Into the Shadows by Linda K Hopkins


The Ancient looked down at her warrior, appreciating his fine form. He cut a handsome figure, and soon he would be more spectacular to behold than he already was.

“Do you see now, my Shadow Warrior, how the curse of betrayal carries from one generation to another? Like their ancestor before them, Valor’s descendants cannot be trusted. They are cursed, and must be abolished, their throne broken.”

The Warrior looked up, his olive eyes flashing. “Betrayal runsss through their blood, I see that now,” he hissed. “Give me leave, and I’ll hunt her down and destroy her.”

“Patience, my dear Warrior. For now, we will let the bird fly. But the time will soon come when we snare her in our trap.”

“I’ll not rest until every one of them is destroyed.”

She looked at him speculatively. “It is time you had a name.”

“A name, my queen? I’ve no need of a name, asss long asss I live to serve you.”

“And yet, I would give you a name. From now on, you’ll be known as Vengeance.”

“Vengeance.” He said the name slowly. “It isss a good name.”

“Are you ready to take your place at my side, Vengeance?”

He bowed his head. “I am, mistresss.”

She leaned forward, her long forked tongue flicking the air. “You will be spectacular, Vengeance, greater than any that has gone before you. And you will stand by my side, my equal in every way.”

“I long for that day, Ancient One.”

She nodded. “As do I, my beautiful warrior. Look, everything is prepared.”

She gestured with a claw, and he turned to see a large pool of deep, red liquid. “I am eager to begin, my queen.”

“Good.” She waved a hand, and a man stepped forward. “Lift the grill, Eighty-Three.”

There was a winch beside the wall and Eighty-Three walked over to it, and grasping the lever with both hands, began to raise a rectangular metal grate from the pool. He stopped when it was a foot above the liquid.

“Remove your clothes,” she commanded Vengeance.

It only took a moment for him to stand naked before her. His tongue flicked the air, and he breathed in deeply.

“Lie down on the grill.” He did as instructed, and Eighty-Three hurried forward with a thick chain, securing Vengeance spread-eagle on the grating. The Ancient stepped forward and stared down at him.

“So beautiful,” she said, “and about to become even more so.” She bent her head down and flicked her tongue over him, smiling when he jerked. “You and I will know intimate pleasure,” she said.

She leaned forward and brought her jaws to his neck, then sunk her teeth in and began to drink deeply. Minutes passed and Vengeance gave a groan. “Just a little more, my love,” she said, returning to his neck. His eyes rolled back in his head, and she pulled away and nodded to Eighty-Three.

Grasping the lever, he lowered Vengeance into the pool. There was a jerk as Vengeance’s body touched the liquid, but the chains held him fast. He opened his mouth to scream, but the crimson liquid covered him, filling his mouth before the sound came out. The grate dropped lower, and the liquid began to bubble. The Ancient watched carefully. It was at this point that she had lost numerous warriors before, but she knew that the process could not be rushed. She waited as the liquid began to froth and boil. Her warrior would be in agony, but he would be unable to escape the binds holding him. This was the crucial moment when her blood would fill him, becoming part of him. There would be no visible sign of the change at first, but he would be forever transformed, from the inside out.

The waves in the pool grew more violent, but still the Ancient waited, until finally she lifted a clawed paw and Eighty-Three slowly began to raise the grill. As soon as his mouth cleared the liquid, Vengeance gave a roar, and the Ancient smiled. He would be even more splendid than she had imagined.

“Unbind him,” she commanded Eighty-Three, and he strode forward, releasing the chains with a quick flick of his fingers. Rolling on the grate, Vengeance slowly raised himself onto his hands and knees, then lifted a clawed hand and stared at it.

“Still the same,” he rasped.

“Patience, dear Vengeance.”

Turning, he slowly maneuvered himself off the platform, and fell on his knees before the Ancient. “I live to serve you, my queen,” he said, hoarsely.

She placed a paw beneath his chin and slowly raised him to his feet. “You will serve beside me, Vengeance, and from now on you’ll call me by name. You’ll call me Ashra.”

“Ashra,” he whispered. “My life isss yoursss.”

“Good,” she said. “Now tell me how you will deliver vengeance to my enemies.”

The End

Dear Reader,

You have come to the end of Into the Shadows, but there is much more of the tale to be told. Book 2 of Shadowlands will be coming soon, but in the meantime, you can learn more about the devastating effects of Pip’s kidnapping and his escape from the dragon’s lair with Lark in Shadow Bound.

This short installment is not to be missed and can be downloaded as my free gift to you by following this link: (You will need to provide your email in order for the correct version to be sent to you, and will you be added to my newsletter, but you can unsubscribe at any time – no hard feelings!)

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Linda K. Hopkins