Endless Love by Bianca Borell

Chapter Twenty-One


I get a little emotional when we arrive at the bridal salon. I’d stopped hoping this day would come. My mother approaches, her golden-brown eyes gleaming with so many feelings, I hardly suppress my tears. We step inside where the receptionist makes a quick call. One minute later, a consultant appears. I guess her to be around my age, long dark hair and flawless skin, and takes in the group, all eleven of us. She smiles and says, “Hi, everyone, my name is Beatrice Collier. Who’s my bride?”

I raise my hand, and we smile at each other.

“That’s me, Bria du Mont,” I say then introduce my family to her.

“Big family, I see. Nice to meet you. Now, let’s find you the perfect dress.”

We enter a room with light beaming through the windows, warming the space. It’s a bridal consultation room with a seating area to discuss dress styles and other wedding details and a changing room. We take a seat on the plush cream oval couch, and the questions start.

“Bria, when is the big day?”

“In less than a month.”

Her mouth gapes in shock. I wave my hand, trying to lessen the pressure.

“I’m confident I’ll find the perfect dress with your help.”

My assurance lessens her nerves as her expression relaxes, but her eyes are full of incredulity. It must be rare for a future bride to be as calm as me with so little time left until her big day. Combine that with the fact I entrusted the wedding planning to my mother and future mother-in-law, I’m in a class of my own.

“Do you have something specific in mind?”

“I do. I have always imagined it to be mermaid style but with an open back.”

“I have the perfect dress. Head into the dressing room, I’ll be right back.”

Beatrice reappears, a dress dangling on her arm. She reveals it as she hangs it, and I’m awe-struck. I caress the soft white material and undress, eager to try it on.

She helps me to dress, and when I turn around, she glances at me.

“Wow, stunning, but see for yourself.”

My reflection leaves me speechless. My hair falls in gentle curls over my breasts, revealing a modest V-neckline. My gaze trails down the body-shaping pristine fabric that ends in a fishtail train pooling on the carpet. Beaded lace appliques finish the look and give it that extra touch. I picture Damien standing next to me, smiling in approval.

“It's perfect,” I say, my voice shaky, heavy with emotions.

“Shall I dare ask you if this is the one?”

“It is the one.” Her full, rosy lips curl into a smile.

“Were you also so quick and sure about your fiancé?”

“Yes, for me, it has only ever been him.”

“He sounds special,” she says and tilts her head at me, and I answer to her reflection in the mirror.

“He is.”

“Should we show them your choice?”

I nod. I still as I step toward them, their gazes following me, while they place their glasses of champagne down.

“Honey, you look breathtaking,” my mother says, her voice full of emotion.

“I have no words. I have never seen anything more beautiful than you right now.”

My father’s eyes glisten, and I can’t control my emotions or my tears. I rush to them and kiss both of their cheeks.

“I love you so very much.”

I stand back and the rest of my family chimes in.

“Bria, there are no words to describe how beautiful you look,” says Rebecca.

I put my arms around my future in-laws, and they hold me tight.

“What do you think?” I ask Quinn.

“It’s like I’m looking at an angel.”

I place my hand on my heart. He knows the meaning. It still beats in my chest because he made sure of it.

“You look stunning, sis,” says Filip.

Alex pats his chest, no words. He loves me, I love him. It’s enough the way it is between us.

Nose to nose, hugging each other, Sophia whispers, “You look out-of-this-world beautiful.”

“I’m so thrilled for you,” chimes Sarah.

“You look beautiful.”

“Thank you, Chloe.”

“And for the finishing touch,” Beatrice says while approaching me. She places an elegant cathedral length veil with silver embroidery and beads on my head. It complements the dress well, and it gives me an ethereal appearance. I love it, and I’m beyond ready to marry the man of my dreams.

When the emotions settle, everyone cheers and return to their flutes of champagne while I retreat to the changing room and send Damien a text.

Bria: Found it.

As if he waited to hear from me, a text from him pops in.

Damien: I’m sure you will take my breath away.

Bria: Can’t wait.

Damien: See you later, love. Strange how I can still miss you when you are the beat to my heart.

I press the phone to my heart and smile.

After arranging for the store to deliver my dress once the minor alterations are complete, we leave the bridal shop. Chloe says her goodbyes, accompanied by Filip and Alex as they head to meet Damien. We will meet up again in a few hours.

Our parents head toward the hotel and Quinn embraces me, telling me he has some things to resolve, and Sarah excuses herself as she has some projects to oversee.


Sophia and I shop our way through Mount Street in London’s Mayfair. Stopping at Corrigan’s Mayfair, we order two non-alcoholic cocktails and the grilled octopus.

“I had fun today. I missed shopping with you. It was as if we’d spent no time apart.”

“I know, right?” She nods, and then her eyes sparkle.

“Hey, wear the white pants and the sparkly gold top tonight.”

“It’s exactly what I had in mind.”

“Great minds think alike,” she says, and waves between us.

“I toast to that with our non-alcoholic cocktails.”

“At least you haven’t lost your sense of humor. But honestly, Bria, how are you? When do you have your next check-up?” she asks, her eyes seeking mine as she takes a sip.

“Sometime within the next three months. I hope they will say my heart is better and it will be enough to appease Damien. I’m sure he has the date circled with a red and angry pencil.” I tried to tell him about the cutting-edge surgery I had, but from his stiff reaction and him changing the topic, I grasped he’s not ready to hear it yet. But I have hope that when the doctor confirms how well the small patch works, he will believe I am out of the danger zone.

Her lips curve into a smile.

“Just like I said, the health police. Will you, Bria du Mont, take Damien du Sky as your lawfully wedded health warden?”

I break out in laughter. Her serious expression combined with an imitation of a deep man’s voice is hilarious.

“What’s new with you and Alex?” I ask, and she circles the rim of her glass.

“We’re taking baby steps. It works for both of us. Some days it’s great, some days not so much.”

“Soph . . .” I pause and lean over the table.

She closes her eyes and pleads, “I can’t. I can’t go there because I am afraid of myself. I’m trying.”

“I want you to be happy. Are you?”

“Mm-hmm.” She sighs, and I change the subject.

“That leaves two left.”

“I don’t know. What Filip did was low. You have forgiven Damien, so there’s hope. We’ll see. I thought it lovely that you invited her today.”

“She means a lot to Damien, and Chloe needs him. And I kind of like her,” I say, believing every word as I lean back into the seat.

“It’s hard not to like her.”

“Yes, and I’m not jealous of her anymore. She was there for Damien, and I’m thankful for that. The way Damien and I connect, I trust in us.” She nods in approval, and her voice turns to dreamy.

“What about babies?”

I sigh, there’s no need to pretend this subject doesn’t affect me.

“We both know how Damien is with my health. It’s a delicate and sore subject.”

“But what about you?”

“Half of me, the rational side, understands his concerns, but the other half, the woman who wants to be a mother, says no, no, no, I’m meant to carry a baby. I go from accepting to suffering in silence.” Even if I want a baby, I am realistic enough to know it will take time for my heart to heal completely, and whatever might affect my heart will also affect my healing progress.

“It's no solution, Bria.”

“It has to be for now. It’s rather selfish of me. I have this amazing man who absolutely adores me. I have everything I could wish for. We’re already a family with or without a baby.”

The conversation is light afterward, nothing heavy and not too emotional while finishing our drinks and enjoying the octopus. We gossip and make fun of the men, discuss recent fashion trends, and reminisce about our teenage years. It involves a lot of giggles and laughter and is the perfect way to end our afternoon.