Endless Love by Bianca Borell

Chapter Three


In the car, I lift my hand in front of me, staring at the diamond ring on my finger. I can’t peel my gaze away. The sparkles of the tiny encrusted endless diamonds and center stone dance and follow every movement of my hand.

“You’re radiant. I love seeing you happy.”

“You mean the ring shines, literally. People will notice it from a mile away.”

“It’s my intention.”

“It’s one of your many ways of branding me.” I narrow my eyes at him, and he takes my hand and trails kisses down the inside of my palm.

“I won’t apologize. You know how I am with you. I can’t help it.”

I tap my lower lip and tilt my head to him.

“Maybe after we marry, this possessive side of you will cease.”

“We’ll see.”

“Well, if being your wife isn’t enough, you can always get me pregnant.”

At the thought, a new sort of happiness sets inside my heart until he slams on the brakes, bringing the car to a halt, and his tone turns grave.

“I won’t. I hope I’m enough for you.”

“What are you talking about?” I turn to face him, disbelief rising inside me while his eyes plead with me to understand.

“With your heart condition, pregnancy heightens the risk of cardiac arrest and heart failure. I won’t take the risk, not with your health.”

“There are always risks involved in a pregnancy, Damien.”

“I made my decision.”

I rest my cheek in my palm, my elbow hanging on the window. “What if I want a baby?” I ask, disbelief and hurt lacing my words.

“We can adopt.”

A torrent of emotions tears me apart. “Bria, baby, don’t cry.” He shelters me in his arms, and I peer at him, his eyes reflecting his turmoil, and I clasp his shirt between my hands.

“But, in time, my heart will be strong enough. Don’t be like this.” He shuts his eyes and places a sweet kiss on my forehead.

“I don’t want to fight about this, baby. I won’t risk you. Try to understand.”

“I don’t see what there is to understand, but let’s not fight over a hypothetical pregnancy.”

He grips my waist, pleading, “I know how you get when you want something bad enough. The optimist in you kicks in, and the pessimist and all logic flees. Promise me.”

Although what he asks from me comes from a place of love and concern, it still hurts.

I nod, trusting I’ll change his mind. But we’ll take baby steps for now. “I promise.”

I’d never go behind his back, but my heart will get better. I’ll change his mind. What difference will a few more years make?

The drive back to his condo is silent, with his hand caressing my leg while I lean into the seat. I know he only wants to protect me, even if he’s protecting me from myself. My inner peace resurfaces, shutting down everything else. For now, it’s more than enough. He and I together will always be enough.

“I love you, Damien. You’ll always be enough. Never doubt it,” I say when we arrive and he parks.

His eyes fix on me, reflecting raw adoration. I lift my chin and kiss him. My kiss tells him exactly how desperate I am for him. His stubble scrapes at my cheeks, intensifying the sense of him, but I prefer him without it. It’s a reminder of a time I want to put far behind us. I end the kiss as I brush the stubble with my thumb, and my eyes narrow at his partially covered face.

“You don’t like my beard, do you?”

“Not particularly.”

“I’ll trim it the moment we get home,” he says, trailing kisses down my neck. “I love you.”

“I love you more.”

“Always trying to top me.” I grin at him as he leans in, his eyes never wavering as he adds, “Let’s begin our life together. Ready?”

“Beyond ready.”

Calmness descends as we stroll hand in hand in the elevator.