting. My instinct tells me that he will double back to an out of sight gas station to fill up, and I am right, but we end up being too far behind him and have to guess, asking fast-food places if he got food there, looking at gas stations. Finally, making it to a town consisting of maybe one hundred people, they know him and said he is such a kind man who unfortunately lives in the old broken-down house on the very edge of town.

Following the directions, she gave us, we end up in front of an old house that has a broken porch. Stepping out of the mom van we rented, we catch Honey’s scent. Strong, along with another male scent, and Dan’s scent.

“Let’s go, Roman.”

None of the males even bother to wait, I keep up with them charging into the house, smelling blood and urine. Gagging, we look around and notice the door leading down to the basement. Roman enters first. We all follow him down, busy with the smell of fear and urine and feces, I run into a solid male wall. Grunting, Legion reaches behind to steady me, I push forward to see Dan in the cage. The smile I see on the males must match my crazed grin. Honey must have just escaped from the scents still here.

“Where is my mate?” Roman rips the cell door off, flinging it to the side of the wall.

I notice the chains on the ground still there. “Roman, they were chained.” Roman looks down, his face thunderous as he looks at Dan.

Cam moves inside the room grabbing fabric from the dirty bloody floor. He brings it to his nose, sniffing before he lets out a deadly growl. “What have you done with my mate?” His voice is pitched low enough that my flight instincts kick in to run.

Dan throws his head back laughing. “You’re too late, she was delicious.”

Roman does not let him continue, in a move too fast for my eyes, Roman has Dan's own belt around his throat cutting off his air supply. “I will kill you.”

“No, you won’t vamp, or you will never know what happened to your precious mate.”

This pisses me off, I slip back upstairs and find an old broom. Hiding the broom behind me I step forward. “Did you rape my mate, you pig?”

Dan’s head swivels towards me. “You little bitch, I knew I should have killed you while I had the chance.”

I look at Roman and Grady, both will let me do what I am about to do without protest. “Gentleman, do you mind pinning him down on his stomach?”

They take a moment to eyeball me but they both grab an arm while Dan struggles as he sees me produce the broom. Snapping the handle off I move closer to Dan. “I’m going to shove this broom in your ass an inch for every question you don’t answer.”

His face pales and he begins to struggle. Syler moves closer helping to push him on his stomach and yank his pants down leaving his ass bare. I sit the handle at the entrance of his hole allowing the males to ask the questions. “Did you rape our mate?”

Gulping he shakes his head until I slide the handle closer.

“Speak, pig.” I don’t even recognize the venom in my own voice.

He pisses himself, literally pisses himself. His voice now shaky “I tried but couldn’t.”

That sends relief through me, but I still push part of the handle into him, his howl a moment later has me smiling again.

Grady looks Dan in the face, “Where is she?”

“She, she, escaped. Her mate hit me.”

They both must have hit him enough to subdue him.

Roman moves forward. “How did you know he was her mate and why did you want them together, what is he?”

Dan looks around and when I push the handle in a little more, I say loud enough, “I will shove this whole handle in your ass.”

“Kitsune, he’s a Kitsune, I knew he was her mate since he followed her scent. I wanted them together so she could get pregnant. An Omega and Kitsune child would be so powerful, and the crossover between species has never happened before.”

The shock that reverberates in us all leaves us open mouthed. Legion is the first to recover. “A Kitsune, but they haven’t been seen in six hundred years.”

Cam cut him off. “Is she pregnant?”

One word from Dan’s lips freezes us all, “Yes.”

Phoenix, in a thoughtful tone, speaks up, “I know a witch in the town over we can get a tracking spell of sorts to try to track her better.”

Cam nods, “That's a good idea, she won’t go back to the school, too afraid of us getting hurt.”

Riddic, who has been silent until now, asks, “Should we call the council to come get him?”

Roman turns and faces us all, his fangs elongated. His smile is downright scary. “Come get who? I don’t see anyone but us here in this house. We made a mistake; Dan was not here. Phoenix, go up and make that call, so we can get moving before Honey gets too far away from us.”

Now, babbling like a baby Dan stutters, “You have to call the authorities; I will hand myself over without a fight.”

Roman smiles, “Do I have to call them? Hmm, I don’t think I do since there was no one here.” Roman drags Dan up by his neck. “Everyone can go ahead; I will be along shortly.”

“We’re staying, Roman.” Grady and Cam both say at once.

“Very well, the rest of you go get prepared.”

I turn to walk away, but not before I see the menacing look on the three males faces, there will be much blood spilled today. The last thing I hear before I close the door is from Roman. “Let’s have fun, shall we?”

The scream that follows will make me smile every day for the rest of my life.

Now, it’s time to go save our mate.


For now…