Theirs to Correct by Ivy Barrett

Chapter 2

Vixen looked up from the topographical map she’d been studying as someone knocked on her door. “Come in,” she called with a sigh, rubbing her forehead. The sun had just gone down but it felt much later. It had been that sort of day.

The door eased open and Sam Caldwell, her lieutenant, stepped just inside the room. “Sorry to interrupt. I know you were hoping to get some shuteye tonight.”

“Sleep is overrated,” she dismissed with a faint smile. “What’s up?”

“We just received word that the hunters caught up to Emily Delacroix. She’s in Colorado Springs.”

“Shit.” Vixen stood up and started pacing, too anxious to remain still. “First Marissa and now Emily. Where did they find her?”

“A small town in West Virginia.” His expression was grim and he said nothing more.

“Do we dare risk a rescue?”

Sam’s rugged features revealed nothing, but he always spoke his mind. That was one of the reasons she had chosen him as her second-in-command. “All of the sector leaders have guards at their headquarters. Four’s compound is more like a fortress. He has drones and a detection grid, as well as actual guards. Besides, attacking that close to home risks revealing our position.”

She nodded, but it bugged the hell out of her to do nothing. The only way they could get Emily out was molecular transportation, and none of the aircraft under their control were that advanced.

“I’m sorry. I know they’re friends, but it would be extremely unwise—”

“This isn’t about friendship,” she stressed, annoyed by his condescending tone. “Either one of them could blow my cover. And then where would we be?”

Sam remained calm despite her agitation. “Emily would never betray you. She has too much to lose.”

“Pain is a powerful motivator. She’s not used to hardship of any kind.”

He didn’t comment on that. Instead, he said, “I don’t know Marissa. How much of a risk does she pose?”

“Luckily for us, she doesn’t know what she actually knows. The resistance is all around her, but her grandparents have always insisted that Marissa be kept ignorant.”

“Let’s hope that protects her. And us.”

Vixen nodded, rubbing the bridge of her nose.

“You look tired. I’ll make sure you’re not disturbed for the next eight hours. It has been weeks since you got a full night’s sleep.”

It was true, but his concern made her smile. “Thank you, Daddy.”

He glared, but departed. They both knew that parent was not the role he wanted to play in her life. Unfortunately for him, she was not interested in even a casual hookup right now, much less a serious relationship. She had too much to do, too many looking to her for direction. She sighed and moved to the window, staring out into the moonless night.

“Why do you continue to push him away? His feelings for you are genuine.”

She looked into the glare on the window to see behind her. Fanaris stood there, looking vicious and tragic as always. One side of his face was strikingly handsome like so many of the Kobar, but the other was twisted into a perpetual snarl. Vixen only saw the compassion in his eyes and his protective nature. “I know he genuinely cares about me. That’s the primary reason I won’t sleep with him. I respect him too much to use him.”

Fanaris shook his head, dislodging the deep hood he frequently used to shadow his features. “It should be his choice. If you are honest about your feelings and he still wishes to comfort you, why not let him?”

She moved away from the window and turned around. “I didn’t realize your consultations included relationship advice.”

“Only for you, Tori. Only for you.”

“Vixen,” she corrected firmly. “That other person died three years ago.”

“Odd, because the woman who rescued me two years ago introduced herself as Tori,” he pointed out good-naturedly.

“You know what I mean.”

Fanaris had been a prisoner of his own people when her team came across him during a supply run. Her stepfather, Chris Phaeton, had still been in charge of the resistance at the time, so she introduced herself as Tori rather than Vixen. It was obvious that Fanaris had been horribly abused, so she’d insisted on setting him free. She’d expected Fanaris to run away, maybe live in one of the abandoned cities. Instead, he followed her back to the rebel camp, keeping his distance but watching.

A few weeks later, a wolf pack cornered her in the woods and Fanaris went into action. What surprised her most was the fact that he hadn’t killed the animals, just used his extraordinary abilities to frighten them away. Fanaris had been her self-appointed protector ever since.

She shook away the past and asked, “What did you find out?”

“Command Cadre Four has finally given up on Roswell.” He chuckled and shook his head. “We had them going for an entire month this time, but Nayez chased down all the false leads and searched every building in town so he has to have concluded that the rumors were wrong.”

Even as tired as she was, thoughts of Brydon Slone and his cadre always made her smile. They had been playing a robust game of cat and mouse for nearly a year now. The arrogant Kobar cat just didn’t realize that the crafty human mouse had been running him in circles the entire time. “Where should we send them next? Area 51?”

“Nevada is not in Sector Four.”

“Damn.” She sighed and rubbed the back of her neck. The problem was her headquarters was in the foothills above Colorado Springs, so all the foolishness was necessary to keep Brydon and his cadre from realizing they were neighbors, dangerously close neighbors.

“Skinwalker Ranch is in Sector Four,” Fanaris suggested. “So is the Stanley Hotel and Phantom Canyon Road.”

She shook her head. “You switched from aliens to ghosts. I like the irony of using alien myths to torture actual aliens.”

“Understood. Let me do some more research.”

“I’d be lost without you.” She started to ask about Chris then stopped. If Fanaris had found out anything new it would have been the first thing he told her. Fanaris understood how much her stepfather meant to her.

“Would you like to see him?”

She shook her head. Fanaris’ psychic abilities allowed him to astral project. For a very short period of time, he could show her what he was seeing. He wasn’t able to communicate with anyone, just observe, so it was more like torture than reassurance. “As long as you’ve confirmed that he is unharmed. It’s too upsetting to see him like that.”

“He is unharmed.”

“Thanks. I’ll see you in the morning.”

He nodded once then blended with the shadows and disappeared. She wasn’t sure if he was still there and giving her the illusion of privacy or if he stationed himself nearby and monitored her emotions. All she knew was the few times she had needed him since they met, he immediately appeared.

Returning to the window, she stared out into the night. It was too dark to see anything, but it helped her think. The path had seemed so clear when Chris led the resistance. Conventional war had not worked, so their only hope of returning Earth to human control was to release a biological weapon that would only work on the Kobar. Chris Phaeton was part owner of a billion-dollar pharmaceutical company so he had the resources to make it happen. In fact, they had been so close to accomplishing their goal that they had been working out distribution when the Kobar figured out what they were doing and raided Chris’ lab. The biological agent as well as all of the information concerning it had been seized and Chis was taken into custody.

The resistance had been demoralized by Chris’ arrest. No one felt qualified to take his place, so Vixen stepped into the role temporarily. She had military experience and a mind for strategy, so everyone seemed content with the substitution. Everyone but Vixen.

The closer the new team drew to re-creating the weapon, the less convinced she was that they should use it. She wanted the Kobar gone as much as everyone else, maybe more, but nothing justified genocide. There had to be a middle ground, some compromise—

The Kobar don’t compromise and they don’t retreat.Chris’ voice rang out from her memory. He stood before a group of rebel fighters preparing to risk their lives. Every human on this planet is counting on us. If we fail, they will never know freedom again. Your sisters and daughters will be their playthings. Your brothers and sons will fight their wars. Earth belongs to humans and no matter the cost we must take it back!

She shivered, then sighed. No one gave a pep talk like Chris Phaeton. If it hadn’t been for him, she might never have gotten over her father’s death. But Chris wasn’t here and she was no longer certain that his solution was the only one. If she was going to convince the resistance that their true leader was wrong, she better come up with a damn compelling alternative.

* * *

Fists clenched at his sides, Lahval walked up the stairs behind Emily. Her sweetly curved ass was still pink from Brydon’s firm spanking and it was all he could do not to reach up and squeeze the well-rounded cheeks. Her emotions were surging again and her thoughts were so tangled he didn’t even try to decipher them. Brydon and Nayez were empathic to some degree, but Lahval’s abilities were much more comprehensive. He was able to sense specific thoughts and situations, as well as raw emotion.

“I think I’ll let Lahval go first,” Nayez told her as he climbed the stairs beside Lahval. “I want to take my time with you.”

“I’ll wait,” Lahval said firmly.

Nayez stretched to his full height, which topped Lahval by half a head. “Let me clarify. If you want to fuck her, you go next because I’m spending the rest of the night enjoying her.”

Lahval had no intention of backing down. Nayez’s good looks hid a cruel streak, and Emily wasn’t emotionally tough enough to indulge him. At least not yet. Lahval had sensed the strength of her spirit as soon as she walked through the front door. But bowing to the wishes of others was new to her, and she was currently overwhelmed. “I’ll gladly go next, but I’m not leaving her alone with you.” As third, he was seldom in a position to contradict the others. Still, this was a battle he was willing to fight. Nayez would never harm her, but he was thinking with his dick right now.

She glanced back at Lahval and offered him a tentative smile. Her pale blonde hair looked soft against her cheek and her dark eyes were thick-lashed and soulful.

“I am second. That means I’m in control until I release her to you,” Nayez said in an urgent whisper.

“The Right of Second allows you to empty your balls before I do, nothing more,” he responded in the same hushed tone. “If you want her next, I’ll wait. But I am not leaving her side.”

You don’t trust me with her?Nayez pushed the thought into his mind to ensure that she didn’t overhear them.

He sounded hurt as well as angry, so Lahval backed off. This is too important to fuck up. We have to establish our authority without making her hate us. That will be harder than Brydon thinks.

Nayez looked at him thoughtfully but didn’t argue. “In there.” He pointed toward the second door down the main hallway as they reached the upper level.

It was Nayez’s bedroom. Lahval didn’t miss the significance. Nayez was feeling particularly possessive. They all were. Lahval had heard about lottery girls triggering bonding fever, but until the conversation he’d had with Dr. Parsett earlier Lahval hadn’t understood the phenomenon. Not surprisingly, it was a side effect of Project Evolution.

In a rash effort to prevent extinction the supreme commander unleashed self-replicating nanites programmed to alter the genome of human females of childbearing age. Actually, the nanites didn’t alter every woman’s DNA. The changes were triggered when and if each female had intimate contact with Kobar males she found naturally attractive. Without her reaction there was no change. Project Evolution had still been implemented without the knowledge or permission of the females. For this reason, the supreme commander chose not to inform the general population and only a few human leaders had been involved.

Lahval understood the rationale behind Project Evolution. However, he strongly disagreed with any medical procedure that was done without permission. Of course, no one had asked his opinion, but everyone in this house was feeling the results.

Emily moved into the designated bedroom and paused to look around. Lahval tried to see it through her eyes, but he’d lived here for three years so it wasn’t easy. Like the rest of the house the bedroom was large, the furniture bold. A cheerful fire blazed in the fireplace and the drapes had been pulled to offer them privacy as well as warmth.

“She never made it to the processing center,” Nayez reminded. “We need to finish preparing her before we continue.”

“What does that mean?” Emily started to cover herself then stopped. Her emotions were still chaotic, but she was trying to obey.

Nayez motioned toward the bed. “Lie down on your back, feet near the edge, knees bent.”

“What are you going to do?” she persisted.

“I’m going to take you over my knee and spank your ass if you don’t do as you’re told.”

With obvious reluctance, Emily sat on the foot of the bed. She scooted back just far enough to lift her feet to the edge of the mattress then lay down. Nayez moved to his dresser and retrieved the jar containing the stimulator nanites. The system was an extremely effective training aid for strong-willed females. After loosening the jar’s top, Nayez pulled on a glove and approached the bed.

“Don’t be alarmed by the sensations. They pass quickly and are not harmful in any way.”

“Sensations? What are you—”

Nayez smeared the tips of her breasts with the transfer gel, coating her nipples and areolas. She gasped, then moaned as the nanites burrowed into her flesh. “I’ll demonstrate the purpose momentarily.” Nayez moved between her legs and applied the gel to her clit, then ordered, “Turn over. Hands and knees.”

“Why?” she protested, pushing up with her elbows. “What is that stuff?”

“If you continue to question me, you will receive a much more in-depth demonstration than I had intended to give you. Trust me, you do not want that.”

Grumbling under her breath, she turned over and positioned herself as he’d directed. Nayez pulled her butt cheeks apart and casually applied the gel to her other opening. “Your body hair is short, but we prefer it gone. Can we trust you to complete the task yourself? We have a handheld device that makes it simple and painless.”

“Can I go do it right now?” The hint of sarcasm in her tone earned her a nice hard swat on the ass.

“You will groom after you have met our needs. Clearly you are ready for that demonstration.” Nayez activated the stimulators with a mental pulse. The nanites were tuned to the brainwaves of the entire cadre, so Lahval could feel the signal.

Emily gasped, tossing her head as sensations erupted in her nipples and clit. “Oh, God. How are you doing that? What was in the gel?”

“Nanites,” Lahval told her. “The simulators can enhance your pleasure if you have earned a reward, but they can also become excruciating if your behavior requires correction.”

Nayez spiked the intensity of all three sets of nanites to show her what Lahval meant.

She screamed and writhed helplessly until Nayez deactivated the nanites.

“Pleasure or pain,” Nayez reiterated. “Either can be administered by all three of us at any time. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.” She rubbed her breasts and pressed her legs together as her senses normalized.

“Good. Now there is one last thing that needs to be addressed.” Nayez pulled an injector out of his pocket and helped her sit up. “Hold out your arm.” She did and he sterilized her skin with the UV light attached to one end of the injector. “This stings, so hold still.”

“Am I allowed to know what it is?”

Nayez triggered the injection before he answered, “Locator chip. It burrows into bone, so the only way to remove it is to sacrifice your arm.”

“Has anyone ever chosen that option?”

“No.” Nayez went into the adjacent bathroom and recycled the injector, glove, and empty jar.

She rubbed her arm and looked around as she waited for Nayez to return. “So, what now?”

Nayez answered her question indirectly. He looked at Lahval and said, “If you’re staying, she’s going to suck me off before you fuck her. That way neither of us will feel rushed.”

Annoyed, Lahval just glared. He didn’t understand why Nayez and Brydon thought that treating her like a brainless object was the fastest way to establish their authority. Lahval was just as dominant. However, he preferred to seduce his females into surrendering control rather than wresting it from them.

Nayez undressed with fast, efficient movements then crawled onto the bed. Emily stood there staring at him as if she’d never seen a naked male before. Lahval shook his head. Nayez had this effect on females, but he seemed unaware of his physical appeal. When they first met, Lahval thought it was false modesty but they had known each other for eleven years and Nayez’s indifference to flattery remained.

“What’s the matter?” Nayez asked, sounding a bit annoyed.

“Nothing,” she whispered, shaking away her momentary stupor.

“Then come here.” He held out his hand, looking like temptation personified.

She crawled across the bed, glancing at Lahval as she did so.

Lahval undressed too, just at a much slower pace. He was leaner than Nayez, his features less striking. Did she find him lacking after gazing at Nayez? It did not matter. He had other attributes to offer. A cadre was about balance. Each member complemented the others. Each had their own strengths and weaknesses.

“Enough gawking,” Nayez chided. “Eyes and lips on me.”

His back rested against the headboard and his legs were spread, knees slightly bent. She crawled toward him, her emotions settling into an uneasy simmer. Having them both naked made this feel less confrontational, yet Brydon’s threat about ass-fucking still lingered in her mind. Lahval didn’t usually monitor anyone this closely but he had to make sure she was not overwhelmed by their demands.

Emily thought she was a lottery girl, and technically she was, but they hoped that her terms of service would develop into so much more. The survival of the Kobar race depended on cadres successfully claiming human mates. Six years ago Kobar, their home world, had been destroyed by a super volcano. The actual eruption had been devastating, but it also triggered a series of other natural disasters. In a matter of weeks, the entire planet was uninhabitable and the number of Kobar had been reduced from over four billion to not quite seven million. And because military outposts orbited the planet, the vast majority of the survivors were male.

The families and female refugees were welcomed by neighboring planets, while the warriors were met with hostility and mistrust. Lahval didn’t blame them. Kobar warriors were known for their ruthlessness and aggression. The other planets were willing to assist those in need, but they would not risk an armed invasion.

Homeless and disheartened, the warriors set their sights on a distant, nearly forgotten colony. Earth had been seeded by the Kobar many thousands of years ago. Human cultures were still primitive, technology barely beginning to evolve, but human females were capable of producing Kobar young with only minor genetic alterations. Human governments, however, were even less hospitable than the other planet leaders, so the Kobar were left with no choice but to establish their supremacy. Shaking away the past, Lahval refocused on the current situation, seducing their potential mate.

Nayez pushed his hands into her hair as soon as she reached him and guided her head toward his lap. He pulled her down so quickly she barely caught herself against his thighs. Lahval sighed. If Nayez would just kiss her, or stroke her, put her at ease, all of this would be less traumatic. Nayez pushed his cock between her lips and filled her mouth. So much for tenderness. Nayez clearly had something very different in mind. She settled on her hands and knees as he controlled her movements.

“Eyes on me,” he reminded firmly. He moved her head with persistent pulls and pushes, sliding her mouth up and down his shaft. This put him in complete control, which was how Nayez liked it.

Unable to just stand there and watch as she was ruthlessly used again, Lahval joined them on the bed. She tensed, anxiety spiking through her chaotic thoughts. Would he spank her, finger her, or shove his cock deep and fuck her pussy while Nayez fucked her mouth? She waited in uneasy suspense, her core starting to ache.

Lahval slid his hand down the length of her back, determined to soothe her. “Your skin is so soft,” he whispered reverently. If they succeeded in courting her, this female would be their mate and the mother of their children. They would share her and build their lives around her. But first they had to establish their claim, warn every other Kobar male that she belonged to them. “And your breasts…” He reached beneath her and squeezed both soft mounds, his chest pressing against her back. “Extraordinary.”

Nayez triggered the nipple stimulators. She startled then moaned as the nanites created a rhythmic whir in her flesh. Lahval could feel the faint buzz against his palms.

“This setting won’t let you come, but it will make your orgasm more intense when I finally turn them off.” He activated the clit stimulators and then the ones surrounding her sensitive pucker. She arched her back and shifted her hips, obviously bothered by the teasing sensations. “Finger her ass,” Nayez suggested gruffly. “She needs to get used to being penetrated there.”

He was right, but she wasn’t ready to hear it, much less accept the concept. Lahval kissed his way down her spine, still playing with her breasts. She savored the gentle touches, needing the tenderness. Then he slid his hands down her sides and squeezed her bottom, carefully pulling the sides apart. “He’s right, Emily. You need to get used to being touched everywhere. You will be taken in all three holes. Once your body has adjusted to the stretch, it will feel really good when we use your ass.”

She shivered, trying to keep her emotions distanced from what they were doing. Even as distracted as Lahval was by her soft body, her mind was an open book to him. Her body responded to their skill, but she would never enjoy being used. Or so she was valiantly trying to convince herself.

Nayez moved her head faster, giving her more than half his length with each long stroke. She would need to be taught how to swallow their entire length, but that was a lesson for another day.

Needing to judge her response to his touch, Lahval turned off the nanites. Then he caressed the insides of her thighs and her wet pussy. He traced her crease, easing his fingers between her folds until he found her slick opening. If she wasn’t dripping Brydon’s cum, it would be his tongue not his fingers exploring her flesh. That pleasure too would have to wait for another day.

“There is no way all of this is Brydon.” Lahval pushed two of his fingers inside her and rubbed her clit with his thumb. “Something about this appeals to you or you wouldn’t be this wet.” She groaned around Nayez’s cock and shivered. Oh, yes, she definitely liked that. Sliding his long fingers in and out, Lahval matched the rocking of his hand to the slide of Nayez’s cock between her lips.

With their minds this closely linked, Lahval sensed the tingling pleasure as it gathered in her core. His fingers slid more easily as her passage grew even wetter. Lahval inhaled deeply, craving more of her unique scent. His dark nature stirred, filling his mind with images and urges. He wanted to spank her upturned ass until her cheeks glowed nice and red, then he’d push his cock into her tight virgin hole. She’d cry out and sob as he stretched her, but she’d submit just the same.

Shaking away the feral need, he concentrated on the slide of his fingers and thumb. He had to keep his head. If he gave in to these urges too, she would never see them as anything but Kobar savages.

She groaned even louder but was still fighting against the sensations racing toward her. She didn’t want to come, didn’t want to submit to their control. Amused by her stubbornness, Lahval rotated his wrist and rubbed her other hole with his thumb. She murmured a futile protest as he pushed against the puckered opening. This was the first of many ways this hole would be penetrated. She tried to wiggle away from the intrusion but Lahval wouldn’t be denied. He drove inward steadily and her body yielded to his probing thumb.

“That’s right, love. Let me in.”

Soothed by his coaxing tone and the care with which he took her, she relaxed and his thumb slid deeper. No doubt it felt strange to her, unfamiliar yet he hoped it was pleasant. He pulled back then made her take more. Soon his hand rocked back and forth filling both passages in one persistent motion. All the while Nayez continued to fuck her mouth.

Lahval tuned out his own enjoyment and concentrated on what Emily was feeling. Sensations washed over her in languid waves. In and out, in and out, cock, fingers and thumb. She could easily imagine being filled by three long, thick Kobar cocks. Good, she would not need to imagine it soon. They would surround her, stretch her, then fill her to overflowing as they claimed their human mate.

“Soon,” Nayez whispered, his thoughts clearly echoing Lahval’s. Then Nayez tilted his head back and shuddered violently as he came down her throat.

Each hot splash launched a dart of sensation from her mouth to her pussy. Pleasure detonated between her thighs and her inner muscles rippled around Lahval’s fingers and thumb. She swallowed and shook, dazed by the intensity of her orgasm. Lahval prolonged the sensations with his free hand, gently rubbing her clit until the last spasm faded.

“Your turn, L,” Nayez muttered as he pulled out of her mouth. “You’ve waited long enough.”

“Then turn her over. I want to see her face while I’m inside her.” He went in the adjoining bathroom and quickly washed his hands. He wanted nothing distracting him from their first joining.

When Lahval returned, Nayez had turned her onto her back and draped her legs over his. Her head rested against his abdomen rather than his shoulder, but Lahval couldn’t help thinking of all the possibilities. “We’re going to devour an Emily sandwich? Shall we tell her what that position is for?”

“I’d rather show her,” Nayez growled.

Lahval shook his head. “She’d struggle to take me. She’s definitely not ready for you.”

“Well, get busy or I will,” Nayez told him. “This conversation is making me hard again.”

Emily wasn’t a fool and it didn’t take much imagination to figure out what they meant. She was picturing being pressed between them, one fucking her pussy, the other her ass. She shivered, much more aroused by the idea than she was ready to admit. “I don’t want that.”

“Yet,” Lahval corrected as he knelt between her thighs. “Soon you will beg to be fucked like that. You’ll beg for a cock in all three of your holes at the same time.” He stared deep into her eyes as he drove into her soft, wet pussy. She was tight and hot, and Lahval nearly came just being surrounded by her.

Nayez caught the backs of her knees and opened her legs even wider. Lahval took a deep breath and began to move. He dragged his cock nearly out then drove it back in. Over and over he fucked her, amazed at how perfectly she fit him. Possessive passion surged through his being and his hips rocked faster. Nothing had ever felt better, nothing more natural. She was their mate and every stroke confirmed the fact to Lahval.

His face was directly above hers, pleasure tensing his features. Her eyes stared up at him, wide and guileless. She was confused by all she was feeling when she wanted to feel nothing at all. He gripped the headboard with one hand and caressed her breasts with the other, while his cock shuttled in and out. If Nayez weren’t there this would feel intimate, almost as if they were human lovers. He started to lower his head, meaning to kiss her, but she quickly turned her head to the side.

“There is nowhere to hide,” Lahval whispered into her ear as he slipped his hand between their bodies. He covered her clit with his thumb and gave the sensitive nub a firm stroke with each inward thrust. She might resist him with her mind, but her body would obey.

She lifted her hands to his chest, trying to push him away, but he easily resisted her light shove. He thrust harder, driving her back into Nayez. Nayez released her legs and moved his hands to her breasts, squeezing and tugging on her nipples.

“Come for him, Lottie,” Nayez ordered as he gave both nipples a painful twist. “Show Lahval how much you like his cock.”

She fought the sensations with everything she had, not understanding her body’s reactions. Pain had never turned her on before her capture, and she never came on demand. “What’s wrong with me,” she wailed as the orgasm ripped through her.

Unable to resist the combined stimulation of her rippling cunt and her surrender, Lahval pounded into her. He continued to stroke her clit with his thumb, determined to give her as much pleasure as she was giving him. She lifted her hips and arched her back. The next orgasm unwound gradually, pulsing slowly at first, then faster and faster until she screamed with the intensity.

A few seconds later, Lahval pulled her hips clear off the bed and released his seed deep inside her. His gaze locked with hers. He felt predatory and possessive as his balls contracted over and over. Mine. He didn’t need to say the word out loud. He had no doubt that it was written all over his face.

She lay sprawled across Nayez panting harshly as her pussy fluttered around Lahval’s cock. “I don’t understand why I keep reacting so strongly. It must be pheromones or chemicals in your cum. This isn’t natural.”

“It’s perfectly natural for the Kobar,” Nayez argued. It’s my turn, L. Go print an anal trainer. You can get her started while she rides my cock.

Reluctantly, Lahval pulled out of her pussy and crawled off the bed.

Nayez turned her over then positioned her astride his hips. “Reach down and put me in. You’ve got one more cock to empty before we let you sleep.”

“I already emptied your cock,” she pointed out softly, her hands braced against his chest.

“That was just a warm-up. Now, do as you’re told.”

She heaved a sigh of frustration, but rocked forward onto her knees and positioned him at her opening. Lahval watched her sink down onto Nayez’s cock then went to the adjoining utility room to print the anal trainer. She wasn’t going to like it, but it was better than stretching her with his cock like his instincts were urging him to do. The trainer was self-lubricating and could provide stimulating sensations while it gradually increased in size.

Much to Lahval’s surprise, when he returned Nayez was kissing her. His hand ran over her back and hips while his tongue explored her mouth. She returned the kiss eagerly, obviously ravenous for the intimate reassurance. Lahval tried not to give in to jealousy, but she had turned away when he tried to kiss her. Maybe Nayez hadn’t given her a choice. He was being more aggressive than Lahval had been.

“Such a good girl,” Nayez murmured as he eased her back. “Ride me, angel. Let me feel that tight, wet cunt siding along my cock.” She pulled her hips up until only Nayez’s tip was still inside her then lowered herself onto him again. He groaned loudly, cupping her breasts. “So fucking good. Do it again, Lottie. Just like that.”

And she did. Over and over, she caressed his length with her willing body. She kept the tempo slow, almost relaxing for a while then gradually built her speed as she became more aroused.

Don’t just stand there. I’m not going to last long. This feels too damn good!

Lahval crawled back onto the bed and eased her ass cheeks apart.

She froze. “What are you doing?”

“Eyes on me, Lottie. He’s going to help prepare your ass to take our cocks.”

“But I don’t want that. I told you already.”

“You don’t get a vote,” Nayez said sternly. “We are in control. Now stop arguing and fuck me.”

Lahval primed the anal trainer and a thin film of lube made the long shaft appear shiny. Unlike human butt plugs, anal trainers expanded once they were inserted so it wasn’t tapered. Holding her open with one hand, he rubbed the rounded tip against her pucker to transfer some of the lube before easing the slender shaft well into her bottom. “Not too bad?”

“It feels like your thumb, just a little more slippery.”

“Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.” Nayez grasped her hips and took over the motion. “I didn’t realize it would be this much of a distraction.”

“Give me a moment and we’ll fuck her together,” Lahval promised.

“Wait, what?” she cried, looking back at him with obvious concern.

“I’ll fuck you with this,” he slid the trainer in and out to demonstrate, “while he fucks you with his cock.”

“Oh. I can deal with that.”

He chuckled. It wasn’t her decision, but there was no reason to gloat about the fact. He pushed her forward until she was resting on Nayez’s chest and then increased the circumference of the trainer.

“Did that thing just get bigger?” she moaned as her muscles began to stretch. “It’s growing. It’s definitely growing.”

Rather than discuss it, Nayez took her hips and slid her up and down. Lahval matched his motion only in reverse. He pushed the trainer deep as Nayez pulled out and vice versa. Soon Emily joined in, rolling her hips as well as raising and lowering them. Lahval triggered another expansion and she gasped, shaking visibly.

“Did she just come?” he asked, surprised by the reaction. He hadn’t expected her to enjoy it this much.

“Without permission and hard enough to bruise my cock. What a naughty girl.” He sounded amused not angry, so Lahval kept the trainer sliding in and out of her ass. “Does that feel good, naughty girl? Do you like having your pussy and ass fucked at the same time?”

“Yes.” The admission was torn from her as another orgasm shuddered through her.

“That’s twice you came without permission.” Nayez lifted her off his cock. He turned her and pushed her down across his lap. His hand fell fast and hard against her ass cheeks. The trainer was still in her bottom, but Nayez’s sudden movement had jerked it out of Lahval’s hand.

“Stop,” she cried, clutching the bedding. “I’m going to come again if you don’t stop!”

“Fight it off.” Nayez pulled the trainer out then shoved her legs apart. He stroked her wet folds then slapped them. She shrieked and tried to crawl off his lap. Nayez held her down and swatted her sensitive flesh several more times. “Your pleasure belongs to us. You come when we tell you to or not at all.”

She was so wet that the insides of her thighs were slick with it. Nayez thrust his fingers into her cunt and fucked her punitively. She didn’t struggle. Instead she moved her legs even farther apart and lifted her hips. Lahval inhaled her evocative scent and watched Nayez’s long fingers fill her hole with brutal possession. He needed to be part of this, to spank, fuck, and claim her, make sure the entire universe knew where she belonged.

“I’m sorry,” she sobbed as Nayez went back to spanking her bottom.

Lahval’s cock hardened and his balls ached as Nayez’s hand slapped against her reddened cheeks.

“You belong to us now,” Nayez snarled as he delivered two resounding slaps to each side. “Who owns your pussy?”

Slap. Slap.

“You do, Sir,” she sobbed.

“And who owns your tight virgin ass?” Nayez emphasized the question with a flurry of hard spanks.

“You,” she cried. “You and Lahval.”

Hearing his name in that submissive tone sent feral hunger thrummed through his body. He wanted her laid out beneath him, helpless to resist as he pounded into her cunt, or better yet her ass. His eyes hazed over and a buzz like a swarm of insects filled his ears.

Nayez growled, sounding as savage as Lahval felt. Then Nayez picked her up and placed her astride his legs. “Put me in,” he ordered.

She immediately obeyed.

After pressing her against his chest, Nayez reached down and parted her ass cheeks. “Join me, brother. We all need this.”

She gasped, then stilled, obviously waiting to see if Lahval would accept the invitation.

Grasping his cock, Lahval moved in close then hesitated. He wanted this with every fiber of his being, but she was afraid not aroused.

“Do it,” Nayez urged. “We’ll make sure she enjoys it.”

“Please,” she whispered, starting to shake. But was she begging him to continue or to stop?

Forcing himself to concentrate through his rioting hormones, he scanned her mind. She was afraid, but she was more aroused than she had ever been before. She wanted this, needed it just as badly as they did, which was part of what frightened her so much. She didn’t understand her body’s reaction to the pain and their domination, but she wanted to explore.

Silencing the last of his inhibitions, Lahval positioned himself against her virgin hole and slowly pushed through the tight ring of muscle. She cried out then moaned, her inner muscles fluttering. Lahval panted harshly. She was still slick inside and out from the trainer, but the pressure was almost painful. After a brief pause, he advanced. She whimpered as he slid deeper, and then deeper still.

Nayez released her bottom cheeks and buried his hands in her hair. He pulled her mouth to his and kissed her passionately. Glad for the distraction, Lahval gave her a bit more. He progressed by increments until she had taken his entire length. He paused, savoring the firm grip of her body and giving her a moment to adjust to the stretch of having two Kobar cocks deep inside her.

She suddenly turned her head to the side and pushed against his chest. “It hurts. It really hurts.”

“Relax into the pain,” Nayez directed. “It will pass. Your body was created to pleasure ours. You can and will do this.”

A frustrated cry tore from her throat and she shoved even farther away. Lahval wrapped one arm around her waist and collared her throat with his other hand. He didn’t squeeze, just kept her from moving and illustrated their control over her. “Breathe for me, Lottie. Let your body go limp. Just relax and let this happen.” Gradually he felt the tension leave her muscles and her breaths grew deep and regular. “Good girl.” He slid his hand down from her throat and caressed her breasts, teasing her nipples with his thumb. “Now move your hips. Fuck Nayez and I’ll fuck you.”

Hesitantly she rolled her hips, sliding her body along the length of Nayez’s cock. Lahval pulled back then drove inward fast for the first time. She gasped and rocked her hips a little faster, creating another long stroke. Nayez didn’t remain passive long. He grasped her hips and took control of her movements. Lifting her off his cock, he pushed her onto Lahval’s. It took them a few minutes, but they found an angle and rhythm that gave all three what they needed. She braced against Nayez’s chest, but let them move her lower body. They used her as they saw fit, which freed her from guilt. The only thing that would have made it better was if Brydon were fucking her mouth.

Their mutual need built quickly as the two males thrust into their mate. Lahval continued to monitor her emotions as his hands slid over her breasts and belly, her hips and thighs. This was not what he’d intended. He’d wanted to be the calm center of his cadre’s storm, but she was simply too arousing and his need to claim her too profound.

“Please, please may I come,” she cried out, head tossing as she fought back her orgasm.

“Come for us,” Nayez ordered. “Come really hard.”

She cried out sharply, her entire body shaking as her passages contracted rhythmically. Nayez growled, hands gripping her hips. He rocked her back and forth almost violently. Lahval arched, coming with a savage cry. Seed exploded from his cock, staking his claim on her back passage. Lights burst behind his eyes and pleasure detonated along every nerve ending in his body. Nayez echoed his cry, no doubt filling her pussy with his cum.

They huddled together for a long moment, unable to do anything but pant. Never in his entire life had Lahval experienced pleasure so explosive or intense.

“You all right, angel?” Nayez asked, brushing the hair back from her face.

“I’m not sure,” she whispered then laughed. “I can’t feel anything yet.”

Lahval carefully separated his body from hers and fought back a pang of guilt. This was not what he had planned for tonight, but it had been inevitable. She had three mates and each would enjoy every opening in her lovely body. Someone had to be her first. Besides, she had clearly enjoyed being overwhelmed.

He stroked her back and watched with savage glee as a few drops of his cum dripped out of her well-fucked ass. “You are officially filled with cum in all three holes, sweetheart. I guess we can let you sleep.”

Much to his relief she chuckled and snuggled into the warmth of Nayez’s chest.

Not wanting to rush the afterglow, Lahval picked up the trainer and went into the bathroom. He tossed the device into the recycler then washed up. He paused in front of the sink, staring at his reflection. Project Evolution had been enacted to make human females more compatible with the needs of Kobar males. Apparently, the physiological changes also spiked mating instincts in males. He’d heard rumors that this was true, so he’d investigated the phenomenon. That’s when he contacted Iloff Parsett, the doctor in charge of the project. Parsett’s preliminary findings supported Lahval’s theory. And now Lahval had firsthand evidence indicating that altered females were triggering bonding fever in Kobar males. The only question was, had it been done intentionally?

Shaking away the speculation, he returned to the bedroom and pulled on his uniform.

“Lift her off me,” Nayez whispered. “I think she’s asleep.”

Emily murmured as Lahval scooped her up into his arms, but remained relaxed and drowsy. Nayez pulled down the covers and Lahval returned her to the bed and covered her with the bedding.

Nayez quickly dressed so they could go downstairs. Emily’s arrival had interrupted the sector briefing and they needed to find out what Brydon had decided about several important issues.

“I’m not sure we should leave her,” Nayez grumbled as he joined Lahval in the corridor. “I don’t want her to wake up alone.”

The concern was so out of character for Nayez that it made Lahval smile. “I’m monitoring her closely. If her emotions surge, I’ll let you know.”

Nayez accepted the assurance with a nod and they continued on toward the main level. Brydon’s office was in a quiet corner of the house away from everything. He must have heard them approach, however. He was standing in the doorway when they arrived.

“Is she broken?” His smirk said loud and clear that he expected a negative answer.

“We did our best,” Nayez said, “but she is stubborn and spirited.”

“Good. She’ll need to be both to keep up with us.” He turned and walked back into his office, sitting down behind his desk.

Nayez strode over to the beverage dispenser and printed a bottle of denzk. The mildly relaxing beverage was popular with those in stressful positions, which was just about every Kobar still alive today. Nayez poured a healthy portion into a glass and tossed it back before bringing the bottle and three glasses to the desk. Lahval was already seated facing Brydon, so Nayez sat down beside him.

Brydon took a long sip of denzk then asked, “Did she respond to your demands or is she still playing martyr?”

Lahval found the question irritating. Going from independent businesswoman to sex slave in one fell swoop would infuriate anyone. All things considered, Emily had adjusted remarkably well. “She responded to both of us and we responded to her. In fact, we responded so well I can’t help wonder if human females are not the only ones affected by the nanites.”

Brydon set down his drink, clearly surprised by the comments. “You have bonding fever?”

“If not that, something damn close.”

“Me too,” Nayez stressed. “The longer I was near her, the wilder I felt.”

“I’ll ask around, but this is the first I’ve heard about it.”

Brydon sounded dismissive, so Lahval gave him more information. Sector Leader Four would seriously consider most anything presented to him, but theories had to be backed up with empirical evidence. “I’ve heard rumors for weeks that post Project Evolution females were triggering bonding fever. I contacted about thirty cadres that contracted their lottery girls after the program launched. Eighty percent reported bonding fever symptoms. The other twenty told me they felt nothing unusual.”

Brydon studied him for a moment, features tense, eyes narrowed. “Why didn’t you discuss this with me earlier?”

Lahval shrugged. “I wanted to determine if my theory was valid before I discussed it with anyone.”

“I have no doubt you’re right, but an informal poll isn’t much proof,” Nayez said.

“I agree. That’s why I contacted Dr. Parsett a couple of days ago. His findings are still preliminary, but so far they support my hypothesis.” He was searching for a way to ask his next question when Nayez blurted it out.

“Was this reaction programmed into the nanites? Is Project Evolution designed to affect us too?”

“I’m not a scientist,” Brydon said, but his mind was carefully shielded.

Lahval had no idea why, but Brydon was lying to them. Well, lying might be too strong, but he was definitely hiding something. Instead of confronting him, Lahval digressed. “You honestly felt nothing special while you fucked Emily?”

His shrug seemed forced though his tone was believable. “She’s appealing, but I felt nothing out of the ordinary.”

Lahval and Nayez exchanged skeptical looks, neither quite believing the denial. “When can we tell her she is not really a lottery girl?” Lahval wanted to know. If it had been up to him, he would have explained what was really going on as soon as she arrived.

“She is a lottery girl,” Brydon argued. “I think Jesorax made this much more complicated than it needs to be. Changing the conditions of the civil service contract to require every lottery girl to provide her cadre with a child would have been so much simpler.”

“Forced breeding?” Lahval scoffed. “I can imagine how human females would have reacted to that. Sexual service stretches the boundaries of what they will tolerate. What happens to the mothers once the children are born? Do we throw them away like obsolete equipment? Who would care for the children while we are off-world?”

“Enough!” Brydon rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Your attachment to her is understandable, but until Emily has accepted our authority over her, she will remain our lottery girl. She will have more freedom as our mate, but she will still be required to submit. Once she has adjusted to that concept, I will explain the actual situation.”

“And she will despise us for lying to her,” Nayez predicted with surprising vehemence.

“What the hell happened upstairs?” Brydon looked from Nayez to Lahval then back. “I’ve never seen you two like this.”

“We fucked our mate for the first time,” Nayez countered. “I will not lose her now.”

Lahval agreed wholeheartedly, but he let Nayez’s statement speak for both of them.

“We have an entire year to convince her to stay,” Brydon pointed out. “If we cannot convince her to accept our claim by then, we do not deserve a mate. Now enough about our female. Her capture interrupted your update, Nayez. Did your team uncover anything useful? Please, tell me you have good news for a change.”

“I wish, sir. It was more of the same. Roswell is deserted. The airfield at the south end of town is overgrown and neglected. There is no evidence that it has been used in years. Reports of hidden passages and underground bunkers are nonsense. We not only scanned the entire area, we physically searched every building in the vicinity. There is no way it is, or has ever been, a rebel base.”

“Damn,” Brydon muttered. “I had hoped that Vixen was using the location’s mystique to conceal her activities.”

“She is one wily female. Half the Kobar military is looking for her and she still eludes us.” The corners of Lahval’s lips tilted, revealing his admiration. Vixen was the only human adversary who had given them much of a challenge. Most humans had been so demoralized by the Eleven-Days War that they accepted the futility of rebelling. Not so with Vixen. Though Lahval respected her courage and strategic acumen, her loyal following was getting people killed.

“We have already searched every location the supreme commander gave us, several of them twice,” Nayez insisted. “I’m not sure what else we can do.”

“Our own investigation.” Challenge filled Lahval’s tone as he shifted his gaze back and forth between the other two. “We have depended entirely on information given to us by others. I say we start over. Let me analyze the reports and compare them against news feeds, profiles, and rumors. There has to be something central processing missed or misinterpreted. Humans can’t just vanish into thin air. The rebel base or bases are out there. We just haven’t found them yet.”

“You’re still convinced that there is more than one?” Nayez sounded curious rather than antagonistic for a change. “If they were operating out of more than one location, it would increase our chances of detecting something suspicious, a transfer of supplies or a stray transmission. How could they communicate on a regular basis without us picking up on something? I don’t think it’s possible.”

“Neither does central processing. They have always been searching for a large complex with significant military functionality. They are looking for a Kobar-style base. I believe Vixen has her forces and ordnance scattered all over the country.”

“That would explain a lot,” Brydon said thoughtfully.

“Unless…” Nayez’s dramatic tone demanded the attention of the other two. “Maybe this has something to do with the secret message scheme the supreme commander told you about. If all of the rebels are in one place, they have no need for such messages. On the other hand, if they are scattered all over the territory, the messages would be essential.”

Lahval’s brows scrunched together as he looked from Nayez to Brydon and back. “What are you talking about?”

“I thought I told both of you,” Brydon muttered.

“Apparently not,” Lahval responded, slightly annoyed.

“One of Jesorax’s media analysts discovered encrypted messages in the videos on Marissa Scott’s fashion and beauty channel,” Brydon explained. “They haven’t been able to decode them yet, but they’re relatively sure they involve the resistance. The dates of the messages line up with several rebel attacks.”

“Who is Marissa Scott?” Lahval asked.

“Her grandparents are known rebels so she was given to Command Cadre Eight,” Nayez told him. “Darvik, the sector leader, is trying to determine if Marissa is directly involved or if someone is using her channel without her knowledge.”

Lahval nodded, pausing for a moment before he asked, “Do Emily and Marissa know each other? The supreme commander was very strategic about the females he selected for this program. There is likely some connection between the two.”

“I don’t think…” Brydon started to dismiss the idea then considered it more fully. “I have no idea. It’s possible.”

“We need to find out,” Nayez said.

“I’ll look into it,” Lahval assured them. All three of them had been trained by the military, but Lahval’s analytical mind and affinity for computers frequently led him to different tasks than the other two.

They lapsed into silence as the three assessed the possibilities. If Marissa and Emily knew each other, it increased the chances that Emily was mixed up with the resistance. Lahval rubbed his forehead with a sigh. That was all they needed, to start courting a potential mate and find out she was a rebel. Lahval shook away the thought. Nothing in her profile indicated that Emily was a rebel. In fact, her network of charities was largely funded by the Kobar. Her primary outreach was war orphans, and the Kobar refused to leave any child in need even if the foolishness of their parents had resulted in their suffering.

After a long pause, Brydon looked at Lahval. “Tell me more about your theory. Why are you so certain there is more than one base?”

Lahval smiled. He had mentioned this several times before, but he finally had Brydon’s attention. “I don’t think there are any ‘bases,’ not in the way you mean it. I picture crude, easily moved encampments. The supplies are likely kept on trucks and the rebels sleep in tents or abandoned buildings. The consolidation of the cities has given them all sorts of places to hide. They keep their attacks small and fast, and then disappear. It’s called guerrilla warfare and humans have been using the strategy for centuries to defeat much larger and better equipped forces. If we want to catch these humans, we need to start thinking like them.”

“It’s hard to argue with that,” Nayez concluded. A semi-friendly rivalry existed between the two, so it was high praise.

“It could not hurt to approach this from a different perspective,” Brydon agreed. “We have exhausted our other options. Analyze the data with this guerrilla warfare in mind, and I’ll see if Jesorax has learned any more about the encrypted messages.”

Thrilled by the outcome, Lahval smiled. “I’ll get started on it first thing in the morning.” He pushed to his feet, more than ready to return to his mate.

Easily guessing his destination, Brydon said, “Let her sleep.”

Lahval tensed then nodded. “For how long?”

Brydon chuckled. “No more fucking until after breakfast. Is that clear enough?” He looked at Nayez and added, “That goes for you too.”