Into the Shadows by Linda K Hopkins


It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a team to produce a book! Thanks goes to my beta readers, Attila, Michelle, Dennis, Beth Ann, and Christine, who took the time to read the manuscript – twice – and provide me with written feedback. Your comments and insights helped me to produce a better story.

My editor, Matthew Godden, who gives me reason to believe in myself as a writer, and fixes all those annoying little errors that creep into my writing.

And my proofreaders, Annette and Judy, who go through the manuscript with a fine toothcomb, finding all the errors that have been overlooked multiple times. Special mention also goes to Nic, who though not an official proofreader, did a remarkable job of identifying mistakes in the advance manuscript.

Finally, my thanks goes to God, who has given me a love of reading and the gift of writing.