Dirty Arrogant Boss by Terri E. Laine



Plans were taking shape.Mine in the form of Joe. He would be bringing Molly to me for a private lunch.

I’d tried to talk to Chloe. So far, she wouldn’t return my calls. My next option would be to see her in person. I had to get through morning meetings first so I could see Molly.

She was quickly becoming my obsession. Fucking her was better than anything known to man. I was addicted.

“Mr. Hampton.”

I glanced up and found my assistant. “Yes,” I said.

“You have a visitor.”

There wasn’t a meeting on my calendar. “Who is it?”

“He won’t say other than you’ll want to meet him.”

Ryan. “Send him in.”

She left and seconds later, sure enough, my cousin and competitor in the heir game strolled through the door like he owned the place. “You’re going soft, cousin,” he announced.

“Why are you here?”

“Why else? I’m on my way to producing the first heir and thought I should warn you.”

“How magnanimous of you.”

He waved me off. “Don’t act like I put us in this position. You were like a brother to me.”

“And yet here you are, throwing victory in my face.”

“No, I’m here to warn you about the woman you’re thinking of having a child with.”

My vision tunneled down to slits. “How would you know anything?”

“I have my sources.”

I could only think of one person who’d seen me with Molly and would know that information would be interesting to Ryan. “Claudia,” I said out loud.

“Not exactly. But let me tell you this. This woman you are fucking wouldn’t pass Grandfather’s background checks. I tell you this because no matter what, I don’t want to see you get burned.”

Grandfather wasn’t alive, but when he had been, he’d had a nasty way of checking into people who came close to our family, including friends and lovers.

“You came all this way to give me that cryptic message?”

Ryan stood. “Let’s just say her family has intimate knowledge of the prison system.” Then he left, leaving me wondering how I could have let my dick rule over my brain. I’d trusted a woman I didn’t know.

When it was time to meet said woman for lunch, I decided it would be a different kind of meeting than I’d initially planned. The private room I’d booked wouldn’t be for a lunchtime fucking session with food as a side item. Things would be very different from my original plans.

I sat, hands steepled, tapping them as I went over what I’d learned. A simple Google search had revealed much. I didn’t need an investigator to find out more.

Molly walked in with Joe bidding her goodbye behind her. “Wow, you did this?” She stared at the table, elegantly set with the finest crystal, Waterford china, and silverware for two with a single rose bud set in the middle.

The asshole in me wanted to remain sitting. But I stood and helped her in her chair.

“You seem tense?” she said, sounding nervous.

I took my time before answering as I sat back down. “Is there anything you want to tell me?”

Her brows furrowed in confusion. “I don’t think so.”

“About your family?” I said. Her eyes widened. “Some information came my way and I Googled you.”

She glanced away. “I meant to tell you—”

“But you didn’t.”

Her head snapped back so she could glare at me. “My father is innocent, and I’ll do whatever is necessary to help prove that.”

“Including having a kid with me?”

Her lips pursed as she lifted her chin.

“I could’ve gotten past that. But that wasn’t the only thing that came up with the search. There are links to a bad accident. Your mother has been left unable to take care of herself from it. As tragic as that is, it’s the part about her history with seizures that you should have shared with me.”

“I—I,” she said, tripping over the one word. “I didn’t think about it being hereditary. I’ve never had a seizure in my life.”

“Still, I’m left to wonder how I can trust you, since you didn’t share those details that might affect our child’s future. If your father loses his case, then what? If our child has seizures and dies…” I held up my hands in question.

She covered her mouth. “I never thought—” She got to her feet. “Look, we’ll just call it off.”

I should let her walk away, but I couldn’t. I was two steps behind her until I managed to catch her at the door. I spun her around and pinned her there. “It’s too fucking late. You could be pregnant already. I have enough money to get our child the best treatment possible. But if you lie to me again, this is over.”

I crushed my lips to hers, ready to invade her mouth. She tasted like wintermint gum, which burst on my tongue. I would have fucked her there except someone knocked.


I pulled back. We were both gasping. Sparks flew from her eyes, and I wasn’t sure if I’d lost her with my little rant.

We stepped back so the waiter could enter. “Your first course is ready to be served,” he said.

“I didn’t order anything,” Molly said.

“I took the liberty of ordering for both of us, seeing as you have to get back to work. But feel free to tell the chef if you would prefer something else.”

Her gaze shifted over to the open door where a team of people stood in the hallway. “Sorry,” she muttered to them and went back to her seat.

Our gazes were fused as the meal was placed in front of us. The chef explained the dish. It wasn’t until everyone left that Molly spoke.