Endless Love by Bianca Borell



I will always start with thanking you, my husband, the best man ever, my hero. You fill so many roles in my life, no wonder I can create all these characters. Thank you for your support, for loving me so much that I know what true love feels like, for being my supporter, for your protectiveness, for choosing to love me day in and out. Life with you is the gift I treasure the most.

My family, thank you for your love and support. It means everything to me. You are always in my mind and heart. I love you so very much, my small but the best family I could have ever had. I hope you are proud of me. To my niece, my little angel, you have filled my life with love and wonder. I have loved you long before I knew what you’d be, or when you’d come in my life.

To Linda, I am so glad I found you I might have shed some tears of relief. Thank you!

To Missy, there are no words to express my gratitude for you. I love you, my amazing editor and friend!

To Michele, my lovely proofreader. Thank you!

To Anna, for another beautiful cover. Thank you for being such an amazing friend! Love you! Your patience with these covers humbled me. I am so very grateful and happy to have you in my life.

To Kay, for always being there for me. Thank you!

Bloggers, what would any author be without you? I don’t want to find out. Thank you for reading, reviewing, and promoting my books. It fills me with happiness and appreciation. To Serena, Janeane, and Angie, thank you for loving my books, posting a review, and wanting more of my stories!

To my readers, you humble me. I hope I will always do you justice and write stories you can fall in love with. I pour my soul out, and I strive to give you the best love stories. Thank you for supporting me, reading my books, and cheering for me.

With love and gratefulness,

Bianca Borell