Beauty and the Gentleman by Lucy Darling



“Ithink we should hire him.” I flip the folder over for Roman to see. He picks it up, reading it over.

“He’s young” is the first thing he says. He is.

“He’s not only brilliant, he's a fresh mind. No one has molded him or put their own ideas into his head.”

“If you think we should, then do it.” He hands me the folder back before checking his watch. I glance around. I must have left my phone in my office. “Let’s call it a night,” Roman says before I can excuse myself to go get my phone.

I head back toward my office. Tiffany pops up as I pass her desk. “I told you that you could go home hours ago.”

“You might need something. Like dinner? Should I order something?” she suggests.

“No, I’m going to eat dinner with Faith.” She follows me into my office. “I sent you the reports you asked for and set up the meeting like you asked. I added it to your calendar.”

“Thanks.” I snag my phone off my desk. “Did you touch my phone?”

“I was going to see if your phone and your office calendar linked up, but it rang while I was doing it.”

“On what planet is it okay to touch anyone’s cell phone without asking?”

Her face flushes. “I was trying to be helpful.” I click my phone to see who called. Shit, I missed a facetime call from Faith.

“What would have been more helpful is if you would have left when I told you to go.”

“I’m sorry, Mr. King.” Maybe I’m overreacting. I’ve been on edge all week. As crazy as it sounds, I think I’m going through some kind of withdrawal from Faith. I’m so used to seeing her all day every day that I haven’t been adjusting well to barely seeing her.

“Don’t ever touch my phone again.” She nods and turns to leave. “Tiffany,” I call, stopping her. She spins back around to face me. “If Faith ever calls this office or any line for that matter, you get me on the line. I don’t care what I’m doing. She’s priority number one for me.”

Her lips purse, but she nods in agreement.

I know a lot of people choose to put work over their families. My own dad was that way at one time. But he changed once my mom Fawn had entered his life. She made him realize that there was more to life than work. So, since I was little, he drilled into my head that you can have both. That family always comes first at the end of the day.

I click my texts and see a message. Well, fuck me. Faith is pissed. I don’t blame her. If some asshole answered her phone I’d lose my mind. Still, she should know there must have been some strange circumstances for that ever to happen.

I grab the rest of my shit, heading out of the office and straight for her. I debated with myself all day if it was a good idea to have her spend the weekend at my place.

I want her there so damn bad, but with my self-control slipping, I’m not sure it’s the best idea. I’m one taste away from breaking my promise to her parents. From claiming her and taking her fully.

I think I’m hesitant because it would be different this time. It’s my place. No one else would be around. I’m not sure I can pull myself back much longer. I lick my lips, thinking about how sweet she always tastes when my tongue strokes her pussy.

By the time I reach the party, my dick is hard as a rock. My heart pounds. I hit the porch stairs. There are two men standing by the doorstep in front of it to block my way.

“No freshman males,” one says. I almost laugh at the asshole because there isn’t a person on this earth that’s going to keep me from getting to Faith.

“Do I look like a fucking freshman?” I take a step toward him.

“I’ve never seen you before.” He wisely takes a step back.

“Move. My girl is in there.” He hesitates. “I won’t ask again.”

“Whatever,” he mumbles, stepping out of my way. The smell of cheap beer and smoke surrounds me as soon as I step into the house. It’s easy to search around with how tall I am, but I don’t see Faith or Whitney anywhere. I pull out my phone to double check her location. It says she’s still here. I need to look into some more advanced technology that can make this shit more precise. I’ll bring that up next week.

The sound of Faith’s laughter fills my ear. I follow it through the living room and then into the dining room, where I find both the girls. They’re playing beer pong and only have one cup left to make. The other team is two boys in striped polos and khakis who are looking a bit pissed. I’m sure they thought they’d have a fun game. Beat the girls and then maybe get their numbers or something more.

That isn't happening. Not only because I know my girl wouldn’t hand her number out to some random schmuck, but Faith and Whitney are killers at beer pong. I swear those two are scary when they team up. There isn't anything that they can't conquer.

Faith’s eyes come to me, and she starts to smile before it quickly turns into a glare. She doesn’t wave or come over to me; she goes back to the game. My phone goes off in my hand as Faith knocks one of the balls off when blue polo tries to bounce it.

“I’ve got eyes on them,” I say when I answer the phone, knowing who it is.

“I’m almost there,” Knox grunts before he ends the call. I watch as Faith steps up with her ball and easily sinks it into the cup. She and Whitney jump up and down in victory. Some of the people lingering around give the guys a hard time. From behind them I can see their necks flush red in embarrassment. They are quick to try for a comeback.

“You want to go again? Next round if we win you two come upstairs with us.” Both the girls' faces scrunch in disgust. Before I can think, I’ve got the guy wearing the yellow polo who’s running his mouth by the back of the neck. I squeeze, giving enough pressure that he squeals. When he tries to break my hold, I only squeeze harder.

“That how you fucking talk to girls?”

“The fuck. I was messing with them. Let me go.”

“Okay.” I do let him go but with a hard shove. He knocks into his partner. Their drunk asses trip over each other and hit the floor.

“I had it under control,” Faith huffs, coming over toward me. Damn she looks good in her jean shorts and strapless pink top. She’s showing too much skin for my liking, but that’s only because I’m a selfish bastard when it comes to her.

“How much did you drink?” I ask, seeing Knox slip past us, going for Whitney.

“A few beers.” I start to ask another question, but she puts her hand over my mouth. “I opened them myself. We were safe.” I kiss her palm before she drops it.

“I wouldn’t be so sure of that, Kitten.” Her lips part, her pink tongue darting out and licking her bottom lip. “You went to a party without me.”

“Hey, I—” I cut her off by picking her up off her feet. She doesn't try to fight me. She knows it would be pointless. I don’t put her down until I have her in my car driving back toward my place.

She sits with her arms folded over her chest. I reach over and put my hand on her leg. Her thighs part a few inches. I slip my fingers all the way up ‘til I reach the bottom of her jean shorts, where I drift my fingers back and forth on the inside of her thigh.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see her fighting not to wiggle, something she always does when she's turned on. She can’t help herself.

“Did you have fun?” I ask.

“No,” she says with a huff.

“You’re pushing it, Kitten.”

“Why do you keep calling me that?”

“How you’re acting.”

“How I’m acting. Some beautiful woman answers your phone and has no clue who I even am?!”

There it is. She’s all worked up now. Her breathing is heavy, making her tits rise and fall. I throw the car into park.

“Out,” I order her.

“What?” she asks like she didn’t hear me.

“Out or I’ll drag you out.”

Her mouth falls open. “What is wrong with you lately?” Shit. She’s right.

“You. That’s what’s wrong with me lately.” I get out of the car, coming around to her side. I pull her out and head into the building, going straight for the elevator.

“Maybe I should go home. Then I won’t be a problem for you anymore.” The thought of her walking out on me has me snapping. I hit the emergency stop button. “What are you doing?” I close in on her.

“Reminding you that you belong to me. That you don’t have the option to go anywhere unless I give it to you.”

“Ace.” Her heavy breathing is back. Her pupils are dilated. She’s getting so turned on by this side of me, which isn’t helping me.

“Are you going to stop acting like a brat?” Her face scrunches and a cute as hell growl comes from her. “All right then,” I say before I slam my mouth down onto hers, pinning her to the wall of the elevator, my cock pressing into her soft stomach.

I might be the one in control right now, but we all know Faith owns me. I wouldn’t have it any other way. But tonight I’m going to own her in every way.