Beauty and the Gentleman by Lucy Darling



Icheck my phone to see where Ace is. From his location I know he’s still at the office. For the past week he’s been engulfed with work. He is excited about this new investment. It finally went through a few days ago. Ace told me it’s going to take a chunk of his free time. I get it. This is big for him. I just miss him. We haven’t seen much of each other lately with both of our schedules being crazy.

The door to my room opens, and Whitney comes strolling in. “Hey,” she chirps. “Are you going to Ace’s?”

“I’m not sure.” I roll over on my side, propping my head up with my hand. “He’s still at work.”

“Knox went to your parents’. Your little brother called, needing advice.”

“It’s crazy how much Grant looks like Oz. He’s a mini me.”

“Right?” Whitney laughs.

“I wouldn’t mind having a mini Ace one day.”

“Wow. You and your brother are so much alike sometimes. He talks about kids too.”

“Really?” I thought I was a bit crazy for doing it. I know it’s too soon to even consider it. We aren’t even having sex. In fact, since I’ve moved into the dorm I’ve only gotten kisses. And even those seem to be getting fewer and farther between.

Now it’s Friday night, and I was all set to go to Ace’s, but I’m not sure that’s going to happen. I need release, and only he can give it to me. I should go to his place and wait in his bed naked. Damn. I wonder what he’d do. Would that be the thing that finally broke his control?

“He wants a family of his own.”

“Yeah.” I nod in agreement, understanding where Knox is coming from because I’m there too. I’d gotten lucky and got to spend most of my youth with Kennedy and Oz, who I consider my mom and dad. Still, I long for something more.

“You wanna go get dinner or something?”

“We can, but Ace had enough groceries to feed everyone around delivered here.” The grocery order came the same day I’d skipped lunch. I love that he’s always checking in on me. But I’ve noticed he hasn't been doing it as much as he used to.

Ace is always taking care of me. Sometimes I fear that he’s going to get tired of me. I’m not much help, either. I let myself become dependent on him, enjoying the way he cares for me. Is it weird that I get off when he texts that I better eat or to make sure I get enough sleep?

“Let’s see what he got.” I follow her out of the room to see Morgan and Step in the kitchen area chowing down on some of the food Ace bought. They are both all dolled up. Their hair and makeup is done, and they are wearing extra short dresses. I’m not gonna lie; they look hot.

“Your boyfriend is a saint,” Step says before shoving more chips into her mouth. “He’s going to be solely responsible for my freshman fifteen.” I snort a laugh.

“If you ever break up, let me know. I’m gonna slide in there.” Morgan winks. It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell her it’s never going to happen. For one, we’ll never break up, and for two, I’m the only girl in the world that’s Ace’s type. At least I better be.

“He’s all mine,” I declare, leaving it at that.

“You two hit the boyfriend jackpot. Knox has bad boy written all over him. You’re a strange couple.” Morgan tilts her head to stare at Whitney. She does have the whole book nerd vibe, but it’s cute on her and it obviously works for my brother. He could be standing in a room full of supermodels, and the only woman he would notice would be Whitney.

“She had no choice but to fit with him. He chased her for weeks before she finally cracked and let him in.”

“You wouldn’t date him?” Morgan and Step look at Whitney as though she is totally out of her mind for not jumping at the chance to date Knox.

“It’s a long story, but the man is mine. I couldn’t break up with him if I wanted to,” Whitney says with a giant smile on her face.

I dart back to my bedroom when I hear my phone go off. I see a text from Ace.

Ace: I’ll swing by to pick you up when I leave. It will probably be late. I don’t want you walking in the dark to my place.

Well, there goes my naked idea. Guess I’ll have to come up with some other plan to get my man in bed.

Me: Okay.

Ace: See you later, love. Don’t forget to eat.

I smile. His sweet words only make me miss him more. I head back out into the kitchen, where Whitney is making buttered noodles for us all to have. It’s one of my favorites, but I can never seem to make it the way she does. It’s the simplest meal, but I swear she adds something special to it and that’s why hers taste so much better than when I try to make it.

“You girls want to come to the Delta Psi party tonight?” Step asks, popping a grape into her mouth.

“Might be fun to see a college party,” Whitney says. Not like I have anything else really to do. We can pop in and out. I’m a bit curious too. Whitney and I always had fun at the parties back in high school. We both enjoy dancing.

“I’ll need to change.” I glance down at my yoga pants and baggy shirt that belongs to Ace. “And I should call Ace and give him a heads-up. I’m spending the night with him tonight.”

“Same. I’ll need to call Knox,” Whitney says, draining the noodles.

I dial Ace’s number, wanting to hear his voice. I have a feeling he’s not going to want me to go to the party. I don’t think we ever went to one without each other. Before Whitney came along, Ace was my best friend. We did everything together. We still do, but it’s nice to have a girl who understands you more at times.

The phone rings and rings before eventually going to his voicemail. I try again, this time switching it over to facetime so I can see him. Ace looks damn sexy when he wears a suit. The line finally connects.

A pretty brunette’s face comes on the screen. She’s got eyelashes most girls would kill for. “Mr. King’s phone. How may I help you?”

“Where is Ace?”

“I’m sorry, Mr. King is busy at the moment. Is there something I can help you with?” I try not to get snippy with the girl, but my jealousy seems to be rearing its head.

“Who are you?”

“I’m Tiffany. Mr. King’s assistant. Who are you?” she asks.

“Faith,” I respond. Her face shows no reaction, like she’s never heard my name before.

“Would you like to leave a message for Mr. King?” She smirks. I swear if I could reach through this phone, I’d wipe that look off her face myself.

“Tell him his girlfriend called,” I say before ending the call super annoyed. Why the hell is someone answering his cell phone? I get someone answering his office phone but not his freaking personal phone. That shit is private.

I shoot Ace a text before I change my clothes and pull my hair down from the ponytail. I give it a small fluff before adding some lip gloss and mascara.

“What are you wearing?” Whitney asks, walking into our bedroom.

“I was thinking jean shorts with flats. I can’t go to a party in a dress and heels like Step and Morgan. Especially if I’m not sure what kind of party this is going to be.”

“Good point.” We finish getting ready and are out the door thirty minutes later.

I know Ace is going to be annoyed that I went to a party without talking to him first, but that’s his fault. Still, he’ll be pissed. Wonder what he’ll do about it? My body starts to heat as I think of all the different scenarios. The ones I often fantasize about him doing.

I suppose I’ll find out soon enough.