Endless Love by Bianca Borell

Chapter Thirty-Three


The minister begins the ceremony, but Damien pulls my attention. He mouths “I love you,” and I mouth the same words back to him, squeezing his hand. I repeat my vows in my head, too afraid I’ll forget them with all these emotions battling inside my chest. When the minister pauses, Damien’s vows echo around us.

“I, Damien du Sky, choose you, Bria, as my wife, my life partner, and my soul’s match. I have loved you since I can remember, and I’ll love you until the end of me. The first day you entered my life and looked at me was when my life began. You stole my heart long before I knew I had one, and it has been yours ever since. I vow to you to be the man who will always support you and stand proudly at your side. I will carry you through both good and bad times, through health and illness, through day and night as you’re my strength. It’s an honor and a privilege to be the man you choose to spend your life with. You are my wonder and what I treasure the most. I have waited for this moment my entire life, and I was prepared for it long before I had any idea what it meant. My love, my life, me loving you forever isn’t a promise, but a fact I’ll gladly prove every day for the rest of our lives. Accept this ring as a token of my undying love for you, a symbol of me wanting to spend my life with you, and a promise of forever.”

Damien ends his vows, and emotions rock me. He slides the platinum, diamond encrusted ring on my finger, the mark of his love and promises, and a calm like I’ve never experienced before descends over me.

I wet my lips and begin.

“I, Bria du Mont, take you, Damien, as my beloved everything. I promise to be the light in the darkness and the anchor in stormy times. My arms will always hold you, and in my heart, you will always have a home. There’s no end to a love that knows no beginning nor finality. Thank you for loving me hard enough and brave enough to make me find my way back to you. My heart has always belonged and will always be yours. I’m lucky to be loved by you because the way you love me is what my dreams are made of. I promise to grow old with you because anything less would be too cruel. I love you, Damien, like a bird loves its wings, like the moon loves the night, like the desert loves the sand. Accept this ring as my symbol for defying time, statistics, and boundaries, and every time you look at it you’ll see a love that stole a piece from eternity.”

Damien’s eyes turn glassy with happiness and adoration, and my lips curve into a smile. His gaze bores into me, finding its path to my heart, while I slide the ring on his finger. I’ll never forget this unique moment filled with dreams come true, love and gratitude, and my heart pounds in my chest with renewed force.

The minister declares us husband and wife, and I close my eyes, for just one second, to soak in the significance of what just happened. Damien leans in and cradles my face in his trembling hands. Our lips touch, the cold, precious metal of his ring grazing my cheek, and I come alive.

Our family rises and claps, and we turn toward them, beaming.

The drive to our wedding venue happens in a rush. The sun shines over us, granting us spectacular weather, perfect for our civil marriage. Hand in hand, we walk down the aisle lined with bunches of radiant white roses on each side. We reach the white table where the officer, Sebastian Kuhn, an old family friend, waits to perform our civil marriage.

Towers of blooming roses, hydrangeas, and orchids decorate the open space, topping all my expectations. There are rows of chairs where our family, friends, and acquaintances sit to legally witness us become husband and wife. Damien voices his “yes” in a confident tone, and I mimic his voice as he eyes me, joy transforming his features. He signs our wedding certificate and passes the pen to me. I grasp it, realizing the moment I sign it, I will become Bria du Sky. Wearing a wide smile, I sign on the bottom of the page.

The officer declares us husband and wife for the second time today, and we kiss again. Everyone claps and cheers, rushing to congratulate us, wishing us all the best, making everything even more real.

The photographer appears, and for two hours we pose for the camera. At last the photo session ends and Damien leans me against our tree and kisses me. It feels like he kisses me for every time we were here, and every time we weren’t. He traces a pattern with his thumb on my cheek, a dreamy expression transforming his face.

“You’re finally my wife.”

“I am.”

“Are you happy?” he asks.

“Like never before.”

He nods as if for him it’s the same and we smile.

“You took my breath away when I saw you walk down the aisle, you still do. You’ll always take my breath away by your presence alone.”

“And I’ll never stop loving you with all my heart.”


We stroll to the deck with the sun shining on us as we kiss, overlooking the lake, black and white swans passing us by.

Damien grabs my hand, and we step inside the elegant tent, it’s the perfect balance between simplicity and luxury. Every detail is pure perfection, with the white pillar candles standing on every table with white blooming roses decorating them. Big majestic chandeliers hang on the ceiling transforming this place and a ballroom with elegant ivory tulle dressing the chairs. I find Sarah mouthing a “wow,” and she beams. Our mothers grin after seeing our full-of-awe expression. They deserve every compliment. I would never have come close to this result.

“It’s everything I imagined, but even better. Thank you.”

“Only the best for you two, like always.”

Damien and I dance our first dance as husband and wife to “Endless Love,” which we find both rather suitable, in more ways than one. Our love feels like an endless one to us as we move to the rhythm of the song, heart to heart. The song ends, but neither of us is ready to separate, and we continue dancing.

My father taps Damien on his shoulder and takes his place. Soon, my dad and I find a tempo that suits us both as we sway on the dance floor. There are no words needed. His eyes tell me everything and more. It’s a mix of nostalgia and unconditional love.

“I love you.”

“I love you too, Daddy. You’re the best.”

Andrew follows and greets me with audible pride in his voice

“Will my daughter-in-law grant me this dance?”

“With pleasure. It’s only thanks to you that Damien is such a skilled dancer.”

“Don’t let Rebecca hear you,” he says, and we chuckle.

I have danced with both my father and my father-in-law before, but it would be the first dance with Quinn, and I’m a little nervous. But when his arms come around me, I relax. And like with everything else he does, he’s a fantastic dancer.

“Until today, I had my concerns, but you two erased them with the way you look at each other, and those beautiful words you both said.” His eyes shine with unconditional love, it humbles me. “I gave Damien my blessing, Bria.”

I have no idea what he’s talking about, and confusion must be written all over my expression.

“He called me and asked for my permission. His gesture took me aback, did something, and I admitted he isn’t as bad as I wanted to believe, even though he’s taking my baby girl away from me. Today he received my blessing.”

“Thank you, it means everything.”

“Although I enjoy dancing with you, others are waiting.”

Quinn kisses my forehead, and then I dance with my brother.

“In case I didn’t tell you, you look breathtaking. I’m sure I have the most beautiful sister in the world. I’m still the better looking one, though.” I lift my gaze to him as a wide grin plasters on his face.

“You’re awful.”

“I can’t believe this happened. That you two made it.”

He sways me around, and when we’re face to face, I say, “There’s hope for everyone, Filip, if you’re willing to fight for it. What about you and Chloe?”

“You talked last night. I’m sure you know more than I do.”

His eyes narrow at me, and as he leans in, interest transforming his face, I whisper, “I think she’ll take you back. Try harder.”

His perfectly arched eyebrows knit together.

“What makes you so sure?”

“You made her feel.”

My brother fidgets, and Alex takes his place.

“You look gorgeous.”

“Thank you, but you also look hot, mister, in your suit.”

“I know.”

We both laugh, and he points at something behind me.

I follow his gaze to my brother dragging Chloe out of the room.

The song ends, and Sophia and Sarah circle me, complimenting me as we keep laughing and dancing.

Hours fly by, and it’s both the best day and night of my life. The food tastes delicious, all the rich flavors exploding on my tongue. David takes the spare chair Damien just left.

“You look happy, Bria. I’m proud of your progress,” he says, and I chew on my bottom lip.

“Thank you.”

“There’s a monumental difference between the person I first met and the one I have now in front of me. You exceeded all my expectations. It hasn’t happened often, and this quickly in my career.” Lines burrow in his forehead, and I’m glad to have surprised him.

“I might believe I’m your favorite patient.”

He smiles at me, his words reassuring me.

“I’m happy for you. You deserve it.”

“Without you, it might have never happened,” I admit, and he shakes his head, always the modest one.

“You allowed me to help you, but now I’ll leave you to your other guests. We’ll stay in contact.”

I nod, and he departs. Damien takes the seat next to me, and I can’t restrain my curiosity anymore.

“Damien, you have to tell me where we’re honeymooning.”

“You’ll see it when we land. It’s a surprise.” Through kisses he adds, “Just a few more hours, wife.”

“I like it when you call me wife.” My heart leaps, and I doubt I will ever tire of hearing it.

“It’s how I’ll always refer to you. Are you tired?” His eyes narrow at me, searching for the truth, and I tilt my head, taking in that he’s my husband.

“A little, but tonight is too good to want to end it.”

“The night will end, but our journey has just begun.”

He extends his hand, and I take it. After another session of dancing and small talk with various guests, the lights dim. A splendid white cake decorated with white pearls and roses occupies the middle of the room. We cut the first slice and walk back to the table, savoring the creamy, sweet cake.

A short while later, Damien and I say thank you and goodbye to every single guest. Our family accompanies us to the car, waiting to take us to the jet. Honeymoon, here we come.