Theirs to Correct by Ivy Barrett

Chapter 5

Naked and furious, Emily knelt on a thick cushion in Brydon’s bedroom. This was so unfair. Brydon was pissed because the rebels got the better of him so he was taking it out on her. She stared straight ahead, teeth clenched, hands fisted. She had just decided to explore her feelings for the cadre, and now they were back to the master and slave dynamic.

“Eyes on me,” Brydon snapped, his voice cold and authoritative.

Emily reluctantly shifted her gaze to his face. It was so much easier to remain angry when she wasn’t looking at him. All three of her captors were physically attractive, and their personalities appealed in their own way. Brydon radiated power and authority, like a barbarian conqueror from ages past. All he had to do was give her an order in his deep, autocratic tone and her pussy melted.

“What specifically do you do for the rebels?” He circled her slowly, hands clasped behind his back.

“Nothing,” she insisted stubbornly, refusing to betray her friends. It wasn’t what she did for the resistance. It was what she did not do. She didn’t notice crates stored in her warehouses that didn’t belong to her or report supplies that mysteriously disappeared. “I am not a rebel.” She glanced at Lahval nervously. She was nearly certain he was clairvoyant or maybe empathic. Either way, he would likely sense if she were lying.

Seeing the direction of her look, Brydon smiled. “I think she is on to you, Three. There is no longer a reason to be subtle. Is she being truthful?”

Lahval ambled closer. His amber gaze bore into hers for a moment before he said, “Her statements are true, but I sense a flicker of apprehension each time she speaks. She is definitely hiding something.”

He’d just confirmed her suspicions and revealed the nature of his gift. He could sense emotions, but not specific thoughts. That would make things easier, but not—

“Don’t be too sure about that,” Lahval countered with a cocky grin. “Reading specific thoughts requires a lot more energy so I don’t bother very often. Of course, you’ll never know if I’m scanning you or not.”

She tensed, struggling to swallow past the lump in her throat. She had a terrible poker face. It was almost impossible for her to hide what she was thinking when there was an empath around.

Brydon halted his dizzying orbit and faced her again. “What this means is you can explain your role in the resistance, or my third will simply pluck the information from your mind. If you voluntarily explain, your punishment will not be nearly as severe. If Lahval must strip it from your mind, the consequences will be terrible.”

“But either way I’ll be punished?” Her belly tightened and her nipples tingled, but she refused to identify the emotions driving the reaction. She’d been spanked repeatedly during the past week. Nayez loved to torment her with the stimulators while he spanked her, but even without the added sensations, she always grew wet and desperate for the rough sex that inevitably followed.

Brydon crossed his arms over his chest, expression revealing his displeasure. “You have been deceiving us since you arrived. What kind of a master would I be if I did not correct such behavior?”

“A merciful one,” she suggested. “I have done nothing to harm anyone.”

Lahval stepped closer, his gaze narrowed and intense. “Another true statement, but it is as misleading as the rest. You have done nothing directly, but indirectly you have enabled numerous rebel attacks. The explosives used in today’s attack might well have been stored in one of your warehouses. Is that not true?”

“I don’t know.” She was losing this battle fast. Thanks to Lahval, Brydon understood the nature of her involvement. Resisting was pointless, so she explained how it worked. “I turn a blind eye to their activities, but I am never told what they store or the destination of any of the equipment. I allow them to steal supplies, dry goods, building supplies, that sort of thing. Never weapons of any kind. It gives me plausible deniability.” She’d always found the phrase annoying. It was something corrupt politicians hid behind. But her foundation had been protected by the concept for the past three years. And the only thing more important to Emily than her foundation was her family.

Brydon looked at Lahval. “To borrow a phrase from my human spies, did your bullshit detector go off?”

Human spies? How could any human be disloyal enough to betray their own species and empower the enemy? She was being naïve. For as long as there had been political conflicts, there had been traitors and spies.

Lahval shrugged, but frustration tensed his features. “Her thoughts are too chaotic to read right now.”

“The rebel leaders have to have a way to contact you. Even if it is indirect, how is it done?”

He was asking about Charlotte. Emily dropped her gaze to his chest and chose her words with infinite care. “It has only happened twice. Both times a uniformed courier showed up with a written message. I only know the rebel leaders by their code names, and I have no knowledge of any of their missions.” She tucked the lie in between two truths and focused on the truths. She’d used the technique frequently during her rebellious youth and it had been surprisingly effective.

“You do not know the real identities of any of the rebel leaders?” Brydon pressed. “Why don’t I believe you?” He glanced at Lahval.

The younger male shook his head and raised both hands. “I’m still not sure.”

Pleasantly surprised by her success, Emily expounded, “I insisted on ignorance. It was the only way I’d agree to be involved at all.” Another truth to push back their suspicions even farther.

“That was definitely true,” Lahval volunteered.

“I understand why the rebels continue to fight, but my top priority is, and has always been, my foundation.” She hoped that would settle the matter, but no such luck.

Brydon grasped her upper arms and drew her to her feet, then motioned toward the foot of the bed. “Sit. We’re going to explore that concept more fully.”

Why did in-depth conversations only seem to happen while she was naked and they were fully dressed? As soon as she slipped on a robe or dress, they only wanted to talk about the weather. Stepping back until her legs touched the edge of the bed, she sat and folded her hands in her lap. It was a subtle rebellion and she wasn’t surprised by his next directive.

“Hands at your sides, legs open. I want to look at my slave’s soft pussy while she honestly answers my questions.”

Power and control, as soon as she walked through any of the bedroom doors she was denied both. And thanks to her newly manipulated DNA, submitting to them wasn’t just physically pleasurable, it was emotionally fulfilling. She needed their discipline, found herself craving the idea of being overwhelmed and controlled.

She slowly moved her hands to the bed on either side of her hips and parted her thighs. An aching heaviness settled between her legs, making it hard to sit still. She’d been naked more than clothed since coming to this house, so it no longer filled her with shame. Still, she hadn’t quite silenced the momentary instinct urging her to defy them.

Brydon paused for a long moment and enjoyed the view then raised his gaze to her face. “You said that you understand why the rebels keep fighting. I do not. Explain it to me.”

For a moment she thought he was mocking her, but his expression reflected frustration rather than derision. He honestly didn’t understand why the resistance continued to attack a superior force year after year. “As you might have noticed, humans don’t make good slaves. It’s as simple as that. We’re stubborn and willful. By taking away our freedom and forcing us to conform to your social standards, it has almost obligated us to rebel.”

“But the fight is pointless.” Anxious energy set him in motion again. “The resistance cannot possibly succeed. The combined force of all of Earth’s militaries stood no chance against us. How do a few castoffs and ‘weekend warriors’ hope to accomplish anything meaningful?”

“I didn’t say I agreed with their efforts. I said I understood them.”

“If you do not believe in their cause, why are you enabling them?” Brydon persisted as he moved directly in front of her again. “Aren’t you prolonging the inevitable and costing more lives on both sides in the process?”

She glanced at him then lowered her gaze. “It’s a valid point, one I’ve been thinking about a lot lately.” Vixen kept promising that some secret event was just around the corner and once the development came to pass everything would change for the better. Emily found the promise harder and harder to believe as the weeks went by, and she was starting to wonder if supporting the resistance was worth the possible ramifications for her foundation. Not to mention the escalating danger to her baby sister. Charlotte was only fourteen. It was an impressionable age. Maybe Emily should have tried to talk Charlotte out of participating rather than offering to help her.

“Her emotions have calmed,” Lahval reported. “All of that was true.”

“Why orphans?”

Surprised by Brydon’s question, she looked up. Did Brydon not find traumatized children a worthy cause? She searched his strange yellowish green gaze, but his expression was carefully shuttered. “The lives of many adults have been disrupted since your arrival, but their basic needs were being met. Then I realized that war orphans were being warehoused. They were clothed and fed, but not educated or socialized, and don’t get me started on the neglect of their emotional needs. They lost their parents. Many of them lost siblings or entire families. They need more than just food and shelter.”

“The situation is temporary,” Brydon insisted. “Jesorax had every intention of expanding the services offered at each facility. But we were in the process of reorganizing this entire planet. There were other priorities.”

His defensiveness strengthened her resolve. Priorities be damned. Excuses never changed anything. “I’m not placing blame. You asked what drew my focus and I’m trying to explain. Many of the causes I supported before your arrival are not relevant anymore. But my mother’s position still gave me access to some really deep pockets. I simply channeled the money where it could do the most good.”

He nodded as his gaze drifted lower. Clearly, he was losing interest in the conversation. “Which causes did you support before our arrival?”

“My foundation is a fundraising mechanism that supported hundreds of causes. We contributed to charities that dealt with everything from hunger to domestic abuse and diseases. As I said, your technology and the militant nature of Kobar code enforcement resolved many of those issues, so I shifted my focus to one primary cause.”

“That makes sense.” He picked up a lock of her hair, rubbing it between his thumb and fingers. “Do you ever contact the rebels, warn them, or pass on information?”

She shook her head, pulling her hair free from his grasp. “I told you. I turn a blind eye. That’s all.”

Brydon looked at Lahval and Emily sighed. She had confessed nearly everything and Brydon still didn’t trust her.

“He already confirmed that I’m telling the truth. Why do you still suspect me?”

“Occupational hazard,” Brydon muttered then stepped back and motioned her up off the bed. “Let’s review the situation to make sure I am not missing anything. The rebels are hiding supplies and weapons in your warehouses and orphanages, and you—”

“Not the actual orphanages,” she stressed. “I would never endanger the children intentionally.”

Challenge arched his brows. “What percentage of your funding is granted to you by SC Byrne?”

She bristled, easily guessing where this was leading. She knew her involvement with the resistance, even indirect as it was, put that funding at risk. She wasn’t completely oblivious. “Almost fifty percent.”

“And does your involvement with the resistance endanger that funding?”

Hating it when he made her admit her faults, she just nodded.

“The proper response is ‘yes, Master,’” he reminded sternly.

She licked her lips and tried to ignore the sudden flutter of her heart. When they were in other parts of the house, the rules eased. She was still expected to obey, yet their behavior was less formal. Here in the bedroom, their control was absolute and her complete submission was required. “Yes, Master.”

“Would a fifty percent decrease in funding adversely affect your precious orphans?”

“Yes, Master.” His next question was obvious. She cared deeply about the orphans, so it stood to reason that someone or something meant even more to her or she would not be involved.

“Then why risk it.” His gaze iced over then locked with hers. “Lies will be punished harshly, Emily. Do not lie to me.”

She licked her lips and tried to avert her gaze, but he caught her chin and drew her face back around. It was time to choose. Did she protect Charlotte and the rebel leaders and accept the consequences for her defiance or tell Brydon everything she knew? Vixen and her followers were out of control. Too many people were dying and not all of them were Kobar soldiers. Still, Emily had known some of the rebels since childhood. Vixen was one of them. And Charlotte would likely be arrested. She used her computer skills to encrypt and pass messages between the rebel leaders. Vixen came up with the concept of using Marissa Scott’s beauty channel, but Charlotte developed the proprietary encryption that kept the information safe.

“Who are you protecting?” Brydon persisted, his long fingers still holding her face. “Tell me now. Your silence is open defiance. You are not standing up for some noble principle. This ridiculous rebellion is costing lives.”

She locked her gaze on the middle of Brydon’s chest and started reciting nursery rhymes. If she allowed even one name to form within her mind, Lahval would snatch it from her. She couldn’t feel him probing, but had no doubt he was actively scanning.

“Bind her arms over her head,” Brydon ordered as he moved across the room.

“Wait. I…”

Brydon stopped and looked back at her, but Emily couldn’t speak the words that would condemn her sister or her friends.

“I can’t,” she whispered helplessly.

With a frustrated sigh, Brydon continued his trek toward the wardrobe in the corner.

Lahval went down on one knee beside the bed and retrieved wide wrist cuffs from a compartment in the footboard. Delightful. What other naughty secrets were hidden around the room? Naughty secrets? The phrase sent a chill down her spine. This wasn’t a game. Brydon wasn’t going to warm her bottom with a light spanking before he overwhelmed her with pleasure. She was in serious trouble and she needed to toughen up quickly if she hoped to resist the interrogation.

The cuffs were snug but not uncomfortable and they were connected by a length of chain, allowing her to move her hands individually. They didn’t seem like a very effective means of restraint until Lahval used a remote to open a compartment above her head. A cable with a clasp that looked sort of like a climber’s carabiner was fasted to the end of the cable and Lahval secured it to the middle of the chain connecting the wrist cuffs. He used the remote to take out the slack and her arms were raised over her head.

The reality of her situation slapped her in the face. Sector Leader Four considered her a rebel spy and was about to treat her accordingly. For one panicked moment she considered confessing, telling him everything she knew and begging for mercy for herself and her misguided friends. But Charlotte’s image appeared in Emily’s mind, her wide hope-filled eyes and stubborn jawline. Charlotte was family. Nothing and no one was going to do her harm. Emily didn’t care what it cost her. She would protect her family. Terrified that Lahval might have heard the fleeting thought, Emily closed her eyes and switched from nursery rhymes to the ABC song.

Lahval ran his hand down her upraised arm, drawing her attention. “Your mind is filled with nonsense, so it’s obvious Brydon is right. You know much more than you are saying. Tell us or you will suffer greatly. This is serious, Emily. Tell him right now.”

“I can’t,” she whispered miserably, then resumed her silent litany.

Brydon returned with a leather-looking paddle and dread washed over Emily, making her feel hot and cold by alternating turns. “Last chance, Lottie. Tell me the real names of the rebel leaders and I will show you mercy.”

He didn’t offer to abandon her spanking entirely, she noted, then used the resulting spark of anger to refocus her mind.

Brydon rubbed her bare ass briskly then slapped each cheek with his hand. “Open your legs. I want to see how fast this makes you wet.” She didn’t move fast enough so he kicked her feet apart and slapped her inner thighs. “Move when you are told to move. I will not tolerate disobedience.”

She tossed an angry glare over her shoulder and three hard swats to each cheek was her reward. She’d grown used to the stinging heat of a hand spanking. Twice she’d gotten so turned on while bent over their legs that she climaxed from the spanking alone. That wasn’t going to happen today. She was too angry and too worried that her agitated thoughts would reveal something important.

“I take it from the paddle that this is not going well,” Nayez said as he strode into the bedroom.

She looked at him, hoping his mood was less murderous. Instead, his expression was even darker.

“She is being stubborn, as usual,” Lahval told him.

“I won’t betray my friends,” she said softly. “I don’t agree with a lot of their decisions, but the supreme commander will kill them. I can’t be responsible for that.”

Nayez walked up to her and wrapped his hand around her throat. He didn’t squeeze, just illustrated her utter helplessness. “Six of my friends lost their lives today because of those fucking rebels.” His fingers tightened for a millisecond then he stepped back and lowered his arm. “Tell us who they are and where to find them or your ass is going to be sore inside and out.”

As if to prove the point, Brydon swung the paddle for the first time. The impact thudded through her lower body and then fire erupted across her ass cheeks. Stubbornness alone kept her from crying out as he swung again, and then again. A strangled cry finally tore from her throat and she danced from foot to foot. The discomfort compounded each time the paddle smacked her butt. She clenched and released her muscles desperate to ease the stinging. The swats were delivered before the pain of the preceding one dissipated.

“Stop!” she yelled. “Please, stop.”

“The spanking stops as soon as I hear the first name,” Brydon told her and swung the paddle again. He paused then growled when she said nothing and delivered another cruel swat.

She’d known this would hurt worse than a hand spanking and thought she was mentally prepared. Her imagination hadn’t come close to these piercing sensations. Each impact was agony, sending streaks of pain down her legs and into her belly. She twisted and arched, then kicked out blindly.

“Stand still and think about your choices or I’ll bind your legs and prolong the lesson.”

She clenched her hands and closed her eyes, fighting the need to thrash as the next two swats trapped the air in her lungs.

“Better.” Brydon paused and moved a step closer, running his hand down her back. “The violence must end, Emily. Too many people are dying. I know telling me feels disloyal, but you would be saving your friends from their own pointless hatred. They cannot win. Now tell me who they are and where to find them. It is not a request. It is an order, and I will be obeyed.”

“Tell me to do anything else and I’ll obey you, but I can’t do that.”

He sighed, his hand sliding down to cup her burning ass cheek. “And I cannot stop until you do. This is too important. We are locked in a battle of wills. Who do you think will win?” He squeezed hard and persistent throbbing flared into searing pain. He stepped back to his original position and gave her another swat.

Tears blurred her eyes as the punishment continued. Brydon’s point was valid. The rebels were outnumbered and outgunned. Emily didn’t understand why they kept fighting, but that didn’t change the fact that they were her friends and family. Betraying them simply wasn’t an option. Besides, she knew Brydon well enough to understand that he would not harm her. He would administer pain and other forms of discipline because she was defying him, but he would never cause lasting harm.

He swung the paddle at irregular intervals, keeping her on edge and tense. Gradually, her core began to echo the throbbing pain in her cheeks, morphing the punitive act into something erotic. Her breasts felt heavy as they quivered and swayed with each of her jerky motions. She hadn’t been sure her body would respond this way because the paddle hurt so much worse than his hand.

She moaned. “Please, no more.” Even as she begged him for mercy, she willed him to ignore her. Dark hunger stirred, making her crave the blinding intensity and his utter domination. He was her master, and his cadre had the right to use her anytime and in any way they liked. She wanted them to hold her down and fuck her senseless. Brydon never gave her any option but surrender. Now she needed them to prove it with their cocks.

She wiggled and rocked her hips, helpless to stop the telling motion. If Brydon didn’t stop, she was going to come, but how in the universe was that possible? Her ass cheeks were on fire and her core ached so badly that her next scream was propelled by primal need.

Brydon kept right on swinging the paddle and she lost track of the explosions of pain. Her throat felt raw and her screams became hoarse moans. “Please,” she cried. “Please, please, please.” But what she was begging for was no longer clear. She honestly didn’t care if he went on hurting her as long as one of them fucked her hard enough to make her come.

Apparently guessing the shift in her mood, Nayez moved closer and slipped his hand between her thighs. “You are dripping wet, naughty slave. Did your master give you permission to enjoy this?” He thrust two fingers into her pussy and fucked her fast and hard.

Emily moaned in helpless pleasure, squeezing his fingers as hard as she could. This was what she needed so desperately, but his fingers were a poor substitute for his long, hard cock. “Please, Sir, fuck me. I need you so badly.”

“I know you do, angel.” His thumb settled over her clit, rubbing firmly at the apex of each thrust. “Tell us three names and we’ll gladly give you three very hard cocks to ride for the rest of the night.”

“Tell me Vixen’s name and I’ll give you the best orgasm of your life,” Brydon countered. “Remain silent and you’ll know only frustration.”

Nayez withdrew his fingers to emphasize the threat.

She shook, breasts heaving as a harsh sob tore from her chest. “I can’t,” she lamented. “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.”

“So am I.”

She wasn’t sure why Brydon apologized until her arms lowered and Lahval unfastened the chain. Lahval and Nayez urged her to her knees then pushed her upper body toward the floor. Brydon knelt behind her and slid her knees out until her hips were at the level he wanted. The clit stimulator activated and then the anal nanites. The sensation swelled and receded, the rhythm odd yet familiar. Nayez used this setting frequently. It kept her arousal simmering but never let her come.

“Please, Master,” she sobbed. “Not this. I already ache so badly. I can’t take any more.”

“You will take what I give you unless you make a better choice.”

She heard the rustle of his clothing and then he drove his cock into her pussy.

“I want to spend the entire night sharing pleasure with you.” He drew almost out then slammed his entire length deep inside her.

Emily moaned, thrilled by the fullness yet terrified of his cold tone.

“Your stubbornness is making me cruel,” Brydon warned her.

Nayez held her shoulders down with one hand and pulled one of her butt cheeks open with the other. For one horrific moment, panic shot from her belly to her brain in a paralyzing rush. Then she went wild, twisting and bucking. Her attempts to struggle were futile. Lahval easily mirrored Nayez’s motion, and then Brydon drew out of her pussy and positioned himself against her other opening. Oh, God. This was going to hurt so badly. The others had taken her there, but this would be Brydon’s first time and he was thicker than either of the other two. Lahval and Nayez held her firmly in place and made it impossible for her to avoid Brydon’s punishing cock.

“Will you relent knowing what will happen if you do not?”

She held perfectly still, heart beating wildly. Part of her wanted this—a surprisingly large part. She didn’t just want him to use her tightest hole. She wanted him to make her submit in the most shameful way possible. She wanted to be controlled, dominated, mastered.

Sucking in a deep breath, she filled her voice with conviction. “I will not relent. Do your worst.”

“You deny yourself much, foolish woman. This will not be pleasant because I have no intention of letting you come.” He grasped her waist and pushed hard, forcing her ring to open for him.

She clenched her hands tightly but tried to keep her bottom nice and relaxed. She had learned the importance of surrender at the hands of Brydon’s cadre. Her muscles stretched, burned, and then stung like fire. He felt big in her pussy and mouth. Now he felt enormous. “You’re too big for this,” she cried urgently. “It really hurts.”

“Punishments usually do. Now, submit. Your body has been well trained. It will adjust.” As if to prove his point, he pushed even harder.

She cried out sharply then moaned as her reluctant body submitted to its master. He drove in steadily until his pelvis pressed snugly against her still warm cheeks. His entire length impaled her and the steady vibration of the stimulators made her incredibly restless.

Brydon wrapped his arm around her torso and pulled her up until her back pressed against his chest. “Just give me something, Emily. I don’t want to punish my lottery girl. I need to fuck my mate.”

Shocked yet relieved by the possessive hunger in his tone, she whispered, “I am not doing this to defy you, Master. Please try to understand.”

The stimulators deactivated and Nayez covered her pussy with his hand. Two of his fingers pushed up into her aching core while he rubbed her clit with the heel of his hand. Lahval leaned in and kissed her while his touch drifted over her breasts. For a long time they kissed and caressed her, Brydon barely moving at all. Lahval released her mouth and Nayez took his place, kissing her deeply and passionately. Finally, Brydon turned her head and sealed his mouth over hers. His lips pressed while his tongue explored.

The shift in their attitude confused her. Emotion swelled, bringing tears to her eyes. “Please, just finish,” she sobbed as Brydon’s mouth left hers.

“What’s the matter, Lottie?” Nayez mocked then sucked hard on one of her nipples. His fingers still slid in and out of her pussy but it only made her wish it were his cock.

“I don’t want this to be part of the interrogation,” she told them. “Don’t use tenderness to manipulate me.”

“Fair enough.” The husky desire in Brydon’s voice was instantaneously replaced with cold authority. He motioned the others back and triggered the stimulators. And just like that, he was Sector Leader Four again. “One name. That’s all I’m asking. Tell me Vixen’s real name.”

“You want me to choose you over my friends.” She barely kept herself from adding and family. “Are you willing to prioritize me over your responsibilities? You claim to want me as your mate, yet you—”

“This is not about loyalty or priorities,” Brydon insisted. “Six people died today. You can keep that from happening again. Now obey my directive or this tight little ass will pay the price.”

Fueled by anger and interrupted desire, she rested her forehead against the floor and sneered, “Fuck me, Master. I want it fast and hard.”

He grasped her hips then obliged her with hard, deep strokes. She breathed through the discomfort and waited for the stinging tension to release. Gradually, her body adjusted to his girth and all she felt was the savage slide of his powerful body in and out of hers.

Irrationally, she was disappointed when the pain receded. It was easier to remain angry while it hurt. His strong hands slid up and down her sides as his pelvis slapped against her ass. She gasped, helplessly arching as his cock filled her again and again.

“So fucking good,” Brydon murmured. “Your ass fits me like a glove and I shall enjoy it regularly from now on.”

The thought sent a thrill down her spine and made her neglected clit tingle. Her mind filled with lurid images of Brydon fucking her, over his desk, on the library floor, and finally in his massive shower, but always with his cock stuffing her ass. Soon her smoldering desire ignited and her pussy began to pulse again. If only she were straddling one of her other mates, impaling herself forcefully on his cock while Brydon continued to fuck her sore bottom. The image formed, detailed and tantalizing, and she teetered on the brink of orgasm.

Please, Master, may I come?”

“Absolutely not!” Brydon fisted her hair and drew her head back and to the side. “Only good girls are allowed to come and you are being very, very bad.” He pulled his cock all the way out, slapped each of her still tender cheeks, then thrust back into her bottom. Over and over he did this, thrust, withdraw, spank, spank, thrust, withdraw, spank…

Her arousal swelled and receded, stimulated by the punitive cycle. Tension coiled through her belly and her core clenched, yet never enough to climax. She tossed her head and bucked against him, unsure if she was trying to dislodge him or take him deeper. All she knew for sure was she had never needed to come so badly in her entire life.

Brydon pulled out suddenly and came all over her upturned ass. “I only come inside good girls. Bad girls must wear it in shame.”

She flinched with each hot splash, feeling the weight of his disapproval. “I’m sorry, Master.” And she was. She hated disobeying him, but she would not endanger her sister or her friends.

“Not sorry enough to speak their names,” he pointed out then he stood and drew her to her feet. He unfastened the wrist cuffs and tossed them aside. The simulators finally stopped buzzing as he said, “Nayez, choose something from my wardrobe and show Emily the foolishness of her choice.”

She rubbed her wrists and then her upper arms, trying to calm down. Her bottom ached inside and out, and her emotions felt raw. All she really wanted was to curl up in a ball and cry herself to sleep.

While Brydon waited for Nayez to make his selection, Brydon scooped cum off her ass cheeks and brought it to her mouth. “Open, Lottie. Good girls are kissed tenderly, but bad girls clean up the mess.”

He was trying to humiliate her again. The only trouble was she’d sucked their cocks so many times since her arrival that she wasn’t intimidated by cum anymore. She wrapped her lips around his fingers and stared defiantly into his eyes as she obediently licked his fingers. She sometimes came when she sucked their cocks, and even this small amount of cum sent tingling heat cascading through her body.

She could hear Nayez trying out implements, but Brydon kept shaking his head. “Something with a sharper bite. She still has rebellious fire in her eyes.”

Releasing Brydon’s fingers, she took a deep breath. She craned her neck trying to see Nayez’s final selection but the wardrobe door blocked her view.

“This is called an ekolet,” he told her as he moved in front of her. At the end of a slender shaft were four long, thin strips of synth-leather each about three inches long. “It combines the snapping action of a flogger with the control of a crop. It’s especially good for delivering intensity to smaller targets.” He swung the ekolet and the strands snapped against her upper thigh.

Emily gasped then shuddered. It stung but the discomfort had been mild compared to the paddle. She found herself fighting back a smile. Then he swung again. The second snap was harder and farther up on her leg. She gasped and glared at him.

“Raise your arms and clasp your hands behind your head,” Brydon ordered. “You are choosing to continue defying us, so you will stand there and accept the consequences of your actions.”

Chin tilting to an arrogant angle, she assumed the position he described then stared straight ahead.

“Open your legs,” Nayez directed.

She moved her feet apart. If what Brydon had done didn’t break her, there was no way Nayez’s little toy was going to bring the names spilling from her lips.

“Wider,” Nayez ordered. “I was going to fuck that naughty pussy, but now it’s going to get a nice hard spanking instead.”

She’d left herself no choice. She’d chosen to protect her loved ones and now she must live by her choice. Dreading the coming pain, she slowly slid her feet farther apart. Nayez surprised her by reaching down and cupping her with his free hand instead of getting right to the spanking. “This pussy belongs to us. I want to hear you say it.”

“My pussy belongs to you, Sir. And the rest of the cadre.”

“What happens when you deceive and defy us?” He curved his fingers into her core while the heel of his hand pressed against her clit.

“I get punished harshly.”

“Do you deserve harsh discipline?” Brydon interjected as he reached in and squeezed her breast.

“Yes, Master,” she whispered, torn between anticipation and dread. Her defiant attitude had been getting her into trouble ever since she was a child. “I know the rules and chose to disregard them. However, I would like to point out that my motivation is not malicious. I am simply protecting those I care about.”

“That would mean more if those you care about were not getting innocent people killed.” Brydon released her breast then locked his hands behind his back. “You will ask Nayez to correct your behavior. Once he has determined that the punishment is at an end you will thank him and then demonstrate your appreciation by sucking his cock. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Master.” Frustration swelled through her other emotions. The past week had been so confusing. It started out cold and harsh, but little by little they began to offer her warmth and affection as she willingly surrendered control. She’d even begun to imagine what life would be like as their mate. Now they were back to the beginning because of a rebellion she only supported out of loyalty to the ones she cared about.

“When Nayez has finished disciplining you, it will be Lahval’s turn.” Brydon looked at Lahval. “Figure out what you want to do to help Emily understand her place in this household. You have a tendency to coddle her, so I will determine if the consequence is harsh enough or not.”

“Understood,” Lahval assured him.

Brydon nodded once then returned his gaze to Emily. “You may begin.”

She swallowed past the dryness in her throat. Nayez held a freaking whip. Could she really make herself ask him to use it on her most sensitive body parts? Her nipples tingled and then her clit twitched. Her mind might be upset by the idea, but her body couldn’t wait to feel the sting. She’d likely enjoy this immensely if they would just let her come. “Sir, please discipline me for refusing to give you the names of the rebels.”

“Be more specific about the means, Emily. Tell him where you want to be spanked and with what.”

Shaking with dread and anticipation, she closed her eyes. “Please spank my pussy with the ekolet, Sir.”

“Look at me,” Nayez said quietly.

Her lids slowly lifted and he swung the ekolet, but he didn’t aim for her pussy. The strands surrounded one of her nipples and she cried out in shock as much as pain. The sting was intense but quickly faded, leaving the sensitive tip feeling irritated and hot.

“We’ll get to your pussy, but your tits are often neglected when it comes to discipline.” He snapped the other nipple and smiled at her cry. “Hurts, doesn’t it.”

She hunched her shoulders without releasing her hands. “Please, no more.” She knew he wouldn’t stop, knew she had hours left to suffer before they were finished with her.

“Stand up straight and shove those tits out,” Nayez ordered. “I’m not finished, not nearly.”

Shaking, she made herself obey. He worked her nipples with careful cruelty, letting one rest as he punished the other. Every so often, he paused to soothe the tender flesh with his lips and tongue, then it was right back to stinging slaps. And he didn’t just whip her nipples. The strips landed over the fullness of her breasts until her flesh was dotted with little red lash marks. His skill was amazing, but terrifying. How many years, and how many females, had he practiced on before achieving this level of control?

Both her breasts felt swollen and oversensitive by the time he moved on to her hips. Her core had begun to ache again as well. It didn’t seem to matter where the sensations originated. If they were intense enough to take her breath away, then the pain became arousal. She gasped and twisted each time he swung the ekolet, but the area didn’t hold his attention for long. He snapped her inner thighs a few times then delivered a warning tap to her pussy.

She inhaled sharply, but it hadn’t really hurt and she wanted the pain. Denying her basic nature was self-defeating. This might not be natural for most humans, but she had been genetically altered to need pain as much as pleasure. And she was desperate for both right now.

“Are you ready for my lash, sweet slave?” Nayez taunted, his gaze gleaming with sadistic hunger. He was the most emotionally generous of the cadre, yet he could also be the cruelest. “You know how much I love it when you scream for me.”

“Yes, Sir. Punish me harshly. I’m such a bad girl.”

Nayez slapped her pussy with the ekolet, the strands fanning out over her folds. Fiery pain sliced through her pussy and she writhed for a moment before settling into the burn. Holding herself in position was an agony unto itself. She wanted to twist and cover herself with her hands. She waited for the next swat, panting harshly. It came a moment later, and she screamed, shuddering violently as agony gradually morphed into deep pulsing need. “Oh, God, I need to come,” she yelled. “Please, please, let me come!”

Nayez started to speak, but Brydon stopped him. “One name, Emily. Speak Vixen’s real name and you will spend the rest of the night being pleasured by all three of your mates.”

She shook her head, tears streaming down her face. “I can’t,” she wailed. “You know I can’t. Would you betray your cadre the way you are asking me to betray my friends?” And her baby sister.

“I would if the actions of my cadre were resulting in innocent victims.”

“This is pointless,” Nayez said with a sigh. “She is not going to tell us. I think we should—”

“Lahval has yet to try, and she still owes you the pleasure of her mouth.” The stern warning in Brydon’s tone was for Nayez, not her.

Nayez nodded. “Of course, sir.”

Sinking to her knees, she braced her hands on her legs and tried to regain her composure.

With obvious reluctance, Nayez moved in front of her and unfastened his pants. “Part those lips, Lottie. Since you won’t reveal the names of the rebel leaders, we’ll find other uses for your mouth.”

She glared at him but did as she was told. He didn’t waste any time. His cock shoved all the way to the back of her mouth and his hips began to rock. He was hugely hard and already leaking pre-cum, but she could tell his heart wasn’t in it. He stared over her head instead of gazing into her eyes and his hands simply steadied her head instead of caressing her face and breasts as was his habit.

Tipping her head back, she took him deeper, wanting it over as quickly as possible. His detachment was cooling her arousal, which inadvertently made something she enjoyed unpleasant. He wasn’t aggressively using her because he was overwhelmed by consuming desire. He was fulfilling an obligation to his boss and it made her feel cheap.

She tried to turn her head and dislodge Nayez, but Brydon was suddenly behind her. He grasped her wrists, holding them with one hand while he yanked her head back with the other. “Take it all, Lottie. Swallow him down.”

Again she felt like the instruction was actually for Nayez, not her. Nayez looked down at her with regret and apology in his eyes, then took her face between his hands and shoved well into her throat. She fought back a gag, but welcomed the helplessness. Nayez thrust harder, using her more urgently. Desire ignited in his gaze and her pussy warmed. That was better. This felt less impersonal.

Nayez groaned, eyelids drooping. “So damn good.”

She braced her legs and relaxed against Brydon’s tight belly. Nayez blocked her airway briefly with each deep thrust, but that only added to the intoxicating helplessness. They controlled her completely, as they were meant to do. She closed her eyes and floated in an endorphin-rich haze.

Nayez thrust several times in quick succession then spilled his seed down her throat. Her entire body reacted, tingling and clenching with a powerful combination of pleasure and longing. She greedily licked his shaft then sucked the residue off his tip as he slowly pulled out of her mouth.

“Thank you, Sir,” she murmured, dizzy yet replete.

Bending down, Nayez pressed a kiss to her forehead. He stroked her cheek gently then moved back.

She blinked several times, trying to clear her head. She hadn’t actually orgasmed, but that had been almost as enjoyable.

“So what did you decide?” Brydon asked Lahval. He sounded less autocratic, though his expectations were still clear to everyone.

Lahval was somewhere behind her. She’d nearly forgotten he was standing there while Nayez disciplined her.

“You both used impact to motivate her. I would like to be a little more creative.”

“What did you have in mind?” Brydon persisted, apparently dissatisfied with Lahval’s vagueness.

“It will require the use of your closet.”

She had no idea the significance of that but Brydon and Nayez both chuckled.

“Tell me more.” A faint smile curved Brydon lips and anticipation gleamed in his eyes.

“I would rather secure her before I explain my plan.”

After a thoughtful pause, Brydon agreed. “All right.”

Brydon helped her to her feet. Her legs felt shaky and her bottom was tender inside and out, just like they had predicted. Lahval indicated something other than painful impact punishments. As long as his strategy included at least one orgasm, Emily would submit to anything.

Lahval took her by the hand and led her into the large walk-in closet. Make that huge walk-in closet. The space was bigger than most bedrooms, but it contained not one piece of clothing. What it did contain was a table/chair device that she really didn’t want to know any more about.

“Exam tables like these are used in our processing center,” Brydon informed her. “The patient can be immobilized in almost any position, so other applications quickly became apparent.” He looked at Lahval and asked, “How would you like our slave secured?”

“I’ll show her.” Lahval guided Emily forward then used an elaborate remote to adjust the table’s height. The upper half of the table bent perpendicular to the rest, creating an oversized chair. “Have a seat.”

With obvious reluctance, she sat down then gasped as what had appeared to be a solid surface conformed to the shape of her body. “Okay, that was… interesting.”

He tipped the table back, reversing the position of the sections. When he was finished, her back was horizontal and her knees were bent and elevated. Again, the table responded to the smallest shift in her position, altering its shape to accommodate hers. Her calves were now supported as well as her thighs and the cushioning beneath her head seemed to thicken.

“Spread your arms out to either side of your body,” Lahval directed.

As she moved her arms out, padded supports magically appeared. What in God’s name was this thing made out of? It flowed like water, yet easily supported her weight.

“I’m going to activate restraints, so don’t be alarmed by the sensation.”

She was glad for the warning because slime flowed across her limbs at regular intervals, then across her waist, upper chest, and forehead. The cool, gelatinous substance quickly morphed into sturdy straps and she found herself lashed down so securely she could barely move. “What is this stuff? Is it the same as the safety restraints on your shuttles? How does it change its state so easily?”

“I could name the compound, but it would mean nothing to you,” Brydon commented from the perimeter of the room. He and Brydon were standing back and letting Lahval work. She could barely see them in her peripheral vision. “We use it widely on our spaceships, but there was nothing like it on Earth.”

“Don’t you mean New Kobar?” He corrected her so often, she felt obligated to return the favor.

“No. I meant Earth. Now that Earth has become New Kobar, the compound is relatively common.”

“I’m going to maneuver you into the desired position so do not struggle. The table will go exactly where I want it to, so any resistance could injure you. Do you understand?” Lahval asked.

“Yes, Sir. I’ll go with the flow.” The phrase made her giggle and she never giggled.

“She’s still drunk on endorphins,” Nayez said softly.

“And your cum,” Brydon added.

They were right. She felt wonderfully relaxed and floaty. The table moved her legs farther apart and the section in between her legs disintegrated. It suddenly felt as if her hips were resting on the very edge of the table. She didn’t have to guess what he had in mind for this position. And she had no objections. She still ached from all the orgasms the others had denied her.

“Fucking her in restraints isn’t much of a punishment,” Brydon grumbled.

“This isn’t the punishment,” Lahval assured him. Then he moved between Emily’s spread thighs and released his cock. He shoved his entire length into her pussy and stared deep into her eyes. “I’m going to fuck you roughly in all three of your holes, one right after the other.”

Yeah, like that was a threat. It was exactly what she wanted.

Three strange spherical objects suddenly flew into view. One hovered over her belly, another swooped under her knees, and the third orbited her face and upper body. What the fuck? Were those… They were clearly some sort of drone, but why were they here?

Lahval drew his hips back and began to fuck her with long, slow strokes. “The surveillance drones will record everything I do to you, each gasp of pleasure and cry of pain.”

Oh, shit. She’d never allowed anyone to record her having sex. Her mother was president! Emily couldn’t risk that sort of scandal.

The lights suddenly dimmed and they were surrounded by close-up images of her body and his. Her quivering breasts and flushed face, his cock sliding in and out of her stretched pussy, even the pink stripes on her butt cheeks were visible.

The lingering euphoria vanished and she frantically shook her head. “Please, Sir. Not this. I can’t do that to my mother.”

Lahval ignored her protest and fucked into her even harder. “You will come when I command it, and ache if I’m displeased. You will swallow my cum, and beg to be fucked in your tight little ass. And the drones will record it all in vivid detail and sound.”

He didn’t need to explain the rest. She understood the threat. She just had no idea how to escape it. The only way to protect her sister and friends was to humiliate her mother. It was an impossible choice.

“When I’ve finished fucking you, you will be locked in one of the guest suites. You will spend the rest of the night surrounded by the images of your ravishment so you understand what is at risk. In the morning, I will ask one last time for the names of the rebel leaders. If you still refuse, I will upload the recordings to the human internet. Everyone on this planet will be able to watch President Delacroix’s daughter being mastered by her Kobar captor. It will humiliate your mother and horrify your friends. Just remember, Emily. The choice is yours.”