Omega Found by E.L. Rose


Milo is resting on the cot and I decide to sit on the concrete. Placing my back against the bars, I steal one more glance at Milo. Even with all the bruising and blood on him, he is breathtaking.

A mixture of brown and gold hair that hangs a little past his ears. A perfect straight nose and full lips. His eyes are brown, and his body remains ink free, not a single tattoo. He is tall, maybe standing almost as tall as Roman who is the tallest of my mates. I feel terrible staring at him, but he is my mate so of course I am drawn to him.

I turn to look back at the camera sitting there and I know he will check it soon, and for us not consummating the relationship there will be hell to pay. My mind drifts to the last thing he said before he passed out. He is a virgin. I feel terrible. I don’t want to take something so precious from him here under these circumstances.

Running my hands through my now knotted hair, I catch sight of the silver mating vine mark on my wrist, it is beautiful, so delicate and it shines amongst the dirt. Looking at Milo, I know I want to get to know him.

I’m not stupid enough to think that we won’t be forced to mate, and under my father’s, no, the devil’s, watchful eye, but I want to make this special for him. I wonder why he is so adamant about me mating him. I know it has something to do with both of us being rare species and that can mean terrible things for someone so evil.

I cringe at what he said, once I am pregnant, there will be no more use for him. I know what that means, he will kill my mate. I’m not stupid, I also know that once the baby is born, he won’t stop at just making me blow him, he will take full advantage of me. I need to find a way out of here, for both of us.

“Honey?” I hear the question in his voice and the fear that maybe I disappeared.

“Milo, I’m here.”

“Come lay down with me, please.”

I move closer to the cot and get in with him, the cot being so small it forces our bodies together. I feel him against me, his naked body aligning so perfectly with mine. I cringe. Damn it, this is not how I’m supposed to feel in this situation, but my body is begging me to mate with him. My wolf recognizes him and is trying to strengthen our bond, urging me to be with him.

Instead, I turn my thoughts to my other mates, I have locked the bond down so they won’t feel any emotion, but maybe opening it will be the key to getting out of here. Slowly opening the bond again, I feel despair, grief, anger, and sadness. Opening the bond wider I felt relief, they are too far away for me to talk to them in my mind, but I know now that what I did was terrible. I should not have blocked my mates out of the link, I was just trying to keep them from feeling the worst of my pain.

The relief lets me know they are worried about me. Even though they are too far, I try to link with my first mate, the one who would feel me the strongest. CAM I scream through the bond, and I do this over and over until I get a very faint Honey letting me know he heard me on some level.

Tired from the day, I roll into Milo and wrap myself around him.

The next thing I know I feel extreme heat on my arm. Falling off the cot onto the concrete floor, I grab my arm, the monster himself stands above me grinning like the sinister man he is, holding a lighter that you would use to start a fire. Standing there I look at him, his now silver hair styled back, and his blue eyes lighting with clear hate.

Having enough and just wanting to get an answer, I stand up and look him in the face. “Why?” The surprise that flits across his face for a moment lets me know I took him off guard. “You’re supposed to be my father, you’re not supposed to hurt me like you did all these years, you were supposed to love me.”

His mouth parts slightly because he doesn’t know what to say, I have never asked him this question and being so blunt throws him off. Sneering, he raises his hand and backhands me. “Why?! You want to know why! I hate you, that's why. I lost the love of my life, and my heir, leaving me with this pathetic excuse of a child, all because you were selfish. You just had to dance, you begged us for weeks until your mother gave in.”

Tears streaking down my face, I yell back at him. “So, you molest me and beat me for years instead of walking away, how are you the bigger person?”

His eyes turn hard and he hits me again. “Shut the fuck up, Honey. I have some business to attend to, if you are not mated by the time, I get back in two days, I will gut him. Then there will be nothing in the way of me taking what I want from you.”

With a busted lip and too many feelings floating through the bond, I sit back down on the cot. Watching him move around the basement. He brings a gallon of water and a loaf of bread and leaves it there. “Better make this last for two days.” He goes to walk away when I stop him.

“Dad, wait!” He stops once again as an idea forms in my head. “I can’t mate him with the collar on, it will pull too hard.”

Sneering, he walks back out and grabs matching chains like mine and attaches them to the hook in the cement. Cuffing Milo’s ankles, he removes the collar and slams his way out of the cell, locking it. “I will be watching, and it better be done, or he will die, and so will you after I have my fill of you. You look just like your mama, hell, maybe even hotter, though your skin is so much lighter than hers was.”

I nod my head trying to keep the vomit from coming up. The thought that he would rape me had crossed my mind for years before Roman saved me, but he had held back. Now I know he won’t. His eyes are desperate, and from what I can tell, he doesn’t want to risk getting me pregnant. I move to the hole we have been using in the floor as a bathroom and vomit. Every little thing I have eaten comes up, and by the time I turn back around he is gone.

“Honey.” I turn to see that Milo is sitting up and rubbing his injured neck.

“Milo, I got a mark.” I hold out my wrist to show him and he winces a little.

“Sorry, I forgot to tell you, but I also got one,” He holds out his hand, showing me the gold mark on his wrist.

“Why do I have one, Milo?” His eyes flash with uncertainty before he clears his throat, clearly not wanting to talk about it, so I let it drop. I move onto the cot with him, leaning close to his ear. “We have to, um, well, we have to mate, Milo.”

The blush that comes over his face is so cute, it makes me smile, it feels good to do that. I have not used the muscles that help me smile in a while, to where it almost hurts.

“I know.” He whispers to me, and when he looks over at me his eyes heat. “Is it wrong that even in this situation, I want to be inside you? I want all of you.”

“No, I feel the same.” Lowering my voice again I say, “We have to escape here, bide our time to leave. I have left the connection to my mates open now so the closer they get to me the easier they can find me.”

“Umm, how many mates do you have?” He looks so unsure of himself it warms my heart a little.

“Nine, including you.”

The heavy gulp and the twiddling with his hands makes me reach out and grab his chin. Kissing him gently on the mouth, allowing him to get used to the feel of my mouth pressed to his.

“I don’t know what I’m doing, Honey.” His eyes hold a look of uncertainty.

“The monster left for two days. How about we get to know each other better?”

He smiles so bright; I am momentarily stunned. “Yes, I would like that.”

The rest of the night we talk about our lives and I note some things he avoids. He tells me about where he lived and how he was caught and that saddens me, he thought he had found his mate and instead was captured. We fell into a peaceful sleep that night, I allowed those feelings to soothe my other mates. I’m sure by now they must have felt the extra bond snap into place, and they have hope, I have a mate to protect me.

The next time I open my eyes I feel refreshed, and I snuggle deeper into Milo. You could almost forget we are being held captive and by the hardness pressing into my back he feels the same. I roll over facing him, I look into his eyes, loving the sleepy look on his face. I can’t wait until we are out of here and I can really spend time showing him how much I love waking up to his face. He smiles wider the longer I stare at him, looking at his lips as he moves them closer. The kiss is sweet but quickly deepens and he groans rolling over on top of me, the chains clattering on the ground, but that doesn’t stop the heat between us.

He takes one look at the camera and grimaces, but I bring his face back to mine. “Just focus on me Milo.”

His eyes land on me again, and he recaptures my lips, his hand creeping up my t-shirt, leaving it on. I know it is, so the camera won’t see me bare. His thumb grazes my nipple setting my nerves on fire, making me arch into him. A small moan slips from my mouth and before another can, Milo covers my mouth with his. “He doesn’t deserve to hear your pleasure, love.”

He said love and I have to stop myself from crying. I have heard none of my mates call me love and it breaks my heart. Instead of dwelling on it, I wrap a leg around his as he enters me. Slowly at first, but his pace picks up, gliding in and out of me and making my core clench. For a moment, suspended in our bubble, it is just the two of us. His lips are soft against mine, not dominating like most of my mates, but still taking control. His cock is long and thick, filling me, hitting that magical spot, making me cum around him. He holds on for another minute, before he releases himself inside me. I feel him leaking out of me, the smile on my face quickly dies when I realize the consequences of what we did.

“Honey, don’t think about it, let’s not tarnish this moment between us.”

“I won’t, and it was amazing.” I wasn’t lying to him either, he is amazing, filling me and giving me his pleasure. I am the first one to take pleasure in his embrace.

“We need to leave, Honey. Kitsune and Omega together, we have a high chance of already carrying.”

I didn’t know that, but what I also did not tell him is there is a chance I already am pregnant. I know Omegas can carry pups from different fathers, but I’m not sure how it works when it is from different species.

We spend the rest of the day talking and plotting on how to get out of the cell. The plan is not something I am happy with, but to save us, I agree to it. Once we are happy with our plan, we make love the rest of the night, loving the security of our bubble we create with our eyes. Our bodies give us pleasure where there really should be none.

The next morning my father arrives back and forces me to my knees, like the plan we talked about, I try to creep my hands around his lower half seeing if I feel the keys to our shackles and cell. Grabbing his ass to feel his back pockets I try not to vomit. “Enjoying this, huh, you little slut, while your mate watches?”

I don’t respond and I don’t bite his cock off like I want to, we can’t afford for him to be able to live and kill us both while we are still shackled. A little hope springs in my heart when I feel the set of keys. After he finishes in my face, he throws a rag at me and leaves. Moving over to Milo, I keep my head down. I don’t want to look him in the face, afraid of what he will think.

A gentle hand on my cheek makes me raise my eyes. “Honey don’t ever feel ashamed, this is not your fault, I told you this. I will never think badly about you.”

I wipe the tears that have fallen and lean against him until I notice the tin pan he left our food in. “Milo, look,” I excitedly eye the tin pan, moving over to it. “Milo, we can use this if we continue to distract him. If you hit him hard enough, we can be free.” The thought alone has a spark in my chest blaze bright. Now all we need is the perfect opportunity to hurt him.

Over the next week, I learn much about Milo, I know he still holds things back and I am not sure why he would, but I don’t pressure him to tell me, we are under enough pressure. I tell him about my other mates, the people who will be his family and he in turn seems excited to meet them. I leave the link to my mates open, so they know I am still alive even if they know what is happening. I keep alive the hope that they will get close enough to me so we can talk, and I can give them some sort of direction to guide them to us.

Nights begin to blur into days and a small part of me knows I am pregnant. I don’t tell Milo, too scared to draw attention to myself. The saving grace is that Milo said my smell will change when I am two months into pregnancy. That leaves me thinking that I could be a little more than a month pregnant or just at a month depending on who the father or fathers are. I am scared and the weaker we get, the harder it is to remember our goal.

Dan continues to bring the food in the metal tin, and we keep an eye out for an opportunity to hit him with it, but he seems to keep my back to the cell so Milo has no choice but to watch me while he watches Milo.

I am losing hope and I feel the helplessness in my mate bonds as well. They are nowhere close to me yet and I know they've tried to follow the pull of the bond. At one point I knew they were at least a state away, but that changed the next day when the link felt weaker.

“Milo, I think when Dan leaves, he is leading them to other states and being seen so they chase him there.” It hit me that sometimes he is gone for days and doesn’t come back.

“I think so, as he seems to leave and come back a few days later. Maybe leaving your scent in different places to confuse your mates.”

“They were close before, but then it was gone the next day. I know I can’t go back to the school once we are free. If we get free, he will hunt us there and I don’t want to risk them again.”

Milo looks thoughtful, “We cannot go back to my land either, he would kill everyone there. Our flight instincts kick in without a mate to protect, they would not be strong enough to hold up against an Alpha wolf. They could have a chance, but many would die in the process and I’m not willing to do that.”

“I understand.” That also tells me another piece of information, that the world of Kitsunes isn’t long gone. They are thriving but they are hidden. Now I have more questions. “Milo, I know you're hiding something from me, what is it?”

He turns to look at me while we sit next to each other and at the ever-going camera. He leans in and whispers so softly I have to strain to hear him. “I’m the king of my people.”

My mouth drops open and I look at him in astonishment.

“I was the last child born to the last royal Kitsune. She knew our people were in trouble, so she faked her own death and found the land where we currently live. She was pregnant with her son and she had saved an infant girl from the raids, they grew up and had me. Along the way other pure Kitsunes were found and made their way to us. When my parents and grandmother stepped down to let me rule, they traveled the world seeking pure bloods to bring into our lands.” He watches my face to see how I will take the news.

“But scent, how do you block it from other predators?”

The smile he gives me makes my heart flutter. “My grandfather is a genius and made specific scent blockers and even ones that make you smell like another predator so we could move about freely. The only time it wouldn't work is when a Kitsune met its true mate, but that had never happened outside our species until me. I will be the first in six hundred years to not be mated to a Kitsune.”