Healed by Evan Grace

Chapter Thirteen




I jog along the bike path, my mind wandering, and an ache fills my gut. I’m not mad at Heidi; I know she wasn’t trying to be hurtful. The truth of the matter is there is a lot truth to what she said.

It was all my fault—all of it. Last night I just needed to wallow in self-pity. I had a fitful night of sleep. When I get back to my SUV I use my towel in the back to wipe the sweat from my face.

I climb into my SUV and crank the air to cool me off. I decide to go home and shower first, then I’ll go find Heidi. When I reach the end of my street I find her car in my driveway. I pull in and spot her sitting on the front steps.

I jump out and watch her stand as I walk up the sidewalk. She doesn’t say anything, just walks right up to me and wraps her arms around my waist. I wrap mine around her shoulders and place my lips against her temple.

“Sorry I went silent last night,” I say quietly. “I was having a pity party because you’re right. I lost five years.”

Heidi shocks me when she covers my mouth with her hand. “No more pity party; no more thinking about the past.” She cups my face. “I love you, Colton.”

“I love you too, baby.” I kiss her slowly and thoroughly and then lead her into the house where she helps me shower.




I pull into the parking lot of the Fire’s home office. Stan, my coach, called asking me to come to the office for a meeting with him, Nick, and Gordo. Heidi had no clue what the meeting was about, but I didn’t really expect her to.

Are they going to let me go since we didn’t go all the way? If they are, what will happen to Heidi and me? It’s not like I expect her to uproot her life and follow me somewhere else, but am I ready to give up playing?

Fuck, I shake off those thoughts and take a deep breath before I head inside. My dress shoes slap against the granite flooring as I walk down the hallway to Gordo’s office.

Nick steps out into the hall, smiling widely when he sees me. “There he is.” His big, booming voice bounces down the hall.

I reach him and stick my hand out to shake his, but instead he pulls me into a backslapping hug.

He steps back and smiles like a lunatic. “Come on in.” Nick leads me into the office, and Stan and Gordo stand as enter, along with two other men I don’t recognize. “Colton, I’d like to introduce you to Tim Michaelson and Carl Jacobs—the recruiter and head coach from the Tennessee Tigers.”

What. The. fuck. I take a deep breath and step forward, holding out my hand. I hope to God they can’t feel my hand trembling or sweating. “It’s nice to meet you both.” I remind myself to keep eye contact and keep my grip firm.

“Hi, Colton. Thank you for coming down here to speak to us.”

Everyone sits down, and  I swear that I blackout.




I pace back and forth as I wait for Heidi to come out. Tonight, I’m taking her to Nick’s restaurant, Urban Fusion. After the meeting, I asked him if he could get me a table there.

I want to make this a night to remember. She knows there’s some big news that I’m going to share but doesn’t know the details. I hear the click, click of Heidi’s heels. My mouth drops open as she steps into the living room.

Heidi is wearing a black tank top dress that skims her curves and hits her mid-thigh. On her feet are a pair of pink peep toe pumps that do wonders for her already gorgeous legs.

Her pink hair is down in loose waves, and her makeup is light. “Damn, baby. You are stunning.”

Heidi’s cheeks turn an adorable shade of pink. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

I’m still in my suit that I wore to my meeting, sans jacket. “I almost don’t want to take you out. I’m going to have to beat the men away from you.”

“I only have eyes for you,” she says softly.

“Ditto, baby.” With a hand to the small of her back, I lead her out to my SUV. I help her in, ignoring the way my dick takes notice of her sexy as fuck body. My hand rests on her thigh as we head to the restaurant.

We’re quiet the whole way there, and she rests her hand on top of mine. We reach the restaurant, and I pull up to the valet. I hop out and jog around to Heidi’s door and help her out.

I hand the keys to the attendant and then lead my girl inside. The hostess leads us to our table, and I don’t miss the way men watch Heidi as we go by. I want to hide her from their prying eyes.

To my surprise the hostess leads us upstairs to a private room. “Dinner is on Mr. Echols tonight.” I hope my mouth to refuse, but she hands me a card and then leaves us.

“What’s that?” Heidi looks at me as I pull out the chair for her.

I take my seat and open the envelope.



Dinner is on me tonight, and I won’t take no for an answer. So help me God I will sic Sierra on you. My girl is rockin’ the new momma hormones, and she’ll kick your ass. You deserve this.

I’m so proud of you.




That means a lot. I’ve only known Nick a short time, but I have a lot of respect for him. I thought I may have been wrong when the whole Staci thing happened, but that situation worked itself out.

I hand the card to Heidi. She reads it and then smiles at me. “I love that man, but now I’m even more excited to hear your news.” Her smile is expectant, and she sets card on the table. 

Our waiter interrupts us, setting a bucket with a bottle of champagne down. He pops the cork and pours some into the two flutes he has in his hand. “Courtesy of Mr. Echols. I’ll be back soon to take your order.”

We thank him, and he disappears. “Okay, you better tell me this news.”

I take a deep breath. “I’ve been invited to the Tennessee Tigers training camp.”

At first she’s silent, but then she smiles big and wide. “Are you serious? Oh my God, this is amazing.”

Heidi gets up from her seat and comes around the table, sitting sideways on my lap. She wraps her arms around me, hugging me tight.

“I’m so proud of you,” she whispers against my ear.

I pull back until I can see her beautiful face. “I love you, Heidi.”

She grabs my face and leans in, kissing me softly on the lips. “I love you too, baby.”

The rest of our evening is amazing. First, we drank the bottle of champagne and then ate some of the most tender steaks either of us have ever eaten. When they brought out the crème brulee, we took turns feeding it to each other.

Since Nick paid for dinner, I left our waiter a hefty tip and then wrapped my arm around my girl’s waist as we made our way out of the restaurant. While we waited for valet to bring my SUV, we kissed and stood in the moonlight with our arms around each other.

I pull up to the house and right into the garage. Climbing out, I come around to Heidi’s side and help her out. I don’t even get the door shut before she’s on me, and I’m slamming into the side of my vehicle.

She pulls my mouth down to hers, attacking my lips like she’s starving for me. My tongue tangles with hers as I slide my hands down her body until I reach the hem of her dress and move my hands up, taking the dress with them.

Once I have it around her hips, I grab her ass and lift her off the ground. Heidi’s legs immediately hug my hips. I spin us so her back is pressed to the side of the SUV.

Heidi pulls her mouth from mine. “I need you.” That’s all my girl needs to say before I’m ripping her panties off while she unbuttons my pants. She pulls herself up while I pull my hard cock out.

The moment her tight pussy engulfs my cock we moan against each other’s mouths. I know it’s fast, but I pound into her at a punishing pace. She holds my gaze as I continue to fuck her.

It isn’t long before I feel her channel squeezing me. I spread her legs wider—because my girl is flexible—and that triggers her orgasm as I slip even further inside her.

Heidi moans and bucks against me. Her pussy squeezes me so tight, I feel it all the way to my balls. It isn’t long before I plant myself deep inside of her, coming so hard I swear my knees are going to buckle.

I lean into her, kissing her softly as I move my softening cock in and out of her. Our tongues dance, and fuck, my girl can kiss. I still remember the first time we kissed.

We were on the swings at the park by her house. I’d taken her out for ice cream. Heidi was in the prettiest pink dress.

I watch Heidi out of the corner of my eye as she swings back and forth. Shit, she’s pretty. Her blonde hair flies out behind her as she leans back.

Suddenly she slips off the back of the swing and lands with a loud “thud.” I jump off my swing and run to her. The way her body shakes I think she’s crying, but when I pull her hands away from her face I see that she’s laughing.

I smile down at her and chuckle. Heidi shocks me as she pulls me down and places a soft kiss on my lips. I take control of the kiss even though I have no clue what I’m doing.

When the kiss ends, I pull back and look down at her. Her cheeks turn an adorable shade of pink. I jump up and then reach down, helping her up. Since I’m not ready to let go of her, I wrap my arms around her in the moonlight.