Dirty Arrogant Boss by Terri E. Laine



We arrivedat a decent apartment building and Molly stared out of the window as if she hadn’t noticed we’d arrived. Had I missed my opportunity? I could have used one of Dillon’s bedrooms in his house of heathens, but he was the kind of bastard who’d have all the rooms wired for video surveillance.

Though she’d already agreed, I wanted to give her one last out so she’d have no regrets. “Should we call it a night?” I held my breath, wondering if she would say yes. Though we’d been at one of Dillon’s anything-goes-including-sex parties, I would never assume that she hadn’t changed her mind about taking me to her bed.

“No.” She gave me a sexy smile and I took that as an invitation.

The driver opened the door and helped her out. His hands on her sparked a jealousy inside me. I wrote it off as the lust I’d held at bay since I first spotted her.

I told my driver to hang around for a little bit. If I didn’t call, he could go until I texted him I was ready to leave.

We climbed the stairs to the second level and headed down a ways to her door. Her small hand shook as she opened it, and I was struck again wondering if this had been her first sex party.

Her tiny apartment was about the size of the suite of rooms I’d had at my disposal as a child growing up. My parents hadn’t flaunted their wealth. Our home was modest compared to that of my cousin, who’d been the closest thing I had to a brother for a time, or grandparents, but it was still far larger than this.

Her gaze met mine for a second before darting away like a scared kitten’s. From all the signals she gave, she’d seemed into me before we left. I might be ruthless when it came to business, but I wasn’t a total asshole when it came to women. My parents had loved each other, unlike my cousin’s parents. Their marriage had been an arrangement of sorts and they’d hated each other from the start. Dad had taught me always to treat women with respect. And I was always honest about my intentions with the women I slept with.

“Are you nervous? I know we were at a sex party, but you’re free to change your mind if you don’t want this,” I said.

Her eyes grew large as she stared at me in horror. “No!”

I clenched my jaw. “I should go then.” My dick was hard to the point of pain, but I would never force myself where I wasn’t wanted.

“No.” She held up her hand. “I mean, I didn’t know it was a sex party.”

I’d known there was something different about her. She hadn’t dressed the part of a siren. The purple dress she wore clung to her like a second skin, but she’d been more covered than any woman there, including the help. “Then I really should leave.”

She shook her head, the deep blonde curls bouncing. “No, I didn’t know, but I did invite you over for…” Her cheeks reddened, which made her all the more alluring.

“You have to say it, love, if you want me to stay.”

She lifted her chin. “I want you to fuck me.”

I couldn’t stop from grinning and held out a hand. “Lead the way.”

We could have started there, but her couch was small, and I was a big guy. I wanted room to play. After a walk down a short hallway, we stopped at the doorframe. I braced my arm against it as she turned to face me. The room wasn’t very big, much like the rest of the apartment. A bed and a small dresser took up much of the space. If I went in after her, my sheer size in the confined room might spook her. I stayed where I was.

“Strip.” It was a command, and I used the voice I did at work to get things done.

Her emerald-green eyes widened a second before they heated. My little minx liked being told what to do. Not a problem. I could give her what she wanted there.

She licked her lips and went for the thin straps of her dress, slipping them off her shoulders one at a time. The little tease flicked sultry glances my way and damn if it didn’t work. I gripped my dick through my pants to keep it from busting through. Her fucking bare shoulders gave me wood like no naked woman had before.

She clutched the fabric at her chest before turning around, giving me her back. Then the fabric slipped down and seemed to take an eternity to glide to the floor. Fuck me.

Her tight ass was better than I imagined framed by slim hips. The strings that wrapped around her led to a center I couldn’t wait to explore.

“Turn around.”

My voice sounded rough and I had to swallow. She gave a coy smile over her shoulder before slowly turning to face me.

Her tits were small, high, and firm. They were perfect. My mouth watered at the thought of sucking them.

So far she’d done what I asked without speaking a word, which added to her charm. It only made me wonder at her thoughts.

“Lie on the bed and play with yourself.”

She hesitated, but then gracefully did as I asked and spread her legs wide enough to use her hand between them.

Shit. I finally stepped fully into the tiny room. There wasn’t anywhere for my clothes. I let my shirt fall to the floor as she worked herself into a frenzy. She was biting her lip and squirming on the mattress by the time I unzipped my fly.

“I’m going to come,” she said, her voice breaking the silence.

I pulled a foil package from my pocket before letting my pants down. My cousin, Ryan, would have probably screwed her without protection just to get his hands on the family fortune. He was my competition in the sick game my grandfather had set up in his will. But I wasn’t that guy. Money didn’t rule my life. As much as having it over him would feed my ego, I wasn’t about to take the time to talk about sexual history. I wanted to fuck her until we both couldn’t move.

My gaze was fixed on that glistening spot between her legs and I gave in to the need to taste her. I kneeled at the foot of her bed and curled an arm around each leg to tug her to the edge.

Her hand was rubbing her clit frantically as she got closer. I dove in, piercing my tongue into her entrance. Damn, she was everything I’d imagined when I first laid eyes on her and more. Her back bowed and she whimpered nonsensical words. I moved her hands and repositioned my own as I licked up her slit to her swollen nub. I latched onto her clit and thrust two fingers inside her.

Her inner walls gripped my fingers, quivering as she came. I kept up my ministrations until she lay limp. Then I pulled back. “My turn.”

I sounded like a bear staking his claim and maybe I was. I stood and shoved down my boxer briefs and fisted my dick in my hands. Her eyes looked like those of a deer in the middle of the road.

A smug smile curled my lips as she leaned up on her elbows. “I don’t think I can get that in my mouth,” she said.

“Don’t worry, love. Your mouth isn’t what I want to go around it. I need inside you.”

I worked the condom on and moved into position. I coated my dick in her juices before pressing in just a little. She sucked in a breath and so did I. Her hole was tight from climaxing and maybe she was naturally so.

I leaned over and sucked on one of her rosy nipples. Instantly, I felt her grow wetter and her pussy gave way, letting me push in a little more.

“Ohhhh,” she cried out.

What I wanted was for her to call out my name, and she would before the night was over, without my prompting.

I sucked on the opposite nipple and pinched the other between my fingers. Her hips rose and that angle gave me room to slide in deeper.

She panted and a hint of pain furrowed her brow. I backed off some and went for her mouth. I wasn’t the kissing type, usually only during foreplay. It was an intimate thing, and I didn’t want my partners to mistake this for more than a quick fuck. But I wanted to kiss Molly.

I growled before biting her lip and claiming her mouth like I had a right to. I slid one hand between her legs to stoke the fire there. I fucked her mouth with my tongue; I inched my way in and out between her legs. She squirmed but took it until I was finally seated as deep as I could go inside her. When I pulled back, the creases on her face had smoothed out in pleasure.

Her fingernails scored my scalp as she kissed me back in rhythm with her rocking hips.

“Damn, you’re tight.” I growled the words.

She was lost and didn’t respond to that. Instead, she said, “Faster.”

My girl was close, and I aimed to please. I pushed up with one arm so I could watch as I brought her to the edge. I pumped with a frantic tempo, knowing I wouldn’t be able to last, and we had all night.

An image of her belly rounded with my child filled my head, hardening my dick further, surprising me. Normally, thoughts of knocking a woman up sent my dick to hide in my pants. Not this time. The idea of her breasts swelling because she carried my baby had me shooting off.

“I’m going to come,” she said breathily.

Her words and the fisting of her walls around my cock broke my rhythm as I plunged in faster as I came harder than I had my entire life. Spent, I fell atop her until I rolled, taking her with me.

I pulled her further on the bed, tucking her into the crook of my arm. I closed my eyes for a second, giving her a chance to rest before round two.

“Are you going to stay?” she asked.

I grinned down at her. “Love, I’m not done with you yet.”

And I wasn’t. We fucked a few more times before finally giving in to sleep. When I woke, the sun was high. We were on our sides, her back to my chest. My arm was draped around her. I moved to get out of bed quietly, so she didn’t stir. I could leave, but something about the way she’d asked if I was going to stay made me not want to pull a dick move and duck out, or so I told myself.

Instead, after a long piss, I pulled on my briefs and went to her kitchen to hunt for food. On the counter was a stack of papers. I wouldn’t have pried, but the big red stamps of ‘past due’ and ‘final notice’ caught my attention. I lifted that one and the stack was full of them.

The accusing eyes of my minx burned me.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude,” I said, setting the bill down.

“You should leave.” Her voice was cold, and I knew I’d fucked up.

I held up a hand. “Wait. Hear me out. I think we could help each other.”

She tilted her head.

I went on. “I know I shouldn’t have looked, but the stack was hard to miss.” Her lips thinned. “I could pay these bills for you and give you some money on top of that if you could do something in return for me.”

Her words were clipped when she spoke. “And what is that?”

She didn’t sound receptive to what I was about to say, and my suggestion would probably earn me a slammed door in my face. “I would take care of you even after—”

“After what?”

“You give me an heir,” I said. Her jaw dropped. “Don’t answer now. Think about it. I need an heir to claim my inheritance. You need your bills paid. It’s a win-win and for us both. You and the child would never want for anything. I swear.”

I headed to her room so she could think about it, then contacted my driver before getting dressed. When I left the room, she was still standing there with a sheet wrapped around her.

“What about the child?” she asked.

I hadn’t thought that far. I’d given up on the idea of having an heir when my admin had made demands of me after I’d slept with her. I’d thought she was a possibility. Instead, she’d turned out to be another gold-digging crazy woman. “Joint custody.”

Surprising me, Molly asked, “When do I have to let you know?”

“Soon,” I said. I pulled a card from my wallet and set it on her counter. She could do her own research and find out that I could back up my claims. I wanted to kiss her but didn’t dare. “My driver will return and take you to pick up your car.”

“No need,” she said.

“Still, I insist. I would have you go with me now except I don’t think you want to be around me right now.”

Then I walked out the door, wondering if I would hear from her again.