Cruel Kings by Skye Knight



I sipped on a glass of fruit punch and watched Mom greet people with Brian at her side. They looked so great together, it was crazy to think they waited this long to get married.

The entrance hall was quickly filling with guests in luxurious tuxes and extravagant gowns. I even spied a few high-profile politicians in the throng.

No one paid me much attention, a young woman standing all by herself and impatiently staring at the people entering through the doors. I was waiting for Wyatt and Julie to come so I could finally start enjoying the evening.

A familiar figure strode through the doors and I felt a smile come to my lips. Luke Beckett, my project partner, looked incredibly handsome in a dark tux. His sunshine-blond hair was neatly combed away from his smooth forehead, giving him an aristocratic look.

Our gazes met and a slow smile spread across his lips.

“Hey,” he said, coming to stand before me.

“Hi,” I greeted him. “I didn’t know you were coming. Did Caleb and Corey invite you?”

“My father was invited but since he’s away on a trip, I’m attending in his place,” he explained. “It’s great to see you.” Leaning in, he kissed my cheek.

Warmth pooled inside me. I’d never been greeted so intimately before.

While I was embarrassingly frozen, not knowing whether to kiss his cheek back, Luke turned toward the corner where Mom and Brian were talking to their guests.

“Your mother is beautiful,” he said. Turning back to look at me, he added, “Now I know where you get your looks from.”

A giggle escaped me. “Stop, Luke.”

His eyes twinkled as he chuckled. “You’re so bad at taking compliments.”

“But you’re incredibly great at giving them away.”

He chuckled, extending his hand to graze my cheek. “How are you settling among your new family?”

“It’s all right,” I said with a shrug. “My stepfather’s great though. He’s been very welcoming and I love seeing the way he treats my mom.”

“What about your brothers?”

“They’re not my brothers!” I snapped. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, urging myself to calm down. “Sorry about that,” I quickly apologized. “They’re all right too. It’s just weird to think of them as my brothers, you know?”

“I guess. They’re not the easiest people to get along with.”

“Milla!” A female voice shouted my name.

Startled, I turned around.

“Julie!” I gasped. “Wyatt! You guys are finally here.”

“This is incredible,” Julie gushed and moved forward to hug me tightly. “Wow...just wow.”

“Hey,” said Wyatt, waving at Luke. “Nice party, huh?”

I grinned at my best friend. He was dressed in a dark blue suit for the occasion. He looked great but a little weird too. It was a few seconds before I noticed his beany hat was missing. 

“My baby’s so handsome, isn’t he?” Julie asked, clutching Wyatt’s arm.

“I dunno,” I said with a chuckle. “It’s strange seeing his head without a cap.”

Wyatt sniggered. “The same as seeing you dressed like that.” He gestured at me from head to foot. “Who did your stepdaddy hire to give you the princess makeover?”

“There were more than three people involved,” I said and stuck my tongue out.

“Just three?” Wyatt questioned with mock surprise.

“Shut up!”

He chuckled.

“Hey,” said Luke. “Who’s the beautiful lady with you?”

“I’m Julie,” she introduced herself, smiling broadly. She looked pretty in a snug crimson gown that showed off her incredible figure. “Are you in the same department as my boyfriend?”

“Yeah,” said Luke.

“Come inside, guys,” I said, leading my friends to the main reception hall where all the guests were gathering. “There’s food and drinks. And a live band.”

“This is better than prom,” Julie squealed. “You’ve got to invite us another time, Milla. I want a tour of the whole mansion.”

I gave a nod. “Sure.”

Julie marched forward and twined her arm around me, leaning her head against my shoulder. “Thank you so much for inviting us.”

I smiled, soaking in her warm words. Truthfully, I was the one grateful to have them here. The party would have sucked without my best friends here.

The hall where the party was taking place was so massive, it didn’t seem crowded at all with the guests and all the valets walking around with trays of food and drinks. A live band played on a raised stage with plenty of space still remaining for people to dance.

“If you guys get hungry, go into the room next door,” I said. “That’s the banquet hall.”

“We’ll take care of ourselves,” said Luke. “Now, come on. Have some fun.”

He caught hold of my hand and pulled me against him, deftly positioning me so that we were suddenly dancing to an upbeat tune being played in the background.

From the corner of my eye, I watched Julie grab Wyatt and pull him onto the dance floor.

Warmth flooded my chest. For the first time in weeks, I felt light and happy. With my friends on my side, Brian’s home didn’t seem so big and strange.

“You look happy,” said Luke.

I gazed up at him. “I am.”

“Good,” he said. “I was worried about you the first day I met you. Corey and Caleb seemed to intimidate you.”

“They still do,” I replied. “But you know what? I won’t let them ruin my mood today.”

“That’s more like you. You’re smart, Camilla. Don’t let those idiots bully you.”

“You know them?”

“We’re in the same fraternity,” he said in a grim tone. “I know things about them and have seen them do some pretty depraved shit.”

“I’m glad you’re not an asshole like them.”

He laughed. “Thanks?”

I grinned, enjoying the music and dancing with him.

I’d known Luke for only a few weeks but he’d quickly become a close friend. He was smart and hard-working, making our project progress at a breezy pace.

I also liked the way he treated me. It was so different from the way Noah, Caleb, and Corey behaved with me.

Luke respected me. Our meetings were like a ray of sunshine for me in my dull days and I always looked forward to them.

“Mind if I cut in?” A familiar voice spoke up beside me.

Halting in my steps, I looked up at Corey. He looked heart-achingly handsome in his dark suit. Locks of dark hair fell into his emerald eyes as they bore into mine. My heart beat harder as he grinned mischievously.

“You want to dance with Luke?” I asked.

He barked a laugh, grabbed my hand, and pulled me out of Luke’s arms.

“Hey!” I gasped.

“Don’t get cheeky, princess,” he said in a low voice laced with warning. Glancing at Luke, he added, “Get the fuck out of my house.”


“I don’t want him here.”

“He came in his dad’s place,” I said, angry at the way he was treating Luke. “Don’t be rude to your father’s guest.”

He scoffed, glowering at me. “Aren’t you a dutiful daughter?”

“Luke is my friend,” I said, injecting steel in my voice. “I want him here.” Turning toward Luke, I added, “I’m sorry.”

“You have nothing to apologize for, Milla,” Luke said with a mellow smile. “I know when to leave.”

Corey tightened his hold on my wrist, dragging me away from Luke. I wanted to kick and fight, but doing so would attract everyone’s attention toward us. As always, I was trapped by him and forced to obey his every whim.

“I’ll tell Brian if you’re rude to Wyatt and Julie,” I threatened as he pulled me toward the raised stage where the band was playing.


“You know who!”

He glanced at me. “Frankly, darling, I don’t.”

“They’re my best friends.”

He came to a halt and let out a long breath. “Best friends? What are you? Five? Who has best friends at this age?”

“Assholes like you will never have friends.”

The look in his eyes intensified. “Do you talk to Noah in that tone?”

I looked away at once. Noah scared me the most. He wasn’t as talkative or expressive like Corey and Caleb. I rarely knew what he was thinking or what he was going to do to me.

“And there’s the answer,” Corey said with a chuckle. “Come on, sugar. Be a good girl and dance with me.”

“Will you be nice?”

He placed a hand on his chest. “For you, always.”

A snicker escaped me. Corey could be funny when he wanted to. Out of all the three brothers, he was the kindest to me.

I let him lead me into a dance. As the music turned faster, his moves got wilder. I danced carefully and had to duck a few times to avoid his giant fist coming at my face.

People around us weren’t so lucky though. A few people got kicked and punched by him. After the first song, everyone made sure to stay far from us.

By the end of the third song, I was laughing at his antics.

“I need a break,” I said, wishing I was wearing sneakers. Dancing with Corey was fun but my ankles were screaming. “My feet hurt.”

“Aww, baby.” Concern shone in his emerald eyes.

I desperately wanted to believe the emotions swirling in his eyes were real. Don’t be stupid, my mind whispered. Never lower your guard.

“You need to sit down,” said Corey, taking my hand in a gentle hold and leading me to an empty corner of the hall.

I expected him to lead me to a row of plush chairs set up there but he walked past them, coming to stand beside a vast tapestry that displayed a vivid mountain scenery in oil painting.

“Come on,” he said, looking around. “Get inside.”


“This way, lost girl,” said a different voice.

The tapestry was lifted and I saw two gleaming eyes emerging from the darkness. It took me a moment to realize that the tapestry wasn’t concealing the wall, but a square nook with glass windows.

Lifting a corner of the tapestry, I stepped into the darkened interior. My gaze fell on the comfortable chairs arranged there. A low glass-top table sat in the center, its surface covered with bottles of champagne and dishes of hors d'oeuvres.

“Have a seat,” said Corey, throwing himself on one of the couches.

“Done prancing around?” Caleb asked, taking a sip directly from a champagne bottle.

He was dressed in an identical tux, his hair the same sexy mess as his twin. They always enjoyed confusing people.

“Princess needs to rest,” said Corey, picking up a plate of appetizers.

I took off my stilettos and a moan of pleasure escaped me. Red welts appeared on the pale skin of my feet from the tight straps. I leaned against my chair, feeling better.

“I wish I could dance in my sneakers,” I said with a grumble. “Heels take all the fun away from dancing.”

“Is Beckett gone?” Caleb asked, ignoring me.

“Yeah,” said Corey. “I told him to fuck off.”

“Why do you have to be so rude to him?” I asked. “He’s a friend and I’ve been partnered with him for an assignment. Could you guys stop messing around with me?”

“She thinks we’re the bad guys,” Corey said with a low sigh. He suddenly looked regretful but his expression changed too quickly for me to be sure.

“We are bad,” said Caleb.

“I don’t like it,” Corey mumbled.

“Then, stop messing with me,” I said.

Corey shook his head, snatching the bottle of champagne from Caleb.

“Hey!” Caleb protested.

Ignoring him, Corey took a deep swig.

“Asshole,” Caleb muttered.

Corey thrust the bottle back in his hand and got up from his seat. Coming near me, he kneeled before me.

He picked up my right foot and started massaging it for me.

My eyes widened with surprise.

“How does this feel?” Corey asked in a low, deep voice, using his thumbs to press into my heel.

“So good,” I replied, feeling so relaxed I could fall asleep if I wasn’t careful.

I wondered why he was being nice to me. A part of me was already aware of the fact that they could be amazing if they wanted to be. That’s how they were when I first met them.

Could I let myself hope that they were starting to come around? That they didn’t hate me anymore?

Caleb got up and came toward me, positioning himself behind me.

“Relax,” he said, massaging my shoulders.

Heat seeped from his fingers, lighting my skin on fire. My body relaxed further under his touch, making me wish the three of us were in my room.

The thought startled me. Did I really want them in my bed?

Before I could think clearly through the haze of lust wrapping around me, I felt a cool draft on my back. A second later, I realized Caleb unzipped the back of my dress.

“What are you—”

My words were cut off with Corey’s mouth crashing against my lips. At the same time, Caleb’s fingers moved along my shoulders, pulling the dress down.

Heat flared deep in my belly as I willingly submitted to Corey’s demanding tongue, licking on my bottom lip.

I moaned into Corey’s mouth as Caleb’s hands squeezed my naked breasts. Not wearing a bra under the corset top gave him easy access and he took full advantage, pinching my nipples from time to time.

The hints of pain turned into intense pleasure as Corey trailed kisses along the column of my throat.

“Don’t,” I moaned half-heartedly. “What if someone sees us?”

“Makes it that more exciting, darling,” Caleb’s husky voice whispered in my ear.

“Relax, babe,” Corey whispered, staring into my eyes. “Let us make you feel good.” His mouth crashed down on mine.

He kissed me until I was breathless.

Unable to control myself any longer, I let my hand move up to the front of his shirt so I could feel his hard muscle.

Caleb’s hand that was already half-buried in my cleavage groped painfully at my breast and made me dizzy with lust. I gasped into Corey’s mouth, my mind blanked by a haze of desire.

Caleb’s hand shifted between my thighs, working its way into the thin fabric of my panties, his finger finding my sensitive nub. He pressed onto it while his other fingers swept inside my pussy lips, gathering my slick juices.

I moaned into Corey’s mouth as Caleb’s finger plunged inside me. 

Corey growled, his mouth moving to my neck, sucking and nipping at my sensitive skin. At the same time, Caleb’s relentless fingering and rubbing on my clit turned me desperate.

I didn’t care about where we were anymore. They could have me right there.

My vision blurred and I lost all control, letting the intense pleasure wash over me, leaving me a trembling mess in Corey and Caleb’s arms.

“She’s so tight, my dick can feel it,” Caleb groaned. “I need to be inside her.”

“I can’t wait either,” said Corey.

My insides throbbed with need. Being hidden in his nook in the corner of the reception hall brought a level of danger to our whole encounter but it ended up making my blood boil with lust.

“Come here, princess,” Caleb said in a rough voice, pulling me away from Corey. My body nearly sagged against him. “Grab the couch for support.”

“What?” I mumbled, half-dazed with the way my body was feeling.

Caleb pushed me against the couch and positioned himself behind me. The sound of a zipper being pulled down reached my ears and before I knew it, I felt Caleb’s thick cock parting through my slick entrance.

I moaned, pushing backward, desperately wanting to take his length inside me.

Caleb entered me with a hard thrust. The sudden breach of my tight walls had me crying out and gripping the backrest of the couch.

“Shh,” he whispered, staying buried deep inside me. He stroked my hardened nub, deepening the intensity of pleasure coursing through me. My walls pulsed around his hardened shaft. However, he didn’t move yet, making me realize he wanted to relax me first.

Corey watched me hungrily. He stood before us, taking in the scene of his brother fucking me relentlessly.

Within seconds, Corey dropped his trousers and grabbed his cock from the restraints of his boxers. He stroked the long, erect shaft, keeping his gaze fixed on me.

Heavy groans escaped Caleb as he made sure to bring me to pleasure before taking some himself.

I moved my hips, grinding against him, telling him I wanted more.

Caleb’s hand came to squeeze a breast while his lips kissed the side of my neck and shoulders. I moaned out, feeling the tight friction that promised pleasure, and soon I was happily taking his hard thrusts inside me.

“You’re squeezing me so tight, Milla,” he breathed against my neck as he continued to thrust from behind me. “I am close to losing control.”

My walls were clamping onto his throbbing cock, loving the heat and friction his every thrust brought me. Throwing my head back, I reveled in the feeling of having him inside me.

“Caleb!” I cried out as all my control broke. Waves of pleasure washed through my body, filling my senses with nothing but absolute ecstasy. My body trembled against his as I tried to support my body and not fall to the ground.

Caleb had me pressed against him tightly. One hand squeezed over a breast while the other lay splayed over my stomach as he continued to thrust inside me.

My body rose to greater heights of pleasure. My moans mixed with his breathy groans as we both mashed our bodies together, seeking heat and pleasure from each other.

“I am coming,” he groaned harshly as his pace picked up. He was now thrusting into me like he was stabbing my pussy repeatedly. All I could do was gasp and moan as each thrust hit me at that delicious angle, spreading shivers of pleasure throughout my body.

Caleb bit into my shoulder as a massive orgasm shuddered through him.

White-hot liquid gushed deep inside me as Caleb’s body shuddered against mine. He slumped against me, breathing hard while he remained buried inside me.

Corey’s gaze shifted down to my thighs. His brother’s cum dribbled down my legs, making it clear he’d already come inside me.

“My turn now,” Corey said in a determined voice. “Though I don’t think I’ll last long after watching you two.”

Caleb pulled out of me and gently lowered me onto the couch.

I stared up at Corey and spread my arms. “I want you too,” I whispered. My cheeks burned with embarrassment but this time, I was owning up to what I wanted. This time, I was choosing him.

“You’re gorgeous, princess,” he said with a relieved grin. Coming over to me, leaned over my body and captured my lips.

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pulled him against me. “This has to be the wildest thing I ever do at a party,” I whispered before kissing him back.

Corey slipped inside me easier because of my slicked channel. His mouth sucked on my nipple as he started thrusting into me.

Within a minute, his rough groans mingled with my soft moans.

His emerald eyes burned as they looked down at me. Hints of pure lust and possessiveness lit up his gaze as he plunged inside me.

I was glad to be lying on the couch. There was no way I could stand on my feet anymore.

My core clenched around his hardened shaft, making him curse out.

Corey was right about not being able to last long. His body sank onto mine as he thrust into me with hard, short strokes, making my pleasure rise higher.

“How can you still be so fucking tight,” he rasped. “Damn this!” His mouth closed around mine as he suddenly shattered. Our bodies shuddered together as we held onto each other tightly.

Breathing hard, Corey pulled out of me and threw himself beside me.

“She looks fucking beautiful like this,” Caleb’s voice whispered from my other side. “Her lips are swollen and her eyes are gleaming with secrets.”

A rough chuckle escaped Corey. “I never knew sex made you poetic, Cal. But yeah, she feels incredible.”

“Her pussy is delicious.” There was a hint of pure appreciation in Caleb’s voice. I turned to the side to glance at him.

“Do you have to make everything embarrassing?” I asked.

“Embarrassing?” he said with an easy grin. “I’m complimenting you, princess.”

My cheeks felt hot and it became too much to stare at him.

“Here, have some champagne,” said Corey, handing me a flute.

“Thanks,” I said gratefully. The chilled, fizzy wine was exactly what I needed. Closing my eyes, I relaxed. This little world of ours seemed cut off from the loud party happening outside.

Strangely, I liked that Corey and Caleb were choosing to be here with me instead of being outside and dancing with all the beautiful women who’d come to the party. Unknowingly, I’d become a little possessive of them too.