Endless Love by Bianca Borell

Chapter Twenty-Three


While Damien and I wait for Alex and Sophia to come out of the hotel, I straddle him in the driver’s side seat of the SUV. I love the hint of surprise I catch in his eyes whenever I do something he doesn’t expect. His thumb caresses my cheek, his eyes locked on mine as he says, “You’re beautiful, baby.”

I open my mouth to respond, but the door flies open, and the intimacy ends.

“Come on, you just left home.”

“Sophia, Alex.” Damien nods curtly.

“You’re worse than monkeys. I’d say it gets better but no, not a chance.”

“If you two have a problem . . .”

“Relax, it’s not possible for one human being to switch his moods like you, dear brother.”

Damien rolls his eyes and I change the subject.

“You two look good. How cute you always try to match.”

“We don’t do it on purpose,” they retort. During the ride to the club, I make fun of Alex as we lob snarky comments at each other.

Damien finds a parking space, and he grabs my hand as we walk toward the entrance. The doorman and Damien shake hands. We’re led to the VIP lounge where Filip, Chloe, and Sarah greet us. After quick embraces, we take our seats and order our drinks. Everyone else orders alcohol, but Damien and I go for water, an energy drink, and a non-alcoholic cocktail for me. The air is sultry, the music in full swing, and hundreds of bodies move on the dance floor. I savor the light brush of our knees and kissing each other without worrying who might see. It’s what I like about clubs—hundreds of strangers, dim light mixed with thumping music that offers a sense of privacy.

I glance around to Filip peeking at Chloe, who’s holding so much back, it’s painful to watch. The sad thing is she peers at him in the same manner with a broken smile and shattered dreams when he’s not aware.

I hope they give in to what they have because the misery tears their insides apart. On the other hand, Alex and Sophia are sweet, flirty and oblivious to everyone around them.

Damien catches my attention as he leans in and whispers, “I might get jealous that something else has your attention, but then you smile, and I forget to think.”

He leans in to me and plants a kiss on my shoulder, biting down. His hand slips under my top as he caresses my belly and circles my belly button. When his eyes find mine again, we have two possibilities to either stop or continue, and the latter is not smart.

“Later, baby.”

The girls gesture to me to join them on the dance floor, and I accompany them, swaying my hips to the rhythm of the music. We dance until our legs hurt, sending us back to drop onto the sumptuous black leather couch.

“Bria, you have killer dance moves.”

“I always liked to dance, but thank you, Chloe.”

“She was amazing back when we were younger. She used her dance moves to make my brother go mad. How they fought back then. It was exhausting but funny.” Sophia chuckles, and I roll my eyes at her.

“Stop exaggerating.” Her eyes narrow at me and dare me to contradict her.

“I’m not exaggerating. It’s when he started his training. The worst part is they kept fighting until they finally slept together.”

“Soph . . .”

I try to sound serious, but there’s no point in it as my smile betrays me.

“Just admit it, we’re all grown-ups now.”

Chloe laughs with tears in her eyes, and Sarah stifles a chuckle, pretending to read something on her phone. I’m mortified about how adamant she is. Sophia keeps daring me with her eyes to admit what she already knows.

“You’re right. Happy now?”

“I won another bet against Filip.” I scrunch my nose at her and sip from my drink.

“You two are deranged.”

She stares at me with innocent blue eyes as I shake my head. The girls continue exchanging stories about Damien and me with absolutely no regard that we’re sitting right next to them. It makes them happy, which makes me happy in return. A group of men stop at our table, and I recognize one of them as Mark, Damien’s trainer, and some friends of my brother. The girls get up to dance some more, and by the time we finish dancing, they are gone. I lean in front of Damien as he puts his hand on my hip.

“Be right back, love.”

“Take one of the girls with you.”

“Look at them, they’re too busy gossiping about the two of us.”

“Then I’ll come with you.”

“Damien, baby, nothing will happen, it’s the private bathroom for a reason.” I say, reassuring him and press my lips to his.