Dirty Arrogant Boss by Terri E. Laine



“Claudia,”I said.

I didn’t introduce my silent partner as she eyed Molly like she was a stain on the chair before turning her attention to me.

“I see things haven’t changed,” she said to me while pretending Molly didn’t exist. The things I wanted to say were held back because the damn woman had me by the balls. I clenched my teeth and bit back cursing her to hell, where she’d come from. Claudia had been a mistake my dick hadn’t seen coming, in more ways than one. In my bid to start my business, she’d offered some capital. Things had been good between us then and that had turned out to be one of the biggest mistakes of my life. Now I shared my corporation with her.

She kept glancing at Molly as if I should introduce her. But it was better for me and especially Molly if Claudia didn’t know anything about her.

“I’m in the middle of a meeting. If you’d like to chat, I can have my assistant work with yours on a suitable time.”

“Touché,” Claudia muttered. “We do need to get together. I got a call I think you’ll be interested in hearing about.” Then, on pencil-thin heels, she clicked away.

“And that was?” Molly waited for an answer.

“An error in judgment.” The words slipped from my mouth and her brows drew up. I amended my statement. “No one you need to worry about. And trust me, it’s best you don’t know her. She’s a viper in human skin.”

Molly waved it away. “I’m not sure why I asked. What you do is your business.”

Grateful she’d given me an out, I pulled out a bound document and set it in front of her.

“What’s this?” she asked.

“Our agreement.”

Something like betrayal crossed her features when our eyes met. “We need this?”

“It’s for your protection. If you have my child and something happens to me, everything I’ve promised to you is written down and will supersede a will.” I tapped it with an index finger. “In summary, I’ll give you this in good faith.” I pulled out a check and slid it across to her. Her eyes nearly bugged out when she saw the sum. “Then when you go to have tests run to check your health and the ability to conceive, I’ll give you this.” I opened up the portfolio and pointed to the summary schedule of payments. “As you see, by just doing the tests, you will have earned enough money to pay the bills I saw.”

She licked her lips and quietly said, “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but that won’t cover everything.”

I nodded. “Once you are confirmed pregnant by a doctor of my choosing, you will receive this amount, which should be enough to take you out of financial debt and secure your financial wellbeing for the long term.”

She glanced up with almost childlike concern. “And what if I miscarry?”

“Everything I’ve given to you up to that point is yours to keep, including the gift card. If you give birth, there is a final lump sum. Then a monthly stipend will be given to you and each child.”

“Each child?”

But then we were interrupted by the waiter. It was another ten minutes before we came back to our conversation.

“Each child?” she repeated when we were alone again.

“We’ll be going to a fertility doctor,” I said. “It’s possible they will give you hormones that could increase the chance of multiple births.” She sat back. “Don’t worry, you and any child we have together will be well taken care of, including a nanny or nannies if needed.”

She nodded. “So if we are going to a fertility doctor, does that mean they’ll artificially put your sperm into me?”

“Hell, no,” I said a little too loudly. A few patrons turned our way. I lowered my voice. “I won’t take a chance there’s a screwup and they put the wrong sperm in you.”

“Better for you.”

“Better for us. I think I’ve proven that.”

Her lips twitched.

“There is one thing I should point out. From this moment forward, your pretty pussy is mine. I can’t chance that someone else will get you pregnant.” When she started to balk, I pointed at the check in front of her. “I think you’ve been properly compensated for your time.”

“That makes me sound like a hooker.”

“No, that makes you more like a surrogate.” That was the wrong thing to say as I watched her cringe. “I didn’t mean it that way, though if you are found to be an unfit mother, I will retain full custody.” Her back stiffened. “I don’t see that as a problem. And if you do, you will see that it’s language to protect our child. The language goes both ways. If you feel I’m unfit, you can seek full custody.”

She relaxed some and flipped through the pages like she was shuffling cards. “Why so many pages?”

I shrugged. “My lawyer drafted it. You can have a lawyer of your choosing review it. And with this first payment, you should have enough money to pay for one. But I will cover that expense as you need that money for more urgent matters. Just send me the bill.”

She nodded. “So what’s next?”

“Besides dinner?”

She laughed some. “Yes, besides dinner.”

I pulled up my phone. “I have an app that can assist figuring out when you’ll be ovulating after you answer a few questions.”


“No need to be shy now. We will be parents. I need to know when your last period was.”

She turned a lovely shade of red that made my dick uncomfortably hard. But she answered that and several more questions.

“It looks like this coming weekend you’ll ovulate. We need to get those tests run tonight.”

She pointed at her chest. “Just me?”

I shook my head. “Me too. You need assurances just like I do.”

“That’s magnanimous of you.”

“That’s selfish of me. I want inside of you with nothing between us as soon as possible. In fact, after tonight, you will be in my bed every night until I’m positive you’re pregnant with my child.”

Her brow arched. I lifted my glass of Scotch and sipped.

Then I added, “Unless you want to rip up that check and walk away.”