Camden by Shey Stahl


You see that girl staring out the window at the dragonfly that’s been sitting on her windowsill for the last hour? The one with messy hair and an iced white chocolate Americano with cream?

Do I look tired? Do I look stressed out? Do I look broken?

Doesn’t everyone? It’s been a rough fucking year.

But there’s so much more to me than what you see, or even the stories you read of mine. I can tell you this though, every single word on these pages was dreamed up by that tired, stressed and broken girl behind the keyboard, desperate to get her words on paper. They’re haunting, soul-cleansing and a sense of rebirth if you will. Hints the dragonfly, right?

When I started out writing this series, I dreamed up these crazy brothers who had no rules one weekend in Ocean Shores. Tiller’s name came from a black lab of our friends who was constantly jumping on everyone and held very little regard for boundaries. Sound familiar? Perfect for him, right? These brothers, they had no limitations. No rules. And from there, Roan, Tiller and Shade came to life, and that ten-year-old boy who jumped the fence became a permanent fixture in their lives. I didn’t know that someday I’d write his story but it was clear after Roan’s book was finished, I needed to write it.

I hope you enjoyed him.

Thank you to my family for constantly supporting me with my dreams.

Thank you to Janet, for always having my back. I love you and I’m so glad you came into my life through the Riley Family.

To Hot Tree Editing for always taking care of me with love and attention to detail on my stories, and my BETA team for working through every manuscript with me.

And, thank you to my readers. Without you, none of this would be possible.