Healed by Evan Grace

Chapter Fifteen




I pull into the parking lot of Urban Fusion. I’m meeting Nick, Joaquin, and Miles for lunch. Heidi thought it might be a good chance to get to know Joaquin better, and make nice with her brother, since he still gives me the stink eye whenever I’m around.

Once I’m inside the restaurant, I spot the guys in the bar. “Gentlemen.” I announce as I approach the table.

They all stand to greet me, exchanging a handshake with Joaquin and a reluctant Miles, and a bro hug from Nick.

“We didn’t get to talk much at the shower, but congrats on the Tigers. That’s incredible,” Joaquin says as we take our seats.

“Yeah, I honestly thought I’d never get this chance after the cancer. I’ve already stepped up my workouts, and some of my teammates are going to work with me.” I order a beer from the waitress.

Nick grabs my shoulder, giving it a shake. “Although my time with the Fire is going to be coming to an end, you know you can still use the facilities. We’re all so damn happy for you.”

I shake my head. “Okay enough about me.” I turn to Miles. “I love your books. I don’t get a lot of time to read, but I’ve read a couple. I knew you wrote in high school, but I didn’t realize how talented you were.” Fuck, I sound like I’m trying to kiss his ass. I’m a little intimidated by him, but that’s only because I know how protective he is over his sisters.

“Thanks. I appreciate that. I love what I do.” 

The waiter comes, and Nick stands. “Guys, let me order for you.”

We all agree, and he follows the waiter into the back.

Once Nick rejoins us, our waiter brings another round of drinks. We talk about everything and nothing. These guys are all close, which is what I want to be with them. If things keep going well with Heidi and me, then I hope to have a similar relationship with all three of them.

It takes three of the waitstaff to bring out our food when it’s ready. My mouth waters as I look at the platters they set in the middle of our table. They place plates in front of each of us as Nick tells us what everything is.

“We have watermelon salad—I know that sounds weird, but trust me, it is delicious. We have sliced filets with grilled shrimp and mushrooms. Over here is salmon with a lime crema. The last platter is three cheese stuffed shells.”

We all dig in, taking a little of each dish. c

Conversation is absent as we all stuff our faces. Everything tastes so delicious, and the meat is so tender I can cut it with my fork.

“What do you guys think?” Nick asks. “Amazing, right?”

Nodding in agreement, we continue stuffing our faces.

Once we’re all done, the waiter clears our plates. Joaquin reaches inside his suit jacket and sets a  velvet box on the table. “I’m proposing to Mona tonight.”

We all congratulate him. Apparently the kids are staying with Miles tonight, so Joaquin and Mona can have privacy. If I had my way, I’d propose to Heidi tomorrow, but I feel like she hasn’t given herself fully to me.

There’s still something in her eyes, and I can’t put my finger on it. We all stand to leave. Nick refuses to take money for the food, so we all leave a hefty tip for the waiter.

Joaquin is the first to leave, Nick disappears inside to talk to one of the managers, and that leaves Miles and me waiting for our vehicles. “Listen, I know you were trying to protect my sister. I can forgive you for breaking her heart, but if you ever do it again, I will take you out.”

“Understood, and I hope I never do.”

His SUV pulls up, with mine coming up right behind it. We shake hands, get in our vehicles, and then we both pull away.




Heidi’s pink hair tickles my chest as we lie on my sofa watching New Girl. This is the only day we’ve really gotten to see each other in the past two weeks. Between my workouts and part-time job as a physical therapy assistant, we haven’t seen each other.

Don’t get me wrong, at night or early in the morning we’d make love, but not much more than that. It’s only temporary, but it still sucks. I rub my hand up and down her back.

Her stomach growls, making me smile. “Hungry?”

“I could eat,” Heidi says as she pushes herself up on my chest.

“Should we order a pizza?” I reach up, kissing her lips.

“That sounds really good.”

I climb off the sofa and grab my phone, pulling up the app. After ordering the pizza, I climb on the sofa and pull Heidi until she’s on top of me. “We have forty-five minutes to an hour.”

She snuggles under my chin and turns on our show. This is how we lay until the doorbell rings. After I answer the door and take the pizza from the delivery driver, I place the pizza on the coffee table, and we sit snuggled together while we eat.

We finish eating, and she cleans up the mess. She comes over and kneels on the floor next to me. I rub my hand over her hair. “What’s going on, baby?”

Heidi grabs my hands. “There’s something I want to tell you.”

I don’t miss the way she trembles. Oh god, is she going to break things off with me? “O-okay. What is it?”

She lays her head on my shoulder. “It wasn’t long after you left that I found out I was pregnant.” I freeze. “I was prepared to do it alone because I didn’t think you’d want the baby.” She’s silent for a moment. I can feel her palms begin to sweat. “I was home by myself. I hadn’t told anyone I was pregnant yet because I wanted to go to the doctor and have everything confirmed. Well, I was taking a shower when my stomach started cramping. When I looked down, blood was running down my leg. I got dressed and drove myself to the ER. I’d had a miscarriage… I lost our baby.”

I stand suddenly and accidentally knock her to her butt. “Fuck, I’m sorry.” Bending down, I grab her hands and pull her up to her feet. I don’t know what to say, but I feel like I’m going to throw up.

She lost our baby, and I wasn’t there. I can’t breathe. It feels like someone is sitting on my chest. I back away from her as a weird buzzing starts in my ears.

“Colton? Say something?” Heidi’s voice is soft and broken.

I open and close my mouth, but no sound comes out. I turn on my heel, grab my keys, and bolt out the door. I look in the rearview mirror and find Heidi standing in the driveway.

I drive and drive and then find myself on Tyrell’s street. It’s not late, so hopefully it’s okay that I stop by.

Before I even reach his front porch, the door is swinging open. “Hey, man, everything okay?” Shaking my head, he leads me inside. “Moni, Colton and I are heading to the man cave.”

She steps out of the family room, takes one look at me, and wraps her arms around me before heading back into the family room, probably where their kids are.

As soon as we step inside Ty's man cave, I turn around. “She was pregnant. I left her, and she was pregnant with my baby.” I scrub my hands over my face. “She was all alone when she lost it.” I collapse in one of the armchairs. “How can she ever forgive me for that?”

Ty sits across from me. “Fuck, I’m so sorry, brother.” He reaches out and grabs my shoulder. “She’s obviously forgiven you, man.”

“I don’t think I can forgive myself,” I say softly.