Healed by Evan Grace

Chapter Nine




I should say no. I should tell Colton to take me home, but I don’t. I nod and then take his hand. He leads me into his bedroom and grabs me a t-shirt out of his dresser. “You can wear this. I’ll get you a toothbrush.”

He disappears into the bathroom, and a minute later he comes walking back out. “You are all set.” I walk into the bathroom and find the t-shirt and toothbrush sitting on the counter.

I pull the rubber band from around my wrist and put my hair into a knot on top of my head. I open his medicine cabinet and smile. When we were fifteen, he had an issue with acne. His mom took him to a dermatologist who set him up with a skin care line, and I’m not surprised he still uses it today.

Of course, he has great freaking skin. I use his stuff to wash my face and then moisturize. I open the toothbrush and make quick work of brushing my teeth. Once I finish, I take off my clothes, including my bra, and throw his t-shirt on. It hits me mid-thigh and reminds me of when we were younger, and I would wear his clothes.

I grab the material, bringing it to my nose and inhaling his scent. God, what am I doing? I let it go and take the rubber band out of my hair, shaking it out. I step back into Colton’s bedroom and find him lying in bed. He’s shirtless, and the sheet is pulled up to his waist.

I ignore the way my mouth waters as I walk around to the other side, quickly sliding  under the covers. He reaches over me and turns the lamp off. His touch causes me to do a full-body shiver—fuck, this was a mistake. I should have told him to take me home.

Once the room is bathed in darkness, he grabs me and positions me half on and half off him. His heart pounds in his chest, and before I can think better of it, I kiss him right over it.

“This was a dumb idea,” Colton mutters from next to me. For a second, I think he’s talking about us dating, but then he starts talking again. “My cock is so hard right now, and I promised you there would be no funny business.”

I don’t say anything as I let my hand slide down his chest, until I reach his hard cock, testing the strength of the stitching of his boxer briefs. It jerks from my touch, but instead of letting things go further, he grabs my hand and brings it up to his chest.

“Don’t you want to have sex?” I try to read the expression on his face, but it’s difficult in the dark. “You’re hard.”

“I know, and I’d love nothing more than to be with you, but I promised you no funny business, and I meant it.”

I lay my head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. It doesn’t take long until I feel sleep pull me under.

I’m not sure what time it is, but I know it’s still nighttime. I reach out and find Colton’s side of the bed empty. A sound comes from the bathroom, and it causes me to climb out of bed.

A noise that sounds like a moan hits my ears the closer I get to the closed door. I lean in and place my ear to it. It takes a second to realize what I’m listening to—Colton is jerking off, and why does that turn me on?

“Oh fuck, Heidi,” he whispers, and I turn, leaning against the wall next to the door.

I pull up his t-shirt and slide my hand into my panties. My clit is throbbing, and I’m wet already. I rub my clit as I listen to him jerk his cock, thinking of me.  I imagine that I’m in there, and he’s fucking me.

We learned so much about our bodies together. Once we broke the seal, we were like rabbits, taking every chance we could to be together.

I focus on the task at hand and rub my clit as I listen to his moans. If I close my eyes, I can picture his powerful body as he jerks his cock. In no time I begin to come, biting my lip to keep from crying out.

His groan signals his orgasm as well, and I hustle back to his bed, jumping in. I lay on my side, pretending to be asleep. A few minutes later he tiptoes silently into the bedroom and slides into the bed.

I try to keep myself completely relaxed, and he fits himself to my back, wrapping his arm around me. “I love you, Heidi,” he whispers against my neck.

It isn’t long before he’s snoring softly, and I thankfully follow behind him a short while later.




It has been a week since Colton and I decided to start dating again. I assumed we would start with maybe a coffee date or lunch. Instead, Colton has basically been living at mine and Greta’s apartment.

He showed up with groceries and a suitcase, scoring the spare key from my traitor sister. Every morning he’s made breakfast for me and Greta. He then would leave and go practice or workout. After, he would come back, and make me lunch before I’d go to the studio, and if I was already gone he’d bring me lunch there.

I drew the line at dinner. I didn’t want him to think he had to do things for me because of what happened.

“That’s not why I’m doing this.” He crossed his arms over his chest.

I shook my head. “Then why?”

“Because I love you, and I want to take care of you.”

I almost melted into a puddle right there in front of him. Instead, I stepped toward him and pushed up on my toes. I kissed him softly on the lips and then stepped back. “Well, tonight dinner is on me.” I told him. “I’ll make you my mom’s homemade fried chicken.”

Every year for his birthday, my mom would make him her fried chicken and scalloped potatoes. It was always his favorite meal.

“That’s a deal.” He winked and then walked to the door of my apartment. “I’ll see you later.” Colton opened the door, but instead of walking out of it, he turned back to me.

In a flash he was on me, his lips on mine. I opened my mouth to his tongue, and suddenly I was thrust back to when we learned how to French kiss. It was so wet and awkward, but we practiced every chance we got—until we got very, very good at it.

Our kiss ended far too soon, but we were taking things slow. Hell, we’ve slept in the same bed and have managed not to have sex. It’s getting hard to resist him, though. He’s so handsome and has a way of peering into my soul.

Now I focus make on the chicken frying on the stove.

“That smells delicious.” Colton comes up behind me and places his large hands on my waist. He leans down and places a kiss on the side of my neck.

“Thanks, I hope it tastes good.”  I turn my head to smile up at him. “How was practice?”

“Good. I’m ready for the playoffs to begin. The first game is away, and then the second is home. That’s, of course, if we win the first game.” He takes a drink of his water. “It was so great when I was able to start playing football again.”

My eyes burn now that I know the reason he hadn’t played until last year. There are still so many questions I want to ask but have been afraid to. Now just doesn’t seem to be the right time to ask them, so I’ll wait. “I’m sure it was. You’re even better than I remember.”

“Thanks. I trained hard to get back in shape, and I even worked with a trainer who specializes in football. It took some time for my skills to come back, but when it did, I was relieved. I was afraid I’d lost it forever.”

It suddenly feels like there are rocks in my gut. I focus on the chicken when I think about all he went through without me. His choice—no, I’m not going there. If we’re going to date, I can’t hold that over his head.

I also need to tell him about the child we lost; he deserves to know. “Ahem… You could never lose that kind of  gift. You were born to play football,” I say quietly.

He moves in close, the heat from his body seeping into me. My breathing picks up speed, and I bite my lip to keep from moaning.

Colton’s arms slide around my waist, and goose bumps pop up all over my body. I feel his lips touch my ear and quiver with pleasure. “Thank you for saying that.” He places his lips against my temple, kissing me softly.

I shake my head. “I speak the truth.” He was the starting varsity quarterback from our sophomore year to our senior year. Everyone thought he’d go pro, but then he disappeared. “I always loved watching you play.”

After the games, before he’d head into the locker rooms, he’d run over to where I was sitting, and jump up as I leaned down until our lips met. Our picture was in the front of the yearbook our senior year. The picture is also in a frame that’s in a box, under my bed.

“Now leave me alone so I can finish cooking.” I bump him back with my butt.

He chuckles and then pulls a stool out at his kitchen counter. I feel Colton’s eyes on me as I move around his kitchen as I finish up dinner.